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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Think whatever brain matter left me was properly warped ever father away yesterday evening. I felt alright yesterday and during the afternoon got back to a little weed eating. It was not my normal go like gangbusters still, I made a fair dent, more today to do. My desire to get back to it is fueled by nearly stepping on a garter snake a few days ago. It was too close to the house for my druthers.

Had recorded the premier of the new series Falling Water. I described it to my wife as: Twin Peaks meets Inception meets Dark City meets Matrix and twisted darkly through a looking glass with H.P. Lovecraft zest. Y'all don't need to watch it, I'll save you from it. Been a while since early American Gothic found some originality, I liiiiike it. :)

I ordered a Hastur V2 Style rda, a ten pack of needle tipped 10ml refill bottles, a Coppervape 'repair kit', another Sony/Sanyo Vtc 4 18650 battery and two more pink battery condoms yesterday.

Well, :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:s and warm :):):):):) s with friendly :wave::wave::wave::wave::wave:s all around. Y'all run 'er slow & GFY in best of health and spirits. I'm gonna :treadmill: and maybe do a little :bingo:around until I'm :poop: ed. Watch out for Flipper :sneaka::cheers:.

ETA: :gaah::cuss2: Political :poop:

Huh, damned if I didn't write buttery before. (lol) :)

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I absolutely do, and I'd absolutely vote for Pat before either of the R or D candidates, this outing. :facepalm:

NOBODY is going to get in that ring, that has ever been advised about wrestling with pigs. Hell, even Pat Paulsen would have sat this one out. I'd think about changing my name to "None of the above" if that job wasn't so sucky anymore.

Good morning, Fugees. I hope your day is beautiful.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
NOBODY is going to get in that ring, that has ever been advised about wrestling with pigs. Hell, even Pat Paulsen would have sat this one out. I'd think about changing my name to "None of the above" if that job wasn't so sucky anymore.

Good morning, Fugees. I hope your day is beautiful.

The weather has been beautiful for the past week+, which irks the shit outta me. Got the call about my mom's heart attack that started the past week's awfulness Wednesday of last week, the weather just goddamned gorgeous, and it still is. Times like this, there should be pouring rain, hail, lightening, tornadoes, blizzards, rain of toads and locusts and blood... not this fucking beautiful 80 degrees and no humidity. :cuss2:



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ECF Refugee
Morning fugee's :D

Gonna try sumptin new today. All my cast iron stuff was nasty and rusty from the flood so last night I took them and cleaned them all up and reseasoned them. So today I am going to use my cast iron dutch oven and try to make some bread in it. Mixed up some dough last night and its been rising for about 15 hours now so in another hour or so should have some fresh home made bread.

Oh yeah, almost forgot....GFY :)


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Morning fugee's :D

Gonna try sumptin new today. All my cast iron stuff was nasty and rusty from the flood so last night I took them and cleaned them all up and reseasoned them. So today I am going to use my cast iron dutch oven and try to make some bread in it. Mixed up some dough last night and its been rising for about 15 hours now so in another hour or so should have some fresh home made bread.

Oh yeah, almost forgot....GFY :)

YUM! I am a sucker for fresh, home made bread. Salvaging the cookware. I guess when picking up the pieces, the twigs gotta come up too. Awesome Doc, steady as she goes!


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ECF Refugee
YUM! I am a sucker for fresh, home made bread. Salvaging the cookware. I guess when picking up the pieces, the twigs gotta come up too. Awesome Doc, steady as she goes!

It is as good as it looks :D



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Did not watch the debate here. Any interest I have in politics is fleeting in passing. Granted I would appreciate any vaping prohibition, legal impediments abolished & there might be a few other idealistic humanitarian things I'd like seeing done. That aside I look at all politicians as crooks & liars, and not honest crooks either.

Been watching Bong Bong & Gibbs, much as me and wife don't care for Tom Cruise the Jack Reacher movies are at least "alright". I did some more weed eating today, more than I did yesterday. I'll probably be doing more than the past two days tomorrow A little at a time I'll have the back forty cleaned up again. Took my bedtime medicines, likely rack out in a bit..


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It is as good as it looks :D

Damn Doc, that looks delicious....better lay low with the BUTTER, although I understand it's comparable to stopping an alcoholic from drinking after they already had a few...:devil:

Amish round butter? never heard of it....hope you didn't find any hair in duh budder-roll......:wave:


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Member For 4 Years
Sweet! Not DAY shift, but not BAD either. Especially for a night owl. I'd be comfortable in that shift. Trying to sleep right after work is always difficult though.. LOVE the drive news!

So right on this! It doesn't matter how tired I am when I get off, it's still 2-2:30 before I'm tired enough to go to bed. Good news is, I don't have to get up early in the mornings. :D
Hi Lynn....hope you had a good day, despite, I mean despise work...:)
Despise work is right! I've been dealing with discrimination issues since Monday. I found out this afternoon that I should be offered permanent status next week. Hopefully I'll be able to change shifts and cells so I don't have to work with the racist asshole I'm working with now. o_O


Senior Moderator
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So right on this! It doesn't matter how tired I am when I get off, it's still 2-2:30 before I'm tired enough to go to bed. Good news is, I don't have to get up early in the mornings. :D

Despise work is right! I've been dealing with discrimination issues since Monday. I found out this afternoon that I should be offered permanent status next week. Hopefully I'll be able to change shifts and cells so I don't have to work with the racist asshole I'm working with now. o_O

I hope it works out for you too...!


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ECF Refugee
Good morning fugee's. Another hot day today but a cold front is suppose to come thru this evening and then we will start having some cooler weather. Im ready for it!

Damn Doc, that looks delicious....better lay low with the BUTTER, although I understand it's comparable to stopping an alcoholic from drinking after they already had a few...:devil:

Amish round butter? never heard of it....hope you didn't find any hair in duh budder-roll......:wave:


Amish roll butter is real butter that is very rich. Sold in 2 lb rolls.

Presidential Debate and now suffering PTSD?

I avoided all the debates between Hitlery and Trump because I knew they all would be nothing more than love fest for Clinton and hate fast for Trump. From what I heard not once did any of the moderators go after Hitlery on the laws she broke with the emails, how the directer of the FBI been getting rich from the Clinton dynasty nor her role in Benghazi yet they hammered Trump on everything they could dream of. The liberal media is so biased that there is no limits to the extent they will go to advance the liberal agenda. Was watching a short clip of last nights debate on the morning news where they was trying to corner Trump on accepting the election results regardless of the outcome. Hitlery of course claimed she was appalled that anyone wouldnt accept the results knowing full well every single bit of voter fraud has always been in Democrats favor.

I have lost all hope that this country of ours can ever recover. The election results have already been determined and they are just going thru the motions and I can see within the next ten years a civil war breaking out. In my opinion on Nov 6th 2012 the America we all loved died when massive voter fraud determined the election and I see nothing to suggest that wont happen again. We are no longer we the people, we are now the we the fooled and ruled.

Dont get me wrong, I think Trump is a flaming fuckin douche bag but he has a far better chance of bringing jobs back and prosperity to the working class. Hitlery will only bring us 4 more years of misery.

Just my 2 cents worth


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Member For 4 Years
Good morning fugee's. Another hot day today but a cold front is suppose to come thru this evening and then we will start having some cooler weather. Im ready for it!


Amish roll butter is real butter that is very rich. Sold in 2 lb rolls.
We have a local Amish store where you can buy Amish Roll Butter. It is better than the stuff you get at the grocery store. Now you've made me want to ride to Yoder's Market. :) It's been awhile since I've been there.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
The election results have already been determined and they are just going thru the motions and I can see within the next ten years a civil war breaking out.

Think you might be more optimistic than I. Foresee a civil war coming far sooner than a decade. It would offer a ripened excuse for rolling out more robust automation and third stage artificial intelligence.

"Oh look we have a civil war among the classes, among the different political/religious/sexual orientation/color factions, That does it we, the capital need automated labor to replace the warring humans. Let them continue fighting, killing one another off to further the depopulation goal as well."

Imho, that would be quite a masterful stroke of genius however darkly it seems. All the rest of our seeming woes, the allegedly impending WWIII, the financial collapse of the petro-dollar, toxic produced food, unlimited prices on Epi-pens, police brutality, war on [Insert Whatever Here] ... merely illusionary smoke screens and distractions.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Agree with you, but you also comprehend the meaning otherwise. I have no doubts about you being quite astute and have clarity of vision. That conveys well in what you post.
Technically at this time any rise against the govt would be terrorism or some such.
I do not think you will get entire state governments to rise against the federal govt.

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