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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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^^^ That. Maybe I should have said your "blue OCD phase." :p

I can't see that being aware of the hue value of colors is some form of OCD. I like my clothes to match, too; blue doesn't go with turquoise, green doesn't go with teal -- in both cases, they clash. Color clashing is a visual discord that's every bit as hard on the senses as someone tone-deaf trying to sing,.



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And what the hell does GFY stand for? GO FUCK YOURSELVES!?

Correctamundo! And where do ya think the inspiration for us to tell each other to GFY came from? :question: :giggle:

Craziest flu/cold i have ever had. I was perfectly fine saturday then went to the store to pick up some steaks since it was a gorgeous weekend. On the way home got hit like a ton of bricks, nose started running, sneezing, sinus pressure, headache, aches ensued almost immediately. It didnt happen like normal where you get the tickle in the back of the throat followed by sneezing then some runny nose over the period of a day or two it was over an hour or two... Sunday was the worst with everything prior being worse. Yesterday almost feeling 100% minus a cough and cant smell taste. Today i can taste but still cough and some sinus issues. I hate being sick. Pretty sure whatever it is my daughter brought it home from school a week prior.

Yeah sounds similar. I started with a raw sore throat on a Friday afternoon. By Saturday morning I couldn't stop the runny nose for nothing. Then the cough and the back ache and the chills and... Coughing so bad at one point I pulled a muscle. (Not kidding.)

If you are still having congestion problems I highly recommend you jump on some OTC decongestants. Some people have had this turn into sinus infections or even pneumonia.

Couldn't taste anything either - except the menthol cough drops. But they helped a lot.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Do you think it was a cold or the flu? I just got over the worst friggin' cold I have had in... I can't ever remember the last time I had a cold. Brutal congestion.

Can you believe, I'm sick AGAIN??? I dunno if it's 'again" or "still", to be honest. It seems like a headcold, but maybe actually worse than what I had the last time, but so far, no fever... so maybe it's 'again" and not "still". I'll have to wait a week to know for sure (if one is still sick with a "cold" after a week, it ain't a cold!).

But yeah, worse.... congested sinuses from hell, and even some coughing and chest discomfort, and with all this sinus drainage in my throat, I'm pretty sure if I still had tonsils, my throat would be AGONY. Maybe it's the pollen; this IS the season of yellow-green snow. I've been hearing that former smokers enjoy a resurgence of their immune system, which means that an auto-immune problem like allergies would get worse...? Damn.



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ECF Refugee
Can you believe, I'm sick AGAIN??? I dunno if it's 'again" or "still", to be honest. It seems like a headcold, but maybe actually worse than what I had the last time, but so far, no fever... so maybe it's 'again" and not "still". I'll have to wait a week to know for sure (if one is still sick with a "cold" after a week, it ain't a cold!).

But yeah, worse.... congested sinuses from hell, and even some coughing and chest discomfort, and with all this sinus drainage in my throat, I'm pretty sure if I still had tonsils, my throat would be AGONY. Maybe it's the pollen; this IS the season of yellow-green snow. I've been hearing that former smokers enjoy a resurgence of their immune system, which means that an auto-immune problem like allergies would get worse...? Damn.


Crap. :hug: OTC decongestants and menthol cough drops - all I got, but they did do their job.

Dead Gummy Worm

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Correctamundo! And where do ya think the inspiration for us to tell each other to GFY came from? :question: :giggle:

Yeah sounds similar. I started with a raw sore throat on a Friday afternoon. By Saturday morning I couldn't stop the runny nose for nothing. Then the cough and the back ache and the chills and... Coughing so bad at one point I pulled a muscle. (Not kidding.)

If you are still having congestion problems I highly recommend you jump on some OTC decongestants. Some people have had this turn into sinus infections or even pneumonia.

Couldn't taste anything either - except the menthol cough drops. But they helped a lot.
Yea i got the good stuff the Pseudophedrine :D with Advil best sinus medicine ever! i tried that crap that walmart sells since they dont carry the good stuff anymore and it just sucks had to go to walgreens to get the good stuff

Dead Gummy Worm

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Can you believe, I'm sick AGAIN??? I dunno if it's 'again" or "still", to be honest. It seems like a headcold, but maybe actually worse than what I had the last time, but so far, no fever... so maybe it's 'again" and not "still". I'll have to wait a week to know for sure (if one is still sick with a "cold" after a week, it ain't a cold!).

But yeah, worse.... congested sinuses from hell, and even some coughing and chest discomfort, and with all this sinus drainage in my throat, I'm pretty sure if I still had tonsils, my throat would be AGONY. Maybe it's the pollen; this IS the season of yellow-green snow. I've been hearing that former smokers enjoy a resurgence of their immune system, which means that an auto-immune problem like allergies would get worse...? Damn.

I thought it was allergies until i had a 103 degree fever sunday night


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Crap. :hug: OTC decongestants and menthol cough drops - all I got, but they did do their job.

Yeah I'm doing the decongestants, and ibuprofen, but I LOATHE cough drops, and especially anything mentholated. I'll only do cough drops when my throat is REALLY bad, and since I got my tonsils out in 1978, it only gets that bad if I have strep. My first cup of tea, I used honey, and that seemed to help a little.

The sudafed I took when I got up has started working, so that's not so bad just at the moment, but I still have the irritated feeling in my throat -- definitely not strep, not nearly that bad, but just irritated from drainage. The WORST was last night, trying to sleep when one side or the other of my sinuses would be 100% blocked, depending on which side I was laying on. I always have that problem a little, but now it's at "EXTREME MAXIMUM".



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yea i got the good stuff the Pseudophedrine :D with Advil best sinus medicine ever! i tried that crap that walmart sells since they dont carry the good stuff anymore and it just sucks had to go to walgreens to get the good stuff

You can get pseudoephedrine at walmart, you just have to ask at the pharmacy counter. I get their store-brand 12-hr version of sudafed.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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And hey, @Rickajho -- did you notice that the new banner code isn't updating? I had to go grab some new code and insert it, to make my totals change at all. They're obviously having some BIG problems there.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I thought it was allergies until i had a 103 degree fever sunday night

That sounds like something a lot worse than cold/flu... Might actually be strep, with a fever that extreme. I ran a fever when I was sick a few weeks back, but it was under 100 degrees, even at its worst.


Dead Gummy Worm

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You can get pseudoephedrine at walmart, you just have to ask at the pharmacy counter. I get their store-brand 12-hr version of sudafed.

Not here anymore, walmart doesnt have it behind the counter anymore. All of the good stuff is behind the counter these days but walmart stopped a year or two ago selling at all here


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Not here anymore, walmart doesnt have it behind the counter anymore. All of the good stuff is behind the counter these days but walmart stopped a year or two ago selling at all here

I wish I couild say I'm surprised, but walmart has a habit of, if something is popular and people want to buy it, they just stop carrying it. :facepalm:



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ECF Refugee
And hey, @Rickajho -- did you notice that the new banner code isn't updating? I had to go grab some new code and insert it, to make my totals change at all. They're obviously having some BIG problems there.


Yeah I did. That's why I'm still leaving 2 really annoying banners up.

The lack of updating might be more of a VU thing than anything else. If they are caching the data from the sincemy... URL VU may have the frequency of updating images turned off or set for a really long interval. Meaning to ask about that at some point.

Dead Gummy Worm

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That sounds like something a lot worse than cold/flu... Might actually be strep, with a fever that extreme. I ran a fever when I was sick a few weeks back, but it was under 100 degrees, even at its worst.

The fever broke that night/next morning. Based on the sinus and stuff im coughing up its not strep my throat doesnt hurt at all, body was ache filled hurt to move sit up etc had headache that wouldnt stop everythime i coughed sneezed laughed my head felt like it was going to explode but as i said it was fast moving. 90% of symptoms are gone now. If i could be rid of the sinus congestion i would call myself 100% even with the slight chest congestion


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yeah I did. That's why I'm still leaving 2 really annoying banners up.

The lack of updating might be more of a VU thing than anything else. If they are caching the data from the sincemy... URL VU may have the frequency of updating images turned off or set for a really long interval. Meaning to ask about that at some point.

That caching thing was a definite issue at ECF, but here, that wasn't happening, till all this banner mayhem started. Makes me wonder if the caching is going on at the banner site, rather than here, because it would be odd if VU suddenly started caching JUST when that banner started having problems.



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ECF Refugee
Yeah I'm doing the decongestants, and ibuprofen, but I LOATHE cough drops, and especially anything mentholated. I'll only do cough drops when my throat is REALLY bad, and since I got my tonsils out in 1978, it only gets that bad if I have strep. My first cup of tea, I used honey, and that seemed to help a little.

Yeah, I developed a love/hate relationship with the menthol cough drops but it was the only thing that kept the coughing under control.

I thought it was allergies until i had a 103 degree fever sunday night

That's why I asked if you thought it was a cold or the flu. I didn't get any noticeable fever here. Did have the chills for a few days though.


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ECF Refugee
That caching thing was a definite issue at ECF, but here, that wasn't happening, till all this banner mayhem started. Makes me wonder if the caching is going on at the banner site, rather than here, because it would be odd if VU suddenly started caching JUST when that banner started having problems.


I don't know but CJ was diddling things due to performance issues and that's when the missing smileys thing started. So maybe he did something with external image caching too.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yeah, I developed a love/hate relationship with the menthol cough drops but it was the only thing that kept the coughing under control.

I was coughing a little last night, but it wasn't extreme. Today, not really an issue. I have some of that godawful dextromethorphan if it gets really bad; if I take more than 1/8th of a pill, it makes me sick as a goat, but 1/8th of a pill gives me a little control over the cough -- really bad idea for an asthmatic to EVER totally suppress a cough, but control is a good thing.

That's why I asked if you thought it was a cold or the flu. I didn't get any noticeable fever here. Did have the chills for a few days though.

That sounds a lot like what I had a few weeks ago -- I wouldn't even have known I had a fever at all, except I had chills, so I took my temp... it was going up to about 99.8 at night, but never any higher. Yesterday, I felt *borderline* feverish, but when I took my temp, it didn't show anything, so maybe I was just cold.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I don't know but CJ was diddling things due to performance issues and that's when the missing smileys thing started. So maybe he did something with external image caching too.

Yeah, that might be it. Guess I'll just have to start manually updating my banner everyday as I did at ECF. Maybe if I point out how they're becoming like ECF, they'll turn that shit off. :giggle:



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Still sell here but it is tracked by ID statewide and you can only buy X amount per month.
Damn methheads...

It's pointless and all it does is turn the people who need it into presumed guilty, can't prove innocent alleged addicts. And all the m*th manufacturers did was bulk source from places like India and Mexico.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It's pointless and all it does is turn the people who need it into presumed guilty, can't prove innocent alleged addicts. And all the m*th manufacturers did was bulk source from places like India and Mexico.

Well, I buy it regularly, once or twice a month of the 12-hr store-brand version at Walmart... but that doesn't strike me as being abnormal usage, taking one or one-half of one of those each day. I think they're looking for people who buy a bunch at a time, who go around to different stores buying multiples at a time, etc. That going to different stores thing is why they created that rule, as inconvenient as it is. But hey, I'm a Georgian... I was an active alcoholic for years when GA didn't sell alcohol on Sunday... I know how to plan ahead. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Is there a way to change the "theme" or colors of the page to dark instead of light ?

Not in the software, no... I think there are extensions you can get for different browsers that give you that ability.


The Cromwell

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Well, I buy it regularly, once or twice a month of the 12-hr store-brand version at Walmart... but that doesn't strike me as being abnormal usage, taking one or one-half of one of those each day. I think they're looking for people who buy a bunch at a time, who go around to different stores buying multiples at a time, etc. That going to different stores thing is why they created that rule, as inconvenient as it is. But hey, I'm a Georgian... I was an active alcoholic for years when GA didn't sell alcohol on Sunday... I know how to plan ahead. :D

Ky still does not sell alcohol on Sunday except by the drink in restaurants.
Bible Belt....


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Ky still does not sell alcohol on Sunday except by the drink in restaurants.
Bible Belt....

It was that way here up until a couple yrs ago. I told my husband I was really pissed, all those years I drank, and had to plan ahead for Sundays... I get sober and what do they do? Make it buyable on Sunday! :facepalm:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well, still feeling a lot like I snorted up some burning hot gravel. I did get my SX Mini M today, but he forgot to include the silicone sleeve, so I only used it enough to make sure it's in good working order. Seems to be. I'll probably wait till about Monday before ordering the wrap; since I have to use my credit card, I want to wait till after the new statement hits, to keep my current minimum payment as low as possible. Since we're only doing housework for my stepfather every-other month instead of monthly as we did when it was both of them there, on the months we don't work for him, I make only a minimum pmt, and the months we do, I make as large a pmt as I can, so I've brought the balance down by about $300 from what it was at the end of last year. This being an off-month, and the upcoming check being a little shorter than usual, I want a LOW pmt!

The SX Mini M sure is a heavy mod, much heavier than I expected. I can see somewhat why it's so much more costly than the run of the mill, it's got a lot of features that I haven't seen before, with the discount mods I'm accustomed to. :) Once I get it wrapped, I think I'll be very happy with it, despite its heaviness; it's got a good feel to it, the fire btn is well-placed for my rather large hands. I love that it has the "memory" features that I've gotten accustomed to with my iPV Minis, and it's even got this other thing, the "strength" setting.



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So is the internet. One thing that was really bugging me about ECF is its posture of being a place for "helping" when it seems to have been a sell out to the $$ with advertisements and website/forum warfare... pathetic.

That's hardly a reason to hate ECF or any site when you consider VU has a ton of ads, too. In fact, VU has WAY more banner ads per page than ECF.

Gotta make money. No one does this chit for the fun of it LOL.

Having had some experience in these things, with the amount of traffic ECF gets, I bet the site costs a minimum $2,000 a month for hosting and CDN, but probably more, and I bet VU's hosting bill is also rather high. You can't run high traffic sites on $5.95/mo hosting account LOL.

People aren't going to shell out all that dough for hosting and traffic and CDNs and not AT LEAST break even, unless they are already millionaires and can afford to do so.

This world turns because of capitalism and free markets.


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Member For 4 Years
That's hardly a reason to hate ECF or any site when you consider VU has a ton of ads, too. In fact, VU has WAY more banner ads per page than ECF.

Gotta make money. No one does this chit for the fun of it LOL.

Having had some experience in these things, with the amount of traffic ECF gets, I bet the site costs a minimum $2,000 a month for hosting and CDN, but probably more, and I bet VU's hosting bill is also rather high. You can't run high traffic sites on $5.95/mo hosting account LOL.

People aren't going to shell out all that dough for hosting and traffic and CDNs and not AT LEAST break even, unless they are already millionaires and can afford to do so.

This world turns because of capitalism and free markets.
I think the problem stems from the fact that ECF is just an obvious shill funneling traffic to 1 site.
While here at VU the merchant/vendor sites are way more diverse.And the only thing you gotta worry about is that Damn SKAM_WORDS and the occasional troll.

Dead Gummy Worm

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ECF Refugee
That's hardly a reason to hate ECF or any site when you consider VU has a ton of ads, too. In fact, VU has WAY more banner ads per page than ECF.

Gotta make money. No one does this chit for the fun of it LOL.

Having had some experience in these things, with the amount of traffic ECF gets, I bet the site costs a minimum $2,000 a month for hosting and CDN, but probably more, and I bet VU's hosting bill is also rather high. You can't run high traffic sites on $5.95/mo hosting account LOL.

People aren't going to shell out all that dough for hosting and traffic and CDNs and not AT LEAST break even, unless they are already millionaires and can afford to do so.

This world turns because of capitalism and free markets.
Its more about the self promotion of ECF's own e-cig business..... and how many times i accidently clicked on those stupid vaporDOTcom adds because of it


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Ditto in Oregon up until 2002* proof that stupidity is everywhere.
And you can only buy hard alcohol in State Run Stores.

Still the case in GA, beer and wine sold in most general food, convenience, drug stores, gas station stores, etc... hard liquor only in "package stores".... even if the business sells both, the beer and wine is on one side, with a very clear demarcation between it and the hard liquor side.



Silver Contributor
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I think the problem stems from the fact that ECF is just an obvious shill funneling traffic to 1 site.
While here at VU the merchant/vendor sites are way more diverse.And the only thing you gotta worry about is that Damn SKAM_WORDS and the occasional troll.

If you mean, ECF owners own that domain and have for many years.

It used to be a vaping news blog with a link at the top of ECF, and in Dec 2015 they turned it into a vape shop with bad prices
LOLLOLOLOL and they display banner ads for it on ECF.*/

But it's not the only banner ad they display. They display other banners for other stores which they get delivered through ad networks like ecigmedia.

ECF sucks, but this is hardly the reason why IMHO. They suck because they suck lol

You know you suck when the FastTech troll snob/forum is better than your forum LOLOLOLOLOL

But no one sucks worse than reddit ECR IMHO.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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If you mean, ECF owners own that domain and have for many years.

It used to be a vaping news blog with a link at the top of ECF, and in Dec 2015 they turned it into a vape shop with bad prices
LOLLOLOLOL and they display banner ads for it on ECF.*/

But it's not the only banner ad they display. They display other banners for other stores which they get delivered through ad networks like ecigmedia.

ECF sucks, but this is hardly the reason why IMHO. They suck because they suck lol

You know you suck when the FastTech troll snob/forum is better than your forum LOLOLOLOLOL

But no one sucks worse than reddit ECR IMHO.

In my opinion, the major cause of suckage at ECF is the ABSOLUTE lack of recourse to ANYTHING a moderator says, the inability to even DISCUSS when a moderator has gone way out of bounds in their moderating. That's just plain unmitigated fascism, which is why I call them nazis.

I understand rules and regs; I'm an adult. I understand that sometimes moderators have to make hard calls, and have a thankless job in general. What I do not and WILL NOT understand is the total inability to make any sort of protest about anything a moderator says or does. That's just evil, and allows those mods over there to abuse their power every which way they can imagine.

Here at VU, if a moderator pisses you off, you can tell 'em to eat a bag of dicks, and nobody cares, and you got it off your chest and can go about your business. The moderator may say the same back to you, but nobody gets fucking BANNED about it... though if a member persists in being a large pain in the ass to all and sundry because they're pissed at a mod, they may find themselves confined to one thread. :D I've seen that happen here, and the offender richly deserved it! :giggle:



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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though if a member persists in being a large pain in the ass to all and sundry because they're pissed at a mod, they may find themselves confined to one thread. I've seen that happen here, and the offender richly deserved it!

That fucker really had to work at it to get that far - really really hard, lol


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Its more about the self promotion of ECF's own e-cig business..... and how many times i accidently clicked on those stupid vaporDOTcom adds because of it
Now I'm receiving emails from ECF which are disguised as important information in the vaping world...(NOT)
They are nothing more than ads for the site owners website selling shit.......:headbang:....:devil:.....:cuss2:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That fucker really had to work at it to get that far - really really hard, lol

Heh, he really did. It became so absolutely ridiculous it was plain damn funny. I kept wondering, doesn't he have anything better to do??? Like... watch dust bunnies collect, or grass grow, or SOMETHING??? :giggle:



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Now I'm receiving emails from ECF which are disguised as important information in the vaping world...(NOT)
They are nothing more than ads for the site owners website selling shit.......:headbang:....:devil:.....:cuss2:

Ironically, if someone running a coop on ECF used the coop e-mail address list to do the same they would get ban hammered for a rules violation.


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Still the case in GA, beer and wine sold in most general food, convenience, drug stores, gas station stores, etc... hard liquor only in "package stores".... even if the business sells both, the beer and wine is on one side, with a very clear demarcation between it and the hard liquor side.

They do shit like that here in California but only if the store is within a certain distance of a college...Believe it or not!


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What I do not and WILL NOT understand is the total inability to make any sort of protest about anything a moderator says or does.
You mean like @SMOKIE totally disregarding rule # 2?
2. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated, including in a user name.
But I guess it is dismissed if it is a MEME.Who cares about content right?
If this is the case maybe I'll start dropping frigging (FUTANARI*) memes.

Last edited:


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You mean like @SMOKIE totally disregarding rule # 2?
2. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated, including in a user name.
But I guess it is dismissed if it is a MEME.Who cares about content right?
If this is the case maybe I'll start dropping frigging (FUTANARI*) memes.


First off Snake my memes are in MY OWN THREAD with a disclaimer, Not in any other threads.

These pics may seem to you racist, humorous, offensive, have a sexual content or just a opinion so please take them as entertainment ONLY, and they are not directed at any one person, group, or thing, If you are offended then just do Not subscribe to my thread, PERIOD!

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