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So, another week coming to an end. I'm not ready for Monday! It does get us closer to Christmas, though, I like that. Some of you guys are having nasty weather, please stay safe! And everyone stay healthy, ok? Have a good night 76402b26.x50.gif


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Hey!... Pssst!... Yeah YOU!
Have you heard??

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Peach Yogurt

Pina Colada
Blueberries n Cream
Strawberries n Cream
Peaches n Cream

***Coming soon to a Vaping Watch near you!!!!***

Scooter 72

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Sounds good I may have to try that strawberries and cream
Hope everyone is having a great day

scooter just wants to be in reno


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Congratulations to the winners and just for reference you can't use the credit during the sale so you will probably receive the codes once the sale ends at least that's how it usually is!!! I am a big part of vaping watch but even with the sale I am still a little bit short! I would just about kill for a bottle of Glenn right now and I am so not a violent person! Anyhow goodnight and sweet to all! Talk to you later!

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That's cool. I was wondering why I haven't gotten a response on a redemption code, or whatever it is they do when you win.


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Good evening, everyone! Been a great day for vape mail here, got my pair of Crius' in along with a Lost Vape E-Petite DNA-40 mod, a pair of 25R batteries, and a Herakles tank that I won!:) Have a great evening, everyone!


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Sounds like you guys are doing well today! I love vape mail, lol. I finished wrapping daughters gifts. She's even getting an MVP in her stocking, she loves them and they can take a beating - she has trouble holding on sometimes. It has crystals, too! Hubby is getting a Disrupter. I'm getting some new toppers :D:rolleyes: And stockings always have scratch-off tickets, 'cuz you never know! Hugs to all!


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Good evening everyone hope you all have a great day sorry I haven't been able to get on much I have been have some family illness issues with my grandparents and now my youngest child is having all kinds of test done and to be honest iam not sure what we are looking for going on a lost of symptoms and ruling shit out basically. ...when it rains it pour CT scan today ,mri coming up this week ,blood work, urine sample, stool sample. ...hmmmm what's next tank god she is a happy go lucky 6 yr old

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Good evening everyone hope you all have a great day sorry I haven't been able to get on much I have been have some family illness issues with my grandparents and now my youngest child is having all kinds of test done and to be honest iam not sure what we are looking for going on a lost of symptoms and ruling shit out basically. ...when it rains it pour CT scan today ,mri coming up this week ,blood work, urine sample, stool sample. ...hmmmm what's next tank god she is a happy go lucky 6 yr old

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Hugs and prayers for your 6 year old. My 6 year old just had her specialist appointment in Charleston and the verdict is in, she goes back in January to get her tonsils and adenoids out.

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Scooter 72

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You no it's crazy how some ppl just can't do it with them extra parts now a days. They just have to get it out Or they stay sick all the time. I've been pretty lucky a guess, I'm 43 and still have everything but my wisdom teeth.

scooter just wants to be in reno

Bronze Contributor
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Good luck with the appointment prayers are with you
Thank you axelbeam, she had her appointment today , she has surgery January 27th , now I just have to figure out reliable transportation my van won't make it right now and I'm the only one working so can't afford to fix it. Such is life just gotta roll with the punches.

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Scooter 72

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I wonder if I said it's me or him. No that's a dumb question or is it? When your standing on the outside looking in. Is that a dumb question. Would I want me, why does she want me. She says she does, she does she does. But if I must I must should I cause such a fuss. Fight I say At the end of the day. Is it all worth just a roll in the hey. Stand up and fight for day after day. If she loves me she must for day after day til we're old and we're gray. Love me she must she says every day.
Just a thought from me to you.

scooter just wants to be in reno


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Good evening, everyone! Been a great day for vape mail here, got my pair of Crius' in along with a Lost Vape E-Petite DNA-40 mod, a pair of 25R batteries, and a Herakles tank that I won!:) Have a great evening, everyone!
How are you liking the Crius? I been debating between it and the aromamizer.



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Hugs and prayers for your 6 year old. My 6 year old just had her specialist appointment in Charleston and the verdict is in, she goes back in January to get her tonsils and adenoids out.

Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk
Well good thing is you have the answer sucks part is surgery but hopefully no more infections or strep after this

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Good afternoon everyone hope you are all having a great day thank you for the well wishes for my daughter what they are checking for is called tethered cord syndrom now we are waiting on mri appointment
Wish us luck with outcome !!


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Got my order in for my 2 free bottles and added some extras, got some more of the vanilla cream doughnut, as really liked that one, even though it is a mild flavor, going to let it steep longer this time, also trying a new flavor for me, the lemon filled doughnut, not really a lemon person, but for the money, what the hell, I'll give it a go, oh and another 3 bottles of strawberry doughnut :D


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First, prayers for the kidlets! And the parents, who need some extra strength.
Good for you, @Nailz! I want to try the vanilla cream doughnut, sounds so good. Vapemail is so fun to get.
The kitty helped hubby wrap gifts tonight, I could hear him cussing and laughing in the other room. Wonder what the packages look like, lol. It was a busy day so we broke down and had pizza for dinner, yummy! Sleep well, friends, hugs.

Scooter 72

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Morning everyone. Pulled an all nighter when to my second job lastnite but when I tryed laying down this morning my mind was moving to fast. So no sleep for me off to work we go. I'm doing everything I can to stay busy. But I swear this woman is gona give me a stroke worrying about her.
Nice day all

scooter just wants to be in reno


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So excited for this weekend. I have one gift left to grab before all my shopping is done for this year. I feel like I really knocked it out of the park for everyone on my list which makes me feel good. They have always been good to knock it out of the park for me so makes me happy when I can do it :) After this weekend I have a short work week next week then I get to take a vacation and skip work til next year. So ready for a break lol.

Scooter 72

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Well buddy I'm glad for you. Its nice to see things going nice for someone. Unlike me. My girl is all the way across the country. And it'll be after holidays before we get to see each other. But I can live with that. But I did the same as you. I went overboard this year. I just knew everyone was gona be happy happy. But I done all my shopping online. And if I even get a 3rd of them now before Xmas I'll be happy. Dang post office sent my packages back. Not one not two. All of them.

scooter just wants to be in reno


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Hey everyone!!! Sorry I've been away from the forum for most of the week. This week has been really trying. My daughter was home from school most days due to terror threats!!! I'm seriously considering homeschool- and I never thought I would... She's only in elementary school. This isn't the sort of stuff I thought I'd be worrying about at this age. Sorry- just a vent...

Anyway, I apologize to the 3 winners and I will get you guys your credits by tomorrow. Thank you for your patience!:)


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Hey everyone!!! Sorry I've been away from the forum for most of the week. This week has been really trying. My daughter was home from school most days due to terror threats!!! I'm seriously considering homeschool- and I never thought I would... She's only in elementary school. This isn't the sort of stuff I thought I'd be worrying about at this age. Sorry- just a vent...

Anyway, I apologize to the 3 winners and I will get you guys your credits by tomorrow. Thank you for your patience!:)
It is totally crazy the things going on in the schools these days. I feel your pain there. Its sad when you have to worry about your child when they should be going to somewhere that is safe but with everything going on in this world right now people are doing crazy things and some of them are younger and younger.

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