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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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You should pick up some FA Vanilla Classic.

My ADV is Strawberries-n-Cream, and I use 3% FA Strawberry, .5% FA Fresh Cream, and .5% FA Vanilla Classic. It's divine!
I should make a strawberry and cream. For some reason I relate that flavor with kinda generic, boring house juice, but my wife really liked Baker White's Strawberry Fields. I don't know why I'm snobby about it.
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I should make a strawberry and cream. For some reason I relate that flavor with kinda generic, boring house juice, but my wife really like Baker White's Strawberry Fields. I don't know why I'm snobby about it.

Maybe it is, but I'm pretty boring, as well. ;) :D

Donald Bickers

Anybody know if FA has come out with their Flash in just the flavoring instead of ready to vape juice yet ?

Donald Bickers

Anybody know if FA has come out with their Flash in just the flavoring instead of ready to vape juice yet ?
I did find this in flavoring only,but I cant find it in the states here,i will keep searching ,but if anyone knows of a vendor here could you give me a shout,,,,Thanks


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strawberry and cream people. add some vienna to it ! so good................ @havok333 didnt you end up getting tomato ?

I had Vienna Cream in another mix, and it did something to me that made me quit using it. I don't remember what it was, but it didn't agree with me, personally.


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Has anyone tried the Oakwood? I think I'm going to mix Oakwood with fuji apple or apricot. Of course, I need to order the Apricot. Note: I have tried Oakwood a few years ago when everyone was using Flavourart at high percentages. Obviously, I followed suit because I didn't know better at the time.
I'm thinking of starting off with
Oakwood 1%
Fuji 2-4 %
If using Apricot I'm thinking 2-3%
I'm wanting a light fruit taste to compliment the Oak wood flavor.
To me it's really strong, the Oakwood. Any more than 2 drops to 10ml and it overpowers everything. I go light on flavorings though. When I was working on the Merlot recipe, I think I started at .5% Oakwood and it was way too much for the other kind of delicate flavors.


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I bought this back in Feb and this is ready to vape ,not an extract,,,im on hold right now with customer service to see if this is extract,but I don't think it is
Oh wow. Well, that's a bummer, since it's listed in the DIY flavorings! Aside from FA direct, it was the only one I knew of. I hope they work that out for you.

Donald Bickers

Oh wow. Well, that's a bummer, since it's listed in the DIY flavorings! Aside from FA direct, it was the only one I knew of. I hope they work that out for you.
well I just got off chat with them,and im not wanting a refund or anything,just wondering if its the real deal,,,,,they swear its a concentrate,not for vaping,but I know what I got,and its not a concentrate.For one thing its thick ,like your juices after your done mixing,not thin like concentrate,,,,,,,o well at least I found out not to buy this as I already have some,and I might add Not Impressed

Donald Bickers

well I just got off chat with them,and im not wanting a refund or anything,just wondering if its the real deal,,,,,they swear its a concentrate,not for vaping,but I know what I got,and its not a concentrate.For one thing its thick ,like your juices after your done mixing,not thin like concentrate,,,,,,,o well at least I found out not to buy this as I already have some,and I might add Not Impressed
o yea and I will add,,,,,,thank you very much for the info,apreciate your help.


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well I just got off chat with them,and im not wanting a refund or anything,just wondering if its the real deal,,,,,they swear its a concentrate,not for vaping,but I know what I got,and its not a concentrate.For one thing its thick ,like your juices after your done mixing,not thin like concentrate,,,,,,,o well at least I found out not to buy this as I already have some,and I might add Not Impressed
Well, I haven't tried this yet, though I do have it... capsicum heat. Pure Vapes guys told me they use this in a dilution for different levels of TH, if that's what you wanted Flash for. I keep wanting to make a dilution, but need to wo-man up, I guess. Boyfriend wants more TH. I'm fine with what I get from PG and nic.

Donald Bickers

We are glad to announce our latest development for nicotine free e liquid designed to mimic the nicotine hit.

With valuable feedback received for our previous 0 nicotine liquid, we reworked the formula making it milderand rounder.

Flash is designed as ready to vape E liquid but it can be diluted up to personal preferences.


PG 63%

VG 35%

Flavoring preparations and flavorings 2%
For some reason I could not find this on the flavourart manufacturer page. (Too much info to sift thru) I copied this from this website
see what im saying,63%PG and 35%VG,,,,i vape 70/30 so this is basically my %age for vaping,,,,what I was looking for was extract,or flavoring for DIY.


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I'm not totally 100% sure but once upon a time I read that flash was just pg/vg with plant extract (Capsaicin) added. I don't know the ratio of the mix. I know Totally use to sell Diablo Loco which was enhanced throat hit. It was touted to have the hottest pepper in the world as a ingredient.
I think they sell capsaicin flavorings now. I haven't looked in a long time.
They do. I had a thread about it and was looking for people with experience with it here.
So if anyone does have experience with that, I'd love to know.


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Oh yummy. Good, simple combo. Very good.

I was mixing up Sully's recipe a little while ago. Been wanting to try it, finally have everything. I had my open bottle of marshmallow next to my mixing bottle and accidently dripped a drop of Marzipan into the bottle of Marshmallow flavoring. :facepalm: Grr.


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Oh yummy. Good, simple combo. Very good.

I was mixing up Sully's recipe a little while ago. Been wanting to try it, finally have everything. I had my open bottle of marshmallow next to my mixing bottle and accidently dripped a drop of Marzipan into the bottle of Marshmallow flavoring. :facepalm: Grr.

You must make Sully's recipe - it's delicious!


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Oh yummy. Good, simple combo. Very good.

I was mixing up Sully's recipe a little while ago. Been wanting to try it, finally have everything. I had my open bottle of marshmallow next to my mixing bottle and accidently dripped a drop of Marzipan into the bottle of Marshmallow flavoring. :facepalm: Grr.
hahaha oh no ! bet its still tasty. you probably invented the best sweetest marshmallow ever :)


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I think we're all a bit odd.


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Not sure if you're going to have trouble finding orange or not. Must say you're a neat printer. :)


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Not sure if you're going to have trouble finding orange or not. Must say you're a neat printer. :)
Lol. Ecx must have been bored that day. Oddly enough, my most recent order came with red lidded amber bottles. I do like the orange lid.

Thank you. I was so bored in high school, I spent my days improving my handwriting. I still have a government notebook from those days with it half filled with the letter h, over and over and over.

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Lol. Ecx must have been bored that day. Oddly enough, my most recent order came with red lidded amber bottles. I do like the orange lid.

Thank you. I was so bored in high school, I spent my days improving my handwriting. I still have a government notebook from those days with it half filled with the letter h, over and over and over.

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That exercise never worked for me. The more I repeated something, the messier it got. :|

All those days in in-school detention, I guess. I had to get all of those sentences done as fast as possible.


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I'm with you Emilie, no matter now many thousands of lines I had to write out it never did my handwriting any good...
It's an internet dog, but I've named him Wesley (in my head).


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Pickles is a great name! We had a couple that I was too young to remember but after that we had Snuggles, Maia and Frisky. I was surprised at the hoops my sister and her husband had to jump through when getting their dog, it took forever. They had to have an interview with the breeder to see if they would be a good fit for the dog and then the dog came with a birth certificate with some weird, very pompous sounding, names. Eventually they were able to get a doggie and they are super happy with him. Corgis just have the awesomest personalities. And yes, their butts are hilarious.


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Pickles is a great name! We had a couple that I was too young to remember but after that we had Snuggles, Maia and Frisky. I was surprised at the hoops my sister and her husband had to jump through when getting their dog, it took forever. They had to have an interview with the breeder to see if they would be a good fit for the dog and then the dog came with a birth certificate with some weird, very pompous sounding, names. Eventually they were able to get a doggie and they are super happy with him. Corgis just have the awesomest personalities. And yes, their butts are hilarious.
Pickles is from the SPCA and is a bit daft, likes to walk into walls but doesn't stop. Keeps trying to walk through them.


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LOL. Who did start us on dog avatars? Rocket Puppy? Will's been trying since Halloween but just too busy on mixing and Christmas trees. ;)

Is that a JRT?

I added my avatar cause it was the most recent pic of myself. But not my dog. I was hanging with a rescue group about two months ago socializing some pups before they went for adoption.

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