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The Cromwell

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Me not doing so well today. Down most of day in bed with back issues.

sucks but after 20 years I am pretty used to it.


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... mostly my right leg holding up quicker progress. I wrecked it and never got treatment in my teens playing hacky sack ...

My left leg tends to be a gripe from Hades at times.

First thing what set it to being so, in high school I was a distance runner. I ran oh what is it the 16 or 18 hundred meter relay? At any given the match where I ran it had a notoriously bad track. It was asphalt covered with six layers of bouncy AstroTurf. Well, it had a pothole in it, gee golly guess I had to run right into that, wrenched the leg. Never treated it.

Second, I fell about 20-30 FT down the side of an old hickory tree, right down unto the ground and bashing that leg. Rolled on that leg another twenty FT down a rough hill. Got up hiked out two miles and never treated. I had thought I had heard a mountain lion/bob cat, ergo had scurried too quickly out of a tree stand, missed wood ladder rungs nailed into the tree.

Third I was holding my wife and dipped her back. We went off balance and I turned a full 180 degrees to catch her from hitting a wall. My left knee cracked on a solid oak bed post. I recall hearing her keep asking, "can you get up?" Of course, yes, I had to get up. I likely broke the knee but never did get it looked at to know for sure. I just went on.

Now, well about last year or so, ... the GP tells me I've gotten osteoarthritis. Further injury comes when she tells me like it or not I'm doing the same as everyone else, "getting old."

I think we need to go find us a new Wendy and get a new shadow sewn onto us, one much younger. :)


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6 hour roast in 100 F heat went well

unboxed a fan we bought ages ago but never used, that kept temp down enough

A six hour roast, damn. Bet that puppy is tender :giggle:

The only time I cook anything that long is when I have the smoker going. Last time I smoked I cooked around 20 lbs of pork roast that was salted and cured for two weeks before cooking. Tasted just like bacon :)


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Back pain sucks! The ex got hurt at work last fall and the doc gave her a ton of muscle relaxers. Any time my back hurts I pop two of them, fire up a xxxx and hurt no more!

Eh, got the flexiril here too. I could probably have something else brought to our door just for the asking. Have given it quite a bit of though too. It stays a thought for now. Probably take a sample and hit the floor as long as I've been away from it. Good to hear you get some relief though.

We got a new mattress, one of those weird foamy deals. It is really firm. She tells me I could sleep on a rock. Back feels better for it though. Besides that, a lot of external stresses are well, gone. We do have neighbors to one side of us I think might be finding out how the police enjoy making folks obey the peace. They get a bit too loud, which is what everyone told her to ensure I didn't do. *chuckles* I'm a church mouses, church mouse. :) Hear my keyboard clattering? ;)

Main concern for me presently is finding something beyond the idiot boxes to do, aside from housework which I stay far too abreast of to keep occupied with for long. Been doing some wire and coils, yet I can only do so much of that, ... until I can figure if I can do some to sell here.

Hm. I might go fetch my comic books in order to database my collection. Started to do that while back but got sidetracked. Figure I could average oh say $5 per book, not sure how many I got but I'm sure it's over 100, night even be 1,000. Hm, even if I just 'yard sale' sell them that could be some good money to get a DIY juice kit set up. I dunno, we'll see. Never can tell with me. *chuckles* Oh look there I go again, better catch myself ...


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Eh, got the flexiril here too. I could probably have something else brought to our door just for the asking. Have given it quite a bit of though too. It stays a thought for now. Probably take a sample and hit the floor as long as I've been away from it. Good to hear you get some relief though.

We got a new mattress, one of those weird foamy deals. It is really firm. She tells me I could sleep on a rock. Back feels better for it though. Besides that, a lot of external stresses are well, gone. We do have neighbors to one side of us I think might be finding out how the police enjoy making folks obey the peace. They get a bit too loud, which is what everyone told her to ensure I didn't do. *chuckles* I'm a church mouses, church mouse. :) Hear my keyboard clattering? ;)

Main concern for me presently is finding something beyond the idiot boxes to do, aside from housework which I stay far too abreast of to keep occupied with for long. Been doing some wire and coils, yet I can only do so much of that, ... until I can figure if I can do some to sell here.

Hm. I might go fetch my comic books in order to database my collection. Started to do that while back but got sidetracked. Figure I could average oh say $5 per book, not sure how many I got but I'm sure it's over 100, night even be 1,000. Hm, even if I just 'yard sale' sell them that could be some good money to get a DIY juice kit set up. I dunno, we'll see. Never can tell with me. *chuckles* Oh look there I go again, better catch myself ...

If comic books went for $5, then I have a couple million siting here :giggle: After I flooded last year I threw away probably close to 15K comic books that went underwater. Luckily my older ones from the 70's and 80's survived.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Man - woke up with all facial orifices leaking something - even my eyeballs o_O


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If comic books went for $5, then I have a couple million siting here :giggle: After I flooded last year I threw away probably close to 15K comic books that went underwater. Luckily my older ones from the 70's and 80's survived.

Well, yes, I have a bunch like that 70's & 80's. A bulk of the collection is Marvel X-Men, which with the ones I've got even in simply "good" condition, could warrant around an average of $5 per book.

Like with anything from Tupperware to Avon bottles, kind of relies on "having a market", though. If I could afford to database them all and get them independently graded it would help ensure having a market. Been considering kind of pulling a foot's down and let the wife "afford" a trip down toward Charleston to get that.

You might laugh but I think between us we can at least see there is "something" to comic books. Granted I'm not going to promise anybody huge fortunes,but maybe a modest windfall? If nothing else it might be a little mad money when there's no money, something being better than nothing.


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A reassuring diagnosis

For a minute there I thought I might be coming down with a darn cold

Turning into a :zombie:, I bet. That also explains the earthquake. You lot, zombies, were all coming to surface and shoved the ground around. I'll go sacrifice a few virgin goats now and hide all my extra peanut butter stash. I know you'll not come for me because I long ago took my brain, zombie food, out and lost it but good. Still, can't have you eating my peanut butter. I need it as rat bait for when you guys destroy our power lines and other infrastructure which can cripple our local grocer's markets. Why rats? Two fold reasoning actually, protein source, and it'll help curb the Black Death being spread. I'll feast on rats to avoid the Catholics killing cats as they did the first big time around, claimed cats were from the devil and spread the Plague. Got to enjoy the simple minded reasoning of grand Church sometimes.


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A reassuring diagnosis

For a minute there I thought I might be coming down with a darn cold

super dose vitamin C

ignore dosage on pack, take 10,000 mg a day until cured

you can't OD it, you just pee out any excess

i know i sound like a whinging MIL, but it does work [brandy helps feel better until it works]

have heard super dosing echinacea works too, but i have not tried that

a mate of mine died of the flu last august [winter] don't mess around :blowkiss:


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super dose vitamin C

ignore dosage on pack, take 10,000 mg a day until cured

you can't OD it, you just pee out any excess

i know i sound like a whinging MIL, but it does work [brandy helps feel better until it works]

have heard super dosing echinacea works too, but i have not tried that

a mate of mine died of the flu last august [winter] don't mess around :blowkiss:

Oddly I know a doctor what says vitamin C is the cure for h*roin addiction as well. Always interesting to note the various odd correlations stuff has to bear.


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Morning fugee's :)

Yesterday was the ex's B-day so went over to her place last night, grilled a couple steaks and then puppynapped my boy when she wasnt looking. :giggle: Now Rascal is like a fungus glued to me side :D

Life is good :)

And GFY yall :teehee:


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I put a 10 turn 26 ga SS316l 3mm id paralell coil in mine.
Non parallel works too but the parallel is better to me.
Some like claptons and such in there.
Thanks! I'm thinking of twisting some 26 ga Kanthal and using that to build a coil. Probably tomorrow though. And by parallel you wound 2 strands together right?

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Thanks! I'm thinking of twisting some 26 ga Kanthal and using that to build a coil. Probably tomorrow though. And by parallel you wound 2 strands together right?
Yep twist one ends of the wire tightly together with pliers.
Then wrap both at the same time without crossing.
then twist the other end together.
2 pairs of small pliers work best for the twisting.

No reason twisted wire would not work fine as well.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Thanks! I've been googling parallel coils. At least now I know what I'm looking at! :giggle:
The coil I make.
I take 2 wraps off of a standard sized spool of wire.
Put the 2 ends together hold with one pair of pliers and twist the ends together with another pair.
The pull the loop out and straighten it and make it 2 wires side by side.
Then I put the twisted end in the coilmaster wrapping tool and wrap by hand.
When I get the wraps I want on there I grab the wires with pliers up against the coilmaster rod and then twist them together with another pair of pliers.

Kiinda wish I was good at making videos.

Boden from ECF did this vid. except for the weird rod and the heating it is how I make parallel coils.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I'm doing pretty well considering how sick everyone around me has been

Glad I was juicing all week, think that has kept it from rampaging through my system as hard as some
so far so good this winter. Just a bit of sinus trouble but no real colds or flu so far.
Had some kind of not too bad bug a while back...
From Grandkids I suspect.
Jinxed myself!


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The coil I make.
I take 2 wraps off of a standard sized spool of wire.
Put the 2 ends together hold with one pair of pliers and twist the ends together with another pair.
The pull the loop out and straighten it and make it 2 wires side by side.
Then I put the twisted end in the coilmaster wrapping tool and wrap by hand.
When I get the wraps I want on there I grab the wires with pliers up against the coilmaster rod and then twist them together with another pair of pliers.

Kiinda wish I was good at making videos.

Boden from ECF did this vid. except for the weird rod and the heating it is how I make parallel coils.
Thanks! I’ll look at it when I’m get home from work.

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