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Ever try counseling. I don't wanna be overstepping at all, but my brother and his wife a few years ago are where you sound to be, and they both agreed they were gonna give it one last shot at 100 percent, and did counseling, and started to do learn new things together. I think they did a cooking class, and dance lessons, and damn if they don't seem like newlyweds these days.
I have thought about it but he won't go! I have honestly given it everything I have and I have changed and he hasn't but as the years have passed away I have been trying to let him know that we needed more to our relationship or it wasn't going to last! We are not even friends if I am being honest and he doesn't know how to communicate with me and I have tried to explain to him how important it is in a relationship to be able to communicate with each other but he just doesn't seem to get it or doesn't want to! I will be alright either way but it would be great if he would try to put in half of the effort I have for years!?! I have other plans for my future other than being in an unhappy marriage and I don't want to get old and wake up bitter and lonely and not know how it got to be that way! I love the idea of learning to dance together or something else that we would both enjoy and have even suggested some things but it doesn't work so it is what it is but thanks for the suggestion and trying to help!!!

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My Science of Vaping mod and the Aspire Triton! Both recent winnings that I received today! I am loving the Triton she is a beauty! I have only tried it on the new mod so far but they vape like a dream together! I am vaping one of the juices that I won from North West Juice Co. called Walt and I really like it! I still cannot believe that I have been so lucky!

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My Science of Vaping mod and the Aspire Triton! Both recent winnings that I received today! I am loving the Triton she is a beauty! I have only tried it on the new mod so far but they vape like a dream together! I am vaping one of the juices that I won from North West Juice Co. called Walt and I really like it! I still cannot believe that I have been so lucky!

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Very nice, I'm still waiting on the Juice I won from them, and some other stuff I've ordered recently, glad to see you got yours, and you are happy with it!


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That is a nice looking combo for sure. Love the look

My Science of Vaping mod and the Aspire Triton! Both recent winnings that I received today! I am loving the Triton she is a beauty! I have only tried it on the new mod so far but they vape like a dream together! I am vaping one of the juices that I won from North West Juice Co. called Walt and I really like it! I still cannot believe that I have been so lucky!

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Very nice, I'm still waiting on the Juice I won from them, and some other stuff I've ordered recently, glad to see you got yours, and you are happy with it!

Are you waiting on North West Juice Co or Vapor DNA? I don't know how long you have been waiting for your order but if it was before the holidays and you haven't received a message with the tracking number I would send them a message! My mouth is always going so when I don't hear from someone in a decent amount of time then they will be hearing from me! As for North West you might have been lost in the holiday weekend madness and it is probably an oversight but I would still let them know! The Vapor DNA on the other hand I am not so sure about if you have not heard from them I would send a very detailed message about what you are supposed to be receiving down to the bottle dropper! I don't think it was done intentionally but I do believe that not all of their customer service workers are completely competent and depending on who your message goes to you may have to spell everything out! Although once I was able to get in touch with a different representative everything worked out well! Anyway I am so sorry for writing a book about this when I could have just said that you should send a message if it was before the holidays!!!

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That is a nice looking combo for sure. Love the look
Thanks! They do look pretty good together! I'm still waiting on the one I got with the mod cause there was a misunderstanding on the prize for our forum and the tank is being sent separately and is on it's way now! I am absolutely loving the way the tank works on all of the mods I have but I am finding I like the look, feel, and power of the Science of Vaping mod is the best combination I have been able to find so far! I am so happy with all of the awesome prizes I have been given the opportunity to have because of this forum and the generosity of all of the individual vendors who are affiliated with the forum! Again I apologize for writing a book and thanks again! Have a great day!!!

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Thank you! Happy Anniversary and I hope you have a great night at work! 11 years is a long time but if you have a good relationship with your other half then it is easy to do! I have been with mine for about 24 years now and married for 17! I pray that you have a better relationship than I do cause even though I have been with him that long we don't really have much of a relationship and we don't talk much at all these days and I often wonder if I would be happier without him!!! Anyway I hope work isn't too rough and that you have a great anniversary day!!!

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Thank you we just hung out as a family had a nice dinner and watched some Netflix together it was a nice evening. Work was ok nothing eventful happened and in my field that's a good thing lol. We have a good relationship in my opinion there are snags and snares as with any long term relationship/ marriage but we seem to always get it worked out. Life is too short in my opinion to be unhappy I wish you all the happiness and love in the world and will pray for your marriage and clarity in your heart to know what road is the right one for you to take . Hope everyone has a great day today :)

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Good afternoon all I have spent my morning trying to figure out why my evic-VTC mini says protection the second I start vaping yet still allows Me to vape so I put in the ti coil instead of the ni and omg what a difference first time vaping with ti and WOW

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)


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Good afternoon all I have spent my morning trying to figure out why my evic-VTC mini says protection the second I start vaping yet still allows Me to vape so I put in the ti coil instead of the ni and omg what a difference first time vaping with ti and WOW

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)
thanks for saying that, because i was on the fence altogether about TC and titanium wire -haven't tried either of them, but i might give it a shot. Does it produce more vapor and flavor or just one or the other.


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Are you waiting on North West Juice Co or Vapor DNA? I don't know how long you have been waiting for your order but if it was before the holidays and you haven't received a message with the tracking number I would send them a message! My mouth is always going so when I don't hear from someone in a decent amount of time then they will be hearing from me! As for North West you might have been lost in the holiday weekend madness and it is probably an oversight but I would still let them know! The Vapor DNA on the other hand I am not so sure about if you have not heard from them I would send a very detailed message about what you are supposed to be receiving down to the bottle dropper! I don't think it was done intentionally but I do believe that not all of their customer service workers are completely competent and depending on who your message goes to you may have to spell everything out! Although once I was able to get in touch with a different representative everything worked out well! Anyway I am so sorry for writing a book about this when I could have just said that you should send a message if it was before the holidays!!!

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Waiting on the juice from North West, I won the 240 mls, and asked for 2 120s, I know mail has been crappy getting here, some stuff that was shipped tuesday got here today from CA, while another package that was shipped from FL still has yet to arrive, but shipped the same day? How from one coast to another is quicker than goin up the east coast I have no clue. I hate USPS.


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thanks for saying that, because i was on the fence altogether about TC and titanium wire -haven't tried either of them, but i might give it a shot. Does it produce more vapor and flavor or just one or the other.
Ti performance is all together better both flavor a vapor wise I think I may just say the hell with ni200 wire and get ti wire

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)


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Thank you we just hung out as a family had a nice dinner and watched some Netflix together it was a nice evening. Work was ok nothing eventful happened and in my field that's a good thing lol. We have a good relationship in my opinion there are snags and snares as with any long term relationship/ marriage but we seem to always get it worked out. Life is too short in my opinion to be unhappy I wish you all the happiness and love in the world and will pray for your marriage and clarity in your heart to know what road is the right one for you to take . Hope everyone has a great day today :)

Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk
Thank you for that! Sometimes the hardest things we have to do are the ones that end up being the best decisions we can make! It is just difficult to find the right way to leave 23 years behind you even when you know that you would be happier alone or with someone else!?! The worst thing is the when you have already made us your mind but your heart don't want to let go!?!

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Thank you for that! Sometimes the hardest things we have to do are the ones that end up being the best decisions we can make! It is just difficult to find the right way to leave 23 years behind you even when you know that you would be happier alone or with someone else!?! The worst thing is the when you have already made us your mind but your heart don't want to let go!?!

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I really can't even imagine. I hope that whatever the outcome is you go on living a happy life. We only get one.


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I think that everyone has gone to bed already! I am going to be going myself in a minute! Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone! Talk to you all tomorrow!

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i know i finaly got some apple pie and lemon coming now i just got some in today and i didnt get my syring in my order


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i know i finaly got some apple pie and lemon coming now i just got some in today and i didnt get my syring in my order

I just finally got to order them too today. :) Sorry about the syringe. I'd fix that for you if I worked in the shop. Did you create a ticket?


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yes you can it would make builing for so many people so much easier because you can only build so low on so many devises


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Good afternoon all I have spent my morning trying to figure out why my evic-VTC mini says protection the second I start vaping yet still allows Me to vape so I put in the ti coil instead of the ni and omg what a difference first time vaping with ti and WOW

The same thing just happened to me. When I got my VTC Mini kit on Thursday I popped in the nickle coil. Then took it out half an hour later in disgust. I heard the CL coils were plain bad, so I had ordered a couple of the CLR (rebuildable) coils along with the VTC kit. Tried one of those (0.5Ω kanthal) and it was night and day better. I couldn't believe the difference.

Out of curiosity, tonight I decided to give the included titanium coil a try and holy cow! Right now I have it set to 480º at 30w. The difference is amazing. I haven't tried cranking it yet but so far it's great. I'm tempted to get a pack of the CLR Ti heads. They're supposed to be even better than the CL Ti heads.

This tank is so odd. If you use the normal CL kanthal or Ni heads it's unvapeable. Makes you want to toss the tank in the trash. But the rebuildable kanthal heads are fantastic. It's not the greatest vape, but I like it more than the Kanger Subtank with kanthal. The eGo One tank and drip tip don't get nearly as hot as the Subtank. No burning lips, just nice vapor. These titanium heads take it even further. It went from "who can I give this thing to" to "where can I get more heads". I'm really glad I got the full VTC kit. I'm not sure that the flavor is quite as good with titanium as opposed to kanthal, but the overall vape is so soothing (got it filled with strawberry doughnut).

Ok, on to Vaping Watch stuff. The order I placed on the 5th (8 days ago) still isn't here. I'm so anxious to try Dragon Bananafruit and Strawberry Yogurt. The USPS is letting me down. :(


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Good morning everyone! I am getting ready for a very full day! Out to breakfast and spending the day with @Vapingbeauty and the kids can't wait! I love those kids and I am not just saying that cause she a friend! She has done an amazing job with them they are respectful and kind and all around great kids but I wouldn't expect anything less cause children usually emulate their parents! I just wanted to check in and say good morning before I leave for the day! I will probably be back later on today but for now I am off! See you all later and have a great day!!!

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The same thing just happened to me. When I got my VTC Mini kit on Thursday I popped in the nickle coil. Then took it out half an hour later in disgust. I heard the CL coils were plain bad, so I had ordered a couple of the CLR (rebuildable) coils along with the VTC kit. Tried one of those (0.5Ω kanthal) and it was night and day better. I couldn't believe the difference.

Out of curiosity, tonight I decided to give the included titanium coil a try and holy cow! Right now I have it set to 480º at 30w. The difference is amazing. I haven't tried cranking it yet but so far it's great. I'm tempted to get a pack of the CLR Ti heads. They're supposed to be even better than the CL Ti heads.

This tank is so odd. If you use the normal CL kanthal or Ni heads it's unvapeable. Makes you want to toss the tank in the trash. But the rebuildable kanthal heads are fantastic. It's not the greatest vape, but I like it more than the Kanger Subtank with kanthal. The eGo One tank and drip tip don't get nearly as hot as the Subtank. No burning lips, just nice vapor. These titanium heads take it even further. It went from "who can I give this thing to" to "where can I get more heads". I'm really glad I got the full VTC kit. I'm not sure that the flavor is quite as good with titanium as opposed to kanthal, but the overall vape is so soothing (got it filled with strawberry doughnut).

Ok, on to Vaping Watch stuff. The order I placed on the 5th (8 days ago) still isn't here. I'm so anxious to try Dragon Bananafruit and Strawberry Yogurt. The USPS is letting me down. :(

Damn you, I bought the normal CLR heads to go with my mini evic when it gets here, because you said they are better, but now you are saying the CLR Ti heads are even better, good job they are rebuildable and I already have Ti wire :p


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happysunday and week.jpg The sun is shining, the birds are in the birdbath, chores are done! Kids are coming over for bbq, hubby is going fishing. I have charged batteries, clean tanks, and VW juice. It's going to be a great day!


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I am definitely gonna get one. I don't have an ohm meter or a voltage meter yet, i just use my friends. So its a nice buy to me. Just gotta wait to clear up these doctor bills. My kids racked up. But i am seeing it looks to be available on angelcigs, the only problem is they have it listed as in stock yet shipping out october basically it sounds like they are really waiting for coilmaster to fulfill their orders.


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Probably and Angelcigs has insane shipping costs so you would be better off trying to find it elsewhere! Have you tried vaping they have it but I don't know who their link brings you yet?

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