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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Umm we had 'Obama Phones' all during the Bush presidency.

Yup, they promised all kinds of sweetness that wouldn't cost a dime extra, and then not only never delivered the sweetness, but hit our pocketbooks as hard as they could. I think mine was Sprint.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I have no idea whatchall mean about "Obama Phones." But Willie Nelson's on Kimmel, so I gotta go watch. :) DeNiro's on too. And whoever "gigi hadid" is, sounds like a terrorist to me.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I have no idea whatchall mean about "Obama Phones." But Willie Nelson's on Kimmel, so I gotta go watch. :) DeNiro's on too. And whoever "gigi hadid" is, sounds like a terrorist to me.


My wife says she is on the "no fly" list. :(


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Evening fugee's and GFY :D

Vape gear decided to take a crap on me recntly. My EvicVT started going to 1 watt and staying there. I tapped it and was able to adjust it a few times and then the screen blacked out so I retired it. Then I filled up one of my Supertanks and it decided to go from .5 ohms to .2 ohms and give off a horrible burnt hit. I turned the wattage down and it vaped ok for a while then went back to .5 ohms and started giving a nasty taste while wattage was still turned down. Luckily it was vaped low enough where I could take it apart and replace the coil. Then not to be outdone a merlin tank decided it didnt want to be full anymore and dumped itself all over my hand. Usually my vape gear is bullet proof but recently they decided to misbehave!


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Evening fugee's and GFY :D

Vape gear decided to take a crap on me recntly. My EvicVT started going to 1 watt and staying there. I tapped it and was able to adjust it a few times and then the screen blacked out so I retired it. Then I filled up one of my Supertanks and it decided to go from .5 ohms to .2 ohms and give off a horrible burnt hit. I turned the wattage down and it vaped ok for a while then went back to .5 ohms and started giving a nasty taste while wattage was still turned down. Luckily it was vaped low enough where I could take it apart and replace the coil. Then not to be outdone a merlin tank decided it didnt want to be full anymore and dumped itself all over my hand. Usually my vape gear is bullet proof but recently they decided to misbehave!
At least you have your health left.....:D


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would you guys call this a "locker room"? ;)

I was going to say Hi and GFY, then I remembered it was garbage night. So I will be right back, but while I am gone, the first sentence applies.
Oh my....NO, NO, NO....I'd he screaming for a wine glass, I bet the bathwater is comparable to a good Christian Moueix 1978.....:wave:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Hope I don't get hit with the insomnia storm tonight. Last night, I never did manage to get to sleep, until it was this morning -- 'bout 7:30 or 8, I think. Had a really rough day yesterday; today was marginally better, but I'm too old for that up-all-night shit anymore, it wears me out. Guess I really am an old fart. :confused:



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I wish GA would get their heads out of their ass about that. :gaah:


Move to WV. Think my wife mentioned something last month about WV doing a medical trail to legalize. Considering WV's main attitude is "Praise be Jebus, pass the beer & bullets", seems like they would honor "and God gave man every plant and herb and dominion thereof ..." as valid enough to make it legal.

Not saying I would ahem return to a state of being 'comfortably numb', but I reckon it could be helpful to have a few days a month to relax. Yes, there are other ways to relax. I find though for myself none are quite as effective as getting a little numbed as such.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Move to WV. Think my wife mentioned something last month about WV doing a medical trail to legalize. Considering WV's main attitude is "Praise be Jebus, pass the beer & bullets", seems like they would honor "and God gave man every plant and herb and dominion thereof ..." as valid enough to make it legal.

Not saying I would ahem return to a state of being 'comfortably numb', but I reckon it could be helpful to have a few days a month to relax. Yes, there are other ways to relax. I find though for myself none are quite as effective as getting a little numbed as such.

Gotta stay where the job is -- my husband's almost 64, and it's gotten harder and harder for him to find a decent job, no matter how great a forklift jockey he is. Or else we'd probably move to Arizona, to give my asthma a break -- the humidity here kills it.



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Back atcha... and I'd still love to know who ran @Atchafalaya outta here. :D

Got a good night's sleep, yay! The value of that is even more apparent after a struggle with insomnia. :)

I don't think she actually ever notices when she's been tagged incidentally. Based on past experience.
Nobody ran her out. She just has a hard time keeping up[ with more than one thread, she she will likely drop in here from time to time, but not as regular as she used to. I'll let her know you want her to stop in and say hi though.


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Well, at this point, I have a way of telling what's up with my back -- that pain I had last weekend after pruning half a dozen out of control rosebushes, that was just sore muscles, aching, just from being out of shape, more or less gone in a couple days. Unfortunately, this is an aggravation of my old spinal injury, at L4/L5, and the pain is quite different, and a lot worse -- it's like an abscessed tooth, nerve pain; it shoots and burns with the SLIGHTEST movement -- it's what kept me awake last night until about 7 this morning; no matter how much ibuprofen and Alleve I took, I might as well have been taking sugar pills. I was just delighted when I got up to find it had lessened considerably -- I was so tired when I finally fell asleep, I lay in the same exact position for about 6 hrs, and that was what it really needed.

I'm also suffering more physical pain as a result of my emotional pain. Just when I think maybe I'm getting over that a little, back it comes and smacks me right in the face again. One might have thought that my anger at my mother would mean not so much suffering, but it seems the opposite is true; now the 4 months before her death in which I didn't see or speak to her is my bitterest regret. It does no good to try and "talk sense" to myself about it; it just hurts, and there isn't one damn thing I can do about it. I know for a fact that time heals, but enduring that time... that's the hard part. When I lost my dearly beloved grandfather at 24, I could get drunk and use all manner of white powders, to blunt the pain; I no longer have that option. Sleep is my only panacea, but sometimes I hurt so much, both physically and emotionally, sleep is a million miles away.

Hey girl! Kadly and Chopsticks said you were looking for me.

Here I am. Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blowkiss:


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Ok. Moo is ALWAYS posting pics of beautiful women so I decided we ladies would like some eye candy too. I'll make a game of it. Pick a door if you dare! hehehehehe




Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Ok. Moo is ALWAYS posting pics of beautiful women so I decided we ladies would like some eye candy too. I'll make a game of it. Pick a door if you dare! hehehehehe

That 1st one still looks like my ex, though my ex is MUCH!!!! hairier (I never knew men could have hair on their buttcheeks!). The 2nd one... yum. The third one.... uhhh... no. :giggle:



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Hell yeah you were; you were singing a duet with Luke Bryan. I definitely wouldn't mind a duet with him. :D :p

OMG I LIKE that dream!
That 1st one still looks like my ex, though my ex is MUCH!!!! hairier (I never knew men could have hair on their buttcheeks!). The 2nd one... yum. The third one.... uhhh... no. :giggle:

Buttcheeks???? OMG! That's funny stuff there! :giggle:

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