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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

No need to drive far regarding me. :)

Darth Omerta

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Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
I think only non-refugees get 1.
I've only noticed the banner on members who don't have the ECF Refugee banner.
I might be wrong or too drunk currently though.

I dont think thats it... @AndriaD had both banners. I would dare to venture a guess that if anyone messed with her Fugee banner there would be some major hell to pay! I know of noone anywhere near as proud to be rid of that place as she! :shades:


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Magic's got one too
I'm just guessing, but maybe you have to at least be a gold contributor as well to have the badge activated.
Actually I'm assuming the math used in the programming is wrong. My guess is it'll show up tomorrow. Not that I'm really worried about it, more curious than anything.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I dont think thats it... @AndriaD had both banners. I would dare to venture a guess that if anyone messed with her Fugee banner there would be some major hell to pay! I know of noone anywhere near as proud to be rid of that place as she! :shades:

Yeah, when you waste 2 yrs someplace and finally get free of it... you tend to shout it from the rooftops: FREE AT LAST!!! I did learn a lot about vaping over there, but I also learned that there are idiot control-freaks EVERYWHERE, and tattling doesn't stop when one leaves primary school. :facepalm: (ETA: and that some people have their head so far up their ass, a plexiglass bellybutton would do them no good at all!)

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Monday can GFI, maybe then it'll be all happy fuzzy bunnies and shit. Meanwhile, we're all left with the GFY option.

Been a little off for a bit. Had some few things come along to do. Also had a spell of deep introversion simply for sake of switching a few flips and needing some decompression time. I let my sis-in-law's husband mix up a 250ml bottle of "Nirvana" for me and got it fine tuned. It is rather yummy in raw state & figure it'll be delicious after steeping
Magic's got one too
I'm just guessing, but maybe you have to at least be a gold contributor as well to have the badge activated.

Oh wow, more clothes. i wonder if that's my "fucking pants" banner, hmmm. Okay, sez, I been a year. Golly. Been here too long. Ought to have left when someone told me Dave wasn't here but oh no, "come sit a spell, vape on this ... here, squonk your little heart out!" Been stuck since, damn Spanky! :) :giggle: *chuckling* I say that with great respect and sincere brotherly love. I'm glad he kind of steered me this way. Mentioned talking stuff over here and not on the other place. So, I sat on the fence.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Pfft! Well piss! I'm stuck in a time loop yet again. Damn it all to Hell. I blame killer ninja trees, they're always at fault even when they aren't. Bastards kill the best of us. I figure one of them leaped out and scared Spanky is what for he had a heart attack. It's enough they just intimidate folks sometimes. "Ha! I am a killer ninja tree and I'm coming for you!" I tell them in my nightmares to go see Mr. Bruno first. That confuses them so much they turn into little brothers asking why. Then, I lock people in rooms with them, especially evil child molesters, rapists, abusers, you know dirty ass pond scum you love to drop in holes and forget. Seems to help me find an inner state of Zen and then every day is "okay" when people ask me, because they always do. How the fuck am I to know? What do I compare it to? Who is living the day? But nah, go ask "him" because he "looks like" he might know. But of course! Fucking wankers!

ETA: My fuck all perfected response.

"How is today, Ben?"

"It is what it is, was, will be. It is a day like any other day. All in it's okay."

Alright, dub me Eeyore if you want. Think I'll wander on a bit and see if we're at war with N. Korea or China yet. Reckon you piss on one the other's gonna bring out a cane to swat you, and then Mr. Putin will bring his boot for the foot up the ass treatment. Tsk, boy oh boy what a house of sand.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I really don't care that it's Monday. I do care that it's pouring rain and I have to take the truck for its first oil change today. *sigh* Baby's growing up. :D Oh well, at least the first 2 oil changes are FREE -- my favorite price! :)



VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
I really don't care that it's Monday. I do care that it's pouring rain and I have to take the truck for its first oil change today. *sigh* Baby's growing up. :D Oh well, at least the first 2 oil changes are FREE -- my favorite price! :)


Blame that rain on @Atchafalaya She sent it my way and for the most part I dodged it, except for mopping the water coming in the door at 4 frickin am this morning.

I got that one and "If You Could Read My Mind" on my Amazon Prime Music classic rock playlist... but I can't find Edmund Fitzgerald to save my life! :(


Gordy had a ton of excellent songs but the Edmund Fitzgerald was always my favorite of his.

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