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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Hey Ken, I mean..............Moo. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

Did you know that Barbie is often packaged with Ken, but only comes with GI Joe?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I hope you get better quick, Andria! Remember, when we did stuff we weren't used to doing when we were young, it hurt like hell the next day too. I try to remind myself after the first trip up my hill in the spring, or first day on the snowboard. It has ALWAYS hurt...

Funny you bring up dancing. I put Etta James on the phono before dinner, and danced all by myself to the whole side. :) I was thinking, "this is pretty good exercise. Fun, too."

Well, at this point, I have a way of telling what's up with my back -- that pain I had last weekend after pruning half a dozen out of control rosebushes, that was just sore muscles, aching, just from being out of shape, more or less gone in a couple days. Unfortunately, this is an aggravation of my old spinal injury, at L4/L5, and the pain is quite different, and a lot worse -- it's like an abscessed tooth, nerve pain; it shoots and burns with the SLIGHTEST movement -- it's what kept me awake last night until about 7 this morning; no matter how much ibuprofen and Alleve I took, I might as well have been taking sugar pills. I was just delighted when I got up to find it had lessened considerably -- I was so tired when I finally fell asleep, I lay in the same exact position for about 6 hrs, and that was what it really needed.

I'm also suffering more physical pain as a result of my emotional pain. Just when I think maybe I'm getting over that a little, back it comes and smacks me right in the face again. One might have thought that my anger at my mother would mean not so much suffering, but it seems the opposite is true; now the 4 months before her death in which I didn't see or speak to her is my bitterest regret. It does no good to try and "talk sense" to myself about it; it just hurts, and there isn't one damn thing I can do about it. I know for a fact that time heals, but enduring that time... that's the hard part. When I lost my dearly beloved grandfather at 24, I could get drunk and use all manner of white powders, to blunt the pain; I no longer have that option. Sleep is my only panacea, but sometimes I hurt so much, both physically and emotionally, sleep is a million miles away.



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I didn't do a damn thing today either!

* Laughing * I hear you now. :)

Well, I'm going to mention something here to help spread more light in the world. Yes, life for me & wife at times gets a bit rough. It probably does for many here. Think many also can own up to knowing others might face rougher lives. Think many also can appreciate helping children, especially when there is a group like World Vision
attacking the root causes of poverty.

These folks seem to have started from Shenzhen Technology's desire to help create a better world for everyone while still being a rather profitable industry. Shenzhen Technology is involved in many various business fields. Those germane to vaping ought to be obvious. They make Coppervape and from what I'm understanding a lot of other brands, all tying back to the core of Shenzhen Technology.

Of course, I may be seeing it in error as I'm only speculating at connecting dots. I know that in Japan a company will act as a flagship company to umbrella several smaller companies as one conglomerate or family of companies under one core family. I'm not sure if the Chinese do the same or not. It would seem the practice would be used as it's highly beneficial for all small business involved.

Well okay, I've tried to help spread some more light in the world. My Boy Scout good deed is done for the day. :)


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Well, at this point, I have a way of telling what's up with my back -- that pain I had last weekend after pruning half a dozen out of control rosebushes, that was just sore muscles, aching, just from being out of shape, more or less gone in a couple days. Unfortunately, this is an aggravation of my old spinal injury, at L4/L5, and the pain is quite different, and a lot worse -- it's like an abscessed tooth, nerve pain; it shoots and burns with the SLIGHTEST movement -- it's what kept me awake last night until about 7 this morning; no matter how much ibuprofen and Alleve I took, I might as well have been taking sugar pills. I was just delighted when I got up to find it had lessened considerably -- I was so tired when I finally fell asleep, I lay in the same exact position for about 6 hrs, and that was what it really needed.

I'm also suffering more physical pain as a result of my emotional pain. Just when I think maybe I'm getting over that a little, back it comes and smacks me right in the face again. One might have thought that my anger at my mother would mean not so much suffering, but it seems the opposite is true; now the 4 months before her death in which I didn't see or speak to her is my bitterest regret. It does no good to try and "talk sense" to myself about it; it just hurts, and there isn't one damn thing I can do about it. I know for a fact that time heals, but enduring that time... that's the hard part. When I lost my dearly beloved grandfather at 24, I could get drunk and use all manner of white powders, to blunt the pain; I no longer have that option. Sleep is my only panacea, but sometimes I hurt so much, both physically and emotionally, sleep is a million miles away.


* gentle (((((((( @AndriaD ))))))))) *

I am not being any kind of better person, or preaching. You know there is something you can do to help yourself and it does not involve any substances beyond you acting to manifest the gestures. You can first forgive your mom. I'm not exactly talking any kind of religious forgiveness, no, forgiveness is not exclusive to only religion. Anyone, even those without religion, can forgive anyone else. Then, you can forgive yourself for being so angry as to not talk with your mom. Yep, again anyone can forgive themselves.

In some way your situation with your mom seems to be similar to mine with my step-dad. Most, nearly all of his life, he was a complete prick and brutishly mean fucker to me and my mom. I had grown so angry I got away from him, moved with my wife away from the confrontation which seemed destined. Knew if I stuck around as a grown man we could have found one of us jailed for at least battery, assault and possibly one for murder, or both of us. I had sworn that if I knew he was on his deathbed, I would get there and give him the Judas kiss, lean in and whisper to him "you made my life a living Hell, now die and go enjoy the Hell you'll face." I would not have killed him then, only walked away letting him stew and squirm until he died.

I saw no way to forgive, him or me. Well he passed, allegedly from natural causes. Us three brothers though kind of have a suspicion. Mom had taken to sleeping in another bedroom from him. She claimed hearing a thunk over in his bedroom, getting up to go see if he was alright, found him dead from well, take a pick, stroke, heart attack, stopping being a long haul trucker or even trucker. There was a cursory glance by the M.E. but no autopsy was done. We suspect mom *cough* might *cough* have had more to do with him dying than she lets on. They were there in the house alone, all of us grown and away. I think maybe only one of us would blame her, his special boy that grew up to follow his daddy's footsteps.

A few years ago, a couple after he passed, I finally was able to forgive. I forgave him and myself. Yes, it does help a lot. :) This said the forgetting, yes, it takes time.


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Morning fugee's and GFY

Yesterday they installed cable for me. The deal they offered just couldnt be denied! Cable, phone and internet for $96. I was paying $56 for internet alone and $52 for a home phone. Nice savings plus cable TV to boot :) I added HBO, Cinamax and Showtime for an extra $20 a month but after one night with them I think I probably will drop them because they really do suck.

I like having cable TV because I can see the local news. You get some national stuff without the liberal spin. Like this morning they was reporting a woman in Florida was arrested for registering dead people to vote. Also seen Cromwells idol Hitlery email investigation has been re-opened thanks to WikiLeaks proving beyond a shadow of doubt that yes, she did send classified information over an open source. I find this funny as hell. You know the FBI was forced to do this and are not happy about it. :giggle: Bet this will seriously jeopardize Comey's deal he had in place with the Clintons. :cuss2:
The best chuckle was seeing miss Utah all upset because Trump had the audacity to kiss her on the lips not once but twice. The gall of that man to kiss a beauty contest winner. Better heat up the tar and get the feathers. :xD: Thats why I like to watch the local news, MSNBC and CNN and them will spend days on Trumps kissing Miss Utah while ignoring the emails Hiltery sent.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Cromwells Idol Hitlery?

Ahh the either or mentality. Because I ridicule Trump I must love Hitlery?

I have more the neither nor mentality on this matter.

Johnson is getting my vote.

Trump is great comedy material.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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A few years ago, a couple after he passed, I finally was able to forgive. I forgave him and myself. Yes, it does help a lot. :) This said the forgetting, yes, it takes time.

I more or less forgave her for the various drunken abuse years ago; between having my own child, and getting sober, I understood a lot more than I had previously. The biggest problem is that my mom was easy to forgive when she's not around -- she had a good heart, a generosity in many aspects of her personality; not an evil person at all -- but small-minded and petty, sometimes, spoiled and immature, almost all the time, and *enabled* hideously by my stepfather and her sister, so my good feelings and forgiveness were always pretty much wiped out by the time I'd spent a half-hour with her -- thus, the 4 months without seeing her or speaking to her, because hey, there's always tomorrow, right? Until there isn't. :(

I'm sure that as time passes, it will hurt less -- it worked that way with my grandfather, though his passing left me with a huge crater in myself that you could drive a truck into -- preferably a beer truck, at that time of my life. ;) I've learned a lot in 31 yrs, suffered a lot, grown a lot, and I'm sure I can weather this particular storm without going completely bonkers as I did when he passed; but knowing and realizing all that, doesn't make it hurt less.

And just at the moment, I'm still kinda stuck at the "shock and denial" stage -- the fact that she's really gone and not coming back, I'll never see her again... that's the thing that keeps smacking me right between the eyes. :(



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I more or less forgave her for the various drunken abuse years ago; between having my own child, and getting sober, I understood a lot more than I had previously. The biggest problem is that my mom was easy to forgive when she's not around -- she had a good heart, a generosity in many aspects of her personality; not an evil person at all -- but small-minded and petty, sometimes, spoiled and immature, almost all the time, and *enabled* hideously by my stepfather and her sister, so my good feelings and forgiveness were always pretty much wiped out by the time I'd spent a half-hour with her -- thus, the 4 months without seeing her or speaking to her, because hey, there's always tomorrow, right? Until there isn't. :(

I'm sure that as time passes, it will hurt less -- it worked that way with my grandfather, though his passing left me with a huge crater in myself that you could drive a truck into -- preferably a beer truck, at that time of my life. ;) I've learned a lot in 31 yrs, suffered a lot, grown a lot, and I'm sure I can weather this particular storm without going completely bonkers as I did when he passed; but knowing and realizing all that, doesn't make it hurt less.

And just at the moment, I'm still kinda stuck at the "shock and denial" stage -- the fact that she's really gone and not coming back, I'll never see her again... that's the thing that keeps smacking me right between the eyes. :(


Right now your in mourning. You lost a parent and it takes a while to deal with that but that is all part of the mourning. My father passed over 30 years ago and I still miss him. I also still remember beatings no child should of ever endured. None of our parents were perfect but still they was our parents and it takes mourning their loss in order to move on. Take your time Andria, its ok.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well, I got the rollering done on the wall I started. I'm gonna let it sit for an hour or so, see if there are any spots I need to touch-up; it's pretty fast-drying paint, and from what I could see in the edging I did, covers even that darker urgly green really well. We didn't get the Behr Marquee, their best-quality/best-coverage one, but the next one down from it ("Premium Plus Paint and Primer in One"), and it does do a really good job.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Good news! One coat is sufficient! Looks great! :) The ol man is moving the bed around, and getting ready to tape the baseboards and ceiling for the next wall and most of the 3rd, at least to the door.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Hola Fugees......:vino:.....everyone have a lovely Saturday?.......:vapemail:
Well, SOMEbody got vape mail today!! WOOT!!!!

I got UPS! Nothing vape related, I got a watch winder. Tired of putting it on only to find I obviously haven't worn it in a bit. Yay, I thought, self winding! Uh, you have to WEAR them for that to happen..


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Anyone been to Fat Daddy Vapes web site lately?

Sometime last week, ordered a unit of 2.5M pins and unit of 3M pins. They arrived promptly and appear in good condition. :) Not had opportunity yet to make use of them. Got them to have a more effaceable means to converting atties to squonk atties without needing to drill out pins meself, or slashing Peek insulator rings. :)

They change the site up? Belay that, read back and saw. Took the saw, cut up the table and made a rack to crash in. I have felt ragged out all day. Got a few days of busy hustle time, sciatica decided to rein Hell on me during all of it. Think my back has retaken Mosul on its' own, fuckers dropped spent uranium rounds as cluster poppers all over as well. So ayup, bohica bohica snafu gonna catch the z's the dang opioid took away to hide a bit of pain, ha, it thought i'd not notice. *smh, chuckling* see, i'm making cents, i better rack. Nitol. *hugs all around*
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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I am THINKING about picking up a dozen of the new VTC6's. I don't need the ADDED number of batts in my cache. I am the Recycler from Hell. I part out old computers on fleabay just so they don't go into the heap any sooner than necessary. A pet peeve of mine.

I know we have some members that have recently or are currently having some issues that buying batteries must certainly fall low on the list of priorities. You may be silently bearing something that are making an upgrade presently, difficult. Or you might just be a mooch, and that's FINE too. ;) (j/k, if ya needs em I wants ya to have em)

I would have a half dozen lightly used HE4's from the Queens tootling. They've been cycled maybe 20 times each, 300 is the accepted wisdom before performance drop becomes noticeable and time to think of replacing. And then I would cycle out 6 LG2's. Probably 40-50 cycles each. I think one of each has a tear in the wrap at the insulator, not exposing any ground. Friggin Triade "rings".

BUT, if ya take em, when their day comes, you have to do the right thing with them, don't just put them in the trash. All I ask. Shipping is on me. PM me please. I think I'd like to send 6 and 6 or maybe 3 sets of 4 if there is enough interest.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I am THINKING about picking up a dozen of the new VTC6's. I don't need the ADDED number of batts in my cache. I am the Recycler from Hell. I part out old computers on fleabay just so they don't go into the heap any sooner than necessary. A pet peeve of mine.

I know we have some members that have recently or are currently having some issues that buying batteries must certainly fall low on the list of priorities. You may be silently bearing something that are making an upgrade presently, difficult. Or you might just be a mooch, and that's FINE too. ;) (j/k, if ya needs em I wants ya to have em)

I would have a half dozen lightly used HE4's from the Queens tootling. They've been cycled maybe 20 times each, 300 is the accepted wisdom before performance drop becomes noticeable and time to think of replacing. And then I would cycle out 6 LG2's. Probably 40-50 cycles each. I think one of each has a tear in the wrap at the insulator, not exposing any ground. Friggin Triade "rings".

BUT, if ya take em, when their day comes, you have to do the right thing with them, don't just put them in the trash. All I ask. Shipping is on me. PM me please. I think I'd like to send 6 and 6 or maybe 3 sets of 4 if there is enough interest.

You're such a sweetie. I'm not currently in need, but on behalf of those who might be, and for all the times I actually *was* in need and some lovely soul PIFed me something really useful, thank you. :) (I'm thinking of the generous soul who PIFed me those heat-sink thingies to protect the threads on my VERY precious Achilles RDAs, on one of which, the threads had started smoothing down so much, it wouldn't screw into some of my mods.)



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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You're such a sweetie. I'm not currently in need, but on behalf of those who might be, and for all the times I actually *was* in need and some lovely soul PIFed me something really useful, thank you. :) (I'm thinking of the generous soul who PIFed me those heat-sink thingies to protect the threads on my VERY precious Achilles RDAs, on one of which, the threads had started smoothing down so much, it wouldn't screw into some of my mods.)

I HAD one of those. Came with an RDA. They REALLY work to cool the RDA and keep the heat away from the mod. One of the most underrated pieces of vapeware. I need to remember to get some of those. Thanks for the reminder, Andria!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I HAD one of those. Came with an RDA. They REALLY work to cool the RDA and keep the heat away from the mod. One of the most underrated pieces of vapeware. I need to remember to get some of those. Thanks for the reminder, Andria!

I was thrilled that he sent me two of them, although only one of my Achilles had the thread problem; now I keep both Achilles permanently mounted on them, so the threads don't get subjected to any wear and tear at all. Since I've never found another vape I like anywhere near as well as the Achilles (originals), and they're not made anymore -- gotta keep 'em healthy! :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I got all the edging done on 2 more walls tonight, so I'll be able to really go to town with the roller, when I get back to it. AND, I managed to do it without re-injuring my back! HURRAH! But I may give the painting a rest tomorrow, and get some laundry done.

My husband seems surprised at how expeditiously I'm getting this done... but I reminded him, *I* *LIKE* painting! :giggle: But he continues to help out both with the taping, and the clean-up, and that does make it a lot easier. :)



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I was thrilled that he sent me two of them, although only one of my Achilles had the thread problem; now I keep both Achilles permanently mounted on them, so the threads don't get subjected to any wear and tear at all. Since I've never found another vape I like anywhere near as well as the Achilles (originals), and they're not made anymore -- gotta keep 'em healthy! :)


Is the Achilles one of Bashiks RDA's? Titanium? I have a Prometey. It's a tootle, but it's a GREAT tootle.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Is the Achilles one of Bashiks RDA's? Titanium? I have a Prometey. It's a tootle, but it's a GREAT tootle.

The authentics are made by, but I have 2 clones, of the originals; broke down and bought one of the authentic Achilles II's when this FDA bullshit was announced back in the spring, but I don't like it NEARLY as well as the originals -- too airy. I managed to address that problem by inserting a 12ga blunt needle in the inner airhole and cutting it off with a dremel wheel, but unfortunately, unlike the originals, the bastard LEAKS! :cuss2: I replaced the o-ring at the point where the tank part screws onto the base, but it didn't help, so there must be a problem with the threads there.

I also hate the new AFC control; much preferred the originals' hex-key adjustment on the bottom, like kayfuns had. And I have to wonder if that new-fangled AFC adjustment ring might be part of the reason for the leaking.


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