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Garden time is coming


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Mystery Plants​
One of the most popular questions that Nikki (Our Happiness Director) received last week was "What is this plant?"

As much as Nikki wishes she could answer all of these questions, she is just not equipped to provide labels for all of those mystery plants.

Fortunately, TGN has an AMAZING community of people. They do say two brains are better than one and in this case, we are thrilled to share this fun community forum post!

Join the community forum to share and receive answers to the plant mysteries that surround us everyday.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you ready to take your irrigation to the next level?

Wicking beds are amazing. Many urban growers I know, as soon as they learn about wicking beds, they become so excited that they start building one right away.

So what exactly is it?

It’s a garden bed with lining to hold water at the bottom. Water is drawn upward to the surface like a wick. Wicking beds are a water-efficient, self-watering way to irrigate your crops.

They are ideal for people with limited strength or mobility because you don’t have to carry heavy water containers. Plus, you can build the be to be a comfortable height so you don’t have to stoop down. That’s a win in my book!

My good friend Ray wrote a series on his experience with wicking beds (plus how to build one). Check it out and prepare yourself to get seriously stoked on this idea.

Article 1: Building my wicking bed

Article 2: Wicking beds 2.0

Article 3: Wicking beds 3.0


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Keep Squirrels Out of the Garden with Aluminum Foil​

A reader who wanted to stop the little varmints from digging up his plants discovered aluminum foil works very well to keep squirrels out of the garden.​

Organic Deer-Proof Garden Ideas and Tips​

With these organic deer proof garden ideas, learn how to keep deer out of garden naturally without using pesticides or repellents that hurt your garden.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

City Farmers: Protect Your Garden From Deer, Rabbits, Moles and Other Critters​

Learn the best deer deterrents, how to get rid of moles, and what to do about pesky rabbits, and squirrels invading your city garden.​

Attract Beneficial Garden Insects and Natural Garden Predators​

Learn how certain flies, wasps, spiders, and other beneficial garden insects can keep garden pest populations in check and strengthen your backyard ecosystem.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Welcome to get your garden watered month with Greg & Janis. We will be giving our Introduction to Drip Tape class on June 22nd at 4pm Pacific and 7 pm Eastern. Join us for this lively conversation about why drip tape is so great and how to install your own! Click HERE to register!
Plus join us for our Tree, Garden and Seed Chats. Check them out...

Tree Chat
June 13
Click HERE


Seed Chat
"Seed Saving & Climate Change"
June 20
Click HERE


Garden Chat
"Water Harvesting for Gardens"
June 27
Click HERE



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Get Your FREE TICKET to Attend The Grow Network's FIRST ANNUAL Grow Your Own Groceries LIVE SUMMIT!



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hey @Jimi I planted seeds this year again and not getting many Tomato Plants or Herbs. A Cat dug up my seeds but where I used my compost in the Herb Garden I had a bunch of Tomato Plants grow. In my Garden where I had the San Marzano Tomatoes last year I had 30 Plants grow~~! So I am not sure what I have but when the Fruit develops I will find out~!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

🍅 The Importance of a Garden Trellis 🍅
In our last newsletter we shared about how to build a garden trellis, but we thought it would be helpful to share the WHY behind a garden trellis.

The benefits of using a trellis system in your garden is to maximize growing space and protect your harvest. By using a trellis, you can elevate your plants off the ground, keeping them away from moisture and soil-dwelling pests. It is recommended to start trellising your plants when they are small to avoid damaging them later on. Trellising is particularly useful for crops like pole beans, indeterminate tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, and melons. 🍅🥒🍈

In addition to the space-saving advantages, a versatile trellis system offers other benefits. Expert gardeners often rotate their crops each year to confuse pests, prevent diseases, and maintain soil nutrient balance. However, without a versatile trellis system, moving trellises from bed to bed becomes a tedious task. By investing in a versatile trellis, you can easily rotate your crops without the hassle of constantly relocating the trellises, ultimately leading to healthier plants and more abundant harvests. 💪


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
🤓 Learn ▶️ Grow ▶️ Harvest 🌱
This is an exciting time of the year for some, an overwhelming time for others, and some don’t even know where to begin. 😅

Get ready for an exciting gardening and homesteading summit hosted by our friends over at the Grow Network! Whether you have limited space, live in an apartment, or are simply interested in preserving food, this event is perfect for you. Join the summit and discover how ordinary people like us are creating personalized homesteads that suit their needs.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn valuable tips and insights from leading experts help you cultivate your life and home into a modern self-sufficient grow system

The 2023 Grow Your Own Groceries Food Summit is perfect for any skill level. They have been working closely with experts in the industry to bring to you the information you need to be
successful in the garden this summer.​

SnapDragon NY

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Jimi I finally got my veggies planted yesterday- beefsteak tomatoes, egg plant, yellow summer squash, cucumbers,zucchini, butternut squash, green peppers and jalapeno peppers.
I couldn't get outside today to take pictures, really bad air quality in the dangerous level of 358 today from the Canadian wildfires- the sky is a hazy yellow color and you can smell firery smoke in the air. We've been told to stay inside, hope this passes soon!

SnapDragon NY

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@Jimi - do you know anything about garter snakes? In the 30 years I have lived here I have seen 3 or 4- but this year I have seen 10 or more, I see them daily. These are quite long too over a foot long each. I know they are not poisonous, but scared of getting bit by one. They are good for the garden right?

SnapDragon NY

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usually wont strike unless you pester them or try to pick them up.
Haha- no worries there, no way do I want to touch one, let alone pester and try to pick one up, lol!
They hide where I am weeding, just scared I'll reach my hand under some plants and get bit like that. I try to rake a bit before I stick my hand under plants now. There was one sunning himself on the pool concrete walkway out in the open, not a care in the world, lol!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Haha- no worries there, no way do I want to touch one, let alone pester and try to pick one up, lol!
They hide where I am weeding, just scared I'll reach my hand under some plants and get bit like that. I try to rake a bit before I stick my hand under plants now. There was one sunning himself on the pool concrete walkway out in the open, not a care in the world, lol!
This is a prime mating time I think, always see them this time of year. You could take a broom handle (cause it will work it's way to the ground and stir it around before reachin under a plant also. They have very small teeth and it's more of a pinch than a bite, yes I have messed with them a lot :rolleyes:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you could add something to your garden that would naturally deter pests, entice pollinators, increase soil fertility, and add beauty to your garden…you’d want that, right?

What if we told you that thing would also increase your joy both in your garden and your home? 🤗

That it wouldn’t require much additional space, planning, time, or money?

That it could immediately shift your mood to a feeling of wonder and wellbeing?

FLOWERS are the most underestimated element to creating a thriving, diverse garden. 🌺

>>> Download Adding Flowers to Your Vegetable & Herb Garden Cheat Sheet here

When they’re just getting started gardening, many people overlook flowers because they’re so focused on growing food. However, experienced gardeners know that growing flowers alongside your vegetables and herbs can have a BIG impact on the productivity, sustainability, and beauty of your garden.

Mother nature is all about making connections! The productivity of your vegetable plants and the nutrient density of your food depend on the interactions between soil, water, insects, and other plants in your garden. Understanding how nature interacts in your garden can help you harness the power of biodiversity so you can find more joy in your garden with less work.

But what flowers should you add? 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌼

The answer is…yes!

The flowers you add are all up to YOU: your goals, your space, your idea of beauty! A little bit of research and intuition are all you need. Grab that gorgeous flower that calls to you at a local nursery. Join a foraging group and learn about native flower species in your area. Incorporate medicinal flowers like echinacea and calendula for your foray into herbal medicine.

>>> Download the Adding Flowers to Your Vegetable and Herb Garden Cheat Sheet now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever caught yourself thinking of your garden as just another chore? Or have you been so overwhelmed by the work of gardening that you haven’t started yet?

What if you thought about your garden like…a party?

You’re the host, and your crops are your guests.

Every crop has its own personality: likes, dislikes, wants, needs. Some crops are patient and resilient. Some are sensitive and dramatic. Some are in a hurry to grow up, and some take their time.

How do these personalities interact with each other as they’re growing in your garden?

Plant personalities come down to their biology. Companion gardening is the practice of planting certain vegetables close together because they help each other grow better and be more productive. It’s also about who to keep away from each other.

Yes, the guests at your garden party will have assigned seats.

Will aunt Rosemary chive well with everyone? Will peas disturb the peace?

And what’s the dill with Fennel?

If you’re thinking this party is starting to sound like a lot of work…That’s why we created this downloadable guide so that you can take the complication out of companion planting:

>>> Download Your FREE Copy of our Companion Planting eGuide


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How To Get Rid of Chiggers​

Where do chiggers live? Learn how to get rid of chiggers and prevent them from biting in the summer.​

8 Bee Sting Home Remedies​

Get fast relief using bee sting home remedies and learn how to get bee stinger out while monitoring for signs of an allergic reaction.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

When to Worry About a Spider Bite or Snake Bite​

When to worry about a spider bite or snake bite? If you find yourself with a spider or snakebite, follow these simple steps to prevent poisoning, while waiting for medical attention.​

Herbal Bug Spray Recipe​

Interested in how to keep bugs away home remedies? Combine these fresh herbs in a safe and effective herbal bug spray recipe.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Horticultural Charcoal vs. Activated Charcoal for Sick Soils​

Most soils that have been under cultivation are contaminated and polluted with any number of toxic residues. This is where activated charcoal for plants excels over horticultural charcoal.​

Garden Planning: Guidelines for Growing Grains​

Work toward homestead food self-sufficiency by developing a plan for growing grains. Get an idea of how much space you'll need to plant to a given grain crop in your garden using the chart below.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, we understand that it’s so easy to get stuck in the rut of thinking of your garden as work.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking about gardening as…
❌ Needing something from you, instead giving you what you need?
❌ Taking up time you’d rather spend doing something fun?
❌ Just another chore on your long to-do list?
❌ Overwhelming? Like you’re not sure how to get started?
❌ Something you’re just not good at? (we see you, self-proclaimed “brown thumbs” 😉)

If you have, we totally get it. And we’re here to help you out of that rut.

It’s time to reimagine what gardening could mean for your life. Whether you’ve been gardening for a long time or are just getting started, looking at gardening from fresh perspectives can help you discover new direction, purpose, and joy in your garden.

That’s why yesterday, we sent you our Companion Planting eGuide and invited you to reimagine your garden as a party 🎉

Because the truth is, your garden can be whatever you want it to be.
It can feed you in so many ways.

Your garden could become a lab for exciting science experiments, an art project, a meditation center, a place to slow down and connect with nature, or even an outdoor workout facility that actually saves you money. It all depends on what YOU want!

We are so excited to invite you to our Garden Freedom Micro Course. It all starts with YOU and what you really, really want in your garden.

>>> Learn more about the Garden Freedom Micro Course here

This course is all about making your time in the garden efficient and FUN!
Hint: having a system changes everything.

What if we told you that your garden can absolutely give you everything you want WITHOUT taking up too much time and energy and becoming a chore? It’s all about zooming in on YOUR goals and finding systems that simplify the work, so you can get exactly what you need from your garden.

>>> Check out the Garden Freedom Micro Course!

Inside the course, you’ll find resources for setting clear goals that reflect your values and make gardening everything you need it to be:

⚡ Our garden mantra: FUN is better than PERFECT! Say it with us now…
⚡ Discover your garden superpower and what kind of garden will work best for you
⚡ Tap into your “why” for gardening, so even the worky parts feel easier
⚡ Celebrate goals you’ve created, even if you’re not sure how to get there yet!
⚡ Create a garden routine that fits into your lifestyle and makes you FEEL GREAT
⚡ Easy ways to keep your garden a priority

What do you want more of in your life?

Health? Abundance? Connection to nature? Physical activity? Beauty? Fun?
An opportunity to learn and grow, and to share those things with others?

Well, guess what!? You can grow all of that in your garden!

Once you’ve put on your superhero cape and set gardening goals that make sense for your life, you’ll also learn how to MAXIMIZE your gardening success, even if you have minimal time, space, or money to invest. The course includes videos, resources, and workbooks to help you:

🌿 Find growing space you might not even know you have!
🌿 Get creative if your space isn’t “ideal”
🌿 Create your garden budget–with examples to get you started
🌿 Save money getting set up…and save mega money on your grocery bill
🌿 Choose vegetable and herb crops AND varieties that work for your space and climate
🌿 Understand how sunlight and temperature affect garden growth and your harvest
🌿 Assess your local climate conditions, soil health, and rainfall
🌿 Keep track of your harvests and manage the time you spend in the garden

>>> Find Garden Freedom TODAY with the Garden Freedom Micro Course

The best part? This course is PACKED with useful information but won’t take you a ton of time to go through. Go at your own pace. Fast track by binge watching the whole thing and going back as you need, or go step-by-step and take as much time as you want to digest each lesson.

The…other best part? It’s just $37 when you sign up in the next few days. And it’ll more than pay for itself when you customize our systems to fit your needs. You’ll have all the tools you need to skip the work, take charge of your time, and save $$$ on fresh vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

Our Garden Freedom system is not one size fits all.

One size fits all never fits anyone well. The goal of the garden system is to help you tailor the right strategies to YOUR garden, so it can thrive based on your specific goals and your unique growing space.

There’s no time like the present to bust out of the rut and find fun in the garden! In 2023, you can have the garden of your dreams!

Join us now to find the freedom to create a garden that is all yours and feeds you in all of the ways you need.

To YOUR thriving garden,

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here’s the thing about gardening: you don’t get many redos.

Your growing season only offers so many days to work with, and vegetables only grow so fast. If your tomatoes didn’t work out this year, you don’t get to try again until next year!

Gardening is a skill. To master any new skill, you have to learn as much as you can about it, practice, and learn from your mistakes.

Think about it: If you’re learning to crochet, you can pull your project apart and start over several times a day until you’ve got it down. But we sure can’t do that with our gardens.

If you haven’t had the success you’d hoped for in the past, or you’re new to gardening and not sure where to start, it’s easy to feel defeated.

In our Garden Freedom Micro Course, we share tools that will help you every step of the way.

>>> Learn More About the Garden Freedom Micro Course

So how can you realize your garden dreams if you only get so many chances to try again?

You can do what farmers and gardeners have done for generations:

🌱 Learn as much as you can from experts and people who’ve been there
🌱 Set goals that matter to YOU so you can prioritize your efforts
🌱 Create plans that help you realize your goals and keep you on track
🌱 Keep good records so you can learn as much as you can from your own experience
🌱 Be in community with others who can help you and answer your questions
🌱 Update your systems based on all the new knowledge you gain each year

When you join the course, here’s what you’ll get:

4 video lessons + downloadable resources to help you create YOUR dream garden:

🍅 FUN is Better Than Perfect!

Create a mindset of SUCCESS, set garden goals that really matter, eliminate unnecessary work, discover the Garden Superhero inside YOU, and create a garden routine that fits your life and gives you BIG WINS so you can have FUN in your garden.

🍅 5 Keys to a Successful Garden Space
Discover how to double your harvest in half the space by making observations, evaluate how conditions like sunlight, temperature, and rainfall affect your growing space for maximum harvest with minimal effort, easily map shadows, find growing space you didn’t even know you had, and create a garden plan that WORKS.

🍅 Save Money! Grow Your Own Food
Learn how you can grow $400 of vegetables in 40 days by observing, experimenting, and making efficient choices that give you an abundant harvest of all of our favorite vegetables. You can grow tons of clean, organic, nutrient-dense food for just pennies on the dollar!

🍅 Vegetable and Herb Gardening in Just Minutes Each Week
Use the Garden Freedom 7-Step Garden System workbook to create LIVING soil, choose crops and varieties you’ll love, create a planting calendar, track your rainfall and harvests, focus your efforts on what really matters, set up your garden budget, and apply what you’ve learned next season!

The Garden Freedom Micro Course is designed to get you growing FAST, and each lesson is jam-packed with resources, tips, and tricks you can use to set up your garden for success.

Go through the lessons at your own pace, and revisit your favorite parts! Once you sign up, the course is yours forever.

>>> Get Access to the Garden Freedom Micro Course TODAY and GET GROWING

Along with the video lessons and downloadable workbooks, we’ve included a ton of awesome bonuses, including:

Bonus: 7 Videos for even more inspiration and ways to make your garden THRIVE:

⚡ 10 Common Mistakes Beginners Make and How to Avoid Them
⚡ Unusual Edibles: Stealth Food for Front Yard Growing
⚡ Successful Seed Starting and Transplants
⚡ Get a Great Start! Choosing Your Crops
⚡ Mountain of Wild Mustards!
⚡ Growing Sprouts Indoors
⚡ Growing Pea and Sunflower Shoots

Bonus: 2 FREE Months of Harvest Club Membership:

Harvest Club is the Grow Your Own Vegetables thriving online garden community that helps you move through obstacles quickly so you can continue to reach your fresh food goals. You’ll get individualized garden support, access to an archive of resources we’ve released in the past, and the opportunity to connect and share ideas with other growers!

Who needs redos when you have this many resources??

No matter what your current skill level, you can set yourself up for a lifetime of garden success starting TODAY.

Right now, the Garden Freedom Micro Course is available for $37. This offer won’t last long, so don’t wait to make your move toward BIG WINS in the garden.

>>> Sign up for the Garden Freedom Micro Course NOW for only $37!

You’re the only one who can imagine your perfect garden for you.

We have the experience, skills, resources, community, and systems to get you there FAST.

Team up with us, and discover the difference!

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A dozen years ago my good friend and mentor Scott Murray introduced me to what I consider the best and most efficient way to water your garden. It is called drip tape - Join Janis and I for our Introduction to Drip Tape class on June 22nd at 4pm Pacific and 7 pm Eastern. We dive deeply into how irrigation systems work with this lively conversation about why drip tape is so great and how to install your own! Click HERE to register!
Plus join us for our Garden and Seed Chats. Check them out...

Seed Chat
"Seed Saving & Climate Change"
June 20
Click HERE


Garden Chat
"Water Harvesting for Gardens"
June 27
Click HERE



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Canning Vegetables: How It Works​

What makes canning a safe food preservation method? Learn the science of canning vegetables and why you might use a water bath canner or pressure canner.​

Pressure Canning Basics​

Learn pressure canning basics by following this advice for low-acid food while sticking to pressure canning safety guidelines for easy year-round food preservation.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Tomato Marmalade Recipe​

Try making this tasty Tomato Marmalade Recipe for canning, which includes oranges, lemons, and cinnamon.​
Read More >

Homemade Apple Jelly Recipe: Canning for Beginners​

Can your harvest safely with this primer on water bath canning vs pressure canning for beginners. Includes a Homemade Apple Jelly recipe to get you started!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Friend,

It’s so sad when things come to an end. But you don’t have to be sad yet! An encore presentation of this years Grow Your Own Groceries Summit is happening right NOW!

You still have a chance to catch any presentations or interviews you may have missed, or to rewatch your favorites.

The encore is airing now through June 18. Don’t miss your last chance to view everything for free!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Growing Turmeric: My Favorite Container Garden System
We all know the incredible anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric.

This self-watering container garden allows you to grow your own in a small area with minimal work.

Check out this video of Marjory talking about her favorite way to grow turmeric.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Is it possible to keep your garden watered (and growing!), without turning on the hose every day?

You bet!

I’m SO excited to invite you to this year’s Water Harvesting Summit, where you’ll come away with practical ways to collect, store, and use the planet’s most precious resource: water!

It’s happening on July 13-15. Click here to register!

Whether you’re an experienced water harvester, or you’re “dipping your toes” in for the first time,

We’ve got a lineup of experts who will give you the inside scoop on keeping your garden flourishing all summer long.

See how to…

  • Keep your plants watered by setting up your own water harvesting system (it’s simple!)
  • Slash your energy bills with simple ways to harvest the water that’s already in your yard (even in dry climates)
  • Reduce your reliance on chemically-treated municipal water
  • Use our team’s favorite water harvesting techniques in your own yard
  • Connecting with our community of food growers from around the world
  • Get expert advice for your garden in our daily Q&As!
Your garden will “thank you” for attending by producing a bounty of nutritious food all summer long - while supporting your local and global water cycle!

Click here to register for the Water Harvesting Summit!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How to Use Neem Oil on Plants to Prevent Garden Pests​

Learn how to use neem oil on plants, a natural steroid causing insects to lose their appetite and interest in laying eggs.​

Construct a Chicken Moat for Effective Garden Pest Control​

Construct a chicken moat for effective garden pest control. Surround your garden with this double-fenced chicken run to keep bugs at bay.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Ep. 34 Organic Pest Control​

Learn about organic pest control methods, how to terminate and repel pests using methods that are less harmful than many mainstream products that we encounter.​

Organic Cucumber Beetle Control​

Wondering how to get rid of cucumber beetles? Row covers and kaolin clay should be your first line of organic cucumber beetle control.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What surprises people when they start water harvesting is that it isn’t just “a bit” of water…

In fact, it’s not unusual for people to be shocked that they are able to water their entire garden, using only harvested water!

I just heard from someone who collected over 800 gallons of water using their water harvesting system.

Just think about what that would do for your garden, Jimi!

If that sounds like something you could use, join us for the Water Harvesting Summit!

In just 3 days we cover simple and practical ways to improve how you water your garden and become more self-sufficient.

Water is one of the most important things you need to secure your food supply - and right now it’s just going down the drain.

Join us for the Summit on July 13-15 and keep your garden green all year long!

Click here to register for the Water Harvesting Summit! (It's f-r-e-e!)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How Much Light Do Plants Need?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!


Your vegetable and herb plants need their water if they're going to grow into your dream garden. There’s no way around that.

So the question is… are you someone who enjoys watering by hand. 💦🤚...😮!?

Maybe your garden is small enough that it’s not too much trouble to water by hand…But there’s also another way.

For under $100 USD and a couple hours of your time, you can completely automate your garden watering for life.

>>> Check out this video: Drip Irrigation Systems

Never hand water again! 😅

And if you set it up right, it can water your plants more efficiently too… conserving
precious water!

Discover the components you need to never water again.

Water your dreams today… automatically! 😉

🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

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