I have Parkinson's Disease. It goes downhill until it kills you. I shake so bad I am confined to a Wheelchair. Plus meds fuck me up even more. Maybe prolong my life though. I actually don't want to die. I have had a good life though so I am ready to go if the lord calls my name.
I was just answering peoples questions. I have good days and bad. Let's just talk about Stabwood while I still can. thanks
You are always welcomed here, and you see when you are absent we all miss you ..... So hang in there and keep looking and posting .... And take your meds....
We always take the time to read your comments even if you repeat yourself ..... But remember we all really care, because we are all mature, old, and have experienced a lot in this life......
I could die tomorrow, but I know my son is soon graduating from college , never arrested, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and works to pay for his own condo and his car and he's 22 years old......
So I did my part already and living alone and working is not a wonderful spot to be....... For me at least.... I feel like all I do is work.....
I would like to see him graduate and get married, but I'm happy with what I have see already........
So Keep posting and reading and stay busy....
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