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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Kinda OT if this thread has a topic. But does anyone know how to stop email alerts, I have unchecked all the boxes I can find but yet they keep on coming.

We don't need no steenkin topic... ;) No asshats round here... at least, not amongst the moderators anyway.

I never could get the emails shut off, so I created a new email address just for this forum, so they could all go in there. then they mysteriously stopped so I have no idea.



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yeah I'm cooking dinner just at the moment... salmon in lemon-garlic butter sauce, with garlic-mushroom brown-rice risotto, and garlic bread on whole wheat french bread. It's the meal that makes our arteries SING! :giggle:


That's funny I am doing the same, and that sounds good!

I'm making Memaw's Chicken and Rice something she made for me since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. It's like being at her and my Grandfather's ranch again on the weekends, I have the recipe she wrote in her own hand and treasure it dearly. Speaking of I hear the oven timer, stuffing my face time be back in a little while. Enjoy your dinner!


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We don't need no steenkin topic... ;) No asshats round here... at least, not amongst the moderators anyway.

I never could get the emails shut off, so I created a new email address just for this forum, so they could all go in there. then they mysteriously stopped so I have no idea.


Can you tell I have been institutionalized for too long. :giggle:


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YES I fucking love DIG!!! Mudvayne is the shit!!!! :tunez::tunez::tunez:

Absolutely! That last video is the lead singer after Mudvayne, maybe some other members but I know the lead is for sure. No wonder we get along so well both gamers with very similar taste in music. (missing smiley) We need a headbanging one stat!

And then when someone says it's all screaming, challenge them that they didn't LISTEN to the music with these:

These guys are brutally good.

Saving these for after my mission, intrigued for sure.


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Evening Fugees

Hope everyone's weekend is good so far


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
* squonk, squonk * :cloud::cloud::cloud::)

"This just in ..."

In a brilliant strategic move Vladimir Putin has demanded his military forces practice a totally disarming preemptive strike using hugs against enemies & friends.

President Obama retaliates by having American fighting forces not only hug friends & enemies but to also go forth into children's hospice units to offer services for Make A Wish foundation, plans later in the week for transporting grocery waste to Africa to feed the starving.

Monsanto closes it's doors forever, stating they can no longer tolerate being a greedy corporation that destroys the planet to sate profit. Instead they will now make teddy bears for donation to Bikers Against Child Abuse.

The FDA reveals "it's all been a joke", and now intends to no longer prosecute vapers & vaping.

* squonk, squonk * :cloud::cloud::cloud::)

"Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts ... to you!"

* wanders around and gives everyone a hug * Enjoy the nice Sunday, today. :)

Yesterday, I needed to block in the dog pen a bit. We have one younger dog out of Luna's second liter. He still needs fixed as well as learning the rules and so is kept in the pen. His older brother Grouchy had dug a way out of the pen under the skirting of the dog shed.

I was looking for a big chunk of wood to put up against the skirting, to hold it in place. Well, I had found a couple logs and got the skirting set up. Made toward the house. I had told Grouchy I was looking for a big chunk of wood earlier. I hear him walking up behind me. Turn and see his big smiling brown eyes as he stands there with a big chunk of wood in his mouth.

Told my wife I needed to be careful around him. If I say I need a beer he'll go steal one from the neighbor's. His nickname has become Convict. I chuckled as we walked up to the house, told him time out. He got into his plastic chair and set holding his chunk of wood.

His brother Sherlock seems to be calming down a good bit more since Grouchy is out. Think Grouchy is my LT. and Lock senses Grouchy in charge. Grouchy is really mellow. His biggest fault is that he's my big baby, all 70-90 pounds of him. Their sister Hammy outweighs him a bit and thinks she's the boss at times, going off on grumping fits over nothing.

Well, good morning. :) Run 'er slow.


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His nickname has become Convict. I chuckled as we walked up to the house, told him time out. He got into his plastic chair and set holding his chunk of wood.

Sounds like your canid Convict, has larceny in his heart. lol

A dog that is not trying to get away with something, at any given time, is not much of a dog.

To them, "No", simply means maneuver for position.


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Good morning and GFY everyone! Reign, so good to see you here. Off to do stuff that needs doing. No rest for the weary here! And I'm getting tremendously weary. Have a great Sunday!

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ECF Refugee
OMG I'm so sorry about Rascal. Is Miss Tiggs with her too?

Miss Tiggs is staying here with her grandma and is missing her big brother even tho he was a dog :giggle:

I still have some of Rascals toys here and she will go sniff them and then look at me like "where is he?" but it cant be helped. I can not put up with one single more second of her shit.


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Good morning and GFY everyone! Reign, so good to see you here. Off to do stuff that needs doing. No rest for the weary here! And I'm getting tremendously weary. Have a great Sunday!

Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using Tapatalk

Thanks glad to be here, and good to see you too bud! I gotta get moving as well church starts in a bit, see y'all this afternoon. GO TEXANS!!!!


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New Vegas is pretty fun, I just prefer the Bethesda ones over Obsidian. If I hadn't used the code off my copy I got with the full series I would send it to ya.

My pics are horrible but here's my new little area. It looks a lot cooler with the lights off and the blue TV back lighting but couldn't get it to focus properly.

View attachment 61724
Wow that's nice!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It really was... I scarfed it down so fast, I sat tnere looking at my plate in pure wonder, as my husband finished his, and looked over at my plate. "Hungry, were ya?" I said "I guess... or it just keeps getting better, everytime I cook it." And to think, I used to loathe fish with every particle of my being. I'm thinking, IT'S ALL IN HOW YOU COOK IT! That lemon-garlic sauce I make for it is DIVINE. I don't use real butter of course; we use Smart Balance, made from EV olive oil, not the flax seed oil... and I also add a dollop of EV olive oil to it.

But now it's breakfast time. Bacon's sizzling; the mate will be having his weekly oatmeal -- I insist on that; he has extreme (though well-controlled) hypertension, but so far his cholesterol has been just fine, and I wanna keep it that way, so the hypertension doesn't get any worse. For me... blueberry frosted mini-wheats, with blueberries and sliced banana on top. :) :) :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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And GFYs merrily, gang. Rainy day here, which perturbs my cat, but I'm glad to see it; no rain for about 10 days here, and it may be late enough now that after this rain pulls thru, it may cool off a little. I'm sure hoping!



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Afternoon fugee's and GFY!

Been smoke free about a week now and dont miss them a bit. I only smoked maybe a week but I am surprised, quit smoking, broke up with the ex, went thru all her drama and never even thought of a cig.

Was thinking of picking up some chicken leg quarters and firing up the grill tonight. I haven't grilled since the flood and miss it! Maybe while at the store pick up some pork chops to grill tomorrow night :D

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