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Ok for a rant...
I just want Xmas to be over. There is just nothing I can find to be happy about. I know it's about More than that. But I'm just sad. I wana be happy. But look my girl is 2500 miles away and there's just no way We will get to be together for Xmas. We both have suffered quit a bit as of late and none of it caused by each other just circumstances. We miss each other so much. And I no everyone is all ready for Xmas. Well I'm glad for you. But I'm just down about it and I just wish there was a way to get through it with a smile but I just can't. I just want my merry after Christmas to be here now. So I can hold the love of my life in my arms and be able to lean down and kiss her forehead. And tell her I love her to her face instead of over this phone. Looking for a smile right now. That helped a little. Thanks for listen

Sorry to hear that Scooter, that does sux. Hopefully the time apart will go by quickly. :)

Perhaps you have tried this already but I wanted to suggest using Skype to chat with your gf just in case you hadn't. It isn't the same as being next to her of course but it is better, at least imo, than just chatting on the phone. Other than that, the only other suggestion I could give would be to stay busy working on something, anything really. That helps keep my mind off of things and I usually manage to knock a few things off my 'ToDo' list too as a bonus! :)
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Scooter 72

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Sorry to hear that Scooter, that does sux. Hopefully the time apart will go by quickly. :)

Perhaps you have tried this already but I wanted to suggest using Skype to chat with your gf just in case you hadn't. It isn't the same as being next to her of course but it is better, at least imo, than just chatting on the phone. Other than that, the only other suggestion I could give would be to stay busy working on something, anything really. That helps keep my mind of off things and I usually manage to knock a few things off my 'ToDo' list too as a bonus! :)
Thank you friend. And yes we Skype. But your rite it just isn't the same as the feel of her touch. We both try to busy our selves. But the down time when your all alone with nothing to busy your mind. Just us the hardest. And sometimes you wana just scream. Once this is over I will never leave her side again. But it has done one thing. We sure have gotten to no each other quite well. We talk about anything and everything just to get one more text to one another. Thank you for your kindness. I do feel better. I just had to let it out. Or smoke a stinky and I did not want to go down that road again

scooter just wants to be in reno


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Another Wednesday about over. Did you all have a good one? I did a little more shopping, had to hunt for some bargains. But I'm good at it! Our little table tree is pretty, the cat hasn't played with it yet. A few gifts wrapped with shiny bows. Time for a hot bath and my vape! Hugs to you all catyawn.jpg

Scooter 72

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It's a long road to get where I'm going. But I'll travel this road and I'll travel it alone. On my way to you. I no you'll be there waiting when I reach the end. And there I'll take your hand in mine and I'll be alone no longer. Your love feels me with joy and hope. Something I've never had the true pleasure of before. Thank you my love. For opening my eyes to the joy of you. You make even the coldest and darkest days warm and sunny. Til tomorrow my love goodnight.

Nite everyone

scooter just wants to be in reno


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I'd love to see an oatmeal cookie flavor from Tmaxx. They already have so many excellent bakery flavors. I bet they could pull off a killer iced oatmeal cookie.
I totally agree but would need to be done with any flavoring other then TFA Oatmeal Cookie. That flavoring is sooooo nasty and every oatmeal cookie I have tried uses it and makes me sad because I have been searching for a good one but all of them with that flavoring turn out gross. I would buy the hell out of a good iced oatmeal cookie.


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Hey guys I have been really busy playing nurse and maid and everything else to my friend! We are all out of the woods yet but I am hoping that things will start improving soon! I thought he was getting better and after the Dr today I am back to worrying sick! I can't believe this is happening now! I have so much going on and hardly a minute to sit down and get on here or much of anything for that matter! I have shifted my whole life to be there in his time of need but I do miss coming on everyday and talking to all of you and everything! I just wanted to check in while I have the chance and let everyone know that I will be back as soon as possible!!! I am really hoping that the sale makes the Glenn Coco affordable to me! If I could find a way to get it all the time it would be my adv it figures I would finally find my favorite flavor and it would be just out of reach! I have been out for a while now and I miss it so much!!! Anyway I hope that everyone is doing well and that you have a great holiday! I will be around more asap! Goodnight and sweet dreams!!!

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Hey guys I have been really busy playing nurse and maid and everything else to my friend! We are all out of the woods yet but I am hoping that things will start improving soon! I thought he was getting better and after the Dr today I am back to worrying sick! I can't believe this is happening now! I have so much going on and hardly a minute to sit down and get on here or much of anything for that matter! I have shifted my whole life to be there in his time of need but I do miss coming on everyday and talking to all of you and everything! I just wanted to check in while I have the chance and let everyone know that I will be back as soon as possible!!! I am really hoping that the sale makes the Glenn Coco affordable to me! If I could find a way to get it all the time it would be my adv it figures I would finally find my favorite flavor and it would be just out of reach! I have been out for a while now and I miss it so much!!! Anyway I hope that everyone is doing well and that you have a great holiday! I will be around more asap! Goodnight and sweet dreams!!!
Hang in there ange I will be keeping you and your friend in my thoughts and prayers sweetheart. You are an amazing friend one that is rare and hard to find these days.hope you are able to get you some Glenn coco to vape I know how much it sucks to be out of your favorite flavor and broke.if I don't talk to you before have a merry Christmas and happy New year.
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Please take care of yourself, too! We miss you, and we will be here when you can get back. You are a great friend!


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  • Very nice to have another sale at VW! Maybe some bottles will find their way into my Christmas stocking....
(My laptop is doing some strange things, please disregard. ) Sleep well, sweet dreams!


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That will be me leaving work today. Granted it will be short lived as I plan on taking my son to our Crisis Nursery Holiday Store so he can do his Christmas shopping. I love it all proceeds go to the nursery and my son gets to feel accomplished. They will take him back let him pick out all his gifts and then bring me the bill while he wraps it all. Only down side to the whole thing is this year it is located in the worst spot lol. Its where everyone and their brother will be shopping so traffic will be horrible ugh. I wish they would bring it to the north end lol. Its all worth it in the end. I will get to relax by hitting up Watch's Xmas sale so will get better as the day goes on :)


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Hey guys I have been really busy playing nurse and maid and everything else to my friend! We are all out of the woods yet but I am hoping that things will start improving soon! I thought he was getting better and after the Dr today I am back to worrying sick! I can't believe this is happening now! I have so much going on and hardly a minute to sit down and get on here or much of anything for that matter! I have shifted my whole life to be there in his time of need but I do miss coming on everyday and talking to all of you and everything! I just wanted to check in while I have the chance and let everyone know that I will be back as soon as possible!!! I am really hoping that the sale makes the Glenn Coco affordable to me! If I could find a way to get it all the time it would be my adv it figures I would finally find my favorite flavor and it would be just out of reach! I have been out for a while now and I miss it so much!!! Anyway I hope that everyone is doing well and that you have a great holiday! I will be around more asap! Goodnight and sweet dreams!!!

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I'm sorry that you and your friend are having to go through this. It is really kind of you to take care of him. <3 I hope he starts improving very soon! I know we all look forward to talking to you more as soon as he's better!!! :)

Scooter 72

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Well @Nailz AND @Wrecker75 both beat me to posting the sale flyer!!! :oops: But I plan to make it up by posting it once more AND announcing THREE winners!!!!

View attachment 35476 or

Our 3 $25 credit winners are......

@Markw4mms !!!

@NGAHaze !!!

Congrats winners!!! :) PM me and I will get you your credits.
Well I'll be. Thanks man now that's alrite I sure do thank ya. That just made a good day talking with my girl that much better.

scooter just wants to be in reno


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Well @Nailz AND @Wrecker75 both beat me to posting the sale flyer!!! :oops: But I plan to make it up by posting it once more AND announcing THREE winners!!!!

View attachment 35476 or

Our 3 $25 credit winners are......

@Scooter 72 !!!
@Markw4mms !!!

@NGAHaze !!!

Congrats winners!!! :) PM me and I will get you your credits.

Just hit the site, but nothing seems to be discounted.

For anyone who hasn't tried the No Frills line... It's really really good. Ordered 7 different flavors during their last sale, and they were all good. 5/7 amazing, to be honest. Lemon Creme Doughnut was drained in a two days...


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Scooter 72

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Well @Nailz AND @Wrecker75 both beat me to posting the sale flyer!!! :oops: But I plan to make it up by posting it once more AND announcing THREE winners!!!!

View attachment 35476 or

Our 3 $25 credit winners are......

@Markw4mms !!!

@NGAHaze !!!

Congrats winners!!! :) PM me and I will get you your credits.
I still haven't herd back from anyone on this win. I hope to though there's a juice I sure wana try

scooter just wants to be in reno

Scooter 72

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It normally takes a few days to hear back, I've not received a reply back to my email from the win off the show either, but not concerned, they will come through ;)
Cool Thank you that's all I needed to no. I've never won here so I didn't no. So thanks

scooter just wants to be in reno

Scooter 72

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Me either that's a great thing to do on Sunday is nothing at all

scooter just wants to be in reno


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Congratulations to the winners and just for reference you can't use the credit during the sale so you will probably receive the codes once the sale ends at least that's how it usually is!!! I am a big part of vaping watch but even with the sale I am still a little bit short! I would just about kill for a bottle of Glenn right now and I am so not a violent person! Anyhow goodnight and sweet to all! Talk to you later!

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