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That was one of the big complaints I had with the ex. She might have cooked one meal this entire year for me. She never did dishes. Every time I went to work all the dishes would be cleaned and when I came home two weeks later the sink would be filled with dirty dishes. She maybe swept and mopped once a month and that was usually the night before I came home from work. And then to add insult to injury she seldom ever wanted to fool around anymore so when she told me I was going to be sorry for leaving her I told her "well you dont cook, you dont clean and you dont fuck. Only thing I was sorry for is sticking around as long as I did." Her jaw dropped and she started sputtering :giggle:

I love to cook! At least, most of the time; I'd say I "actually cook" about 3 times a week, and when I do, I make enough for leftovers the next night; so we end up having "nuke specials" -- Stouffers, Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, et al -- maybe 2-3 nights a week. I used to be bad about the dishes, but when I was suffering that last really bad depression, I identified that mornings were my hardest time, and waking up to a sinkful of dirty dishes just made me wanna slit my wrists. So I got in the habit of always making sure that the sink was emptied before I went to bed -- it makes mornings so much easier to deal with! And the habit has stuck, enough so that when I come in here in the morning/noon, if there are a couple things in the sink, like the last glass I used, the cocoa mug from right before I went to bed, it kinda irks me.

But I consider cooking a simple survival skill. My mom always had to have happy hour so we'd have dinner about 8-9pm, so once i was more or less grown, I got in the habit of making my own dinner, when I was hungry -- 6-7pm. I had my own "happy hour" years of course, so I got in the habit of later dinners, so we still eat dinner later than most -- but nearly always before 8pm. 8pm is when some good TV shows come on, and I don't have a TV in the kitchen anymore. :D


The Cromwell

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I used to put a buttload of sugar in coffee, but when I was pregnant, I CRAVED coffee... that was when I moved to decaf, and also, just a little sugar but a lot of milk. That's still how I drink it, IF I drink it -- with dessert sometimes, in a restaurant. With enough milk, it helps the bitterness a lot, so I don't need so much sugar in it. But mostly I just give it a miss, and drink hot or iced tea. I used to like the syrupy "sweet tea" so common down here, but now I can't stand that; I usually order tea in a restaurant half-sweet, half-unsweet.

The thing is, I love sugar, so I don't ever want to have to avoid it completely; using it moderately/sparingly seems the best way to accomplish that.

Iced tea is HORRIBLE stuff.


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You know I read somewhere that pure natural coffee beans were actually sweet.... I'd like to get my mitts on some of those but I bet it costs a fortune. :cuss2:
I don't know about that. The closer to raw the bean is, the more caffeine. Pure caffeine is extraordinarily bitter (I used it in a bio experiment in HS once upon a time), so I would imagine raw beans would need an awful lot of sugars present to make them taste sweet. You can always shop around for green coffee beans (yes, it's a thing) and try for yourself.


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Tea CAN actually be very bitter and astringent, especially if brewed too hot or for too long, especially green tea.

Oh, I know... I dislike green tea for just that reason, it tastes too "sharp" to me. But I've always found coffee FAR! more bitter than any black or orange-pekoe tea.



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Oh, I know... I dislike green tea for just that reason, it tastes too "sharp" to me. But I've always found coffee FAR! more bitter than any black or orange-pekoe tea.

Yeah, store bought Black teas like Lipton and Nestea are very forgiving. I usually like to leave the bag(s) in while drinking them. For me, though, Green Tea steeped past 3 minutes is mostly undrinkable, 4 minutes, I'll just toss it and make another cup.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yeah, store bought Black teas like Lipton and Nestea are very forgiving. I usually like to leave the bag(s) in while drinking them. For me, though, Green Tea steeped past 3 minutes is mostly undrinkable, 4 minutes, I'll just toss it and make another cup.

For iced tea, I prefer Luzianne -- it's formulated so that it doesn't go cloudy when refrigerated, and it's also very mellow and smooth.

For hot tea, nothing but Twinings, english breakfast or irish breakfast, will do -- American tea has no aroma, so it's just blah, bland, and in hot tea, that lack of aroma is very noticeable. I brew each mug for at least 10 minutes, even 15-20 is ok -- I like it strong! :D



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Yeah, store bought Black teas like Lipton and Nestea are very forgiving. I usually like to leave the bag(s) in while drinking them. For me, though, Green Tea steeped past 3 minutes is mostly undrinkable, 4 minutes, I'll just toss it and make another cup.

I love coffee. Stronger = better. Roast my own. I find if I make cold brew, it is much less acidic, with a lil lactose especially.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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In vape related news.. I am a little disappointed in the VT75 18/26650 mod. The DNA board and escribe are a plus, but it chows batteries like a freight train.

And in other news, I seem to have misplaced a PAIR of 26650 batteries.. Probably not good..


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In vape related news.. I am a little disappointed in the VT75 18/26650 mod. The DNA board and escribe are a plus, but it chows batteries like a freight train.

And in other news, I seem to have misplaced a PAIR of 26650 batteries.. Probably not good..
Nature of the beast, high wattage, less life. Have you tried a different build or atty? With a Toptank, my VT75 (Nano) will blow through two fills before needing a charge.


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I was a wine geek in a past life a decade or 3 ago. I still have the spoils, but the hunt is no longer fun. :)
Yeah, I'm not so much a geek as I know what I like. I don't like whites or roses at all, none. Italian wines are always too acidic, Chilean and Australian and South African the same. Some Californias aren't terrible, but to find one that isn't is too much trouble. So mostly I don't drink wine because my tastes are too expensive for something I'm just going to drink.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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LOL, my wife says I like to chew my coffee, and my wine. She can't stand the only wines I like, full, rich, bone dry Burgundies and Bordeauxs, mostly Bordeauxs.

Dunno if I ever had any Bordeaux, but I sure loved the rich pinot noir "burgundy" types. My mom always drank the really bitter chablis, ice cold, bleah! I loved the rich red wine because it was room temp!



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Mea Culpa, I am using a pretty low ohm rig, at pretty much, yes, definitely all of the 75w. ;)
I dunno, I'm running 0.15Ω Ni200 coils. BUT, yeah, in TC, so never hit 75W. Since all of my single battery mods really only accommodate 22mm on the atty end, I've tanks on all of them. Even the VT133s form factor begs a 22mm. Looking for more mods that will nicely accommodate the 24-25mm range though.


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Dunno if I ever had any Bordeaux, but I sure loved the rich pinot noir "burgundy" types. My mom always drank the really bitter chablis, ice cold, bleah! I loved the rich red wine because it was room temp!

Yeah, this is probably one of the reasons I don't like White or Rose, they taste terrible at room temp, and I don't like refrigerated wine. OTOH, I simply can not drink Guinness, Keegan's Mother's Milk, or KIllian's warm, and those are the only beers I'll even drink.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Yeah, I'm not so much a geek as I know what I like. I don't like whites or roses at all, none. Italian wines are always too acidic, Chilean and Australian and South African the same. Some Californias aren't terrible, but to find one that isn't is too much trouble. So mostly I don't drink wine because my tastes are too expensive for something I'm just going to drink.

Wut? No Champagne? I'd die. I could definitely give you examples of all of those areas that I think you would love, but I agree we see more plonk from them than the small amounts of good examples that come our way. I can pretty much drink anything. lol...


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I can see why someone wouldn't like it. It has all the tannins of a dry red wine, and none of the fruit. You clearly had a bitter experience.

All that tannin in tea makes it a first-class first-aid treatment for bleeding; when I had some teeth pulled, I left a mug steeping with 2 teabags in it; when I got home, I very gently rinsed with that double-strength room-temp tea, and the bleeding stopped IMMEDIATELY.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Damnit, I hope I didn't put them big 26's into my spare change jar..
Champers! Champers!


Yup, doesn't even have to be The Real Thing. Prossecco,Moscato.. White, Italian, Delicious! I get splits of them, and use the empties for mixing. You can get pretty good stuff for a couple bucks a split,and emptying becomes a duty of mixing. SO easy to find good reasons to drink.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I have the Bitter Gene.
Things that just taste sour or a bit bitter to someone else taste VERY bitter to me.

Killing the Lord will require a VERY stealthy poison..Ah crap, I missed watching the next episode of Game of Thrones. The Mrs. loves it, It amuses me at times, and... you know.. together. :;)


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Tis not a monkee, tis a civet. And yes, those are super expensive. Nor do I have any interest in trying that shit.

<cynicism & sarcasm> Ah, caffeine shit now too. Shit never ends it seems. </cynicism & sarcasm>

Been enjoying using unflavored juice again. I have a simple 50% PG / 50% VG mixed at 18mg per ml nicotine base juice. The VG still provides a subtle sweetness. I get fair clouds out of the juice running single or dual coil. Using unflavored kind of makes sense for me. I vape to get nicotine in a safer manner than cigarettes.

As to coffee, I use a K cup type of brewer. Got two re-usable baskets and can use regular coffee. Wife buys me some cheap K cups from Save-A-Lot. It tastes like the classic Taster's Choice instant. That reminds me of having breakfast with my grandma and pap. Taster's Choice instant was what they drank. it was always a steady price too. I think grandma always paid $3 a jar for it.

Know there's been a lot of cutting up about not accounting for taste. Some of us though cannot help it. Due to a congenital condition I lack sense of smell and by extension lack much as far as a sense of taste. For me taste is replaced by texture. Sure, I can get bitter, sweet, tangy, salty flavors. That's about it though.

Used to set and eat homemade fresh horseradish by the tablespoon full in front of my step dad. He would try just a little bit on his teaspoon, break out in hot sweats, get all cussing and carrying on. Grandma always made sure pap got the wild horseradish from along the train tracks in the Spring, right before it seeded out, was the hottest. :) I liked the texture of it.

Well, y'all try having a good Monday. Remember, if it's looking rough go fuck yourself and it'll be alright. :) I'll go feed the critters in a bit. :) Already took one out for his morning religious experience & he's gnawing on a yummy. My cat Bucky has threatened to get radicalized and cook up the dogs. Not sure he understands he's littler than most of them. Aw well, I'm sure even that too will sort itself out. :)


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I might be going to Hell for that one.......

My sister sicked her dog on them. Lol
Hehe! !


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I am the same way but being a bachelor for the last 3 years and no sign of that changing who the fuck am I cleaning for? I mean I wash my clothes and clean the shower and toilet and that's it. Once I am in any way close to having a woman in the house I will hit the NOS cleaning boosters and this place will be shining.

Oh and I religiously dust around my electronics/vape station, the rest of my house looks like something out of a Scooby Doo episode cobwebs and dust everywhere.
NOS. LOVE that stuff. Wish it was as easy to find as Monsters


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NOS. LOVE that stuff. Wish it was as easy to find as Monsters
And it's delicious! !!
GM all y'all

Oh I just meant my internal NOS. lol I can't drink energy drinks I am high strung by nature, I drank a Monster energy drink once before a midnight game release and I was up for two days straight. I got a hell of a lot of gaming done though, it was kind like this but wayyyy worse. :giggle:

And gmornin' all hope you have a good one.


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Oh I just meant my internal NOS. lol I can't drink energy drinks I am high strung by nature, I drank a Monster energy drink once before a midnight game release and I was up for two days straight. I got a hell of a lot of gaming done though, it was kind like this but wayyyy worse. :giggle:

And gmornin' all hope you have a good one.
I used to get steroid epidurals in my neck and always had to schedule for Fridays cause I'd be awake all weekend. I can't make the drive to NOLA with my NOS. That 7th hour I start cracking them open.


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I used to get steroid epidurals in my neck and always had to schedule for Fridays cause I'd be awake all weekend. I can't make the drive to NOLA with my NOS. That 7th hour I start cracking them open.

Oh man I can't even fathom driving on them I would get arrested so quick.

"Sir why are you doing 120 in a 35?" "BECAUSE I HAVE TO GET THERE FAST AIYEEEEEEYAYAYAYAGRRRRRR!!!!!" :giggle::giggle::giggle:


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Oh man I can't even fathom driving on them I would get arrested so quick.

"Sir why are you doing 120 in a 35?" "BECAUSE I HAVE TO GET THERE FAST AIYEEEEEEYAYAYAYAGRRRRRR!!!!!" :giggle::giggle::giggle:
lol!!!!! Fastest I've driven was 120 on hwy 35 between San Antonio and Corpus Christi.
I have never drank an energy drink.
I'm not allowed to drink them at work anymore. :oops:


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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lol!!!!! Fastest I've driven was 120 on hwy 35 between San Antonio and Corpus Christi.

I'm not allowed to drink them at work anymore. :oops:
I never really got into the energy drinks, but the people I work with did threaten to cut me off from coffee altogether if I didn't cut down on my caffeine intake.

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GM and GFY Fugee's! Payroll got done last night and turned in to Paychex. Today, my favorite thing. Invoicing! WOOT!!
I never really got into the energy drinks, but the people I work with did threaten to cut me off from coffee altogether if I didn't cut down on my caffeine intake.

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lol! I have a coworker I may cut off from coffee.

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