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mmm tobacco is the only thing i refuse to "speed steep".. there are too many variables and the only good way.. to me! is time.

then when you get into the nets, it becomes even more so..
take Black Honey Tobacco (now shortened to just Black Honey - TFA) to bring it all out.. you need at least 3 weeks minimum.. add more flavors than just that, add more time.. it is just the way it is.. :oops:

even with the Nutty Princess.. i found i like it more, after a 4 week steep.. but that is my taste.. we are all different.:)
I agree I should have been a bit more articulate sorry its a weekend. I agree with TFA Honey Tobacco I had some I made and forgot about it haha found it in my Guitar room and it had been in there for about 4 months it was awesome I just finished it a few days ago.. with the 555 I just wanted the taste haha it surely needs to steep as it is now.. trying out Cacti cooler from OneDiyshop to see if me likes it.. I am just doing the sonic on that one for a couple hours :)


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o_OSpeed steeping? What is this speed steeping you talk about;)
I have two UC's, they get pretty warm as you all know. I swear my tobacco's taste worse if I put them in the UC, and it still takes a good 2-4 weeks. But all I do is tobacco and some fruits.

There maybe some brands, like Hangsen, that do not take as much steep time anyway that may be more noticeable?
Thats my experience. Perhaps some have had better luck!

@Mrscaryz - I would agre that all flavors are different. I was talking about Inawera. We have kind of been jumping all over the place on this thread, not that I care, but I was assuming these condensed flavors.

also you really cant break down steep time in a scietific manner IMO when taste is so subjective. Some people can not taste under notes and aftertaste. Others can tatse ever note there is.

I am not trying to be confrontational by the way.
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Smoky Blue

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I agree I should have been a bit more articulate sorry its a weekend. I agree with TFA Honey Tobacco I had some I made and forgot about it haha found it in my Guitar room and it had been in there for about 4 months it was awesome I just finished it a few days ago.. with the 555 I just wanted the taste haha it surely needs to steep as it is now.. trying out Cacti cooler from OneDiyshop to see if me likes it.. I am just doing the sonic on that one for a couple hours :)

eh no worries Mrscaryz.. but i will say, fruits really do not need much steep time, either.. unless they are loaded down with other flavorings.. I have the ina cactus.. and the fw version.. not sure if I like either of them.. lmao.. dont think any amount of steeping will help either.. :p

o_OSpeed steeping? What is this speed steeping you talk about;)

hmm i like to seed steep.. taking anywhere from 10%-20% of already steepd juice and putting it into fresh juice.. it can shorten steep/age times by a couple weeks.. in a couple days..:)


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@Smoky Blue - you know I was trying to be a smart ass.;)
I have not seen much advantage using ultrasonic cleaners. At 1st I thought it was better but I find there is nothing better than time. I still use it from time to time but don't think I get the results you see. unless you are talking another method?

again bare in mind I only mix tobaccos and some fruits. The fruits I dont bother with.

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@Smoky Blue - you know I was trying to be a smart ass.;)
I have not seen much advantage using ultrasonic cleaners. At 1st I thought it was better but I find there is nothing better than time. I still use it from time to time but don't think I get the results you see. unless you are talking another method?

again bare in mind I only mix tobaccos and some fruits. The fruits I dont bother with.

lmao.. I know :p

but some don't and ya know.. it's a-ok!!:)


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Can anyone give me some insight on inawera's fruit flavors? I have heard the pear was good, but Im looking for info on the mango, peach, and strawberry. Looking for strong flavors that arent too candy ish


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I don't have Inawera strawberry or peach. I do have mango. I can taste it right quick and tell you what it's like.

I also have their pear, cactus, apricot, blackcurrant, 2 cherry flavors, apple, and dragon fruit. I can say all that I have tried are not candy-like. They are authentic fruit, very concentrated, so they are strong.

Mango is very good. Authentic, ripe, sharp, not sweet, so if you want it sweet at all, you will need to use some type of sweetener.


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Can anyone give me some insight on inawera's fruit flavors? I have heard the pear was good, but Im looking for info on the mango, peach, and strawberry. Looking for strong flavors that arent too candy ish

As a whole I prefer the regular house e-aromat fruits over the WG fruits. Pear and peach are excellent. Strawberry is one of those things I can't vape and I think mango is on the list too. Sad, as I love both those fruits to eat.


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I don't have Inawera strawberry or peach. I do have mango. I can taste it right quick and tell you what it's like.

I also have their pear, cactus, apricot, blackcurrant, 2 cherry flavors, apple, and dragon fruit. I can say all that I have tried are not candy-like. They are authentic fruit, very concentrated, so they are strong.

Mango is very good. Authentic, ripe, sharp, not sweet, so if you want it sweet at all, you will need to use some type of sweetener.
Thank you for your input! Im excited to place my order :) Do you have any of those same flavors from a different brand to compare? I currently use mostly fa, cap, and fw.


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I do have some of those in other brands, mostly in TFA, some CAP. I find with TFA, I have to use a higher % when mixing, and some TFA flavors are floral/perfumey. Also, TFA fruit flavors tend to be sweet, whereas Inawera's are not.


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As a whole I prefer the regular house e-aromat fruits over the WG fruits. Pear and peach are excellent. Strawberry is one of those things I can't vape and I think mango is on the list too. Sad, as I love both those fruits to eat.

I have the Toni D strawberry I got as a sample bottle. I never mixed. It smells like starwberrys but Like glass girl I can't bring myself to vape strawberry. Not big on the Mango vape either.

I am with glassgrl on the e-aromat Fruit, the peach is way better than the WG.

There is also a new pear, and blueberry I just ordered called concentrate blueberry and concentrate pear. Not sure how they could be much better but we shall see.

@flowerpots Can you describe the dragon fruit? Is it anything like the cactus, I kind of got that impression? I never had a dragon fruit.

On a side note; i did an experiment with the honey. The other day I thought it was the vanilla causing the after taste in the gold ducat. I am convinced now it is the honey! If anyone else finds the same thing I would be intersted.

Update on the nutty cream and I think the other was chocolate cream? update! They where put off to push the shisha flavors to market.
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@flowerpots The other day I thought it was the vanilla causing the after taste in the gold ducat. I am convinced now it is the honey!

How do you know it is not the honey if you never used it.:confused:

that back taste is not coming from the honey, because I have never used the honey..

I find it in most of the tobaccos.. even sad to say my gold ducat.. but i still <3 it..


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BTW; lets not forget the e-aromat Orange either. With the Vapers Tek nicotine this orange is excellent. I didn't think an orange vape would do it for me but sometimes trying new things can surprise you!


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@flowerpots Can you describe the dragon fruit? Is it anything like the cactus, I kind of got that impression? I never had a dragon fruit.

I've never had dragon fruit either. But, I've had dragon fruit flavorings from 3 different companies, FA, TFA, and INA. It has a sour note to it, a pretty strong one, and a bite/sharp note. The aftertaste once those have passed is a fleshy almost sour grape and sour melon mixed taste. This flavor is probably not for everyone. The INA version is not too sweet, like the TFA version is. It is somewhat sweet if you taste it on your tongue mixed with a little PG. That's about the best I can do to describe it, it's a hard one to pinpoint.

Cactus is sweeter. And I haven't tasted this fruit either, so I have no comparison to say whether it's authentic or not, but yes, they do taste similar. Cactus has that same sour note that Dragon Fruit has like a sour melon, but not quite as sour, and without such a sharp bite/note. You could use these flavors interchangeably, in my opinion based on a quick taste test.
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Smoky Blue

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I've never had dragon fruit either. But, I've had dragon fruit flavorings from 3 different companies, FA, TFA, and INA. It has a sour note to it, a pretty strong one, and a bite/sharp note. The aftertaste once those have passed is a fleshy almost sour grape and sour melon mixed taste. This flavor is probably not for everyone. The INA version is not too sweet, like the TFA version is. It is somewhat sweet if you taste it on your tongue mixed with a little PG. That's about the best I can do to describe it, it's a hard one to pinpoint.

Cactus is sweeter. And I haven't tasted this fruit either, so I have no comparison to say whether it's authentic or not, but yes, they do taste similar. Cactus has that same sour note that Dragon Fruit has like a sour melon, but not quite as sour, and without such a sharp bite/note. You could use these flavors interchangeably, in my opinion based on a quick taste test.

oh wow.. I have only had the tfa dragon fruit and it is sweet to me.. :eek: aggg!! lmao
I don't get the sour note nor the grape in it.. :confused: I am missing out!!

and Cactus from fw.. nooo.. it's supposed to be a orange pineapple bit.. I just do not like the fw version.. o_O


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oh wow.. I have only had the tfa dragon fruit and it is sweet to me.. :eek: aggg!! lmao
I don't get the sour note nor the grape in it.. :confused: I am missing out!!

and Cactus from fw.. nooo.. it's supposed to be a orange pineapple bit.. I just do not like the fw version.. o_O

The TFA version is sweet. The sweetness helps to balance out the sourness though. I think when I use Dragon Fruit from INA in a recipe, because it's not sweet, I will have to pair it with a sweet fruit or use a sweetener. It's hard to describe, and I'm not positive grape-like or melon-like is right, but when I tasted it and thought of the different types of fruits, those two seemed to best describe what I was tasting. YMMV

Is cactus supposed to be citrus-y? I didn't pick up on that at all. Maybe my taste buds are broken lol


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Does anyone else mind that this thread is not only CAP or only INW? Maybe I am being picky, but does anyone else think this thread title should be changed and divided into 2 different threads?


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Does anyone else mind that this thread is not only CAP or only INW? Maybe I am being picky, but does anyone else think this thread title should be changed and divided into 2 different threads?

Well all threads get off topic.............but maybe not as bad as this one has;)

I am a bit confused at times, but .........I don't think it has anything to do with the thread itself.


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Okay, it was just a thought. I was thinking the more members that sign up, the heavier the threads will get and the more confusing if 2 different brands are in 1 thread. But, it's worked fine so far.

Off topic material is the best kind of material lol


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VZ Dragonfruit is really good too but it cracks plastic tanks.

Does the cactus, or Orange? I don't use plastic tanks.

But was thinking of the square plastic bottles in the Bottom Feeders.......

I would assume they would package the flavors in glass if that was the case?


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Does the cactus, or Orange? I don't use plastic tanks.

But was thinking of the square plastic bottles in the Bottom Feeders.......

I would assume they would package the flavors in glass if that was the case?

You mean the Inawera Cactus and Orange? I honestly don't know, neither of those made it to tank stage. lol
@flowerpots - I see your point. 2 totally different flavorings and percentages. To me one is really nothing like the other.


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@glassgrl --Whoops my mistake....................I read inawera in my mind.... but you knew netter.;)

Whats your plain just start totally 2 new threads?

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yeah they need to be separate.. dunno who started it but there is no comparison between ina or cap...
while we are at it, we need a flavor west thread too.. I got only a few of them but.. there may be others that like that company..


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So, should we keep this thread as the CAP or INW thread? I'm thinking we'll keep this one and change the title, then start a new thread with the other brand. This will make it a lot easier to keep up.


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Okay, that was my thought too...keeping this one INA/INW (I never know which abbreviation to use) and make a new thread for CAP. I'll contact a moderator and ask for the change.


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what do you use for sweetener?


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From the Inawera site:
E-Flavour Little Space Drop WG 10 ml. Strong tobacco taste with a hint of roasted walnuts. Dosage 6 drops on 10ml and DNB is a perfect replacement of good old cigarettes. Bottle 10/ 200 drops/ with dropper. Produced in EU.

200 drops per bottle 10 ml bottle = 20 drops per ml
So the recommended percentage is 3%?


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@lkerr406 - Never have I measured 20 drops per ml. A random sampling of needle tip bottles from Inawera gives me 60 drops per ml, you may not get the same. In any case, the Inawera Flavors site recommends 1 or 2 drops per 5ml of Little Space Drop.


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Crazy that the sites don't even match up!

But, yeah, they mean 20 drops per ml (even though it's not what you get from the bottle). So shop is saying 3% and flavours is saying 1 to 2%.


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@lkerr406 - Never have I measured 20 drops per ml. A random sampling of needle tip bottles from Inawera gives me 60 drops per ml, you may not get the same. In any case, the Inawera Flavors site recommends 1 or 2 drops per 5ml of Little Space Drop.

I get 60 drops/ml too


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I messaged a mod to get help changing the thread title. So, it should be changed soon.


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@lkerr406 - I have been vaping little space drops regularly up until a couple months ago. I always get good results at 6-8 drops/10ml.

I always put 2 extra drops for good luck;) so I guess you could say I am up to 8drops/10ml. My mix is high vg. Some think you needs more flavoring with higher vg..

So I am around 1%-1.3% with little space drops and that is with a good 4-6 week steep and it will not be as bitter. The walnut is very bitter, but will subdue over time somewhat.
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#Drops @ 60/ml dropper %
2===================== 0.33%
3===================== 0.50%
4===================== 0.67%
5===================== 0.83%
6===================== 1.00%
7===================== 1.17%
8===================== 1.33%
9===================== 1.50%
10==================== 1.67%


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I am posting this here because I will be mixing this with inawera fruits.

Is there another product like Koolada? Is that what they use in ice cream vapes? Looking for the coolness without any menthol for inawera fruits!

I didn't have much luck with koolada in the past. Maybe my percentage? Any recommendations would be appreciated.

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Koolada it is..

I jsut made another post on it a bit ago.. err somewhere?
drops come first.. 1-3 drops per 10ml
I'd go no higher than 2%

koolada does have a fade effect, and that!! is why i use menthol at .5%
you can not tell the difference at that percentage that it is menthol used..


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I am posting this here because I will be mixing this with inawera fruits.

Is there another product like Koolada? Is that what they use in ice cream vapes? Looking for the coolness without any menthol for inawera fruits!

I didn't have much luck with koolada in the past. Maybe my percentage? Any recommendations would be appreciated.

You can use TFA Vanilla Ice Cream. It has a cool effect, doesn't mask flavors, but it does have vanilla.


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Thanks girls! Both great ideas.
Maybe the fade effect is what messed me up the 1st time I tried it?
For now, since I have the Koolada I will try using it in small 5ml batches just before use. Hopefully it does not need anymore steep than the fruit.

The vanilla ice cream has some potential with a fruity ice cream flavor as well.

I am leary of using the menthol,........ However, I have faith in your experience Smoky!

When I say with out menthol I meant flavor. I have an idea that product is made from menthol anyways.

Someone mentioned a Cactus Cooler that sounds appealing right now!;)

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Thanks girls! Both great ideas.
Maybe the fade effect is what messed me up the 1st time I tried it?
For now, since I have the Koolada I will try using it in small 5ml batches just before use. Hopefully it does not need anymore steep than the fruit.

The vanilla ice cream has some potential with a fruity ice cream flavor as well.

I am leary of using the menthol,........ However, I have faith in your experience Smoky!

When I say with out menthol I meant flavor. I have an idea that product is made from menthol anyways.

Someone mentioned a Cactus Cooler that sounds appealing right now!;)

Koolada shouldn't need a steep time.. even mixed with heavy batched flavors..
Use drops.. but expect a fade from coolness.. (I use the 10ml syringe drops, if that helps)
1-2 cool
3-4 cold
4-6 frozen

but the "coolness" will only last maybe a week.. if that..
this is why i now use menthol in mine.


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Great I am going to try a cactus cooler right now.
I think I may have some menthol in the fridge also. Just need to let it warm up back to liquid rather than a crystal.

I am not too concerned about the fade because I am just mixing enough for a 5ml bottle for the REO. So it will be gone in a week.. one way or another.

That is one thing about inawera No fade to speak of....Hangsen use to fade after a week. You couldnt mix any large batches with it!

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