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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Oh I just meant my internal NOS. lol I can't drink energy drinks I am high strung by nature, I drank a Monster energy drink once before a midnight game release and I was up for two days straight. I got a hell of a lot of gaming done though, it was kind like this but wayyyy worse. :giggle:

And gmornin' all hope you have a good one.

Egads, someone gave me one of those 5 hour energy shots, on a long, late drive. I was crawling outta my skin. Couldn't WAIT for it to wear off. Dunno how people can do those.


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Why don't they just move the armadillo crossing signs?


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I had a sip of redbull one time, nearly gagged, and decided that was a place I didn't need to go. :D If I want more ZIP! I drink Dr Pepper -- as much caffeine as fresh-brewed coffee!

LOL, fresh brewed decaf maybe. Real coffee has 10 times the caffeine as soda, which is usually around 30mg/12oz. Dr. P has 41mg/12oz. Coffee has about 300mg/12oz., esperesso can be more than twice that.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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LOL, fresh brewed decaf maybe. Real coffee has 10 times the caffeine as soda, which is usually around 30mg/12oz. Dr. P has 41mg/12oz. Coffee has about 300mg/12oz., esperesso can be more than twice that.

Decaf has a lot less than that! But Dr Pepper is the max caffeine I can handle, without it making me sick. I used to drink 10 cups of fresh brewed coffee a day... but I was very young then, 18-20.... many years before I developed IBS.



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Decaf has a lot less than that! But Dr Pepper is the max caffeine I can handle, without it making me sick. I used to drink 10 cups of fresh brewed coffee a day... but I was very young then, 18-20.... many years before I developed IBS.

Some does, like 1-2mg per cup. But other decafs can be as high as 30mg, at least that's how it was when I needed to care about such things. The only reason I know this is because many moons ago I work in food service in a 4 star, international guest attracting, hotel. We got the occasional person who thought that it was imperative that they get decaf because they were "allergic to caffeine". And yeah, even in the 80s, diner health was very important, perhaps even moreso than today by my experiences with my wife's legitimate garlic allergy. Anyway, I had to carefully explain, at least half a hundred times in five years, how decaf coffee is not caffeine free coffee and that our decaf had about 12mg per 5oz cup, but we had a chicory based instant coffee blend that was virtually caffeine free, <1mg/cup. But, that if they were allergic to caffeine, we did not have any caffeine free coffee. You probably wouldn't be amazed to find out how many people say that they're allergic to things that they really aren't allergic to. Every single guest opted for the 20oz carafe (we only sold by carafe), or 48mg, except one Japanese gentleman who thanked me for my honesty and opted for instant Sanka instead of the Chicory blend. We were much more conscientious then, I think. You were required to just KNOW these things. Find a waiter no who knows that there's GARLIC in the pickles they just put on my wife's garlic-free burger? Ain't happening.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Some does, like 1-2mg per cup. But other decafs can be as high as 30mg, at least that's how it was when I needed to care about such things. The only reason I know this is because many moons ago I work in food service in a 4 star, international guest attracting, hotel. We got the occasional person who thought that it was imperative that they get decaf because they were "allergic to caffeine". And yeah, even in the 80s, diner health was very important, perhaps even moreso than today by my experiences with my wife's legitimate garlic allergy. Anyway, I had to carefully explain, at least half a hundred times in five years, how decaf coffee is not caffeine free coffee and that our decaf had about 12mg per 5oz cup, but we had a chicory based instant coffee blend that was virtually caffeine free, <1mg/cup. But, that if they were allergic to caffeine, we did not have any caffeine free coffee. You probably wouldn't be amazed to find out how many people say that they're allergic to things that they really aren't allergic to. Every single guest opted for the 20oz carafe (we only sold by carafe), or 48mg, except one Japanese gentleman who thanked me for my honesty and opted for instant Sanka instead of the Chicory blend. We were much more conscientious then, I think. You were required to just KNOW these things. Find a waiter no who knows that there's GARLIC in the pickles they just put on my wife's garlic-free burger? Ain't happening.

Doesn't surprise me at all, these igmos that claim to be "allergic" to all sorts of crap, not having the faintest fucking idea what real allergy entails -- before I started taking my daily Zyrtec so we could adopt the stray kitten that turned up, if I was in any home that had even one cat, within 10 minutes my eyes were itching and burning, my nose running, my asthma demanding a puff of albuterol -- idiots would offer to put the cat in another room, despite the fact that the cat's hair was EVERYWHERE, and it hasn't got a fucking thing to do with "dander", it's the detergent in their saliva that they've coated their entire body with, with all their licking. I used to have the same allergy to fresh dyes; couldn't spend 5 minutes in a fabric store with my grandmother, even when she making me some gorgeous garment and wanted me to choose the fabric! I don't think that particular allergy bothers me anymore, but the cat allergy sure does; despite the daily 24-hr Zyrtec, I still sometimes need a supplemental dose of benadryl, when my eyes are giving me fits.

My sensitivity to caffeine, I'm pretty sure, is due to my IBS; anything at all that stimulates or agitates my colon, makes me deathly ill, and I think this is exactly why I was so sensitive to nicotine when I first started vaping -- nicotine stimulates peristalsis, and though I smoked for 39yrs, the last 20+ were ultra-light cigarettes, which don't contain much nicotine -- even 12mg ejuice made me horribly sick. Once I was completely off cigarettes, I was able to slowly ease up to10mg, but never more than that. This also explains why, after my appendectomy, I was DEATHLY sick for 4 days, and the entire recuperation took more than 6 wks, though I had the laparoscopic type of surgery. Nevermind stimulating or agitating my colon; sepsis in my colon and then removing a chunk of it surgically, was a great deal more than my colon was prepared to deal with!



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Doesn't surprise me at all, these igmos that claim to be "allergic" to all sorts of crap, not having the faintest fucking idea what real allergy entails -- before I started taking my daily Zyrtec so we could adopt the stray kitten that turned up, if I was in any home that had even one cat, within 10 minutes my eyes were itching and burning, my nose running, my asthma demanding a puff of albuterol -- idiots would offer to put the cat in another room, despite the fact that the cat's hair was EVERYWHERE, and it hasn't got a fucking thing to do with "dander", it's the detergent in their saliva that they've coated their entire body with, with all their licking. I used to have the same allergy to fresh dyes; couldn't spend 5 minutes in a fabric store with my grandmother, even when she making me some gorgeous garment and wanted me to choose the fabric! I don't think that particular allergy bothers me anymore, but the cat allergy sure does; despite the daily 24-hr Zyrtec, I still sometimes need a supplemental dose of benadryl, when my eyes are giving me fits.

My sensitivity to caffeine, I'm pretty sure, is due to my IBS; anything at all that stimulates or agitates my colon, makes me deathly ill, and I think this is exactly why I was so sensitive to nicotine when I first started vaping -- nicotine stimulates peristalsis, and though I smoked for 39yrs, the last 20+ were ultra-light cigarettes, which don't contain much nicotine -- even 12mg ejuice made me horribly sick. Once I was completely off cigarettes, I was able to slowly ease up to10mg, but never more than that. This also explains why, after my appendectomy, I was DEATHLY sick for 4 days, and the entire recuperation took more than 6 wks, though I had the laparoscopic type of surgery. Nevermind stimulating or agitating my colon; sepsis in my colon and then removing a chunk of it surgically, was a great deal more than my colon was prepared to deal with!

My best friend since kindergarten is allergic to cats. At some point, in our early teens, I decided that enough was enough with his "allergy" and I pet a cat, without his knowledge. I then shook his hand. Sure enough, he broke out in hives in the shape of my fingers. Dang! Well, issue resolved, sorry dude, I had to know for sure, but you are damn allergic to cats. Hey, I was thirteen, that's the only excuse I have.

Cafffeine, very bad for IBS, GERD, and a number of other digestive maladies. Nicotine, OTOH, is good for ulcerative colitis and other bowel conditions, but bad, especially at smoking levels, for IBS/IBD/Crohn's. UC is actually considered a non-smoker's disease in some circles because smokers are much less likely to suffer from it, unless they quit (nicotine) entirely, after which they're MORE likely to develop UC and/or Crohn's, which seems weird, but just is.


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I sometimes say I'm allergic to corn, just to get people to shut up and quit trying to get me to eat it. I have a specific and severe reaction (screaming joint pain) when I eat corn, but most people can't understand the real reason. I just find it easier to say I'm allergic, and then they leave me alone about it.

By the way, good morning (afternoon!) everybody. :)

I just realized I have some microscopic little burdock stickers in the sides of a couple of my fingers from pulling them out of the cows' tails this morning. Makes it extremely painful to type! :sad:


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I sometimes say I'm allergic to corn, just to get people to shut up and quit trying to get me to eat it. I have a specific and severe reaction (screaming joint pain) when I eat corn, but most people can't understand the real reason. I just find it easier to say I'm allergic, and then they leave me alone about it.

By the way, good morning (afternoon!) everybody. :)

I just realized I have some microscopic little burdock stickers in the sides of a couple of my fingers from pulling them out of the cows' tails this morning. Makes it extremely painful to type! :sad:
Hey Lannie. Use duck tape to pull them out. Works pretty good for those small ones.


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And oh, yeah, my new batteries got here today and they're on the charger, so that puppy will be up and running in a couple hours. :D
Duct tape! Why didn't I think of that myself? I use it for just about every other damn thing around here (including getting the battery cover off my new RX200 - LOL! It's too slick to grip! :teehee: ) I'll go do that right now! Thanks!
Yea I love my duct tape. lol
It's from "Dune" and it wasn't actually about coffee. It was about something called Sapho juice. I just thought coffee was fitting.
Well, I'll just pretend that it's for coffee, since I don't know what Sapho juice:rolleyes: is.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My best friend since kindergarten is allergic to cats. At some point, in our early teens, I decided that enough was enough with his "allergy" and I pet a cat, without his knowledge. I then shook his hand. Sure enough, he broke out in hives in the shape of my fingers. Dang! Well, issue resolved, sorry dude, I had to know for sure, but you are damn allergic to cats. Hey, I was thirteen, that's the only excuse I have.

Cafffeine, very bad for IBS, GERD, and a number of other digestive maladies. Nicotine, OTOH, is good for ulcerative colitis and other bowel conditions, but bad, especially at smoking levels, for IBS/IBD/Crohn's. UC is actually considered a non-smoker's disease in some circles because smokers are much less likely to suffer from it, unless they quit (nicotine) entirely, after which they're MORE likely to develop UC and/or Crohn's, which seems weird, but just is.

Yes, there's a certain low level of nicotine which is actually beneficial for my IBS and general "tetchiness" of my whole digestive process, but any more or substantially less, and everything goes to hell very fast. A razor sharp balance, which is actually pretty much true for every single thing I eat or drink or consume in any way, turning me into one of those very tedious people who can't have this or that and must read every label very carefully -- but I'm also "emetophobic," to me nausea/vomiting is a Fate Worse Than Death, so I really have no choice; I have to try and be as careful as I possibly can be, with everything I consume. I guess that's one way for the Universe to enforce "mindfulness" on my part. :D That emetophobia is the only thing that could have gotten thru to me, about my terminal alcoholism. ;)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I sometimes say I'm allergic to corn, just to get people to shut up and quit trying to get me to eat it. I have a specific and severe reaction (screaming joint pain) when I eat corn, but most people can't understand the real reason. I just find it easier to say I'm allergic, and then they leave me alone about it.

That actually could be a type of allergic response, you know -- allergy is just hyperactivity of the immune system, an autoimmune dysfunction, just as RA is an autoimmune disorder. All allergies are unique to those who possess them -- KDodd's friend got hives from cats, I get itchy/burning eyes and nose; my son gets anaphylactic from ANYTHING coconut, in even the slightest trace amounts; I get hives from penicillin. *shrug*



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Everytime my son comes around, he BEGS me to cook jambalaya. That shit has 3 different kinds of meat in it! :facepalm:

For Jambalaya I use a bit more than three: crawfish, shrimp, andouille (just a little), bacon (for the grease only), chicken breast, and lean pork. On a lazy day, or if I can't find crawfish, I'll make a simpler version with just shrimp and andouille.


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For Jambalaya I use a bit more than three: crawfish, shrimp, andouille (just a little), bacon (for the grease only), chicken breast, and lean pork. On a lazy day, or if I can't find crawfish, I'll make a simpler version with just shrimp and andouille.
I haven't made Jambalaya in a long time. I think that was the very first dish I learned how to cook. My sister made some at Christmas and it was yumalicious.

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