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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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If your wife voted for Trump too, please tell her me and @chopdoc said Thank You....:teehee:

Hey, me too. I have to admit that I had to toss out the consideration of HIM. The Supreme Court appointments, the fact that each vote should be seen as a "We'll even take a nutjob over another damn inside, career, bought and paid for member of American Royalty".

I'm really tired of seeing the same last names, on either side of the aisle, and I really hope someone with guts gets in, and TELLS us what we already know. We've been getting screwed for decades. And shine the HARD cold light of truth on the day in, day out BS. If he just does that, he will have served.

But, what I REALLY take exception to, and it is going to cost them if I have any opportunity, is the Republicans who are not getting behind Trump. The RNC, the congressman. IF "the people" decide he is the candidate they want, nuts as that may be... grrr... It tells me everything I need to know about the process. There ARE KingMakers, and an intelligent, wise, compassionate American could never hope to serve, until he has served The Machine, paid his dues, aligned his donors and lined his, and others, pockets. F THAT! Traitors.


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If your wife voted for Trump too, please tell her me and @chopdoc said Thank You....:teehee:

I really have no hope for our nation or this election. If %99 of the population voted for Trump the election results still would go to Hitlery and there isnt a damn thing any of us can do about it. The elite own the nation, not the rich but the elite. Those in power has full control and we are all screwed on this fast track to socialism/communism.
In 10 years I should be in position to retire but I really doubt if that will be a reality either. 10 years is a long time and those in power are already talking about wanting our 401K's. More than likely the elite will already have control by then and I will be forced to work 15 years or more and then I will be given what they think I need on a monthly basis instead of what I earned and saved. Thats why I am so dead set against Hitlery and even though Trump is an absolute douche bag, he is also a savy business man and is able to bring jobs back to America, he is able to improve the lives of working class Americans and he is able to stop all the illegals coming here and living off our dime. Yet you cant fight voter fraud. You also cant fight the liberal owned media who refuses to report the truth of what is going on. So I have no hope for America. She died on a night in Nov 2012 when voter fraud won the election.


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If the election fix isnt in then why all the deception? Not long ago they showed Hitlery at a rally where they claimed thousand was in attendance and showed a pic where a bunch of people was by the podium with signs and wavingCNN, NBC, ABC all the majors reported on this yet someone let out a pic from the back of the place showing maybe 100 people actually there. Recently they reported Hitlery speaking to record numbers crowds in Florida, yet the picture the used was from her senate election in New York. If she is so damn popular then why all the deception for her?


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If the election fix isnt in then why all the deception? Not long ago they showed Hitlery at a rally where they claimed thousand was in attendance and showed a pic where a bunch of people was by the podium with signs and wavingCNN, NBC, ABC all the majors reported on this yet someone let out a pic from the back of the place showing maybe 100 people actually there. Recently they reported Hitlery speaking to record numbers crowds in Florida, yet the picture the used was from her senate election in New York. If she is so damn popular then why all the deception for her?
MASSIVE CORRUPTION, nothing more, nothing less......:(


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MASSIVE CORRUPTION, nothing more, nothing less......:(

And Alinsky Rules for Radicals is being followed exactly by the elite. America is being transformed from the land of the free and the home of the brave to the land of the elite and the home of the enslaved.
Look at it, in the last 8 years our leaders have pitted everyone against everyone. The middle class and the poor hate the rich, the middle class is also pitted against the poor. The poor is against everyone who has anything. Racial tension is beyond levels from the 60's. All this to keep us distracted. And its going to get only worse with Hitlery at the helm. A lot worse.


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And Alinsky Rules for Radicals is being followed exactly by the elite. America is being transformed from the land of the free and the home of the brave to the land of the elite and the home of the enslaved.
Look at it, in the last 8 years our leaders have pitted everyone against everyone. The middle class and the poor hate the rich, the middle class is also pitted against the poor. The poor is against everyone who has anything. Racial tension is beyond levels from the 60's. All this to keep us distracted. And its going to get only worse with Hitlery at the helm. A lot worse.
Couldn't agree More...!

The Cromwell

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If the election fix isnt in then why all the deception? Not long ago they showed Hitlery at a rally where they claimed thousand was in attendance and showed a pic where a bunch of people was by the podium with signs and wavingCNN, NBC, ABC all the majors reported on this yet someone let out a pic from the back of the place showing maybe 100 people actually there. Recently they reported Hitlery speaking to record numbers crowds in Florida, yet the picture the used was from her senate election in New York. If she is so damn popular then why all the deception for her?
Alien abductions and anal probing?

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Fear and loathing in America.
Watch where a fear driven society goes.
Stay tuned for the more than 600 million immigrants!

We are headed down the tubes in many ways and BOTH sides are to blame.
And the citizens for being stupid and believing what our 'leaders' say.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well, the worse it gets, the closer we are to an actual new revolution. As long as the vast majority are enslaved by television and big pharma, nothing will change. Only when it gets really awful, will the majority rise up and actually do something. Just ask the French.



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Well, the worse it gets, the closer we are to an actual new revolution. As long as the vast majority are enslaved by television and big pharma, nothing will change. Only when it gets really awful, will the majority rise up and actually do something. Just ask the French.

We can only wish Andria, MOST don't have the backbone for civil disobedience.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Well, the worse it gets, the closer we are to an actual new revolution. As long as the vast majority are enslaved by television and big pharma, nothing will change. Only when it gets really awful, will the majority rise up and actually do something. Just ask the French.

Maybe the French aren't the best model to hold up. They've been resigned to being resigned for 200+ years. Fortunately for them, their leaders have been just as passive. It's milquetoast from top to bottom there. No self respecting usurper would even bother. "Hey Guys, I took France" "hahahahahaha"


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Maybe the French aren't the best model to hold up. They've been resigned to being resigned for 200+ years. Fortunately for them, their leaders have been just as passive. It's milquetoast from top to bottom there. No self respecting usurper would even bother. "Hey Guys, I took France" "hahahahahaha"

Heheh... I've heard that the shortest book in the world is "French Military Victories." They only win wars... against themselves. :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

Seriously though.. the French aristocracy thought they'd stay on top of the top forever... they got a rude awakening, once it got bad enough. It just has to get bad enough to break thru the complacency of Keeping up with the Pumpkin-butt family, and all those pills for every ill, real or imagined.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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We can only wish Andria, MOST don't have the backbone for civil disobedience.

Yeah, I really can't figger out what's happened to the American backbone. We used to be able to ride in a wagon for 6 months thru populations who were NOT pleased to see our pale faces, build cabins in the pure wilderness, raise our own food and make our own clothes and never ask nobody for nuthin, except maybe some ammo. :giggle: It's those damned liberals, trying to convince everyone that the goobermint is supposed to supply EVERY GODDAMNED THING IN THE WORLD, instead of just keep the peace. :facepalm: Sooner we get rid of those losers, the better for the world and everyone in it.



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Yeah, I really can't figger out what's happened to the American backbone. We used to be able to ride in a wagon for 6 months thru populations who were NOT pleased to see our pale faces, build cabins in the pure wilderness, raise our own food and make our own clothes and never ask nobody for nuthin, except maybe some ammo. :giggle: It's those damned liberals, trying to convince everyone that the goobermint is supposed to supply EVERY GODDAMNED THING IN THE WORLD, instead of just keep the peace. :facepalm: Sooner we get rid of those losers, the better for the world and everyone in it.


Liberal thinking amazes me. Like raising the minimum wage. Simple economics tells you that the added cost of labor will always be passed on to the consumer so that $5 gallon of milk is now $10. That $5 lb of hamburger is now $10 yet the people making minimum wage no longer qualify for government assistance or food stamps so they are actually worse off than before. Yet the battle cry of the liberals is "a living wage". That also makes me wonder when did pushing shopping carts inside, stocking shelves or being able to say "want fries with that" ever become a career?

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Liberal thinking amazes me. Like raising the minimum wage. Simple economics tells you that the added cost of labor will always be passed on to the consumer so that $5 gallon of milk is now $10. That $5 lb of hamburger is now $10 yet the people making minimum wage no longer qualify for government assistance or food stamps so they are actually worse off than before. Yet the battle cry of the liberals is "a living wage". That also makes me wonder when did pushing shopping carts inside, stocking shelves or being able to say "want fries with that" ever become a career?
True and as true is that increased profits are not passed on to the workers either.

If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation it would be pretty high. Maybe $20?

Inflation would not be an issue if wages matched it.

Inflation is a misunderstood finiancial tool.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I thought the bar might be nice?

It was recommended to me by someone. However considering that someone, your take on the place fits.

I'm dying to know who....:shades:

The bar is probably okay - never imbibed there. No smoking and I assume, no vaping. There are only a couple of things on the menu I'll eat

I think Moo would like the menu better - plenty of weird stuff with pungent cheeses. :giggle:

The prices are high even for Alaska.

My favorite dive got shut down by ABC:eek: Now that place was a partay and a walk on the wild side:drunk:


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True and as true is that increased profits are not passed on to the workers either.

If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation it would be pretty high. Maybe $20?

Inflation would not be an issue if wages matched it.

Inflation is a misunderstood finiancial tool.

If minimum wage kept up with inflation, could you just imagine the economy today? A $20 happy meal, yeah right. The only thing raising the minimum wage accomplishes is to hurt the middle class. Look at it, if the minimum wage was increased to $15 an hour, then what about others who was already making that or close to that. Like my ex, she is a house painter making $18 an hour. In this area that is top pay for a house painter. Now all of a sudden her buying power is drastically reduced while a buggy pusher is elevated to close to her pay. Real inflation kicks into overdrive and everyone is now hurting.
Cause and effect must be looked at when discussing such a drastic move as raising the minimum wage. To more than double it will cause way more harm than any good it will do. It will effect many like in the house building industry, When massive inflation kicks in that $150K house a family is about to build now cost $300K and they cant afford it, so they dont have the house built. People are now unemployed because the economies inflation cause people to not spend.
Minimum wage jobs was never meant to be a career choice nor to support a family. Its entry level employment mainly to get young people use to working and into the job force where they can decide where to go from there.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Fear and loathing in America.
Watch where a fear driven society goes.
Stay tuned for the more than 600 million immigrants!

We are headed down the tubes in many ways and BOTH sides are to blame.
And the citizens for being stupid and believing what our 'leaders' say.

Yeah, I checked the math on that. Wasn't it 650,000,000 last I heard? If EVERYONE in Canada, Mexico, and Brazil moved here, we'd be halfway to her quota! I think he meant to say 650,000, because that other number isn't even PLAUSIBLE, and would triple our own population. I do like though, that when he BULLSHITS, it is such OBVIOUS bullshit, that claiming you took it as gospel would make you look like an idiot.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I'm dying to know who....:shades:
The bar is probably okay - never imbibed there. No smoking and I assume, no vaping. There are only a couple of things on the menu I'll eat
I think Moo would like the menu better - plenty of weird stuff with pungent cheeses. :giggle:
The prices are high even for Alaska.
My favorite dive got shut down by ABC:eek: Now that place was a partay and a walk on the wild side:drunk:

Let's not confuse my dining proclivities, with those of my DRINKING. When dinner is done and it is time to party, I am the UnderLord. I come from beneath you, and NOTHING is beneath me.. ;)

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Yeah, I checked the math on that. Wasn't it 650,000,000 last I heard? If EVERYONE in Canada, Mexico, and Brazil moved here, we'd be halfway to her quota! I think he meant to say 650,000, because that other number isn't even PLAUSIBLE, and would triple our own population. I do like though, that when he BULLSHITS, it is such OBVIOUS bullshit, that claiming you took it as gospel would make you look like an idiot.
Yep. And one of the wife's cousins from the non crazy side. Well I used to think so anyway. Was spouting that rhetoric down at the country store/hangout yesterday.....
There are Republicans and there are Rabid Republicans ;)
Just as there are Democrats and there are Socialist Democrats.


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Morning fugee's and GFY

Didnt sleep worth a damn last night, guess I was a bit worked up or sumptin so around 1 am decided to mix up some sourdough rye bread. t didnt come out that well. Just didnt rise like it was suppose to but said screw it anyway and around 5 am I put it in the oven. Flavor is excellent but I can do better I believe so will give it another shot in a few days.

Was thinking one day making a solar oven to bake bread and other things in it would be cool. I am no prepper or green kind of person but some things just seem cool and a solar oven to me is one of those things. :)


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Yeah, I really can't figger out what's happened to the American backbone. We used to be able to ride in a wagon for 6 months thru populations who were NOT pleased to see our pale faces, build cabins in the pure wilderness, raise our own food and make our own clothes and never ask nobody for nuthin, except maybe some ammo. :giggle: It's those damned liberals, trying to convince everyone that the goobermint is supposed to supply EVERY GODDAMNED THING IN THE WORLD, instead of just keep the peace. :facepalm: Sooner we get rid of those losers, the better for the world and everyone in it.

Hey Andria, you're a fan of the MTL style rdas right, as I recall? We just got an email from Cthulhu that they're releasing their rda specifically for MTL, so I thought of you if I remember correctly..

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


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Yep. And one of the wife's cousins from the non crazy side. Well I used to think so anyway. Was spouting that rhetoric down at the country store/hangout yesterday.....
There are Republicans and there are Rabid Republicans ;)
Just as there are Democrats and there are Socialist Democrats.

From my point of view there is no such thing as a Democrat or a Republican anymore, Those we elect care less about representing the people, they only want to represent the party.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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From my point of view there is no such thing as a Democrat or a Republican anymore, Those we elect care less about representing the people, they only want to represent the party.
Most represent their big donors and those who promise them or family members cushy jobs after they leave office.
They serve themselves more than they serve us.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Liberal thinking amazes me. Like raising the minimum wage. Simple economics tells you that the added cost of labor will always be passed on to the consumer so that $5 gallon of milk is now $10. That $5 lb of hamburger is now $10 yet the people making minimum wage no longer qualify for government assistance or food stamps so they are actually worse off than before. Yet the battle cry of the liberals is "a living wage". That also makes me wonder when did pushing shopping carts inside, stocking shelves or being able to say "want fries with that" ever become a career?

I can't really argue with the minimum wage rising to keep pace with inflation. It's the idea that anything someone doesn't have -- education, health care, or WHATEVER, the gov't is supposed to provide. Uhhh.. since when????????? Whatever happened to working for a living and saving for what you want???????? There isn't ONE GODDAMNED THING in the constitution about education or health care, and I resent the living hell out of liberals co-opting my federal gov't to try and provide those things for those too ne'er-do-well to get them for themselves!!! Or trying to force me to buy something, which, the ONLY reason I don't have it, is BECAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD IT!!!!!!!!!!! If I COULD afford it.. I'D BLOODY WELL HAVE IT!
Without their busybody interference!

But the thing I hate even worse than that? The sheer infamy of less than 1% of the population controlling more than 90% of EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I don't object to people being wealthy, when they've worked hard and earned it. What I DO object to is the richest of the rich gaming the system so vilely that nobody else has ANYTHING! Buying politicians... and even worse, politicians willing to be bought... every goddamned one of them needs to be EXECUTED!!!!!!!!!!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Hey Andria, you're a fan of the MTL style rdas right, as I recall? We just got an email from Cthulhu that they're releasing their rda specifically for MTL, so I thought of you if I remember correctly..

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

That's cool, though I'd still prefer to use things that I can actually pronounce. :giggle: Got a link?



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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From my point of view there is no such thing as a Democrat or a Republican anymore, Those we elect care less about representing the people, they only want to represent the party.

That's why I'll be voting for Gary Johnson -- if I'm gonna support a party, I much prefer the Libertarians; they seem to support things that I do -- such as LIBERTY. Neither of the other two seem to give a rat's ass about liberty; they want to COERCE us one way or the other.



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That's why I'll be voting for Gary Johnson -- if I'm gonna support a party, I much prefer the Libertarians; they seem to support things that I do -- such as LIBERTY. Neither of the other two seem to give a rat's ass about liberty; they want to COERCE us one way or the other.


I cant say I dont like Gary Johnson, I really dont know enough about him to like or dislike. What I dont like is Hitlery. She is pure evil in my opinion and will do nothing but make things far worse for the working class.

Speaking of the %1, one of its leading members is a man named George Soros. He is one of the top political donars and only supports Democrats. You will never hear a bad word about him from the lame media because they are to busy focusing on the Koch brothers who mainly support Republicans, Obama sold the processing rights of our votes in the general election to a company from Spain for the 2012 election that had major ties to George Soros. Funny how many complained how during the 2012 election peoples votes was being changed from Romney to Obama right in front of their eyes multiple times.
Last few days there been some word of it in the news and they claim those machines wont be used this election but more than likely the machines origins will be transfered to a shell company with untraceable ownership and they will be used with the same results. Doesnt matter who you vote for, your vote will be counted for who the elite wants to win the election.


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Something else I found very comical during the last election. The liberals fought tooth and nail against voter ID claiming it put undue pressure on people to secure and ID, even when it was free. Yet right after the election the government came out with notice that everyone who was collection welfare, social security, unemployment or any form of government assistance that came as a monthly check would be required to have a bank account for direct deposit because they was no longer going to mail checks to people.

What is the one thing needed to open a bank got it, a valid ID. So its ok to require people to have a valid ID to open a bank account in order to receive their government assistance checks. It is no hardship on them to make them travel to the bank once a month in order to cash out their government checks but its an undue hardship to require them to obtain a free voter ID. Now thats liberal logic :giggle:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Just use ropes and a sturdy tree, think of all the tax dollars you could save versus building guillotines. :giggle::giggle:

Well, the bloody liberals have been so busy cutting down trees to build schools and community centers and welfare offices, good luck finding a tree tall and strong enough! But just think of all the jobs that could be created, building guillotines! :giggle: We could get some of those losers off welfare! :giggle:



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Well, the bloody liberals have been so busy cutting down trees to build schools and community centers and welfare offices, good luck finding a tree tall and strong enough! But just think of all the jobs that could be created, building guillotines! :giggle: We could get some of those losers off welfare! :giggle:


Now that is surprising. The same schools that was here when I moved to Louisiana in the early 80's are the same schools kids are attending today, actually a few of them closed since then. Only new school; I know of is a real nice Baptist church school but since God is part of the studies, no federal dollars are allowed for it. Now if Allah was being taught they could rake in the federal funds.

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