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One thing I'm noticing, which is really awesome, is that my "addiction" really is a LOT less overpowering than when I smoked. Even when I was this sick, I still smoked, and just as much; I just couldn't help myself, when that smoke bully beckoned, I had to do his bidding. But this morning, it was a good hour, hour and a half after I woke up before I had my first vape; I had left it over on the kitchen counter when I first came in here, and just never grabbed it. That's just amazing to me. And hell, I really can't taste it anyway; I might as well be vaping unflavored, as fucked up as my nose is. *sigh*


Dead Gummy Worm

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You know how babies are, they'll have their fingers in THEIR mouth, then put them in yours? Yeah.. I had to break my son of that when he had his first ear infection and penicillin treatment... when I broke out in huge itchy red welts! We're not really a "touchy feely" family; he was never a "lap baby", he was my little explorer. :D

Gross, no i never let them put their hands in my mouth

Dead Gummy Worm

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One thing I'm noticing, which is really awesome, is that my "addiction" really is a LOT less overpowering than when I smoked. Even when I was this sick, I still smoked, and just as much; I just couldn't help myself, when that smoke bully beckoned, I had to do his bidding. But this morning, it was a good hour, hour and a half after I woke up before I had my first vape; I had left it over on the kitchen counter when I first came in here, and just never grabbed it. That's just amazing to me. And hell, I really can't taste it anyway; I might as well be vaping unflavored, as fucked up as my nose is. *sigh*

I know exactly what you mean. I was doing the same thing, even turned the power down because late at night it would make me cough. well not power so much as temp down. I couldnt taste it either which also made it less enjoyable


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Gross, no i never let them put their hands in my mouth

That might be a mom thing... a person who came from inside your body seems a lot like an external/portable part of your own body. :D At least when they're still infants they do. It takes a while for that feeling to fade, and even now that my son is nearly 29, when he hurts over anything, I feel the pain as if it was my own body. I doubt if that will ever fade.


Dead Gummy Worm

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That might be a mom thing... a person who came from inside your body seems a lot like an external/portable part of your own body. :D At least when they're still infants they do. It takes a while for that feeling to fade, and even now that my son is nearly 29, when he hurts over anything, I feel the pain as if it was my own body. I doubt if that will ever fade.

Yea even if i were a mom (not by way of Jenners) I would still view it more or less like picking my nose and eating the spoils.... Ewww but then i am an odd duck with odd OCD and Germ issues not full on phobia but close :p


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yea even if i were a mom (not by way of Jenners) I would still view it more or less like picking my nose and eating the spoils.... Ewww but then i am an odd duck with odd OCD and Germ issues not full on phobia but close :p

So, I'm guessing you never did diaper duty? Or "clean up the baby who has diarrhea" duty? I've done a lot of gross things for my son that I never would have imagined doing -- I won't even pluck the hairs from my husband's ears, but he says his mom used to do that for him -- I told him, yes, mothers will do a LOT of things for their offspring that they wouldn't dream of doing for anyone else! :giggle:


The Cromwell

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So, I'm guessing you never did diaper duty? Or "clean up the baby who has diarrhea" duty? I've done a lot of gross things for my son that I never would have imagined doing -- I won't even pluck the hairs from my husband's ears, but he says his mom used to do that for him -- I told him, yes, mothers will do a LOT of things for their offspring that they wouldn't dream of doing for anyone else! :giggle:

Ahh become a caregiver for an elderly parent with dementia....
Been there done that.

Dead Gummy Worm

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So, I'm guessing you never did diaper duty? Or "clean up the baby who has diarrhea" duty? I've done a lot of gross things for my son that I never would have imagined doing -- I won't even pluck the hairs from my husband's ears, but he says his mom used to do that for him -- I told him, yes, mothers will do a LOT of things for their offspring that they wouldn't dream of doing for anyone else! :giggle:

Are you kidding me??? one of my Daughters (first child) first ever diapers she had to fart while having some residual... right into the mouth..... I have changed more diapers than my wife...


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Ahh become a caregiver for an elderly parent with dementia....
Been there done that.

Just one reason why I would never have put myself in that position, but had my mother in professional care. I suppose that's the only good thing about her somewhat premature death; she was spoiled and irrational, but still more or less in possession of her faculties. But I had already put my foot down, that my mother would NEVER live with us; getting out of that woman's house was the best possible thing I could have done for myself, in my early 20s, even if I went about it in rather negative ways. I would never have consented to live with her again.

They say that those suffering dementia regress to a much earlier age, but I'm not entirely sure that my mother ever progressed past childhood in the first place, emotionally.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Are you kidding me??? one of my Daughters (first child) first ever diapers she had to fart while having some residual... right into the mouth..... I have changed more diapers than my wife...

I'm not entirely sure what that first sentence means, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to.



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Totally agree. Didja see Videodrome? There's a weird movie if I ever saw one!

Of course I saw that it costarred the always smoking hot Debbie Harry (Blondie).Not quite as weird as some other films I like.
(Eraserhead) & (The Fountain) + (Brazil).

By the way pay attention when you watch (Brazil) you'll get to see 1 of Robert De Niro's best performances.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Ahh become a caregiver for an elderly parent with dementia....
Been there done that.

Mr Juicy and the grown children are under strict orders to go ahead and put me away before that happens - it's too much

Did it for my Grandma and she really should have been in a home of some kind years before it finally happened.

It's kinder for all involved, really


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Of course I saw that it costarred the always smoking hot Debbie Harry (Blondie).Not quite as weird as some other films I like.
(Eraserhead) & (The Fountain) + (Brazil).

By the way pay attention when you watch (Brazil) you'll get to see 1 of Robert De Niro's best performances.

Haven't seen those other two. The only other truly weird one I've seen was Repo Man. My ex was a huge film geek. With my husband, we just like action movies, or, ideally, action/comedy -- the Lethal Weapons, the Diehards, the various Expendables... True Lies... he also loves several other Ahhnold movies about which I'm more "meh," (though I really enjoyed Total Recall) and he's a huge fan of the Stallone movies, First Blood and all those; I liked the first one, watching him make a total ass of Brian Dennehy's character is always a hoot; not as big a fan of the others. We also like the early Steven Seagall movies; yeah he's a ham, horrible actor, but the way he moves is like music in motion. He still likes him, but I don't care too much for him since he got old and fat and has that Bela Lugosi "hair." :giggle:

Oh, I nearly forgot some of the best action movies EVER: the various Harry Callahans. Some pretty good dry humor in those too, with that "Marvelous." line of his. :D


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Just one reason why I would never have put myself in that position, but had my mother in professional care. I suppose that's the only good thing about her somewhat premature death; she was spoiled and irrational, but still more or less in possession of her faculties. But I had already put my foot down, that my mother would NEVER live with us; getting out of that woman's house was the best possible thing I could have done for myself, in my early 20s, even if I went about it in rather negative ways. I would never have consented to live with her again.

They say that those suffering dementia regress to a much earlier age, but I'm not entirely sure that my mother ever progressed past childhood in the first place, emotionally.

Mom wound up in a nursing facility a few months before her death.
yeah much of the time she was a sub teen again reliving memories and such of that time...
It was rough....


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Attention World: If you have a cold, KEEP YOUR HAPPY ASS AT HOME! Keep your fucking germs TO YOURSELF! That's exactly what I plan to do today, even though it's grocery day: make a list and send my husband, because I can guarandamntee that NOBODY wants the shit I'm suffering right now. If only some inconsiderate asshole had quarantined themselves, I woudln't be so wretched right now! Stupid fucker!!!!!!!!!

As I recall the (MythBusters) did an episode on the common cold.It was so well done that the C.D.C said it should be considered a P.S.A.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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@AndriaD glad I could help...Cheers!

Oh and get better soon.

Oh dear god I FUCKING WISH. This cold wore out its welcome at least 2 days ago! At least I have some excellent vape mail to look forward tp -- the white minibook already shipped! One of those lovely driptips that @JuicyLucy sent me was part of the inspiration for going ahead and getting that -- that flowered one, Juice -- I've got some fingernail decals that JUST match that driptip, thought I'd bling that white minibook with those. :D ;)

The blue sparkle wrap hasn't shipped yet, but it'll be winging its way to me during the next week. :)

It's nice to have impending vapemail again, I must say; I've missed it. :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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As I recall the (MythBusters) did an episode on the common cold.It was so well done that the C.D.C said it should be considered a P.S.A.

I think the biggest culprit is HANDS. The custom of shaking hands shouild be BANNED, and people should definitely keep their happy asses at home if they even THINK they MIGHT have a cold. This shit SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :xD:


The Cromwell

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I think the biggest culprit is HANDS. The custom of shaking hands shouild be BANNED, and people should definitely keep their happy asses at home if they even THINK they MIGHT have a cold. This shit SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :xD:

And the idjits that share their vape.
I will only let them if they provide their own drip tip.
One guy out of the few I know that vape got pissed. So I asked him if he wanted to kiss me.
LMFAO he got all tore up.


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Haven't seen those other two. The only other truly weird one I've seen was Repo Man. My ex was a huge film geek. With my husband, we just like action movies, or, ideally, action/comedy -- the Lethal Weapons, the Diehards, the various Expendables... True Lies... he also loves several other Ahhnold movies about which I'm more "meh," (though I really enjoyed Total Recall) and he's a huge fan of the Stallone movies, First Blood and all those; I liked the first one, watching him make a total ass of Brian Dennehy's character is always a hoot; not as big a fan of the others. We also like the early Steven Seagall movies; yeah he's a ham, horrible actor, but the way he moves is like music in motion. He still likes him, but I don't care too much for him since he got old and fat and has that Bela Lugosi "hair." :giggle:

Oh, I nearly forgot some of the best action movies EVER: the various Harry Callahans. Some pretty good dry humor in those too, with that "Marvelous." line of his. :D

1 of the best Stallone movies ever = OSCAR


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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And the idjits that share their vape.
I will only let them if they provide their own drip tip.
One guy out of the few I know that vape got pissed. So I asked him if he wanted to kiss me.
LMFAO he got all tore up.

There are exactly 2 people I might consent to let have a hit on my vape, with my driptip: my husband -- who doesn't vape anyway, but hell, I've swapped a lot more than spit with him in 30 yrs! :giggle: And my son -- IF neither of us has any current illness; I'd drink from his glass or can or bottle, and he's welcome to drink from mine... but NOBODY ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Diamond Contributor
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I think the biggest culprit is HANDS. The custom of shaking hands shouild be BANNED, and people should definitely keep their happy asses at home if they even THINK they MIGHT have a cold. This shit SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :xD:

I stopped shaking hands ages ago.I switched to the forearm shake in 1975 I think.



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There are exactly 2 people I might consent to let have a hit on my vape, with my driptip: my husband -- who doesn't vape anyway, but hell, I've swapped a lot more than spit with him in 30 yrs! :giggle: And my son -- IF neither of us has any current illness; I'd drink from his glass or can or bottle, and he's welcome to drink from mine... but NOBODY ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just 1 person can hit my vape namely my wife.Anybody else would get throat punched.

Dead Gummy Worm

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There are exactly 2 people I might consent to let have a hit on my vape, with my driptip: my husband -- who doesn't vape anyway, but hell, I've swapped a lot more than spit with him in 30 yrs! :giggle: And my son -- IF neither of us has any current illness; I'd drink from his glass or can or bottle, and he's welcome to drink from mine... but NOBODY ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EWW Gross!! While i may swap fluids with my wife, i still refuse to drink out of her drinks and vape from her vape... doesnt make a whole lot of sense when you consider the fluids exchanged and where from but hey my brain doesnt have to make sense :D my kids nope never... as far as i am concerned their mouth is just as disgusting as licking a trash can... never!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I stopped shaking hands ages ago.I switched to the forearm shake in 1975 I think.


I prefer the dignified nod. :giggle: I'm really not a toucher, except with my husband. I guess it's just what you get used to; none of my family is very touchy. This was exactly why I always preferred AA to NA, even though my addictions ran the gamut: all that hugging of strangers just put me off something awful.



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About $300 a month here. More if you count the coffee and donuts I bought at the same time as the smokes each morning, that I otherwise wouldn't have bought.

Not sure monthly but know annually I would have seen around $15,000 for cigarettes, even with doing the RYO. I used cigarettes for about 35 years, off and on though, and smokeless tobacco as well. Used to be the sort to rub snuff and smoke at the same time. *smh* Glad I have gotten off that crap. First two years of vaping I'm thinking it was roughly $400 for both years, together, not $400 for each year. Now, I've settled into a decent kit I doubt I'll spend $100 annually on vaping. These are merely the up front costs. I don't count the reduction of risk for the back end medical costs, they're priceless.


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To one and all a hearty GFY and good morning. There is possibly more I would comment upon but as life currently goes it's possibly the better part of valor to self censor. Not that having to curb one's speech is valorous, yet valor lies in making better decisions for those one loves. Besides that, much I could comment upon is beyond the scope of my control. As the old expression goes, no point to complain. We're fair to middlin' here, which is about the best any can ask. Run 'er slow.


Diamond Contributor
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I prefer the dignified nod. :giggle: I'm really not a toucher, except with my husband. I guess it's just what you get used to; none of my family is very touchy. This was exactly why I always preferred AA to NA, even though my addictions ran the gamut: all that hugging of strangers just put me off something awful.

I limit my forearm shake to my very close male friends female friends get a hug if they prefer 1.Acquaintances or (Orbital Friends) get a salute if they are men and a (Queen's Wave) if they are a female.


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Not entirely true. Epinephrine can be administered directly to the heart.

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As I understand it that would only happen in open heart surgery.No doctor/surgeon/EMT would recommend putting even a small hole into the heart ever.Why simply because it is the human equivalent of a race-car motor.

Oh and BTW Epinephrine & Adrenalin are the same thing.


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Not sure monthly but know annually I would have seen around $15,000 for cigarettes, even with doing the RYO.
That number can not possibly be right.I think you dropped a decimal someplace.
15 k per year?
That's $ 1250 a month.Or about $290 per week.Even at today's rates it can't be right.
Even after the PACT tax increase you'd be looking at at damn near 35+ LBS worth of top of the line (Stokkebye) per month.
Both myself and my wife smoked 2 packs a day and at most our cost per month was *$250* for our Drum/Stokkebye habit.
Here's more math at current values.
1 lb of Tobacco = 2 Cartons of Cigarettes.
At 2 packs per day 1 person would need 6 cartons to last a month.2 people would need 12.
12 cartons per month = 6 LBS.
6 LBS of Stokkebye currently sells for $235
I don't count the reduction of risk for the back end medical costs, they're priceless.
Now that I can wholeheartedly agree with...Cheers!

Last edited:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That number can not possibly be right.I think you dropped a decimal someplace.
15 k per year?
That's $ 1250 a month.Or about $290 per week.Even at today's rates it can't be right.
Even after the PACT tax increase you'd be looking at at damn near 35+ LBS worth of top of the line (Stokkebye) per month.
Both myself and my wife smoked 2 packs a day and at most our cost per month was *$250* for our Drum/Stokkebye habit.
Here's more math at current values.
1 lb of Tobacco = 2 Cartons of Cigarettes.
At 2 packs per day 1 person would need 6 cartons to last a month.2 people would need 12.
12 cartons per month = 6 LBS.
6 LBS of Stokkebye currently sells for $235

Now that I can wholeheartedly agree with...Cheers!


Yeah I think you're right about the dropped decimal point. I didn't roll my own, I smoked top of the line Altria, Virginia Slims, which cost (in 2014) $11 for 2 pks -- X 8 per pay period, or $176 per month, which comes to a Rush album -- $2112 -- per year. That's a pack a day, roughly; 2 pks a day would simply double it, roughly $4200/yr... not even close to $15k per year -- and the whole point of RYO is that it's cheaper than name-brand cigarettes, right?



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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To one and all a hearty GFY and good morning. There is possibly more I would comment upon but as life currently goes it's possibly the better part of valor to self censor. Not that having to curb one's speech is valorous, yet valor lies in making better decisions for those one loves. Besides that, much I could comment upon is beyond the scope of my control. As the old expression goes, no point to complain. We're fair to middlin' here, which is about the best any can ask. Run 'er slow.

I've always heard that "discretion is the better part of valor." ;)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Unless he was using platinum foil rolling papers and *gold leafed tobacco*.


Heh. ;)

Well I got to thinking more on this.... I guess, if one smoked, say 3 pks a day... and lived someplace like NY or new england or California, where cigarettes are running $10-$15 per pk.... that $15k/yr figure might not be too far off the mark. $30/day for 365 days is $10,950; $45/day comes to $16,425.

It does give one a greater understanding of why NY and California hate vaping so much. ;) Especially given their criminal malfeasance with the MSA and tobacco bonds.



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Heh. ;)

Well I got to thinking more on this.... I guess, if one smoked, say 3 pks a day... and lived someplace like NY or new england or California, where cigarettes are running $10-$15 per pk.... that $15k/yr figure might not be too far off the mark. $30/day for 365 days is $10,950; $45/day comes to $16,425.

It does give one a greater understanding of why NY and California hate vaping so much. ;) Especially given their criminal malfeasance with the MSA and tobacco bonds.

But if it were NYC it wouldn't be high enough at current rates for prepackaged cigarettes.Remember this is for 2 people smoking 2 packs per day.Holy fuck that is $60 a day...Fuck me running.I could order enough Philly Cheese Steaks to feed 4 people with $60*.
Anyhow back to the math.
$60 per day times 7 for 1 week = $420.
$420 times 52 weeks per year = $21,840.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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But if it were NYC it wouldn't be high enough at current rates for prepackaged cigarettes.Remember this is for 2 people smoking 2 packs per day.Holy fuck that is $60 a day...Fuck me running.I could order enough Philly Cheese Steaks to feed 4 people with $60*.
Anyhow back to the math.
$60 per day times 7 for 1 week = $420.
$420 times 52 weeks per year = $21,840.


Especially when you consider that only about $1.50-$2/pk is the actual price of the smokes... the rest is all tax. It gives one a real understanding of the level of graft and corruption in places where cigarettes cost that much. And of course, the corrupt never want to let go of their ill-gotten gains.


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