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Smoky Blue

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but also, knowing the flavor you are working with.. plays a big part..
if you know what you like and at what percentage, the rest is easy.

find your happy spot first!


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Sorry about your syringe Huck.:oops: I generally just use drops, but I did measure the drops on a random sampling and got 60 drops per ml so I can figure percentage. Other people are getting different drops per ml.

As do I

And Passunca probably has a different size tipped bottle?

The pharma standard of 1/20th of a ml comes from the bulb type dropper using water from my uderstanding.


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Inawera Smoked Plum is a fantastic flavor. Especially mixed with Wera Garden Oriental Tobacco Absolute. As for Capella, I don't use them anymore. It takes way too much to get them to taste good. Then coil gunking happens, and I don't like that.
Whoa. Jimi's here. Welcome to the dark side. =)


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Inawera Smoked Plum is a fantastic flavor. Especially mixed with Wera Garden Oriental Tobacco Absolute. As for Capella, I don't use them anymore. It takes way too much to get them to taste good. Then coil gunking happens, and I don't like that.

I don't really like tobacco vapes, but everytime I see you talk about this I'm tempted to order it! So, is it more plum or more tobacco?

Smoky Blue

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I don't really like tobacco vapes, but everytime I see you talk about this I'm tempted to order it! So, is it more plum or more tobacco?

it's more of a dried plumish raisin.. it's good! not an all day, but then I dont claim another to be all day for me..
but it is decent and a good change from the normal.. is what i think on it.. :)


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A bit perfume for me. but I have not tried it in a while. Maybe since I am into the fruits this weekend I will mix some whit this new Vapers tech at 1.3% in a 4ml bottle, or 4 drops in the 60drops/ml dropper bottle;)


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Smoked Plum is fantastic. Not all day but it's a yummy change of pace. It's not prunes, but cooked plum yum. The regular Plum is also very good. I mix that one with some Spicy Biscuit and a touch of Rosemary. Not for everyone but I like it.


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I will try that thanks; I added the oriental tobac absolute as Jimi suggested, Our taste prefrences are very different however.;)
so far it is reminiscent of Gypsy King or Falcon eye can't remember which one now. Also somewhat like hangsens Smooth.
with a bit of a bitter bite. Bare in mind this is going against my number one rule of reviews with zero steep, but gives you a flavor profile.


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I don't want to bring mixing by weight into a discussion about drops.

Mixing by drops or ml or percentage is absolutely fine. Just do it the way you feel better.
My point is: If you want to share with others, give them ALL the information.

@Ld3441 just said, and I couldn't agree more, about info and what people do with it.
If I'm going to share a by drops recipe, I can tell how many drops/ml I'm using, and now everyone has the same information (the common ground for understanding)
I'm I'm going to share by absolute ml, I need to refer to the total ml, so that everyone knows what are we talking about.
Percentages just skip all this, and make it simple, imho.

Mixing by weight is a completely different subject.
It's more of a natural human behavior: Rejecting the new, stick with what we're used to do.
Everyone of us do it. ;)

I already saw a post where @RocketPuppy trashes one reason not to mix by weight. Bring'em all!!! :)
Me??? Trashing mixing by weight? That's how I mix. Where did I trash it?

I don't trash talk about anything. Please, no drama for me.


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Me??? Trashing mixing by weight? That's how I mix. Where did I trash it?

Eh? I read it as the opposite! I thought Passunca was just referring to you pointing out that scales are pretty cheap now.

I already saw a post where @RocketPuppy trashes one reason not to mix by weight. Bring'em all!!! :)

... meaning mixing by weight is more viable/affordable than Passunca thought, if I understand correctly.


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Eh? I read it as the opposite! I thought Passunca was just referring to you pointing out that scales are pretty cheap now.

... meaning mixing by weight is more viable/affordable than Passunca thought, if I understand correctly.
I may have totally read it incorrectly. I do think everyone should do what makes mixing easiest/comfiest for them. Thank you for the clarity.


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try adding a tiny tiny bit of cream and one fruit with it, Cessnapix :)

Smoky that did help, I added a couple drops of cherry and some hangsen Italian cream and it was more to my liking. The Ialian cream was a bit popcornish, but it helped for me. Thanks.


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You know when I first started down the DIY path I used kitchen measuring cups and those little sppons to give kids medicine with. They are all grown up now so no worries. I scrounged what ever I could to make it work. A big syringe that came with my old turkey fryer as a baster/ flavor injector, and a few 1ml syringes I took out of my 1st aid kit ro use with some lidicaine. Granted I only made a few all day vapes, but it got me by until the next month where i could add another pc to my make shift lab..

My point was and still is if it aint broken why should I fix it and throw out everything I have purchased, and spend another $20 bucks which will end up being over $20 plus shipping. Then next year someone esle says no this is the best way to do it.


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My point was and still is if it aint broken why should I fix it and throw out everything I have purchased, and spend another $20 bucks which will end up being over $20 plus shipping. Then next year someone esle says no this is the best way to do it.
Exactly. It ain't broke don't fix it.
It works for you, the way you do it, then it's the best way.

When I started DIYing I've asked and everyone told me, get syringes and do this way.
I did and I was feeling miserable with cleaning, nic/juice contamination, water recipient, etc., etc.
My work desk was a mess. And when done, cleaning all the "labware" stuff.
It wasn't working for me. I didn't want all that just to try a combo I've dreamed about that could end in the sink.
I tried weight and it was a game changer for me.

The purpose, and I think this is why weight'ers often talk about the method, is to get the information out to new diy'ers.

We're not, at least I'm not, trying to make everyone shift from any other method to weight.
We're just trying to tell people that mixing by weight is not a 7 headed demon, it's not something that can be done only by industrial processes, it's not something that should be done to large batches only and so on and so forth.

It's easy. It's so easy and cheap that scares most people. :)


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Yes I hear you! It is good to get the information out there! It is intriguing!

I realy doubt it scares people. Your acuracy is still only as close as you can drip a dop into it.
Lets be honest here it is not fool proof or magical.

It is still only as acurate as poring anything else. So what do you do if you over pore? you are poring right into your bottle which I would not do. I would rather clean 4 beakers with hot water than throw out a batch of chemicals from over poring.

You can't tell me it doesnt happen! I do it all the time. A scale would not preventme from over poring!

As far as cleaning;
Having a mess all over, I do not have that problem. I mix in my kitchen on newspapers. Rinse with hot water place in the dishwaser rack to dry and good to go. 1ml syringes are disposable. I use one 6ml for DW and reuse. Graduated cylinders. rinse out with very hot tap water a few times and in the Diswaher rack to dry.
It really isnt that much trouble it all depends on personal preferences.....

ok we are beating this over the head like a dead horse.


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Lets be honest here it is not fool proof or magical.

No it's not. I don't know any method who is.
We're getting into a loop.

I think there's plenty of information about different methods in this thread already.
People can read, draw their own conclusions and chose whatever they think it's best for them.

Let's talk about INW and Capella again. :)
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Smoky Blue

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No it's not. I don't know any method who is.
We're getting into a loop.

I think there's plenty of information about different methods in this thread already.
People can read, draw their own conclusions and chose whatever they think it's best for them.

Let's talk about INW and Capella again. :)

Capella is good.. sometimes :oops:

I only have 3 flavors from capella..

strawberry (out of this world!)
blueberry (same)
Lemon Meringue Pie (eh I don't think I like this one) :(

anyone else?


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Here You go It's not mine I found this one on another site
I mixed up a batch and it's good well I like it :)

caramel 4 %
Gold ducat 3 %
peanut 2 %
vanila 1 %

Hey; I have been vaping this most of the day today and continue to. Mixed this with Vapers Tek nic with no steep and it is pretty good. The flavoing could be scaled down a bit for my taste but I like it.

Personally I Can vap unflavored nic. all day though.


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The Gold ducat does have an after taste to it though......................

I am not sure if this is what you where talking about the other day in one of your post Smoky?

Maybe they used this in some other tobacco as a base that you have tried?


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I wish I had a dishwasher that worked.

Oh you too?! Mine died and I actually bought a new one from Home Depot, and they delivered it, and said they couldn't install it because the house needs a different type of plumbing line going to it for the newer dishwashers. So, now I have to get a plumber out here, and just haven't done it yet.

I hate having to wash dishes everyday by hand. :mad:

Smoky Blue

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The Gold ducat does have an after taste to it though......................

I am not sure if this is what you where talking about the other day in one of your post Smoky?

Maybe they used this in some other tobacco as a base that you have tried?

since you found the "aftertaste" it's between a "coating" and a "taste".. weird, then yes.. you found it.

nutty princess, their version of dessert ship..
canada type, am4a.. and a few others carry this "back taste"

I am leading now to believe it is some sort of nut or its their maple/caramel.. :oops:

they are good, do not take me wrong, i have personal recipes from a lot of ina..
but because of what i taste, I do not like passing those out..
i mainly use them when i get so bored from trying everything else and i have zero to vape on..:confused:


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Well they 1st thing that came to my palet was maple. It reminded me of Hangsens Tab blend in the after taste. I haven't tried nutty princess in a long time and it was one of my favs. But now that you mention it I remember that maple syrup taste at the end of the pizzelle cookie taste.


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Just kinda jumping in for a sec. I don't know the ml, bu using the skinny drop tip from a stock INW bottle, I mixed 3 drops of the WG orange with some vanilla classic & fresh cream from FA. It was based on a post from Michaelsil1 on the other forum. Wow that orange is tart! Must say, I like it :).

When I'm home, I can post %s if anyone wants it. It totally reminds me if Scuba's Orange from Mom&Pop vapor shop.

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.

Smoky Blue

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Well they 1st thing that came to my palet was maple. It reminded me of Hangsens Tab blend in the after taste. I haven't tried nutty princess in a long time and it was one of my favs. But now that you mention it I remember that maple syrup taste at the end of the pizzelle cookie taste.

maybe it is a sweetener effect.. don't know, but that bugs me:oops:
all the hype.. and yes i found some good tobaccos, if you blend them just so..
but it's that aftertaste i get.. I don't do many ry4's either.. *shrugs*

Just kinda jumping in for a sec. I don't know the ml, bu using the skinny drop tip from a stock INW bottle, I mixed 3 drops of the WG orange with some vanilla classic & fresh cream from FA. It was based on a post from Michaelsil1 on the other forum. Wow that orange is tart! Must say, I like it :).

When I'm home, I can post %s if anyone wants it. It totally reminds me if Scuba's Orange from Mom&Pop vapor shop.

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.

sure!! pop it on up! it sounds good! :D


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They don't use that base on all that many tobaccos though.I was told the use tobacco "C" for most of there fruit and tobacco blends. I bought all of them but only tried one or two. I say all but there was one or two i would not have liked that I didnt buy. I am not a fan of tobaco c either. But i has been a while and have not tried it since I started using the absolutes. I really need to start revisiting a lot of these flavors.


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Capella is good.. sometimes :oops:

I only have 3 flavors from capella..

strawberry (out of this world!)
blueberry (same)
Lemon Meringue Pie (eh I don't think I like this one) :(

anyone else?

Fig - very good
Cucumber - fake-ish cucumber, artificially sweetened, but okay *once you try this flavoring, you can pick out which vendor pre-mades use it in a recipe


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No joke. It's an amazing dish drying rack. Two levels, sliding shelves for extra space, separate utensil holder, and it tucks nicely away behind a stainless door when not in use. $500 dish rack. Best purchase ever! =P

Why didn't I think of this...I've been using a the counter


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I think Capella Fig is the only Cap flavor I have. I mix it about 1/2&1/2 with FA Fig. Fa tastes a little too green and Cap is a little too ripe. I was/am/forever will be? working on a honey fig tobacco. Got some good ones but not The One yet.

My dishwasher was 'broken' for 4 months. It made a terrible grinding noise when it was on. Turned out that a piece of glass had somehow made it way down under all the parts. :confused:


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I think Capella Fig is the only Cap flavor I have. I mix it about 1/2&1/2 with FA Fig. Fa tastes a little too green and Cap is a little too ripe. I was/am/forever will be? working on a honey fig tobacco. Got some good ones but not The One yet.

Have you tried Fig with the INA Dark Fire tobacco yet?


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Jumping in here. I have tried INW gold ducat @3% and 4% and it does have some kind of odd aftertaste. I emilinated it by adding some inw vigrinia tob absolute to it at 0.5%. Its kinda "dry" though with the tob absolute or without it.

Gold ducat gets great reviews but Im not feelin it as an all day vape. Now and then it would be okay. I cant vape it for very long. I feel the same way about gold ducat as I do the honey flue cured from vapingzone super concentrate. Not flavor wise at all but rather.... I like it, but I can only take so much of it before I get bored of it and it wears on me.

I havent yet got the mango or cherry (wiznia) to work for me at 3%, 4%, or 5% they are just weak , weak, weak in flavor. Mango is stronger than the cherry tho. 5% is closer on that one to what I want but the cherry is so weak Im contemplating making a mix at 10% just to see if its still weaksauce.

I have the regular inw virginia here as well steeping. Havent tried it yet. Doesnt smell pleasant tho at 3%.


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[QUOTE="Smoky Blue, post: 29810, member: 4745" sure!! pop it on up! it sounds good! :D[/QUOTE]

I used 3 drops (sorry for the drops) WG INW orange, 1.5% Vanilla Classic (FA) and .5% Fresh Cream (FA). It could use a touch of sweet, maybe FA Meringue in place of the Fresh Cream. Might play around with it this weekend. This orange is definitely closer to what I've been looking for.


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I think Capella Fig is the only Cap flavor I have. I mix it about 1/2&1/2 with FA Fig. Fa tastes a little too green and Cap is a little too ripe. I was/am/forever will be? working on a honey fig tobacco. Got some good ones but not The One yet.

ohhh that sounds so good..."honey fig tobacco"...Hangsen "Golden VI" as a tobacco base!


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I have the regular inw virginia here as well steeping. Havent tried it yet. Doesnt smell pleasant tho at 3%.
One of the worst flavors I ever vaped.
It smelled and taste perfume no matter what I did. It's really bad. YMMV.

Smoky Blue

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Jumping in here. I have tried INW gold ducat @3% and 4% and it does have some kind of odd aftertaste. I emilinated it by adding some inw vigrinia tob absolute to it at 0.5%. Its kinda "dry" though with the tob absolute or without it.

Gold ducat gets great reviews but Im not feelin it as an all day vape. Now and then it would be okay. I cant vape it for very long. I feel the same way about gold ducat as I do the honey flue cured from vapingzone super concentrate. Not flavor wise at all but rather.... I like it, but I can only take so much of it before I get bored of it and it wears on me.

I havent yet got the mango or cherry (wiznia) to work for me at 3%, 4%, or 5% they are just weak , weak, weak in flavor. Mango is stronger than the cherry tho. 5% is closer on that one to what I want but the cherry is so weak Im contemplating making a mix at 10% just to see if its still weaksauce.

I have the regular inw virginia here as well steeping. Havent tried it yet. Doesnt smell pleasant tho at 3%.

I tried the flavored absolutes with it.. and the TA.. and still i note that aftertaste:(

the M.i.L.D Tobacco to me is a better version that the lucky fortune strike

and the 7 volwes is a good one.. :)

ohhh that sounds so good..."honey fig tobacco"...Hangsen "Golden VI" as a tobacco base!

I dunno.. I really did not enjoy the Golden's the wrong match for the fig, too sweet.. or at least for me.. :oops:

the other 2 i enjoy are



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@flowerpots - not yet but that might be a good one to try. :)

@buffaloguy - Try Jimi D.'s cherry bomb recipe. I think it was 3% Wisnia and 2 drops (needle tip bottle) WG Cherry. It's really good. The 2 drops of WG cherry really bump up the flavor. I love Gold Ducat, but can't vape it all day either. Generally I don't go over 2% and I don't get an aftertaste. Last time I mixed it in the Tobacco Universal base and it added a nice depth to it. I know it's a pretty hefty investment but the additives like the tobacco absolutes, DNB, bases (that you can make yourself, the recipes are pretty much right there), etc. really let you design, add depth, and personalize the flavorings to your tastes without adding a bunch more flavor and killing it with chemical taste. And yeah, Virginia kinda sucks. lol

@Cessnapix - Tried it. lol It's too sweet like @Smoky Blue said, not right for the fig. Needs something deeper, not ashy...I keep at it every once in awhile.


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Oh well it was a thought, golden VI:) I am not a recipe type of mixer. unless someone else comes up with it!
Never tried Capella
Cavandish - didnt do it for me. But I need to revist that someday.
Turkish I dont have.
7 wolves I dont have. Been in my cart a dozen times.

It is hard finding tobacco flavors. I find that with ever single vendor though.

So far the Inawera I like, I really like them alot.:D Most of them are in the Toni D line

The only other tobacco I can vape is hangsen in moderation. But I only mix RY1 on a regular basis.

Vaping Zone has a couple that are not terrible. Maybe a little Black Cigar with that fig?

I don't know:confused: it can be very frustrating with tobacco's.:confused:

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I have most of the vz and ina tobaccos, and the best i can say, is play with it..
i wish i could share some, but the recipes are tied up at the moment..

just remember.. tobaccos have more than 4 profiles:

light and dark
sweet and dry

tobaccos can be paired with just about anything you can think of.. :D

pair them around.. yes they do take time to develop.
keep notes on what works and what you like.. taste vary as do recipes..


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@Smoky Blue I think that is why I like the inawera blends like RY4, Inawera Blend, Shade, S' Camel, usa mix, Symphony ,555 Gold etc. They are allready bended for me and I really do like them a lot :D

BTW I substituted RY4 2% for the Gold Ducat in that recipe and I love it. also added VTA 1 drop/ml pointy dropper......Can we just say that is the default measurement...60d/ml.

caramel 4 %
Gold ducat 3 %--------------- i wish i could x that out overlayed.......Substitute RY4
peanut 2 %
vanila 1 %
VTA 1drop/ml

I need to start using this peanut & vanilla more often also!

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