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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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So, no one has anything to contribute on the blue sparkle vs. silver sparkle quandary? I'm leaning heavily to the blue sparkle... but everytime I'm just about ready to hit 'add to cart", I start wondering again about the silver one... :facepalm:



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ECF Refugee
What is the OD on that drip tip? reminds me of back when i had iClear30B's

What is the what??? It's just a standard acrylic Ming. One of the better looking I've seen!!!

It's that combo you have going on - the angled adapter combined with the Ming. Looks very much like that "tilt & swivel" top the iClear30B had.


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ECF Refugee
So, no one has anything to contribute on the blue sparkle vs. silver sparkle quandary? I'm leaning heavily to the blue sparkle... but everytime I'm just about ready to hit 'add to cart", I start wondering again about the silver one... :facepalm:


Well we got all distracted and hippy hoppy with a new 'fugee!

I was just gonna ask if you were still in your "blue phase" or not. Either one looks good but I don't think the blue is quite as flashy - depending on how much flashy you want.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It's that combo you have going on - the angled adapter combined with the Ming. Looks very much like that "tilt & swivel" top the iClear30B had.

Oh! Well I do have several knucklehead driptips, but the airflow is just a smidge looser on those, than on the standard Mings, so I prefer the angled-adapter plus Ming; it provides a tighter draw, and it doesn't wiggle around just from being pressed against your mouth. :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well we got all distracted and hippy hoppy with a new 'fugee!

I was just gonna ask if you were still in your "blue phase" or not. Either one looks good but I don't think the blue is quite as flashy - depending on how much flashy you want.

Dunno if I really have a blue phase... my blue CF4-TC-18650 doesn't match ANY of my blue driptips, so I keep it for vaping... y'know, that other stuff. ;) The blue iPV Mini that I wrapped, I got the "blue ice" wrap, and I've never been completely thrilled with it. Was thinking the blue sparkle was prettier.

The silver sparkle... would look great with any of my stainless driptips, but I can only use those in warm weather; a metal driptip in cold weather is just unpleasant.

I'm so undecided, I'll probably wait till I have the SX Mini M in hand, so I can make a better decision about which would look better with its stainless frame.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
Blue Sparkle wrap..... OR... something crazy..... That I would do...... ORDER BOTH :D

Can't order both! Both are $16.99, figure probably about $20 with shipping, and I have to put it on my credit card, since we're kinda broke-ish right now.

But I do think I'm leaning most heavily to the blue, it looks great in the mockup, and because of the problem with stainless driptips in anything other than the hottest weather. Like suckling an ice cube!


Dead Gummy Worm

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ECF Refugee
Can't order both! Both are $16.99, figure probably about $20 with shipping, and I have to put it on my credit card, since we're kinda broke-ish right now.

But I do think I'm leaning most heavily to the blue, it looks great in the mockup, and because of the problem with stainless driptips in anything other than the hottest weather. Like suckling an ice cube!

Seems pricey for a wrap....


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Blue Sparkle wrap..... OR... something crazy..... That I would do...... ORDER BOTH :D



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Member For 4 Years
As I recall things went banana walkers.
FastTech is no longer a licensed Aspire Vendor.They lost their contract a while ago.Some fiasco over price cutting or some such.Aspire pulled the plug.FastTech paid them some sort of settlement or other.Aspire now has them on a temporary agreement of some sort.Thus the Bitcoin only payment.It has become an increasingly hostile situation by both parties. it makes sense:)


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I may have to get them there then, if I can trust a seller

Ebay has this thing going on, actually been going on for over a year now. Any problems with your order and you want a refund, you will get a refund even if Ebay has to pay it themselves. Had a couple issues the last year. One of them they gave me a refund without even asking for it.


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ECF Refugee
So, no one has anything to contribute on the blue sparkle vs. silver sparkle quandary? I'm leaning heavily to the blue sparkle... but everytime I'm just about ready to hit 'add to cart", I start wondering again about the silver one... :facepalm:


I like the blue.

Im with Atchaffy here, blue!!!

(only thing I dont like blue is blue balls and thats a whooooole nother discussion :teehee: )


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The other reason why I don't have cash to jump on the white minibook is needing to buy a wrap for the SX Mini M. I mentioned that I thought I'd get the blue sparkle from jwraps, but I'm torn between it, and the silver sparkle. The SX has a stainless frame (not black). What do yall think? Opinions?

View attachment 79323 A mockup of the silver sparkle on an SX Mini: View attachment 79324

View attachment 79325 Mockup on an SX Mini: View attachment 79326

I just can't decide. :mad: Discuss, please! Maybe it'll help me figure it out!

For me I'd say the Blue.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The ECF forum is set to censor the word "fuggin'" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL If it's an e-cig forum, then we are all adults (or we can legally assume so) so what's the BIG FUGGIN' DEAL!

The USA is one fugged up place run by lawyers, mega corporations, politicians and religious zealots!
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
The ECF forum is set to censor the word "fuggin'" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL If it's an e-cig forum, then we are all adults (or we can legally assume so) so what's the BIG FUGGIN' DEAL!

The USA is one fugged up place run by lawyers, mega corporations, politicians and religious zealots!

Well, got news for ya, ECF is owned by a Brit asshole... HIS rules.



Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
LOL. I didn't know that. But still, UK is hardly different. The whole Western World is under siege by lawyers, mega corporations, politicians and religious zealots to a large degree. Freedom is dead in the West. My cousin's been living in the UK and some parts of the EU for the last 6 years. He says he's moving to Syria if things don't change soon. LOLOLOL


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ECF Refugee
LOL. I didn't know that. But still, UK is hardly different. The whole Western World is under siege by lawyers, mega corporations, politicians and religious zealots to a large degree. Freedom is dead in the West. My cousin's been living in the UK and some parts of the EU for the last 6 years. He says he's moving to Syria if things don't change soon. LOLOLOL

Good reason why mainy of us left ECF for good and are proud members of the fugee group here. :)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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'Member I mentioned yesterday those gorgeous driptips that Juicy sent me? Here's one, looks OUTSTANDING with my black minibook:

View attachment 79333

Thx again, Juicy -- you are DA JUICE!!! : :blowkiss:


The only thing better than vape mail is surprise vape mail :vapemail:


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ECF Refugee
Well fugee's, finally got that asshole cardiologist of mine to finish my disability paper work and sign it. What he put down is pretty grim, for any kind of work, no walking allowed and no more than 1 to 3 hours of sitting, standing or driving and no more than 10 pounds am I able to pick up. Doc also stated I suffer from chest pains, shortness of breath and Dyspnea which is labor breathing. Doc's estimation of when I will ever be able to go back to work is unknown and greater than 16 months.
The disability insurance isnt going to like me at all. It is company provided after market insurance and they will have to pay %60 of my base pay which will be around $5K a month for a while. The good part is it will be tax free.

Dead Gummy Worm

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ECF Refugee
LOL. I didn't know that. But still, UK is hardly different. The whole Western World is under siege by lawyers, mega corporations, politicians and religious zealots to a large degree. Freedom is dead in the West. My cousin's been living in the UK and some parts of the EU for the last 6 years. He says he's moving to Syria if things don't change soon. LOLOLOL
So is the internet. One thing that was really bugging me about ECF is its posture of being a place for "helping" when it seems to have been a sell out to the $$ with advertisements and website/forum warfare... pathetic.

Morning fugees, I can taste! for now... No feeling like being able to taste your vape (food and drink too) after not being able to for 5 days


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
So is the internet. One thing that was really bugging me about ECF is its posture of being a place for "helping" when it seems to have been a sell out to the $$ with advertisements and website/forum warfare... pathetic.

Ya know, this whole thing SmokyOliver did with vaping~not~com really bugs me. Because it's attempting to redirect traffic to one site and one site only. And that smacks as a conflict of interest. If you have to have advertising like here or anywhere else - fine. But that's just too much control, especially with all the hover over crap injected into forum posts and everywhere else now trying to direct traffic to vaping~not~com.

Morning fugees, I can taste! for now... No feeling like being able to taste your vape (food and drink too) after not being able to for 5 days

The correct vernacular would be GFY fugees! It's what we do. lol :giggle:

Do you think it was a cold or the flu? I just got over the worst friggin' cold I have had in... I can't ever remember the last time I had a cold. Brutal congestion.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
:cloud::cloud::cloud: :hug: :wave: :) For all & of course, a jovial GFY enjoined. :cloud::cloud::cloud:

One thing that was really bugging me about ECF is its posture of being a place for "helping" when it seems to have been a sell out to the $$ with advertisements and website/forum warfare... pathetic.

& Greed seem keen to be the spice of entropy via human weakness in quelling them. Few ever say enough, and no more than enough is all they need. This I am finding to be one of the vectors of life and living beyond my control. It is as is said human nature. Whilst, I harbor no means of controlling it & am told merely accepting is granted, I still do not need to like it. So please do pray tell us, how we may vanquish that which is insatiable and lies within every one of us? My question to you is rhetorical, knowing there is unlikely any means for doing so.

Yes, I agree with @Rickajho you need to GFY right away. The rest of the world for sure tells you fuck you. Well, we tell you to go fuck yourself. This serves two purposes, it ensures you are loved even if it is only loving yourself, if you can't love yourself how can anyone else? Also it gets into line ahead of the world. You can then tell the world to go un-fuck itself because you just know it was saying fuck you out of hate and haters will lose because we lovers, love. :)
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Dead Gummy Worm

Silver Contributor
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Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Ya know, this whole thing SmokyOliver did with vaping~not~com really bugs me. Because it's attempting to redirect traffic to one site and one site only. And that smacks as a conflict of interest. If you have to have advertising like here or anywhere else - fine. But that's just too much control, especially with all the hover over crap injected into forum posts and everywhere else now trying to direct traffic to vaping~not~com.
Yea it really is just a conflict of interests now. Takes any/all credibility away from the founder now that they are selling their own stuff. If i were an advertiser i would be pissed. Everything as you say is directed toward their store instead of the paid advertisers. Ridiculous!! Read a thread this morning because retarded1 was the last reply. He just loves coming in after another moderator gives a warning and issues his own warning. I usually find instead of it being another warning bans get handed out when he "warns" right after another moderator does... pathetic. ECF is turning into a wolf in sheeps clothing (or maybe already has)

The correct vernacular would be GFY fugees! It's what we do. lol :giggle:
And what the hell does GFY stand for? GO FUCK YOURSELVES!?

Do you think it was a cold or the flu? I just got over the worst friggin' cold I have had in... I can't ever remember the last time I had a cold. Brutal congestion.
Craziest flu/cold i have ever had. I was perfectly fine saturday then went to the store to pick up some steaks since it was a gorgeous weekend. On the way home got hit like a ton of bricks, nose started running, sneezing, sinus pressure, headache, aches ensued almost immediately. It didnt happen like normal where you get the tickle in the back of the throat followed by sneezing then some runny nose over the period of a day or two it was over an hour or two... Sunday was the worst with everything prior being worse. Yesterday almost feeling 100% minus a cough and cant smell taste. Today i can taste but still cough and some sinus issues. I hate being sick. Pretty sure whatever it is my daughter brought it home from school a week prior.

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