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I completely agree with everyone about Blueberry Crumble being amazing!!! I found it tasted good right away, but after steeping it it ends up being on a whole different level of awesomeness!!! :)

@greasegizzard - that really is lame to not include an Allen wrench with your RDA! :rolleyes: But now that you've got what you need, I hope you enjoy dripping as much as I have! :D

@Countrypami - thank you for letting us know everything is all fixed! :cool:


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@miss wish thank you my grandmother is in rehabilitation for the 5th time this year she's 84 and keeps getting infections which lands her in rehab ugh it's so frustrating my grandfather is 87home a lone with out her and you would think she died by his depression it's tough

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

I'm sorry @Vapingbeauty , that really does sound tough. :( You and your grandparents are in my thoughts and prayers!!!:) I hope they can figure out a way soon to keep her from getting these infections!!


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Hi everyone, sorry I wasn't here last night. Had a nasty headache so I curled up in bed. Much better today!
I was lazy today, felt good. I did get some stuff done that I was putting off though. Cleaned vape stuff, chores.
Going to bed early, see you all tomorrow. Hugs View attachment 41765

Sorry you weren't feeling well. :( I'm glad you took care of yourself and that you're feeling better!!! :D

Hank F. Spankman

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So I went to my local shop for some juice today. Since you can't go in a shop without looking, I looked at the RDAs. I've been wanting to try one. He had the Indestructible by Wismec for $30. I picked up. I get home excited to try my first RDA. Open it up...allen key on the grubs, and not one included. I don't have one that small laying around either. My wife is in town still. Hopefully she can find a small set for me.
View attachment 41661
Lowes sells a mini set with a wide array of tiny bits. One of them fits most grub screws. As a bonus you can order a Universal Tools Coil Jig, & those bits also fit into that.

Both can be had for a bit over $5 each. And that is my favorite jig of the 3 I have


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Lowes sells a mini set with a wide array of tiny bits. One of them fits most grub screws. As a bonus you can order a Universal Tools Coil Jig, & those bits also fit into that.

Both can be had for a bit over $5 each. And that is my favorite jig of the 3 I have
Might have to look into those. They both look easier to use than this kind of large fold out kit...

Sent from my LeapPad LeapFrog


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I completely agree with everyone about Blueberry Crumble being amazing!!! I found it tasted good right away, but after steeping it it ends up being on a whole different level of awesomeness!!! :)

@greasegizzard - that really is lame to not include an Allen wrench with your RDA! :rolleyes: But now that you've got what you need, I hope you enjoy dripping as much as I have! :D

@Countrypami - thank you for letting us know everything is all fixed! :cool:
I'm enjoying it so far. Just gotta find a build I like for now.

Sent from my LeapPad LeapFrog


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The DOG3 is extremely easy to build dual coils on, and it's an overall awesome atty ;)

I'm your OHMbre!

Hank F. Spankman

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I like a single twisted at around .5 the best so far. But I get a lot of spit back. I think I'm going to try a contact coil in it today and see if that will help.

Sent from my LeapPad LeapFrog
As much as I like that atty, the top cap has a slight case of pieceofshititus. Lol

Hank F. Spankman

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The DOG3 is extremely easy to build dual coils on, and it's an overall awesome atty ;)

I'm your OHMbre!
I'm so happy with my Tugboat v3 that I have almost zero interest in any others. The lone exemption in there is that Magma Reborn. lol


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Lowes sells a mini set with a wide array of tiny bits. One of them fits most grub screws. As a bonus you can order a Universal Tools Coil Jig, & those bits also fit into that.

Both can be had for a bit over $5 each. And that is my favorite jig of the 3 I have
Damnit stop spending money for me.
Honestly going to look at that lowes set, my hands well hand from the iv is still swollen and painful as all hell and the little allen wrenches are killing me.

Hank F. Spankman

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Damnit stop spending money for me.
Honestly going to look at that lowes set, my hands well hand from the iv is still swollen and painful as all hell and the little allen wrenches are killing me.
Lol dude, just get your arse into your sleeping chair already before you PTFO & hit the floor. I don't want to see a bro in any more pain than he's already in


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Lol dude, just get your arse into your sleeping chair already before you PTFO & hit the floor. I don't want to see a bro in any more pain than he's already in
I did kinda hit the floor lat night, caught myself and been making sure nothing is going south.
In my sleeping chair, just annoying to have to keep chasing the special needs kitteh out. I get a few hours, wake up and do the sucky toy thing and make a couple laps in the apartment and rinse and repeat.

Hank F. Spankman

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Lowes sells a mini set with a wide array of tiny bits. One of them fits most grub screws. As a bonus you can order a Universal Tools Coil Jig, & those bits also fit into that.

Both can be had for a bit over $5 each. And that is my favorite jig of the 3 I have
Update. Went into Lowes yesterday that screwdriver set was $4 & change


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Hi everyone, hope you a happy Tuesday. Think I did a little too much too soon, had to go to bed early last night. Taking it easier today! Yes!!! My order shipped and is on it's way. I love vape mail 269255-3496908598b8bf38082a7491dbd9aeb0.jpg Glad to see you all posting, I miss you when you are gone! Hugs, off to my bed.


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Does anyone know if there is a way to change the layout of the site, or the way it displays? I don't know what it is, but it doesn't work very well on my tablet.


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Happy Wed all. It is super crappy here today. Not freezing its suppose to get up to 40 but it is pouring snow to the point its hard to see to drive. Made it to work but hoping it quits before I have to leave.


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Ready to go back to bed to. Got up my could hardly put any weight on my left foot it hurt so bad. Finally get it worked out during my 2 block walk into work. Not even at work half an hr and school calls me to tell me my youngest is flipping out. Now he is suspended today and tomorrow. I wasnt even half through my coffee yet. So not ready to deal with all that ugh. Guess who gets alot of house work to do today :)

Oh well here is wishing ya'll a happy thursday and some coffee to go around



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I'm lucky. Our oldest is very well behaved at school. Our youngest, though... She's about to turn three, and I think she's going to be a handful.


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My oldest is autistic and I am used to his issues but there was reasoning behind it. It didnt always make sense at first but there was a reason at least. With this one he is just a spoiled brat and gets pissed when life isnt exactly how he wants it. I love both my kids to death but am at a loss as to my youngest. I am hoping he will grow out of it. He was doing really good this year so until today. I was hoping he had finally matured enough but then it was like self destruct mode today. Hoping it was just a minor set back and he will get back on the right track when he goes back next week. He is entering middle school next year so I am majorly hoping he matures enough to learn to look the other way and just ignore the things that upset him.


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Hi everyone. Don't you just wish that kids came with instruction manuals? Or an attitude change switch? I used to wonder if any of us would make to their adulthood. Mine finally did, and they are all great people now. Yours will get there, too.


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Hi everyone. Don't you just wish that kids came with instruction manuals? Or an attitude change switch? I used to wonder if any of us would make to their adulthood. Mine finally did, and they are all great people now. Yours will get there, too.
View attachment 42090
Mine is good except in school. I have some issues at home but I have the "I'll beat your ass" going for me so he knocks it off real quick. I dont necessarily want the school to beat my kid and technically I dont beat him either cause that old say "it hurts me worse then it hurts them" is very true in my house. Once good whop across the butt and I lose all feeling in my hand for most of the day and it hurts. I totally wish they had the attitude change switch. My oldest is finally an adult and he is my aspie child. He has come along way and minus an actual job he does pretty good. Helps me out around the house and defends me if I need it. He has made me proud but I know his school years were a nightmare lol. As my oldest was growing up I was told well maybe he is wild now but wont be when he hits teenage years. He is getting it out of his system now. That seems to be true with the oldest and I am hoping that is what i going on with the youngest. We are almost to the teen years so if I can survive those I am should be home free lol. At least I hope haha. I tortured him last night. No TV, Puter, Xbox, etc. Needless to say he couldn't wait for his teacher to stop by with school work for him and then the rest of the night he was asking what can I do to earn back something. He wasnt happy with my response of " Dont get in trouble in the first place" lol I think this time was just a minor set back but I think it is slowly sinking in. Oh well its friday and its suppose to be a nice weekend here. Only thing could make it better would be for them new flavors to pop up on watch's site :D

Happy Friday Everyone

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