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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Good morning y'all! What better way to celebrate this Erection Day than to GFY!
Huh? What's that? Dammit, I woulda swore the guy on the radio said erection, not election.

Little Johnny: "Dad! Dad! My willy can reach my bunghole!"

Dad: "That's nice son. Now, put it in your bunghole and go fuck yourself 'cos I don't wanna hear it!"


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
If I were registered vote, I would do write ins. Goldberg for President and Mick Foley for Vice President. Though I might also write in Baked Brown Beans for President and Country Sausage for Vice President.

Actually kind of ticked off a bit. Need to go in for my wife today, I have to go in order to hold her place in the voting line. Told her that wasn't my job because I don't vote, and since I don't vote I can bitch about all you silly fuckers who do that foul it all up for the rest of us.


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ECF Refugee
I will stick to my original assumption. It doesnt matter who we the people vote for, the only thing that matters is who the political elite tells the voting machine programmers who will win. Too many things says it will be that way, kinda like last week the lame stream media was showing a picture on one candidate surround by many people at a campaign event in Florida which the polls claims she was winning that state yet turns out the picture was from a 2006 New York Senate race event because she didnt have that many people at any of her recent rallys while her opponent was packing every place he went. If the fix isnt rigged then why the deception? makes me wonder......

Im just glad its election day and I dont have to hear this crap on TV anymore. Am about sick and tired of the mud slinging. In Louisiana even the local elections get down and very dirty in the mud slinging and that has always been a turn off to me,


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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Mornin' fugees. Bah humbug. If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it. But I'll still go and deprive both the whack-job and the criminal of my vote this evening.

As for giving up enjoyable stuff... I already gave up drugs, alcohol, sex, and smoking; fuck if I'm giving up sugar and bacon. :blech:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Woah... there's an option on the ballot for hanging someone??? Never saw THAT on a ballot before. :giggle:



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ECF Refugee
howdy Fugges, Hope all are well.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I wish everyone could have this luck.

I heat with Propane. Every year I "Pre-buy" the winter needs in the late summer to lock in the summer price. Every early SPRING, I take myself off of "Automatic fillup" as the propane company likes to come fill all the tanks just before the new spring pricing kicks in. It then requires that I check my own tank and call them when I need propane. Every fall, I forget to put myself BACK on auto fill, and run out of propane. I have to wait a day or 2, or pay $100 for an "emergency delivery". I wait.

The Mrs. said to me this AM, "it's cold in here, and there doesn't seem to be any hot water" Ruh roh. Eh, I have a fireplace insert that if I close off unnecessary rooms, will heat the house in the coldest weather. But no firewood. Propane is cheap this year.

So we browsed craigslist awhile to find some wood, but I was worried about it taking too long, as our poll station is usually near empty after the lunch crowd. So we went and voted. On the way home, coming down my forest road, there is a 10"x10' piece of oak tree in the road, all trimmed ready to be cut up and split. WTH? It's about 3 insert loads worth, enough to get me through till tomorrow, when the propane truck comes.

Guys with those big outdoor fireboxes for hot water heat come clean out the woods of deadfall. This must have slid out of someones truck. NICE piece, a little green.

Chestnuts roasting on the open fire..


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well, I would like to say that I voted to hang, draw & quarter, and burn at the stake Killary, Mitch Zeller, Tom Frieden, and every liberal politician running or incumbent... but sadly, that option was not on the ballot. :(



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ECF Refugee
I been flipping between CNN and Fox all night, Most I watched either channel all year. At the moment Trump has 254 Electoral votes to Hitlery 215. He took Florida, North Carolina and Ohio which was critical that he takes.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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Trump damn near has it won.

Hmph. At least it's not Killary, but a whack-job isn't much of an improvement over a criminal. And then there's Pence, who got behind killing vaping and creating a criminal monopoly in the vape market, in Indiana.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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I probably should check the returns, make sure our incumbent R senator and representatives were re-elected. Our senior senator was up for re-election this year, and he's one of the sponsors of a bill to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. Johnny Isaakson.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Loved his speech. The capitulation to peace with Hill was a lil overblown in light of the campaign rhetoric, but conciliatory. He finally said what I needed to hear him say. To truly be a historic thing, great things must be done. Damn right. Might change the game of politics here for a long time to come.


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ECF Refugee
I liked when he said that healing the divide in our nation muxt be done. I agree, we as a nation are badly split after the last 8 years. Problem is after Trumps speech I was channel surfing and some moron on MSNBC was saying that to follow any Trump orders was morally wrong. Lunacy was the first thing that came to mind when I heard that and I couldnt change the channel fast enough to get away from it.


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ECF Refugee
I foresee a major international incident - or blatant grounds for impeachment proceedings - within 90 days of the next Presidency. You cannot put a Prima Donna in the Office of the Presidency and not expect Prima Donna type outcomes.

Be careful what you wish for... The Brits had a profound revelation too - once they realized they actually have to live with the consequences of the Brexit vote.

Just keeping an eye on the stock markets - both domestic and international - over the next 14 days should be hair raising enough alone. But hey, if you want change you have to accept the consequences.



Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
ECF Refugee
I liked when he said that healing the divide in our nation muxt be done. I agree, we as a nation are badly split after the last 8 years. Problem is after Trumps speech I was channel surfing and some moron on MSNBC was saying that to follow any Trump orders was morally wrong. Lunacy was the first thing that came to mind when I heard that and I couldnt change the channel fast enough to get away from it.

That is not what was said. The supposition was: What would our military leaders do if Trump issued any orders that were morally wrong or in violation of the Constitution itself. The bigger point being made was that Trump has proposed many actions - military and otherwise - that would be unconstitutional and how would the military respond to being asked to carry out any such orders. It's a fair question based on several of his campaign promises.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
That is not what was said. The supposition was: What would our military leaders do if Trump issued any orders that were morally wrong or in violation of the Constitution itself. The bigger point being made was that Trump has proposed many actions - military and otherwise - that would be unconstitutional and how would the military respond to being asked to carry out any such orders. It's a fair question based on several of his campaign promises.

When one is sworn into the military, one vows to uphold BOTH the Constitution of the US, AND the "commander in chief," so it would come down to, which is the greater authority? I vote Constitution; Presidents last only 4 or at most 8 yrs... the Constitution has been around since, what, 1789 or 1791 or something like that? Clearly a far greater authority.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Member For 4 Years
Must have been all that election fraud?

Yah know Bob, I was honestly worried for you as the numbers were coming in. Everything about the campaign was bat shit crazy. Hillary seemed happy enough to crawl down into the pen and mud wrassle too, though. She didn't learn the lesson about wrestling and pigs. So I really had em both figured for bat shit crazy.

That said, Trump NEVER was a conservative, let alone barely a Republican. The Party was just a convenience for him, since there was no way he was going to beat Hill in the primaries as a DEMOCRAT. I was just voting for more rather than less conservative Supremes.

So I thought he was going to make a shit president, but certainly no more shit than another bout of Rape of the Clintons. I gotta say, the Donalds speech last night was full of humility, seriousness, the cocky idiot seemed to be gone... I have much more serious hope for the next 4 years than I did BEFORE that speech.

I think many of Hillary's base of support, is going to be pleasantly surprised. In the back of my head, as he said the dumbest of shit sometimes, I kept thinking "Business is hard. Business is MEAN. Business has THE craftiest, slickest, and honestly, smartest, minds in the world. He didn't get where he is, by being a buffoon."

Maybe I'm dreaming. But I'm thinking maybe, just maybe, for once we have a President for ALL the people. God knows, he isn't owned by anyone. He hasn't sold out to anyone, and he sure doesn't owe anything to the Republican Party for where he is now. DEBT FREE. Beholden to NO ONE. It hasn't happened here since George Washington. Can't wait to see what happens.


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ECF Refugee
Yah know Bob, I was honestly worried for you as the numbers were coming in. Everything about the campaign was bat shit crazy. Hillary seemed happy enough to crawl down into the pen and mud wrassle too, though. She didn't learn the lesson about wrestling and pigs. So I really had em both figured for bat shit crazy.

That said, Trump NEVER was a conservative, let alone barely a Republican. The Party was just a convenience for him, since there was no way he was going to beat Hill in the primaries as a DEMOCRAT. I was just voting for more rather than less conservative Supremes.

So I thought he was going to make a shit president, but certainly no more shit than another bout of Rape of the Clintons. I gotta say, the Donalds speech last night was full of humility, seriousness, the cocky idiot seemed to be gone... I have much more serious hope for the next 4 years than I did BEFORE that speech.

I think many of Hillary's base of support, is going to be pleasantly surprised. In the back of my head, as he said the dumbest of shit sometimes, I kept thinking "Business is hard. Business is MEAN. Business has THE craftiest, slickest, and honestly, smartest, minds in the world. He didn't get where he is, by being a buffoon."

Maybe I'm dreaming. But I'm thinking maybe, just maybe, for once we have a President for ALL the people. God knows, he isn't owned by anyone. He hasn't sold out to anyone, and he sure doesn't owe anything to the Republican Party for where he is now. DEBT FREE. Beholden to NO ONE. It hasn't happened here since George Washington. Can't wait to see what happens.

Well said Moo


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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No, what I ASKED for, is Thomas Jefferson to rise from his dirt nap, look around and say WTF, and lead a charge to clean out the Nations Capital. I'm still holding out hope.

That would be my preference too. Unfortunately, even in his own time, Jefferson was one of a kind.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I believe all our founding fathers would be disgusted at the current mettle of politicians today.

Probably true, but Jefferson was a staunch opponent of Federalism, which put him at odds with most of the political figures of his day... and certainly ours!!!



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ECF Refugee
Been having a bad cig urge so started vaping a juice called Shade that Flavour Art makes. Its a damn good tobacco taste. Been vaping it a couple days and noticed when I blow my nose its blue snot!


Senior Moderator
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Been having a bad cig urge so started vaping a juice called Shade that Flavour Art makes. Its a damn good tobacco taste. Been vaping it a couple days and noticed when I blow my nose its blue snot!
Dayum....never heard anything like that long as your not smoking, long live the blue-snot...:vino:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
It's weird... thru all this pain over my mother, I've several times thought fondly of the days of getting drunk to forget... but the thought of a cigarette doesn't even cross my mind. Why would I want to hurt, AND taste something so nasty, smell something so horribly stinky???


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years
Got a O atty clone, Tsunami clone and a Derringer V2 clone today.
O atty is nice, So is the Tsunami. Not vaped the Derringer yet.
have the Derringer and Oatty squonkified.

had to order squonk pins for the Tsumami. It takes very long 2.5 mm pins.
The O Atty came with a squonk pin and the Derringer used a standard FDV 3mm pin.

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