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Garden time is coming


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

I know I've been sending you a few emails about how our farm leverages strawberries to build a profitable farm. But rewind a few years, and we only planted 100 plants.

In fact, although I can’t find the picture, one year I stuffed 100 plants into a suitcase to bring them to Ohio to plant in our backyard garden!

Here’s a picture of them after they got planted:


But we didn’t stop there!

The first year after we bought the Farm on Central, we put in 6, 100-ft beds. Just 1200 plants. From that planting, we harvested over 1000 pints and made over $5,000 dollars. It was the catalyst that launched us into the community for people to understand what we were trying to do!

We literally would spend the morning harvesting, put a post on Facebook, and watch the cars roll in to purchase berries. And our customers would then buy the spinach, radishes, lettuce, and so much more that we had for sale as well.

Not only did it introduce us to the community, but it gave us hope that after literally spending our life savings on the new farm, plus countless hours starting it, we were going to make it.

So whether you are starting with 100 plants in your side yard, or thinking about doing an acre (which is what we now plant each year), strawberries can fit into your systems and help your farm grow!!

Make sure you join us for our upcoming workshop where we’ll share:​

  • When to buy tips, plants, or plugs for your strawberry beds​
  • Leveraging different varieties to extend your season up to 8 weeks!​
  • Tips for managing your harvest and developing a smoothly-run U-pick operation​
  • Upsells we've used to increase profit margin up to $72 per plant!!​

Helping you thrive,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
I think the only way the bees will survive is through home gardeners leaving them alone, and especially making space for bee gardens with plants those bees especially like.
At the Fatmers Market, a couple makes this Honey that is so delicious, it's the only kind I will eat ! The bees only have red (purple) and white clovers to make their honey from. Haven't had a chance to go there, yet. But, I definitely will can't miss out on that delicious honey !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, Green Thumb Jimi!

This week, we are introducing another great member of the Garden Superfood Team—Wonder Garlic!


Garlic is a great addition to your home garden, both to use yourself and to deter unwanted visitors.

If you plant garlic around the perimeter of your garden—at least two to three rows—it will deter rabbits and deer from crossing into your garden to eat your other plants.

In addition, you can receive many health benefits from growing and adding fresh garlic to your diet.

Here are some reasons why garlic is a healthy choice for you to add to your diet:

🧄 Boosts your immune system, helping to prevent colds and flus.
🧄 Lowers your blood pressure, working to prevent strokes and heart attacks.
🧄 Reduces your bad cholesterol, lowering total cholesterol and LDL levels.
🧄 May lessen your risk of certain cancers, specifically colon cancer.
🧄 Fights infections and bacteria in your body, containing antibiotic properties through its inclusion of allicin.
🧄 Contains antioxidants, aiding your body in the prevention of certain cognitive diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
🧄 Improves your athletic performance, minimizing weariness and boosting endurance.
🧄 Detoxifies your body, ridding your systems of the unhealthy toxins and chemicals to which you are exposed every day.
🧄 Now that you know all the great health benefits that garlic has to offer, are you ready to add it to your home garden?
🧄 Even in small spaces, you can grow gorgeous garlic without a lot of work!

Click here for your downloadable Garlic Plant Care Guide.

Inside, you’ll find answers to many of your questions about growing garlic such as…

🧄 When to plant garlic and how much to plant
🧄 Why garlic is the perfect crop to grow if you live in a colder region
🧄 What are the most flavorful garlic varieties to plant to get unique flavors
🧄 How much sunlight your garlic plants need to grow
🧄 What is the difference between hardneck and softneck varieties
🧄 How to tell when your garlic plants are ready to be harvested

We hope you are joining us this week for the 2023 Superfood Garden Summit, where we will be discussing how to grow your own Superfoods. The event begins tomorrow, July 17th.

If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time to get in on the garden fun. Click here to register and get all the event details!

To a long and healthy life filled with garlic!

🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
At the Fatmers Market, a couple makes this Honey that is so delicious, it's the only kind I will eat ! The bees only have red (purple) and white clovers to make their honey from. Haven't had a chance to go there, yet. But, I definitely will can't miss out on that delicious honey !
MMMM that sounds heavenly, I love good honey too


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi, Jimi!

🎉 The Superfood Garden Summit kicks off TODAY at 10am Pacific Time 🎉

>>> Here's the link for access details to tune in LIVE today

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to download your EVENT GUIDE that follows along with each presentation.

✌️There are two ways to connect to the livestream broadcast: Zoom or Facebook. See access details here.
Space on Zoom is limited. It’s best to arrive 10 minutes early to make sure you’re connected before we get started.



🥬 Superfood gardens are about so much more than food. They’re about connecting with the earth, your senses, and the people around you for more vitality, better health, and joyful longevity.

🗓️ The first day of the Summit focuses on appreciating nature and what it can do for you. Learn about the many health benefits—physically, mentally, and emotionally—along with how to share the love of nature with your community!
  1. Nutritious Foods People Can Easily Grow with Ocean Robbins: Join co-founder of the Food Revolution Network, Ocean Robbins, as he dives into the wonderful world of gardening. Ocean shows you how you can get control of your health and reconnect with nature through growing your own nutritious food, no matter how long you’ve been gardening. It all starts with easy-to-grow crops like kale, collards, berries, garlic, onions, and more! Grab your tools and join us for this special empowering presentation at the Superfood Garden Summit!
  2. Unlocking Sustainability with Scavenger Hunts with Stacey Murphy: Embark on a sustainability journey with Grow Your Own Vegetables founder, Stacey Murphy, with a fun and engaging scavenger hunt! Discover the power of curiosity, connection, and action as you explore nature and build resilient communities. Learn the eight design principles for a captivating experience that includes variety, themes, rewards, and safety. Discover how to more deeply embrace inclusivity, gain respect for nature, and foster love for the Earth. Let the joy and wonder of nature inspire a happier, healthier you and a more sustainable world…one scavenger hunt at a time!
  3. Growing a Garden of Calm with Sajah Popham: Join the author of “Evolutionary Herbalism,” Sajah Popham, and learn five medicinal plants you can grow to support your nervous system. Explore the herbs that offer safe, gentle relief for mental overwhelm, digestive issues, and anxiety. Uncover a cooling herb great for use as a mild sedative, an herb for focusing scattered minds, and a nourishing remedy for burnout. Discover how to cultivate your own Garden of Calm and find the right nervines for your unique needs.

🕙 Join us live at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern to watch all of today’s presentations.

>>> Click HERE to access today’s presentations

🤩 Today’s contest is a Scavenger Hunt! 🤩

Details can be found in the 2023 Garden Summit Event Guide. If you haven’t downloaded yours yet, get it HERE! Enter by posting to our Facebook Group or by emailing to the address listed in the guide before 10am Pacific tomorrow (July 18th).

🏆 Today’s prize? The full 8-week Grow Your Own Vegetables course!

When you enter, be sure to share your biggest takeaway from Day 1 of the Superfood Garden Summit.

Today’s Superfood Garden Summit Sponsor is
🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables 🌱

The mission of Grow Your Own Vegetables is to help people grow mind-blowing flavorful and nutritious food right in their own backyard to build and strengthen communities and help preserve garden wisdom for future generations.

Don’t have time to watch all the presentations but don’t want to miss out? We’ve got you covered!

>>> Check out the Garden Success Kit HERE

You’ll OWN the entire Superfood Garden Summit with all 15+ presentations!

You’ll also gain access to our Best of Collection from past Summits—16 additional presentations for FREE!

🌟 PLUS you’ll get over $1,100 in extra garden goodies including a 2-month free membership to our online garden community, Harvest Club.

>>> OWN the Garden Success Kit and all the extra bonuses FOR LIFE!
See you in a couple hours for the first day of the Superfood Garden Summit!

🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

P.S. ⭐ Save this email so that you refer back to it. It contains the links and information that will help you make the most of this year’s summit.

If you need any help with technology or have questions in general, all the event details are always updated for you on this one page:

If you can’t find the answers you need there, be sure to check out our help page:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you look in the boxes above you'll see how much size difference 4 weeks makes.
The small onions are from the replacement seed that the seed co. sent me for the ones that didn't germinate, when I get a chance I get individual pics that will show the difference better but here's some that DID germinate from the first seeds and even those were a few weeks later than I usually do.


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I pulled my onions, kinda imbearasing but had problems gettin the seeds to pop and then wifey got sick and I didn't have the time to take care of them but here's what came outta the 10 13 foot weed patch​
Jimi, those look fine, just beautiful.

I never thought how difficult it would be to save onion seeds. I wouldn't know where to look for them. I had some onions in the garden, another place another time, and I don't remember ever seeing seeds.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you look in the boxes above you'll see how much size difference 4 weeks makes.
The small onions are from the replacement seed that the seed co. sent me for the ones that didn't germinate, when I get a chance I get individual pics that will show the difference better but here's some that DID germinate from the first seeds and even those were a few weeks later than I usually do.
Wow, are those pictures of your actual self?

I only ever saw a bear before. Cute guy!

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I had that a while ago and then poof it started workin alright again, weird, I wish they would figure out what was goin on and fix it

I don't know how the world works, but I think if it were something that could be adjusted locally in the site settings, or something like that, it would get done. It may be the server host, or host server, whatever it is.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Want access to the presentations beyond one day? Check out the Garden Success Kit HERE, which gives you lifetime access to not only this year’s presentations but our collection of Best Of presentations from previous summits.


🕙 Join us LIVE at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern to kick off Day 2 with any announcements including the announcement of yesterday’s contest winner. 🎉

📗 Be sure to download your 2023 Superfood Garden Summit Event Guide, if you haven’t already. It’s packed full of useful information about each presentation including workbook questions to answer as you follow along to ensure you’re catching all the great important facts. PLUS the Event Guide includes information about each day’s contest and prize. You definitely don’t want to miss that!

🔔 Would you like a text reminder before we start the daily livestreams? Sign up HERE to receive daily text reminders.




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
the definition of flowers is vast, what may not look like a flower to most actually is. On onoins you will fins the seed/flowers at the tip top of the leaves (yes onion greens are called leaves) they make a flower that doesn't actually look like a flower but is. When the flower matures it makes the seeds. Hope this helps you understand it my friend.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Garden Irrigation Ideas​

Keep crops healthy and your bounty abundant with wise garden irrigation ideas and organic mulching.​

How to Protect Plants from Extreme Heat​

Learn how to protect plants from extreme heat using smart watering and shade cloths to keep gardening during a heat wave.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Summer Gardening Tips​

Here are 35 summer gardening tips to help you handle pest control, weeding, and other peak-summer garden chores in your backyard.​

Saving Stressed Tomatoes​

Try saving stressed tomatoes from heat or early blight using shade, vermicompost tea, and removing blighted leaves.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How to Save Plants from Heat Stress​

The hot summer sun can be tough on garden plants and roots; learn how to save plants from heat stress by watering and mulching to continue producing. Consider controlled shading plants and roots to keep plants cool.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

When Should I Pick Squash? (When to Harvest Summer and Winter Squash for the Best Flavor)​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
🎈 Join us at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern today as we kick off Day 3! 🎈

Today’s presentations are all about your health…and how to improve it naturally! The presenters discuss superfoods that are great additives to your diet like herbs, turmeric, and ginger and share how to grow them for yourself. You’ll also learn about some great nature activities that are simple and can benefit your health.


🕙 Click HERE to join us LIVE at 10am Pacific today.

One of the perks of joining us LIVE
is that some of our presenters are joining the Zoom chat conversations and answering your questions … PLUS there’s prizes each day! 🥳

🌐 Convert this time to your time zone HERE

📺 Watch When You Want 📺

Replays of today’s presentations will be available after today’s live viewing until 2pm Pacific tomorrow! Binge watch them all at once, rewatch your favorites on repeat, or share them with your family and friends. Short on time? Watch the ones that interest you first!

Would you like access to the presentations beyond the next day?

Check out the Garden Success Kit HERE, which gives you lifetime access to not only this year’s presentations but our collection of Best Of presentations from previous summits.

Put your phone on mute so you won't be disturbed!

🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

P.S. - Below is some information that may come in handy so that you can make the most of this year’s summit!

✌️ There are two ways to connect to the livestream broadcast: Zoom or Facebook. See access details here.

ℹ️ If you can’t find the answers you need there, be sure to check out our help page:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Maybe your garden isn't cutting it.
Whether you are an aspiring gardener or are already growing a bounty, sometimes we need to supplement what we're growing. Unless we're applying permaculture on a large scale, it's not so easy to grow everything we need to eat.
That's when I like to go to my local farmer's market to buy what I need that I'm not growing. I love supporting other farmers, ensuring that I'm still eating as freshly as possible, AND connecting with my local community.
I love these related articles to get excited about the farmer's market:

Greg Peterson
Your Urban Farmer
Janis Norton
General Manager

P.S. This month I'm spotlighting one of my favorite Urban Farm U courses... Creating Your Permaculture City with Toby Hemenway (author of Gaia's Garden). Sadly, Toby is no longer with us. However, we were able to preserve this incredible course for your learning. Creating Your Permaculture City is perspective-changing and will expand your ideas about how permaculture can be applied to your yard and your life. Click Here to learn more.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You have such beautiful flowers and such a nice big yard, just so pretty. I seen blossoms on your cuke squash vines, wont be long , except for the winter squash. It always seems like forever for the first maters. I love that butterfly bench too and the little angel, everything looks beautiful, you should be very proud my dear friend, thank you for sharing.

SnapDragon NY

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You have such beautiful flowers and such a nice big yard, just so pretty. I seen blossoms on your cuke squash vines, wont be long , except for the winter squash. It always seems like forever for the first maters. I love that butterfly bench too and the little angel, everything looks beautiful, you should be very proud my dear friend, thank you for sharing.
Thank you Jimi- I love gardening, stuck inside all winter and it is great to get outside all summer and work in the yard. I wish I could have made my veggie garden bigger, but I had so much to do with the flower gardens and hand digging it was tough. I still have 2 large lavender plants to move from the front yard to the back garden, they aren't doing good in the front, too shady for them. Just too hot to move them now and I don't want to kill them. Here are some front yard garden pics, the last pic is my side yard and you can see the 2 fences where I planted my veggie garden in between, mine and my neighbors fence.


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I still have 2 large lavender plants to move from the front yard to the back garden, they aren't doing good in the front, too shady for them. Just too hot to move them now and I don't want to kill them.
I have found lavender to be very, very finicky about where it wants to be, with regard to the magic balance of sun, shade and wind, but such a lovely plant, so worthwhile to coddle and cater to it. When you see it growing madly in Provence, it's in vast fields totally open to the sun.

SnapDragon NY

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Senior Moderator
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Press Corps
Member For 5 Years
I have found lavender to be very, very finicky about where it wants to be, with regard to the magic balance of sun, shade and wind, but such a lovely plant, so worthwhile to coddle and cater to it. When you see it growing madly in Provence, it's in vast fields totally open to the sun.
Yes for sure- they love my sunny and hot back yard, I have the holes dug but I have to wait for cooler weather to move them. They will grow big and full back there. Big plus is the deer won't eat them, the deer eat most of my gardens this time of year.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thank you Jimi- I love gardening, stuck inside all winter and it is great to get outside all summer and work in the yard. I wish I could have made my veggie garden bigger, but I had so much to do with the flower gardens and hand digging it was tough. I still have 2 large lavender plants to move from the front yard to the back garden, they aren't doing good in the front, too shady for them. Just too hot to move them now and I don't want to kill them. Here are some front yard garden pics, the last pic is my side yard and you can see the 2 fences where I planted my veggie garden in between, mine and my neighbors fence.

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Everything is so beautiful, so well kept, you have so many pretty flowers too, we use to have some flowers but this year it was just too much. Thank you for sharin my friend.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here's my meager pick of the day from this mornin

The cukes on the right are called little diva's they only get to be 5 to 6 inches when mature but they are great for snackin or in a lunch box, they are very thin skinned so no need to peel, sweet and juicy.
The cukes on the left are summer dance also thin skinned sweet and juicy.
Been gettin a few maters every day now and have a chipmonck that thinks half of them are his and keeps knockin green ones off.
And my first Hot Banana pepper, I love hot peppers.

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