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Garden time is coming


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Maximizing Storage Nutrition​
Do you have a vegetable garden this year with the goal of preserving it for the winter?​
Maybe you have a local farmer's market you've been looking to support. With growing grocery bills, now is the time to learn how to ensure you get the most out of your vegetables while storing them for future use.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

i am sure you know some bugs are great for your garden? But, do you know which ones?

Lady bugs and praying mantes are just a couple of examples.

In this article, you will learn about the natural way to bring in the good bugs that keep the bad ones away!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Peppermint Fennel Tea Recipe​

This flavorful Peppermint Fennel Tea recipe will delight your taste buds and may double as treatment for an upset stomach.​

Watermelon Mint Syrup Recipe​

Watermelon syrup recipes offer a refreshing addition to your summer beverages. This watermelon mint syrup pairs delightfully for delicious drinks.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You CAN take control of your life, your health, and your happiness...

It starts with homegrown, nutrient-dense food! 🥒🍅🥕

All fruits and vegetables start losing precious nutrients as soon as they’re picked. So how can you tell how fresh and healthy grocery store produce actually is? For some crops, you can be eating them weeks or even months later.

For example, did you know that most grocery store carrots are 1 to 9 months old depending on when you buy them?

Cold storage does help fresh vegetables last longer. But chemical coatings, gasses, waxes, and soy-based proteins are also used to keep produce from spoiling on the long trip from the farm to your table. And they aren’t very good for your immune system, either.

The true solution to better health and better food is right in your backyard… It's gardening! 🧑‍🌾
Because gardens HEAL. ⚕️

When you plant a garden, you aren’t just growing your own food. You’re planting seeds of hope.

💪 Hope for a healthier body with less pain and more energy.
🥗 Hope that you can feed your family and rely less on the grocery store.
🌎 Hope that you’re healing the planet for your kids and grandkids.

We call them seeds of hope because gardening gives you real, solid proof that you’re taking a step forward to claim your health and independence.

In the spirit of garden hope, we’d like to invite you to the 7th Annual Superfood Garden Summit.

From July 17th-21st, 15+ visionary growers will share with you their wisdom to supercharge your garden…and your health!
When you have experts in your corner helping you make great garden choices, growing food becomes simple.

Here are just a few things you’ll discover in this online event:

🧑‍🌾 The simple steps to growing nutrient-dense superfoods… anywhere, all year long.

⛔ Common mistakes to avoid so you can grow a more abundant harvest with less work.
📝 An action plan to create NOW to be READY for your peak growing season so you can avoid the overwhelm.
🌱 How to grow bigger, healthier harvests by optimizing the nutrient density of all your edible plants.
💩 Start supercharging your soil and choosing a composting system to make your gardening easier and more bountiful.

Click here for all the details for the Superfood Garden Summit

The Superfood Garden Summit is an interactive event happening from July 17th-21st. Step-by-step, you’ll discover how to get more nutrients from your homegrown superfoods!

Imagine food SO FRESH that you can TASTE the vitality in every morsel. 🤤

And your superfood garden doesn’t have to die out when the weather changes! The experts at this Summit will teach you how to stretch the boundaries of your growing season so that you ALWAYS have fresh, organic superfoods.

>>> CLICK HERE to reserve your spot to this totally FREE, global online event here

Whether you’ve never planted a seed, think you have a brown thumb, or you’ve been growing for years... the Summit presenters will walk you through their best secrets for growing at every level. You’ll know exactly what to do next to enjoy supercharged health right at your fingertips!

We would LOVE to have you there if you can make it!

Can’t make those dates? For the next 48 hours, we’d like to invite you to get the Superfood Garden Summit recordings for the early-bird price of 65% off!

Register & Get Early Access to the Superfood Garden Summit Recordings for $67

This event is good for you, good for your community, and good for the planet. It’s a masterclass on how to grow superfoods! Don’t forget to bring your superhero cape–because growing your own superfoods is like having your own backyard superpower. 😀🤝🌏

It’s a masterclass on how to grow superfoods! Don’t forget to bring your superhero cape–because growing your own superfoods is like having your own backyard superpower. 🦸

Stay Supercharged!
🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you a Marvel movie fan?
I am, and I was a comic book nerd before that.
Because I love the idea of everyday people having secret super powers. It's just something I love.
Which is why one of my favorite events every year is the Superfood Garden Summit.
It is all about how a normal everyday garden can grow some "super powers".
I am going to have a LOT more to tell you about it next week but I saw that registration was opening today so I figured I would shoot you a quick email.
Go signup here -
Keep grow'n,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

America is well on the path to out-of-control inflation!

In the coming weeks and months, you’ll see food prices doubling, then tripling, then jumping by 10x. It’s called hyperinflation, and we are headed straight for it…

Which is why we want to let you know about a very important educational webinar that will teach you how to grow your own food.

--->>Learn how to easily produce healthy meat, eggs and vegetables when you attend this complimentary, online event!
Your host, Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The Grow Network, an online community of over half a million homesteaders, backyard farmers, preppers, missionary organizations, and University researchers who are dedicated to backyard food production. As an expert in off-grid living, Marjory has been featured in National Geographic, has hosted Mother Earth News’ Homesteading Summits, and is host of the annual Homegrown Food and Home Medicine Summits. She is the author of The Grow System: The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficiency from Growing Food to Making Medicine.

At the How to Grow Lots of Food in a Grid Down Situation webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Status of global food shortages
  • How long the crisis will last
  • How much space you need to grow food
  • Easiest, highest calorie foods you can produce
  • A complete plan for producing all the food you need
  • How to get started today (regardless of the season)
  • And more!
Marjory will show you the fastest, easiest, and simplest ways to produce calories and nutrition, especially in a crisis and/or grid-down situation. No experience needed! You’ll learn everything you need to know to start producing food immediately.​
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How to Identify and Treat Powdery Mildew​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Need To Grow (Film) Replay​

Something to watch this weekend if you haven't seen it yet ...
The Need to Grow has consistently been popular with Eat4Earth subscribers.
This film reveals a breakthrough soil-restoring, energy-generating technology called the "Green Power House" as the film follows the stories of three solution innovators – an inventor, a farmer, and an 8-year-old girl – who are working on ways to regenerate soils and heal our food system.
Narrated by Rosario Dawson, this award-winning film will have you on the edge of your seat all the way to the surprise ending!
==> Sign up here to watch
If you decide to own it (only $7), you'll have the opportunity to also get another upgrade with an amazing set of bonuses, including exclusive content from Zach Bush, MD, full gardening courses, and more.
Here are some of the bonus trainings available with their upgrade package:
  • How to Grow $400 Worth of Vegetables and Herbs in 40 Days From Stacey Murphy (Value: $197)
  • Jump Start Your Urban Farm: Learn How to Start Growing Your Own Food From Greg Peterson (Value: $97.00)
  • Foods To Heal Your Microbiome: The Gut Soil Connection with Dr. Zach Bush
  • Nutrient Density: How to Grow Healing Foods with Erik Cutter
  • Starting a Seed Library with Alicia Serratos
  • The Most Important Steps to Your First Garden with David King
  • Eliminating Pesticides from Schools and Communities with Mackenzie Feldman
  • The Magic of Soils Simplified - Part 1 - with Toby Hemenway
  • The Magic of Soils Simplified - Part 2 - with Toby Hemenway
  • Introduction to Permaculture with Larry Santoyo
  • Avoiding GMOs: A Family Shopping Guide with Jeffrey Smith
  • How to Use Biochar with Michael Smith
  • Sprouting: Highest Nutrient Density with the Least Effort with Roe Sie
  • How to Compost At Home with Stacey Murphy
  • Balcony Growing: Apartment Farming Medicinal Plants with Sheela Mahdavi
  • Increasing Your Footprint: Gardening at Any Scale with Farmer Rishi
  • Healthy Soil Makes Healthy Kids with Dr. Joel Warsh
  • Indoor Gardening: Simplified Tools to Grow Anywhere with Trystan Donovan
And there's even more than that! There is over-the-top massive value in the upgrade package, so make sure you order lifetime access to the film for $7 and then check out the additional upgrade package they're offering.
>> Click here to watch it now for free!
Live healthy on a healthy planet,


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
It's 108 deg F today :( My "new zealand" spinach was doing well but being in containers, I had to water them every day. Forgot today and they are fried! I don't thin they will survive the summers here (or need to have less direct sunlight)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It's 108 deg F today :( My "new zealand" spinach was doing well but being in containers, I had to water them every day. Forgot today and they are fried! I don't thin they will survive the summers here (or need to have less direct sunlight)
Can you put a lattice panel up to give them partial shade. That's a true shame spinach is so good. You might grow it for baby leaves for salads, I use spinach instead of lettuce in most of my salads


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We wanted to make sure you know how to access your 8 Bonuses that you received as a thank you for joining us!

Just follow the link below, and you’ll find all your gifts from our Superfood Garden Summit speakers:

>>> Access your 8 Bonus Gifts here

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside each of your gifts…

BONUS #1 from Stacey Murphy, Grow Your Own Vegetables
Superfood Gardening eGuide

You can’t get this high quality of health at the store! Consider the benefits of growing superfoods at home. From the moment a plant is picked, it starts dying and losing precious vitamins, minerals, and phytoactive compounds. Instead of food that’s been sitting in delivery trucks and on grocery shelves for two weeks or more… grow your own fresh-picked harvests for SUPERIOR nourishment! This eGuide shares 12 Superfoods Anyone Can Grow.

BONUS #2 from Ocean Robbins, Food Revolution Network
Eat to Defeat Cancer: 10 Superfoods That Nourish Every Cell

Cancer is the most feared disease on the planet. The good news is that there’s a growing body of research that suggests that a diet rich in certain foods can help prevent or even reverse many forms of cancer. This guidebook from Food Revolution Network contains a detailed list of 10 superfoods that have documented cancer-fighting capabilities and improve overall cell health, so you can enjoy delicious foods while reducing your cancer risk. You’ll also learn which foods have been correlated with an increased risk of cancer, so you can eliminate or reduce them from your diet.

BONUS #3 from Rob Herring, Earth Conscious Life
The Need to Grow Film

Earth Conscious Life created an inspiring, award-winning film about the solutions Earth so desperately needs! It created a buzz at film festivals around the world, won several accolades for Best Documentary, and is available RIGHT NOW to watch for free. The film is called The Need To GROW, and it’s a profoundly moving 90-minute documentary — the kind that gives you chills, opens your heart, and leaves you informed about some of the most critical issues of our times. The focus of this film is on soil, food, and the future of our species — told through the lens of three extraordinary and very likable characters and their journeys as solutionaries. The Earth Conscious Life team spent over five years making this movie. This is a story that needs to be told — and it is told VERY well.

BONUS #4 from Matt Powers, The Permaculture Student
Compost & Compost Tea eBook

Get the science, methods, and recipes for all your compost and compost tea needs from garden to farm scale in one easy to read ebook. All excerpts come from Regenerative Soil, the celebrated breakthrough book that showcases the cutting edge in soil management methods and science.

BONUS #5 from Seeds for Generations
10% off Heirloom Seeds

Plant your seeds of hope… and make them heirloom while you’re at it. These high quality seeds have been passed down from generation to generation because they produce delicious fruit. Take advantage of 10% off today for all orders over $40. (NOTE: This bonus is only for participants in the U.S. & Canada)

BONUS #6 from Garden Tower Project
Save $40 off Garden Tower 2

Save $40.00 USD on a Garden Tower 2 or Garden Tower 2 Bundle … The composting 50 plant accessible vertical Garden Tower® for organic balcony and vertical gardening by Garden Tower® Project.

BONUS #7 from Seedtime
1 Month Membership to Seedtime App (Unlimited Plan)

Enjoy 1 FREE month free of the Seedtime App “Unlimited Plan.” It is tailored to your specific location and fully customizable gardening application and includes a Gardening Calendar, Task Reminders, Gardening Journal, Classroom Videos, Community Connection and the Seedtime Store!

BONUS #8 from Grow Your Own Vegetables
6 Easy-to-Grow Microgreens eGuide

Dive into the world of microgreens and learn how to grow your own nutritious greens! Discover essential tips and techniques for 6 microgreen varieties. Enjoy a plate full of microgreens in just 10 days! You'll also learn how to water your microgreens, ensure the safety of your microgreens, save money on seeds, and harvest them at the perfect time for maximum flavor.

Access your 8 Bonus Gifts here

Thanks for being a garden superhero 🦸,
🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Can you put a lattice panel up to give them partial shade. That's a true shame spinach is so good. You might grow it for baby leaves for salads, I use spinach instead of lettuce in most of my salads
I grew it years ago in hanging container... worked great (in this same city) but it only got morning light. The small one in a small clay pot is toast but the ones in a bigger container came back. They have been in the shade all day. Need to find a good spot to hang it (container came with a hanger)
By the way, it's not spinach (just resembles and sort of tastes like it... and okra) It's high in oxalic acid so best to cook it or at least par-boil a couple minutes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you’ve ever been through a hard season fighting pests, diseases, or weeds... you’ll probably relate to this.

And if you’ve been gardening for a while and haven’t dealt with pests, diseases or weeds, we’d love to talk to you. 🙂

Do you find yourself frustrated at fighting off more pests, diseases and weeds than you could shake a rake at?Cabbage moths all over your crops … Spotted wilt making its way through your tomatoes … Weeds choking out your zucchini plants 😱🥺

Playing a game of “whack-a-mole” running from problem to problem can be discouraging. And if you’ve ever had similar problems before, you know how much this can drain the joy for our gardens.

Your garden starts to become a “chore” instead of a hobby that you love!

But do you want you in on a little secret?

You can get Mother Nature to get rid of pests, diseases, and weeds for you!

Yes, it sounds incredible or too good to be true. But we’ve seen it (and taught it to others like you) firsthand. And you can do this all with completely organic methods that show these uninvited guests the door.

This way you can enjoy the fruits of your labor instead of having it stolen right out of your own backyard by these unwelcome guests.

We have a download that will help you get on the path to doing this (more on this in a minute).

You see the secret is that most experienced gardeners we know hardly spend any time controlling or treating pests, diseases and weeds.

Do you want to know why they’re able to do this?

Because they have the right mindset to stop these guests cold before they ever become a problem!

Experienced gardeners are “clued in” to some foundational truths like:

✅ Pests are part of your garden’s ecosystem just like worms, bees, bacteria, and fungi. And you can make each of these creatures “grow” or “shrink” by controlling the conditions in your garden first.

✅ Your garden is speaking to you every day! That means you have to learn how to listen and pay attention to the signs of pests & diseases before they even show up to cause trouble.

✅ Your plants have built in defense mechanisms that you can activate and strengthen with the right attention and care.

✅ Experts know intuitively that pests, diseases and weeds are only a symptom of the deeper problem… their gardening mindset!

Lucky for all of us, there’s a lot of good news here.

You can gain the mindset of a wise, experienced gardener in just a few hours!

We have a whole downloadable worksheet for it too! And we want you to have it for FREE so you can start “thinking” your way to a happier, healthier garden today:

>>> Download Your Free Copy of Successful Pest Management for the Organic Grower

You’ll get the same exercises we teach our students on how to control pests, diseases and weeds in our paid workshops and courses. We always start here because pests and diseases are just a symptom of a mindset problem.

We have to work on our thoughts about gardening first before anything else. Otherwise you might quickly end up playing “whack-a-mole” like Stacey did. 🤔

So save yourself a TON of time, energy, money, and heartache! Grab your own copy of our free pests & diseases workbook today (normally part of my paid courses):

>>> Successful Pest Management for the Organic Grower

Then once you download and go through your workbook, hit reply and let us know what you think!

We’re always interested to hear what you found most helpful from our materials! 😊

To your peace of mind,

🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Quercetin's little-known superpowers​

The last three years have put quercetin in the spotlight for its role as a zinc ionophore, But there is so much more to know about quercetin.Here are some of quercetin's superpowers, including some that most people do not know of:
  1. Acts as a zinc ionophore, enabling zinc to more easily enter cells where it can inhibit viral replication
  2. Blocks ACE2 receptor docking by a certain virus
  3. Activates sirtuins, which are enzymes that appear to control the rate at which we age
  4. Acts as a senolytic agent, reducing the prevalance of senescent "zombie" cells that should have died but continue living and promoting inflammation
  5. Stabilizes mast cells, thereby reducing inflammatory issues related to tje release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators
  6. Is a receptor potentiator that improves sensitivity of receptors to things like growth hormone
  7. Activates Nrf-2, a compound that upregulates production of endogenous antioxidants like glutathione
There's more to say about quercetni, but I will leave that for another email.If you'd like to grow your own quercetin (it's in many vegetables you can easily grow, like red onions and broccoli), you learn from Stacey Murphy and 15 other gardening mavens at the Superfood Gardening Summit, July 17 - 21..

Regenerate America - Sign the Petition​

Regenerate America is an unprecedented coalition of farmers, businesses, nonprofits, and individuals from every corner of our country and all political stripes.
This well-organized movement is elevating the voices of farmers and ranchers demanding that the 2023 US Farm Bill shift resources & support towards regenerative agriculture.
The video on the website demonstrates how much real traction this movement has been getting.
Sign the petition to help this movement gain even more momentum.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How to Attract Bees and Other Native Pollinators With a Foraging Habitat​

Embrace pollinator garden design to support and attract bees and other native pollinators. Consider how far do bees fly, plant diversity, and bloom times.​

Starting an Edible Landscape​

Starting an edible landscape begins with building healthy soil. Ducks, cover crops, and pollinators allow for edible landscaping with a permaculture twist.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A Giant Hardneck Garlic for Drought and Floods​

Bob Steffen’s giant hardneck garlic is a variety of garlic for drought, floods, and other changing climate conditions.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How can regenerative agriculture put carbon back into the soil?

On today’s episode of the Thriving Farmer Podcast, we are joined by Pamela Tanner Boll who is the director of the regenerative-focused documentary To Which We Belong. This film highlights farmers and ranchers leaving behind conventional practices that are no longer profitable or sustainable. These unsung heroes are improving the health of our soil and sea to save their livelihoods — and our planet.

Tune in to hear about Pamela’s journey in making this award-winning film!

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What inspired Pamela to film To Which We Belong
  • More on the best practices to keep CO2 levels under control​
  • About Pamela’s visits to farms and regenerative learning centers​
  • Which nonprofits Pamela has done research with​
  • What happens when you use cover crops to feed the carbon sugars​
  • What Pamela’s advice is for a farmer who is unsure of where to start​
  • How you can find out more about To Which We Belong
  • About what Pamela is working on next​

About the Guest:

Pamela Tanner Boll is the Founder/CEO of Mystic Artists Film Productions. Her most recent film, To Which We Belong, highlights farmers and ranchers who are improving the health of their land with regenerative practices and helping to reverse climate change.

Pamela grew up in Parkersburg, WV and received a BA in English from Middlebury College and a Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies from Lesley University. She raised her three sons in Winchester, Massachusetts and now lives in Boulder, Colorado.







Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Build a Basement Root Cellar​

Build a passively cooled basement root cellar and take advantage of one the most efficient ways to put up storage crops and home-canned preserves.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

DIY Root Cellar: Cold Storage Basics​

Use these plans to construct your own DIY root cellar. Cold storage is the best way to store potatoes and onions, and even certain fruit and leafy greens!​

DIY Food Storage Bins​

Turn your pantry or basement into a portable storeroom with stackable DIY food bins that can travel smoothly from garden to house to market and back again.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Underground Root Cellar Designs​

Check out these five underground root cellar designs for vegetable storage. Store root crops all winter with these underground food storage techniques.​

Stocking a Pantry for Three Months of Meals​

Learn about stocking a pantry for three months of meals, including information on storing the basics, meal plans, storing the right amount for meals, labeling foods, and saving money.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Welcome to water harvesting month with Greg & Janis. This month we will be giving our annual Water Harvesting Summit on July 13, 14 & 15. We have some amazing presenters and an incredible water harvesting course that you can attend. The Summit is free - click HERE to register!
Plus join us for our Tree, Garden and Seed Chats. Check them out...

Tree Chat
July 11
Click HERE


Seed Chat
"Seed Support & Where to find it"
July 18
Click HERE


Garden Chat
"Pro Gardening Tips"
July 25
Click HERE



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
18 Medicinal Properties of Cucumbers​
Marvel over the humble cucumber with these 18 health benefits, which range from keeping your body cool and hydrated to helping prevent diseases such as diabetes.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I picked my first zucchini today


here's a couple of the blossoms, many people don't know this but you can batter and fry the blossoms and they taste like a mushroom
P1470617.JPGP1470615 - Copy.JPG

I also took another load of snap peas and another load of broccoli :bliss:
Also have a mater startin to turn red


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, whether you're an avid gardener like me or brand-new to it, don't miss...

This WONDERFUL free new guide on the Top 12 Superfoods You Can EASILY Grow at Home

Fresh foods are the healthiest, and taste (by far) the best...

And in this clear and concise guide, you'll discover:

>>> The top 12 superfoods that are easy for you to grow at home

>>> Those that can be grown INSIDE as well as OUTSIDE

>>> Those that can be grown in SMALL SPACES, if you have limited space

>>> The best temperature and climate for each of these superfoods

>>> HOW MUCH harvest you can expect

>>> Which of these superfoods grows the FASTEST (one supremely healthy superfood takes 2 weeks or less for a harvest!)

>>> And much more!

Head here now for this very useful and completely free new guide

Click here to get your free copy of "Superfood Gardening: Vitality, Longevity and Nourishment with 12 Superfoods ANYONE Can Grow"


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

We're delighted to extend an invitation to you for our upcoming free online workshop on profitable strawberry cultivation. This is not your everyday workshop - it's the essence of a decade's worth of practical farming experience and knowledge, made accessible to you in a convenient online format.

Although we have been growing strawberries for over a decade, they have become a pivotal crop in just the few short years we’ve been farming at our Farm on Central, accounting for a significant 20% of our farm's income within just four weeks each year.

strawberry picking

Following numerous emails, DMs, and phone calls seeking our insights, we've finally distilled our expertise into an introductory three-day workshop. This is a golden opportunity for you to learn from our experiences, successes, and even missteps, empowering you to adopt a time-tested, profitable system for your own farm or homestead.

The workshop, scheduled from July 17th to 19th, is comprised of a daily video release, covering crucial aspects of successful strawberry farming:

  • The differences between the three main strawberry growing systems; we’ll help you determine the one that best fits your farm, garden, or homestead​
  • An analysis of the potential profit margins in strawberry farming and how to make the numbers work for you​
  • How we consistently charge double our local competition and almost always sell out​
  • Gaining insights into running a successful and safe u-pick operation (over 3000 happy visitors were welcomed to our farm this year)​
  • The four-part system we've developed and refined over the years to consistently achieve success with this crop​

We're thrilled to be able to finally offer this exciting workshop! The knowledge you'll gain could significantly enhance your farming approach and outcomes. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Which phytonutrients are best for your bio-individuality?​

Depending on your genetics, nutrient deficiencies, or other factors, some phytonutrients may not be right for you right now.
For example, quercetin can affect neurotransmitters, mood, and the sex hormones, and how this plays out in your body depends on your genetics.
This can be important to understand in order to decide which plants to grow in your garden, which you can learn how to master in Stacey Murphy's upcoming Superfood Garden Summit (July 17-21).
Here's the key when it comes to quercetin and other catechol-containing phytonutrients ... they essentially slow down the enzymes MAOA and MAOB (two variants of the monoamine oxidase enzyme) and also COMT (catechol-O-methyl transferase).
These enzymes clear the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine from your system.
Having fast versions of these enzymes typically gives you low levels of neurotransmitters, and having slow versions of these enzymes typically gives you high levels of these neurotransmitters.
So catechol-containing phytonutrients like quercetin could be beneficial for you if you have fast versions of these neurotransmitter-clearing enzymes because you might benefit from slowing down these fast neurotransmitter-clearing enzymes, thereby raising your low levels of neurotransmitters.
On the other hand, catechol-containing phytonutrients like quercetin could be detrimental to you if you have slow versions of these enzymes and wouldn't want to further slow down your slow neurotransmitter-clearing enzymes because this could lower your already low levels of neurotransmitters.
One of these enzymes (COMT) also affects how quickly you clear steroid hormones like estrogen and testosterone.
I will explain all of this in more detail in another email. For now, let's look at foods to consider growing or not growing, depending on whether you have the fast or slow versions of these enzymes ...
Catechol-containing phytonutrients that you may need want to emphasize (if you have fast versions of the enzymes mentioned above) or limit (if you have slow versions of those enzymes) include:
  • quercetin
  • rutin
  • luteolin
  • EGCG
  • fisetin
  • ferulic acid
  • hydroxytyrosol.
Foods rich in these phytonutrients include:
  • onions
  • capers
  • berries
  • apples
  • kale
  • tomatoes
  • Brussels sprouts
  • broccoli
  • cabbage
  • green tea and black tea
  • radicchio
  • peppers
  • cilantro
  • sweet corn
  • olive oil.
If you want to emphasize phytonutrients that do not contain catechols, you might want to focus on (and grow) foods containing non-catechol phytonutrients, like ...
  • apigenin
  • baicalein
  • wogonin
  • scutellarein
  • chrysin
  • myricetin
  • genistein.
Foods that contain these phytonutrients and are not rich in catechols like quercetin include ...
  • parsley
  • celery
  • chamomile
  • Mexican oregano
  • carrots
  • mint
  • Swiss chard
  • sweet potatato
  • butter beans (lima beans).
To get expert guidance on growing the foods you want to grow, reserve your complimentary spot at the Superfood Garden Summit (July 17-21).
Another potential consideration regarding which phytonutrients to emphasize is if you have issues that slow down the clearance of phenols via sulfation.
In this situation, polyphenol-rich foods could be a problem for you because excess phenols can slow down the dopamine beta hydroxylase enzyme that converts dopamine to norepinephrine and epinephrine.
This can happen if you have a slow version of the sulfite oxidase enzyme, a deficiency of molybdenum, and/or an overgrowth of phenol-producing bacteria
Unfortunately, many phytonutrients consist of polyphenols, whether they are catechol-rich or not.
If you have an issue clearing phenols and need to focus on foods low in polyphenols, here are some options ...
  • potatoes
  • lettuce (especially iceberg)
  • bean shoots
  • butter beans (lima beans)
  • celery
  • Brussels sprouts
  • green cabbage
  • chives
  • garlic (if eaten in small amounts)
  • asparagus
  • beets
  • bok choy
  • carrot
  • turnip
  • parsnip
  • cucumber
  • green peas and snow peas
  • pumpkin
  • butternut squash.
To master the art and science of growing these foods or others, learn from one of the best gardening teachers around, Stacey Murphy, and her expert guests at the Superfood Garden Summit (July 17-21)
And if you want help understanding your genes and other factors like nutrient status, methylation status, and more that impact food choices that are optimal for body, go to the Bio-Individual Wellness website, and click on "Access Our System", and then after watching the video, you can schedule a time to talk.


Cranky Old Fart
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Today I went to a workshop on culinary herbs put on by the county Master Gardeners. There was also a workshop on preserving herbs presented by the local Master Preservers. Interesting stuff.

I'm working on getting a raised bed and container garden going that will be irrigated by a drip system now that I have time to do it. I'm doing raised beds and containers because I have heavy clay soil and invasive Bermuda grass.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today I went to a workshop on culinary herbs put on by the county Master Gardeners. There was also a workshop on preserving herbs presented by the local Master Preservers. Interesting stuff.

I'm working on getting a raised bed and container garden going that will be irrigated by a drip system now that I have time to do it. I'm doing raised beds and containers because I have heavy clay soil and invasive Bermuda grass.
I wish they had a workshop like that here, I use a ton of herbs in my fight. ;)
Now I know where to go when I have a question on them

Wishing you the best of luck my friend but I am sure you will do great

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes they let you water gardens not lawns to a point but in the real bad they ban that too but I still do :rolleyes:

So much of water policy is underhanded politics. I hate it that we can't trust any governments anymore, not the local, the state, and certainly not the national.

I was listening to a podcast about how one rural area's local government tried to lock down their wells and charge them for their own water from their own wells they'd dug themselves. It turned out they wanted to sell that pure clean water to a bottler, and were trying to keep the pesky locals out of it. The people did get together and defeat the infringement on their water rights.


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ECF Refugee
Almost ready for my first harvest of the NZ spinach. Going to par-boil (just a bit) and put it in an omelette. It may not do well with too much full sun but is OK with heat (unlike real spinach) Trim some off and it regrows quickly and for a long time. In Australia, it grows wild (especially along the coast) Some even consider it a nuisance weed (kind of like Purslane here... many people don't know how healthy it is to eat)
Anyway, if anyone want's to try it you will have to order seeds (they are not easy to find at local stores) There is a "trick" to get them to germinate (soak in water then lightly "scar" the top with an emery board)


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Herbal Suncare​

Protect your skin this summer from the sun. Learn about the risks of excessive sun, how to treat burns, and how to reverse damage.​

7 Ways to Protect Your Skin Without Sunblock​

Although sunblock has its place in your skin-protection arsenal, learn how to protect your skin from the sun naturally without sunblock.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

DIY Worm Farm and Vermicomposting Basics​

Build a DIY worm farm and learn vermicomposting basics by adding worms to your composting process to create a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden.​

Vermicompost: How to Attract Worms to Your Garden​

Learn how to attract worms to your garden for DIY vermicompost. Includes steps for a DIY worm bin to keep worms through the winter to make spring fertilizer.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you ready to learn just how easy it is to garden or farm during the winter and emerge as a true four -season expert?

I've got exciting news for you!

The folks at Seedtime are hosting a free LIVE Winter Gardening Challenge! And even though it might be blazing hot out (it is here in Ohio) right now is the time to be thinking about winter production!!


And the folks over at Seedtime have lined up some of the most experienced winter growers in the country - which means this is your chance to learn from:

Eliot Coleman, Ray Tyler, and Jill Winger…

As they reveal the secrets behind growing winter produce without breaking your pocketbook.

I’ll even be talking about our annual bed strawberries and how they help maximize our production systems!!

Here are the event details and how to sign up for free:

🌱 What: FREE Winter Gardening Challenge to Grow Your Best Winter Garden Ever

📅 When: July 16th - July 20th

🌟 Speakers: Eliot Coleman, Michael Kilpatrick, Ray Tyler, and more…

During this transformative event, you will discover:

🌱 How to plan your best winter garden ever from scratch in 3 simple steps

🌱 The “Winter L+R vs. Summer S+F” formula to easily know what grow best in the winter vs. the summer

🌱 The #1 critical factor for having a fresh harvest during the winter months

🌱 How to create your own planting schedule in just minutes (complete with a checklist of what to do each week)

🌱 How to build a “quick hoop” from scratch without breaking your pocketbook

Come learn from the best winter growers to maximize your potential whether you are growing for yourself, or feeding your community, as they guide you through the toughest challenges, provide solutions, and empower you to achieve remarkable results.

Click the link below to secure your spot in the Winter Gardening Challenge for free:

Click here to join the challenge for free

Eating from your fields 12 months out of the year is easier than you think!!!

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