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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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Yeah - what is WITH that?! I've been occasionally trying some hugely-popular juices from some big names, and I've been really surprised I don't usually like them. Sure is a lot of coil-killing, over-sweetened, popular juice out there!
And most of them taste like crap too! Even the single fa flavors I've tried taste way better & coils last way longer!


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I've tried Maxx Blend at 2% and the taste is somewhat weak after 2 weeks of steeping. Do I need to wait a little longer guys? I do know some tobacco flavors need at least a month, 7leaves for one.


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I've tried Maxx Blend at 2% and the taste is somewhat weak after 2 weeks of steeping. Do I need to wait a little longer guys? I do know some tobacco flavors need at least a month, 7leaves for one.
I just mixed this today so I don't know what steeping will do.
This would possibly be weak for some but I like it. I don't generally like strong flavors.


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Now that I' my own coils (or will be tomorrow) and re-wicking myself, I may get a little more into mixing. I did a lot of it when I first started DIY, but I've only made three recipes in the last couple of months, which are my ADV (Strawberries-n-Cream), HIC's Sweet Lemon Meringue Pie (with modifications), and my husband's SweeTTart (simple, one-flavor recipe).

I need to mix smaller amounts and devote one of my RTAs to experiments and other various recipes. I don't usually LIKE a lot of variety in my life, but I think I may be at the point that I NEED more variety.

After a day's vaping, Strawberries-n-Cream tastes like a vaguely sweetened cloud.

Now to come up with a bunch of FA-only recipes!

Hmmm...once I receive it, I'll need to find a few people that would like some FA Strawberry. There's no way I'll ever get through 250ml of it!

Where's a good place to get food-safe plastic bottles to divvy it up?


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Did someone call? Oh hi! For food safe, even at high temps, you'll want HDPE or P/P. I will be happy to look tomorrow for the best place.

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Thank you, RP!

Take your time. I didn't even put in my flavor order until the weekend. :)


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I've tried Maxx Blend at 2% and the taste is somewhat weak after 2 weeks of steeping. Do I need to wait a little longer guys? I do know some tobacco flavors need at least a month, 7leaves for one.

Maybe a little while longer, it really depends on the nic you use. Maxx is a flavor that really shines with VT nic. The first time I mixed it I was using Nude Nic and even after a long steep it was just sorta, blah. Then I mixed it with VT nic and a little Black Fire and was blown away by how sweet and creamy it was.

I just mixed this today so I don't know what steeping will do.
This would possibly be weak for some but I like it. I don't generally like strong flavors.

It will likely get a bit smoother and a little sweeter.


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Maybe a little while longer, it really depends on the nic you use. Maxx is a flavor that really shines with VT nic. The first time I mixed it I was using Nude Nic and even after a long steep it was just sorta, blah. Then I mixed it with VT nic and a little Black Fire and was blown away by how sweet and creamy it was.

Good to see you, downInTn!

I agree about nic choice for Maxx Blend. I've tried it with 3 different nic bases. The first (cheap stuff) made it taste like a mild cigarette flavor to me. The next (my first batch of VT nic) brought out a honey flavor, much smoother. One other (better than the cheap stuff, not as great as VT) brought out more caramel. I know I'm a tobacco oddball, but I don't usually like sweets in my tobacco vapes. So Maxx is one of the very few flavors I like best in cheap nic.


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I grabbed about 8 more tobaccos, No steeping yet but liked the Tuscan Reserve and Perique Black right away. I tried Maxx Blend weeks ago in a coffee blend and wasn't that impressed. I had another company's Virginia and this was similar to what I remember. Burley seemed pretty plain. Yet to try 7 Leaves, Black Fire. Cigar Passion, Latakia, Royal, Shade and Desert Ship. Oba Oba seems grouped with tobacco and don't know about it yet.
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To me - using VT nic - Maxx Blend is different and I like it. It is sorta smokey a tiny bit and I do taste something in the background - sorta like maple. If I mix it again with another tobacco - unless it is a strong 1 - I will mix less than 1% Maxx seems to overpower less flavorful tobaccos. Just my 2 cents:p:D


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Essential oils are plant-derived oils. If you've ever vaped any citrus flavors, you've probably vaped some essential oils. If you've sniffed as you peel a citrus fruit, you've inhaled essential oils. Some people will argue they're unhealthy. Others will argue they're entirely safe or safe in reasonable amounts. Essential oils are intentionally inhaled in aromatherapy and non-mainstream medicine. They do not tend to clog coils. Flavorings that include essential oils are generally diluted with PG/VG/alcohol in some combination.

Nice post on EO's HIC!

When I first started vaping it was a lot more difficult to find flavors for mixing juice and none of it was specifically marketed for that purpose. I used EO's almost exclusively for quite some time and did not suffer any adverse effects askljfA:SDLjfa;ljgf;lasghasdlghaajsdf;lj;jasdflkjasf .... sorry brief spasm there. :D Just kiddin'! :)

Seriously though, FWIW IMHO EO's don't have to be avoided simply because they are 'oils'.

Oh and I should probably introduce myself ... I was a lurker over on the PV thread and just today joined here so I could follow you folks again! :)

Thanks for all the great information you all have provided!!!!!


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For you maxx blend fans, is that the kind of thing I can throw some maple and some vanilla of some sort at to get to a mapley ry4ish thing? Imma gonna start working on getting close to a. Carn4y from G2 clone which is a sweet ry4 and wondering if this might be the start from.what you all are saying about it.Thx


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I used EO's almost exclusively for quite some time and did not suffer any adverse effects askljfA:SDLjfa;ljgf;lasghasdlghaajsdf;lj;jasdflkjasf .... sorry brief spasm there. :D Just kiddin'! :)

I was a lurker over on the PV thread and just today joined here so I could follow you folks again! :)

lol on your "spasm", NGA. They have not made me more abnormal, either.

I love it when people from the old thread find their way here! Welcome!


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For you maxx blend fans, is that the kind of thing I can throw some maple and some vanilla of some sort at to get to a mapley ry4ish thing? Imma gonna start working on getting close to a. Carn4y from G2 clone which is a sweet ry4 and wondering if this might be the start from.what you all are saying about it.Thx

I would think maple and caramel (rather than vanilla). What say the RY4 experts? I'm not one of them.


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You right HIC, can't get to ry4 without the caramel, gonna hit it with some ta/em mix also, just haven't hit on a solid base yet, but the maxx sounds promising I hope.


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For you maxx blend fans, is that the kind of thing I can throw some maple and some vanilla of some sort at to get to a mapley ry4ish thing? Imma gonna start working on getting close to a. Carn4y from G2 clone which is a sweet ry4 and wondering if this might be the start from.what you all are saying about it.Thx

Maxx is fun to play with, hard to go wrong. I really like FA's RY4 when mixed with other tobaccos and extras. I would start with it and maybe add some Maxx.

I would think maple and caramel (rather than vanilla). What say the RY4 experts? I'm not one of them.

I like this idea, haven't tried it with maple, would be really sweet though. :p


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Carn4y from G2 clone would be nice.

what is a ta/em mix????

New DIYer here, not even up on the terms and lettering yet....


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You right HIC, can't get to ry4 without the caramel, gonna hit it with some ta/em mix also, just haven't hit on a solid base yet, but the maxx sounds promising I hope.
I wouldn't add em to anything unless you feel like the flavors are too distinct. Otherwise, it tends to mute flavors. Ry4 doesn't really shine without a few weeks of hanging out or a few hours in the cp.


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So glad you came over here - I told you the PV thread wasn't dead:p

Thanks Amanda, I should have come over sooner ... I have a bit of catching up to do but I'm enjoying every minute of it! :)

lol on your "spasm", NGA. They have not made me more abnormal, either.

I love it when people from the old thread find their way here! Welcome!

Thanks for the welcome HIC, I like it here already!. :)

Dana Lucas

Member For 4 Years
Well I started Max Blend at 2% then I saw someone somewhere say 5% As I worked my way up it tasted differently. At 5% it took me about 10 minutes to realize it tasted exactly like chocolate covered cherries. I don't like cherry flavor but the Max is really good at 5% YMMV.

Also TFA Gingerbread is very good if you like Ginger flavor.



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Aside from testing tobacco I'm finishing up my first mistake in mixing, a sample of Red Apple that turned into 30ml of Red Apple, Licorice and Menthol. Three months later and it doesn't seem like such a mistake.


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I would think maple and caramel (rather than vanilla). What say the RY4 experts? I'm not one of them.

Ry4 is part of my daily fix. I add a little Bavarian cream and hazelnut.
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I would think maple and caramel (rather than vanilla). What say the RY4 experts? I'm not one of them.
While I'm not an expert by any means, a true RY4 needs vanilla and caramel. With that said, add whatever tastes awesome.


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I wasn't that impressed with maxx blend by itself but it is my go to for sweetening up and smoothing out other tobaccos when necessary.

T exas Toast

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i have 81 flavourart flavors enroute. yes EIGHTY ONE. ummmm i think it is safe to say i am ALL IN.

i have been diy'ing with TFA, FW and Capellas for years. Started vaping in August 2008 and began the DIY road pretty quickly. After looking closer at what i was vaping into my lungs, or rather, NOT knowing what i was vaping into my lungs, i decided to toss all flavorings and go with FA.

Never used FA before so i have some learning to do here. I read the 'other' thread over yonder ;) i am in the process of reading this one. THANK YOU to everyone here, and there, who have contributed. Hopefully i can get the hang of FA flavorings quickly and be back on the road to the DIY I love.


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Welcome, TexasToast! You really are all in with 81 flavors LOL As you know there are a ton of really good FA recipes in the recipe section, so you're in for some awesome mixing!

T exas Toast

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Welcome, TexasToast! You really are all in with 81 flavors LOL As you know there are a ton of really good FA recipes in the recipe section, so you're in for some awesome mixing!
Thanks AmandaD, a name i am use to seeing around FA threads hahaha it will be a SHOCKER for me not to be using 10% or more of flavoring. that seems like crazy talk to me. It will basically be like starting over for me. I realize there will be a learning curve with FA and I will have to re-program my brain to keep the %'s low but THIS, i am excited for.


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Thanks AmandaD, a name i am use to seeing around FA threads hahaha it will be a SHOCKER for me not to be using 10% or more of flavoring. that seems like crazy talk to me. It will basically be like starting over for me. I realize there will be a learning curve with FA and I will have to re-program my brain to keep the %'s low but THIS, i am excited for.
I started with FA and this part has been frustrating. It's so strong, I think smelling flavor directly from the bottle attacks the sense of smell so much that it's hard to taste the juice. Lately, I have avoided my desire to sniff the flavor and just make the mix I intend. Even then, anything that has more than one FA flavor won't get touched for at least 3 days.


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I started with FA and this part has been frustrating. It's so strong, I think smelling flavor directly from the bottle attacks the sense of smell so much that it's hard to taste the juice. Lately, I have avoided my desire to sniff the flavor and just make the mix I intend. Even then, anything that has more than one FA flavor won't get touched for at least 3 days.
If you want to experience the flavoring before vaping it I have found that a drop in a little hot water produces a pretty acurate aroma.

T exas Toast

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I started with FA and this part has been frustrating. It's so strong, I think smelling flavor directly from the bottle attacks the sense of smell so much that it's hard to taste the juice. Lately, I have avoided my desire to sniff the flavor and just make the mix I intend. Even then, anything that has more than one FA flavor won't get touched for at least 3 days.
Thanks for the info Seehad. I will try to remember this. A quick sniff is the first thing i do to a new flavor, followed by tasting it. Note to self: Do Not Sniff hahaha

T exas Toast

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Welp, gardening does come first hahaha

I do the exact same thing Amanda. Sometimes a good thing. Other times, OH MY wish i had not done that moment for sure ;)

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