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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Clean Your Phone to Prevent Illness

You probably know that if you download a strange app or open attachments from emails or texts from an unknown sender, your phone may end up with a bug — a malicious computer virus that disrupts all kinds of functions.

But are you aware that your phone can download a bug onto you?

Current research suggests that smartphones harbor a potentially harmful cocktail of bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

An analysis published in the journal Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease looked at 56 studies from 24 countries and found that nearly all of them identified potential invaders on phones; 16 reported the presence of fungi, and others identified RNA viruses and bacteria such as S. aureus (which can cause staph infections) and E. coli.

In fact, the lead researcher said phones are a "five-star hotels with premium heated spas [and a] free buffet for microbes to thrive on."

Although there was no research aimed at detecting SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) on phones, we know from other sources that the bug can live on plastic for up to three days.

No wonder the researchers suggest you consider your phone a "third hand," and sanitize it regularly.

It’s smart to clean your phone with hand sanitizer or a sanitizing wipe after you use it outdoors or in the car; then wash your hands.

Also clean it after you put it down on any surface outside your home.

Home all day? Clean it once a day. Then you'll have the kind of phone reception you want: all clear.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine estimates that 60 to 80 percent of primary care doctor visits are stress-related.

And yet, only 3 percent of patients receive stress management help.

We all know that prolonged stress is not good.

But I didn’t know it can have this much impact on our health and well-being.

And it doesn’t end there…

Our nervous system flows directly to every tissue in the body.

When the stress side of our nervous system is overactive, then every tissue in the body is negatively impacted as well, making any tissue-related disorder all that much worse.

Worst of all, it has harrowing effects on anyone battling mental health conditions like:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Schizophrenia
  • OCD
  • ADD / ADHD
  • And many more…

And considering how much stress seems to be part and parcel of this pandemic…

These problems could get worse before they get better.

Which is why I felt compelled to share this with you as soon as possible.

Starting on Sunday, June 7th at 9pm EST, my friend Dr. Elena Villanueva is hosting a 5-Part Masterclass on how cutting-edge technology has been used to help patients better deal with stress and overcome mental health related symptoms.

You may remember her from either The Gut Solution series or in one of our vodcast interviews.

She’s a long-time mental health crusader, who has also helped Matt and me with our respective mental health issues.

She’s nothing short of brilliant and I’m excited over the fact that she’s doing this masterclass to help so many more people.

I hope that includes you, Jim.

This masterclass is absolutely free for you to join and watch.

Click here to get all the details and get signed up now.

To your health,

Sarah Otto

P.S. What worries me is the fact that we’re living in stressful times. We can’t simply walk away from this pandemic. Stress is never good, especially when it’s in a prolonged state (which is, honestly, what’s going on these days). That’s why I encourage you to take this masterclass, so you can learn to manage your stress better.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yesterday I recorded an amazing interview with my friend and pelvic floor expert, Isa Herrera.

She shared with me that over 30 million women in the US alone suffer from some form of pelvic pain or pelvic floor dysfunction.

And... there are some simple at home exercises and lifetsyle modifications that can help them reverse this dysfunction!

Many of the women I work with in my practice have issues with leaking, painful sex, prolapse and other pelvic floor dysfunction issues. However, when Isa shared that with me, I knew I had to get this information out to you as soon as possible.

Here's the thing...

Doctors may recommend Kegels...

But the truth about Kegels is this…

...1 in 4 women can't do a Kegel correctly.

...There are actually 13 types of Kegels.

...Kegels aren't right for everyone, and some women shouldn't be doing them at all!

Even I didn't realize there were 13 different types of Kegels...

But that is why Isa is my go-to expert in this area - she knows her stuff...

Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS has helped 15,000 women (to date) heal completely from sexual pain, leaking, and other “lady parts” problems… WITHOUT meds, surgery, or injections.

She teaches women to heal in the privacy of their own homes (which is SUPER convenient right now)...

And she even finds a way to make it fun!

Isa was super generous to allow me to share the TRUTH about Kegels in her Free Report - The Perfect Kegel Checklist…

Click here to download this right now!

Isa says, “Kegels CAN change your pelvic health, tone your muscles, stop the leaks and alleviate any pressure you may have been feeling “down there”... IF you do them right.”

I learned today many women are doing Kegels wrong and this can actually make their situation worse.

But don't worry, Isa is giving us the checklist!

What’s more, by downloading this value-packed guide, you’ll also receive a free spot to Isa’s brand-new online live class: The NEW Pelvic Power Masterclass.

In this masterclass she is going to go deeper into all things “Kegels.” It's a must attend for ALL women over 30.

If you’ve been struggling in this department at all, let Isa show you how to make a few simple tweaks to make your Kegels SO much more effective (and learn if you should NOT be doing them at all - and what to do instead!)

All taught by the woman who’s authored 5 books on the subject.

Go get the Kegel checklist now - it’s free and it’s information that EVERY woman should have, but your doctor won’t tell you!

Go here to download the checklist right now!

Virtual Hugs,

Dr. Michelle

P.S. Don’t have any issues “down there?” — good for you! Let's keep it that way! You can avoid dealing with all the not-so-fun issues that I mentioned above just by learning the right way to Kegel today, before you have a problem. Click here to grab the checklist


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Fungal-Gut Connection: An Unlikely Love Story

Bone broth has been the prized debutante of superfoods for several years now – and for good reason!

There are so many benefits to bone broth – from gut lining reinforcement to healthy skin and muscle repair – it’s enough to turn you off of store-bought stock forever.

You can use it in your favorite chicken noodle recipe, replace your morning coffee with a hot bowl of broth, and use up your kitchen scraps and roasted bones making it.

While broth has long been relied on for its restorative and preventive properties, the world seemed to forget about it during the mass industrialization and quick-fix eating of much of the 20th century.

Which is fitting… because bone broth promises to correct exactly the issues caused by our synthetic and nutrient deficient diet.

But another broth has burst onto the scene vowing to accomplish as much, if not more, as bone broth, and lend itself to vegetarian and vegan consumption: mushroom broth.

Mushrooms have been used in Asian medical factions for centuries because of their unique nutrient profile. You can even buy mushroom powder for your coffee that boosts your gut health and energizes you, made from the powerful Chaga mushroom.

Mushroom Broth and the Gut

Recently, the gut-healing powers of mushrooms have gotten plenty of attention – especially as immunocompromised, at-risk, or even perfectly healthy people search for ways to strengthen themselves and their bodies against a global virus with no vaccine.

You see, the only substantial component you get from bone broth that you don’t get from mushroom broth is collagen.

But here’s the thing... our bodies don’t actually process collagen. Consuming collagen does not then add that collagen to our bodies.

We just use the nutrients from it to encourage the production of collagen from within.

As for the rest? Well, it turns out that mushroom broth can be just as magical. That’s because mushrooms themselves are digestive fortifiers.

It’s important to understand that about 75% of the immune system resides in the gut. That’s why you so often see immune boosting benefits mentioned in the same breath as gut healing.

Mushrooms, particularly the mycelia (bits that grow underground), also have the prebiotic power to advance microbial diversity in the gut, ensuring that good bacteria is fed and harmful bacteria is starved.

That power comes from α and beta β-glucans, chitin, mannans, galactans, xylans and hemicellulose – present in medicinal mushrooms. Since we’re not able to digest β-glucans, the substances stay in the digestive system, supporting good bacteria.

Each mushroom has its own unique bacterial profile, aiding different microbes in the gut.

Let’s take a look at a few mushroom varieties and what they can do for your gut…

Mushrooms by the Variety

  • Shiitake mushrooms: This mushroom, native to Japan, Korea, and China, has several properties that assist your gut health. On top of containing impressive quantities of phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, shiitake mushrooms have been shown to decrease inflammation in the gut and improve gut resilience.

  • Chaga mushrooms: Chagas are loaded with antioxidants, which help mine for free radicals that cause inflammation. In attacking these inflammatory molecules, they help to soothe and solve IBD, Crohn’s, and ulcerative colitis.

  • Reishi mushrooms: This type of mushroom can actually help reverse gut dysbiosis, or chemical imbalance. Specifically, they restore the populations of Firmicutes and Bacteriodetes. The former eats glucose, and the latter synthesizes short-chain fatty acids, which repair intestinal cells.

Other helpful varieties include Lion’s Mane mushrooms, for their gastroprotective components which help to decrease inflammation and boost immune strength, and Maitake mushrooms, which help to increase cell adhesion and stimulate the immune system.

Consider making a mushroom broth out of dried mushrooms. They still contain all the nutrients, but pack a bigger punch by volume.

Unlike bone broth, you won’t need to brew the broth for days.

You can simply sautee your mushrooms with other flavorful and gut-healing goodies like ginger, seaweed, miso paste, onions, celery, and any other vegetables you like.

Pour water over your sauteed mix, bring to a boil, turn down to a simmer, and cover for an hour or two.

At the end of your broth journey, simply pour the broth through a fine mesh strainer and voila!

Savory, umami gut-healing mushroom broth.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Two Uplifting Episodes of Broken Brain

Episode 115: How Meditation Can Help You Let Go of the Past, Forgive Yourself, and Move Forward with Megan Monahan

I always hear people say they don’t have time to meditate. I get it—when you’re constantly racing to get things done, adding one more thing to your daily schedule can feel impossible. But after committing to a meditation practice myself many years ago, I’ve realized I don’t have time not to meditate.

No matter how young, old, new, or experienced you are with meditation, making space for your thoughts always comes with beneficial side effects: relief from yesterday, peace for today, and promise for tomorrow. You’ll never regret a meditation.

On today’s Broken Brain Podcast, our host Dhru talks to Megan Monahan. Megan is a Chopra Certified meditation instructor that has taught thousands to meditate through her platform. In this episode, Dhru and Megan discuss how most people, knowingly or not, tend to hang onto past situations that define who they are. Unfortunately, these are often negative influences that can result in limiting beliefs. Megan walks us through her story of recognizing her past struggles and trauma, working through them using meditation, and creating a bright and hopeful future through her practices.

Episode 117: How to Unstuck Your Brain and Get Out of Your Funk with Antonio Neves

We’ve all been in a funk. Whether we lose interest in a job that used to light us up or simply long for something fun to look forward to, getting stuck in a rut is a human experience. But that doesn’t mean we have to stay there forever.

Author Antonio Neves challenges us to endorse ourselves, leave excuses in the dust, get out of the funk we’re in, and follow our dreams. Antonio is a nationally recognized leadership speaker, author, and award-winning journalist. His podcast, The Best Thing, features Antonio asking others about the best thing to happen to them that would rarely appear on a resume, bio, or come up in conversation.

In this episode, Dhru and Antonio talk all about getting out of your funk. Antonio tells us about his experience of reaching an ultimate low, feeling lost, and exactly how he overcame it to share his creative gifts with the world. We have all been there, and will be there again, but it’s important that we recognize the funk and work our way out.

These episodes are full of inspiration. If you need some uplifting ideas, I hope you’ll tune in.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Over the weekend I had a mini-health crisis. I bit down on a piece of ice (I know...bad habit) and caused a terrible toothache.

What followed was 3 days of trigeminal nerve pain and me feeling certain that I would need an extraction and lots of expensive dental work due to a broken tooth.

While I was waiting to see my dentist, I started to contemplate how our health impacts our capacity.

Now I understand that my experience was extreme….facial nerve pain is similar to back labor (if you get me, you get me).

But when you are not functioning as the best version of yourself, your capacity is limited.

It limits….

  • the meltdowns you’re able to handle with your kids.
  • the amount of clients your willing to take on
  • the confidence you have in yourself and your capabilities
  • your ability to charge more money
  • your endurance when things get challenging
  • your desire to cook healthy meals when a convenient option is there
Basically, your ability to have the quality of life and relationships that you desire is on the other side of prioritizing YOU and ensuring that you are running at optimal vs just getting by.

Unfortunately, so many women are stuck in a cycle of putting everyone’s needs before their own (including their job/clients) and are typically running at ½ empty.

The secret to up-leveling and having the life you aspire to is actually in putting the people pleaser aside and making sure you are making choices that fill your own cup. It’s actually investing in yourself so that you can feel your best.

The secret equation is BE >>> DO >>> HAVE

When you’re vibrational aligned with health….when you are BEing healthy….you DO the things (exercise, cook, have boundaries)....then you HAVE the amazing life.

When you get this and you improve how you feel by investing in your health…..your capacity will expand and things will feel less overwhelming.

Hit reply, if you’re ready to identify why your energy and capacity is compromised.

To your health,


P.S. Turns out my tooth is fine! I caused some sort of trauma to it. I was able to use herbs for pain and inflammation and discontinue the NSAIDs I took for a couple days. Yay for plant medicine!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Lies, Coverups, Google, Censorship, and the Whistleblower of the Year: Zach Vorhies (Part 1)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
I tried the oil pulling this week. I didn’t have coconut oil, so I used black seed oil. The taste was a bit much, and it didn’t feel fresh, but I brushed my teeth hours later.

Thanks, Jimi. <3<3

I love black seed oil - I use it on my face all the time

Never thought about trying it for oil pulling - think it would taste gross though

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I tried the oil pulling this week. I didn’t have coconut oil, so I used black seed oil. The taste was a bit much, and it didn’t feel fresh, but I brushed my teeth hours later.

Thanks, Jimi. <3<3
Wait till you can get organic coconut oil, do you drink a dose of the black seed oil every day? very good for you too.
And young lady what are you using for toothpaste?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
pretty sure that some are. GA got caught playing with data to make thing look not as bad.
I think that FL is also covering up.

I am pretty well convinced that my state of KY is not though.
Yes several have now, trying to justify opening up;)

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes several have now, trying to justify opening up;)
IF the virus spread is slowed by hot weather we may survive, until cold weather anyway. By then most will think it is over and be full tilt in ignore the virus mode.
then next fall/winter it may be back with a vengeance.
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Unlock this NEW 33-page eBook, 13 Steps to Balancing Your Brain Chemistry without Dangerous Prescription Medication, and learn how removing environmental interferences can help you optimize your health!

>>Download your complimentary eBook, 13 Steps to Balancing Your Brain Chemistry without Dangerous Prescription Medication!

Our bodies are amazing and complex chemical machines and are biologically designed to restore and heal themselves. But when they are burdened with chemical toxins, unhealthy food or unknown infections, our bodies and brains can become ill -- without intervention, those illnesses can develop into chronic health problems.

Everyday exposure to environmental interferences can result in defective cell function which can lead to:
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • And, sadly, more…

But there is hope! Removing and minimizing these environmental interferences can get your body and brain "engines" working again WITHOUT dangerous prescription medication.

This 33-page eBook takes you through 13 simple steps to remove and minimize environmental interference so your body can heal and function as it was biologically designed to do.

>>Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this 33-page, brain chemistry eBook now!

When you unlock this gift, you'll also reserve a seat for the free, online Leaky Brain Summit taking place on June 29 – July 5, 2020 -- over 30 experts teaching you more about evidence-based programs and protocols to understand, identify and address the root causes and symptoms of leaky brain, and the neurochemical and neurodegenerative conditions associated with it!

You can truly get started on better health today,
Jonathan Otto
Health Secret
Well of Life

P.S. Don't miss out on this informative, 33-page eBook, 13 Steps to Balancing Your Brain Chemistry without Dangerous Prescription Medication, when you unlock it now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I don’t like to make waves. Heck, I was raised in a small town in Minnesota. So I’m not into drama. But when I discovered new information while researching my latest book, I couldn’t stay silent any longer.

That’s why I worked with my team to film a documentary about a hidden chemical that is all around us. This single chemical impacts your thyroid and may be to blame for your symptoms.

This was information so important I couldn’t wait to share it. You’re invited to watch the world premiere of the series. It airs on June 4th. Click here to reserve your spot now.

Videos are a fun and entertaining way to reach a lot of people. It’s my aim to give you new ways to gain better thyroid function, and to do so in a way that’s fun to watch. The research is based on newly revealed scientific data plus 100,000+ patient visits. Up to 70% or more of people who get the right guidance & dietary strategies can feel better and regain thyroid function. You can regain your full vibrant health!

In fact, here’s what you’ll discover in 7 episodes. Think of these as 7 excellent reasons to RSVP now.

1. What exactly is the invisible ingredient? Why might it be a problem for you?

2. Beauty Products - What if your beauty products are making your thyroid medication not work properly? There are hidden ingredients you should look out for. Don’t worry, you can still look beautiful and use products that are safe.

3. Salt. Why does it make us sick? Don’t we need salt to live?
Why not all salts are created equal. How to choose salts that are safe for your thyroid.

4. Supplements. Finding supplements without the hidden chemical can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Shocking amounts found in multivitamins! How to safely shop for the safest blends.

5. Seafood. So many people are told to eat sea vegetables for their thyroid health, and it drives me nuts because it’s causing serious harm. This doesn’t mean you have to give up seafood. You just have to know which ones are safe to eat.

6. Dairy and eggs. You’ve probably heard they are bad for you. But what if eggs and dairy aren’t the ‘bad’ guys? The answer may shock you as much as it did me.

7. Gluten. You’ve heard for years that bread is ‘bad’ for you. Discover how to sort fact from fiction when it comes to the evils of gluten. And how you can enjoy bread guilt-free.

I know that you’ll walk away learning so much from this series. I can’t wait to share it with you. Please click here and reserve your spot now.

To vibrant health,

Dr. Alan Christianson


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Take a look at these alarming numbers:

  • In the US alone, 30+ million women are suffering from chronic pelvic floor issues
  • 50% of older women have pelvic organ prolapse
  • 1 out of 3 women suffer from sexual pain
  • 49% of all women leak urine

I didn’t realise how common pelvic floor issues in women are until I spoke with my friend Isa Herrera.

But common as it may be... this is NOT normal.

So if you have any of these symptoms and you’ve tried every treatment and went to so many doctors—all the while spending thousands of your hard-earned dollars…

I have good news for you.

No matter how hopeless you feel right now, Isa Herrera MSPT, CSCS—the nation’s number one pelvic floor physical therapist—can help you heal naturally and get your life back.

Isa has NATURALLY healed over 15,000 women and counting from sexual pain, leaking, and other “lady parts” problems in her NYC clinic and telehealth practice.

And soon, she will host The NEW Pelvic Power Masterclass: 5 Easy Steps to End Leaking, Heal Prolapse, and Relieve Intimacy Pain In The Comfort of Your Own Home.

In this masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • What Type Of “Lady Parts” you have and what to do about it. Because it is not until you know what to do that you can truly heal.

  • How to relieve pain, burning, or tightness in your “Lady Parts” with Isa’s signature Kegel. Sit, move, and feel like your old self again! (Most women are doing Kegels wrong – find out why and how to easily fix it!)

  • A simple, easy massage you MUST try if you’ve been experiencing ANY pain with intimacy and want to reconnect with your partner again. This works like magic when you do it right.

  • The one exercise all women should be doing to stop leaking and improve pelvic power. The great news is that it can be done in under one minute a day.

  • And much more…

I encourage all women in my community to sign up right now for this life-changing masterclass.

Register here for the free training.

And don’t forget to pass this to the other women in your life!

To your health,

Sarah Otto

P.S. If you’re a woman over 30, put this on your schedule now! And if you’re a fella reading this email, forward it to the lovely ladies in your life. You just don’t know who may be suffering in silence because of this.

P.P.S. Be sure you stay until the end and ask Isa anything about vaginas, sex, pelvic pain, exercise, surgery, obstetric trauma, and so much more. Her Live Q & A sessions are EPIC.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We are told that autoimmune disease is for life. We are told that bone can’t regrow. So, what is the secret behind these incredible stories of transformation?

Have you ever stopped to think that there may be things that are possible outside of what we have been conditioned to believe for our entire lives?

We’ve been sold into a system that programs us from day one to believe that we must entrust our health to the government and the medical establishment. We must entrust our health to those who are profiting off of our illness. Does this really make sense?

I’m not referring to individual doctors… I’m referring to the system that is creating medications that are destroying our minds and bodies. More and more research is coming out that is verifying the truth about these drugs.

Even researchers at Harvard University are advising people to steer clear of any new medication that comes out on the market for at least five years! The risks are outweighing the benefits in many cases.

That’s why I have made it my mission to find out more about what can truly transform our health and make stories like this possible.

Check out my groundbreaking new Natural Medicine Secrets docu-series that is created to help anyone who wants to really understand their own health and find out the TRUTH about medicine.

>> Get a F.REE-viewing pass to the Natural Medicine Secrets docu-series NOW

Jonathan Otto
Producer and Host, Natural Medicine Secrets


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Raw Food - Immunity Connection
Webinar with Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 8 PM Eastern Time, 5 PM Pacific Time

Dear Jimi,

In these times when personal health is on the minds of so many, we want to support you in your ability to experience your greatest health potential! So, we are happy to announce our first webinar of the summer!

It's hardly news that there has been so much talk about optimizing immune function. The immune system is one of many systems of the body that are all interrelated, so when we take steps toward supporting our immune system in it's ability to function at it's best, a natural result is that we tend to support our entire body and therefore experience our best health across the board.

Would you like to learn little-known information on how to support immune function while simultaneously creating system-wide health?

By popular demand, we created a webinar that covers immunity-related concepts and their relationship to plant-based and especially raw food diets. It's called The Raw Food - Immunity Connection and will be held on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 5 PM Pacific Time (8 PM Eastern Time).

We invite you to join us!

Click here to register for the webinar

This will be the first webinar in our Summer Webinar Series following our Raw Food Mastery Summit 2020. All of the webinars in this series will contain well-thought-out slides so you can follow along with the subjects we are covering for added clarity.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • Seldom-discussed nutrient effects on immune function and food sources of these nutrients
  • Other benefits of these important nutrients for creating system-wide health
  • Are supplements the same as nutrients found in whole foods?
  • Why too much of one particular nutrient may be problematic for immune function
  • Clinical assessments of immune function in plant-based vs. conventional eaters
  • The importance of whole foods and nutrient synergy for immune function and system-wide health!
  • So much more!

We will also share details with you about our upcoming online class offerings. We invite you to join us for this webinar:

Healthfully yours,

Dr. Rick Dina, D.C.
Dr. Karin Dina, D.C.

PS: Can't make the live webinar? No worries, if you register using the link below, you'll receive an email with a link to the replay video after the webinar is complete.

PPS: Our Summer Webinar Series continues with Part II of the Raw Food - Immunity Connection in July. Watch your email inbox for announcements!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

There’s no denying we’re in a stressful time.

(Understatement of the year, right?)

And for so many women with pelvic floor issues (leaking, prolapse, pain and discomfort, lack of orgasm, and more)... Stress can create tension in our deep core muscles and change how we hold our bodies in ways that can make pelvic symptoms worse.

And then you’re told, “Just relax and have a glass of wine!”

If hearing “just relax” makes you want to clench your fists and scream…

That’s because TRYING to relax has the opposite effect of making you MORE stressed!

No one gets this more than our friend and colleague Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS.

If you’re a woman over 30 and at least ONE of the following is true:

  • You don’t do kegels as regularly as you know you should
  • You’re not 100% sure you’re doing them right
  • If you have leaking, Kegels don’t really seem to help much
  • You have lower back pain, tailbone pain, or pain down there
  • You have pressure in your vagina or you know you have a prolapse
  • You have pain or discomfort during sex
  • You’re sick and tired of doctors who don’t know what to do for you
  • You’re embarrassed and fed up and you’ve given up hope that anything will be able to help you...
If ANY of those is TRUE for NEED to be at the Masterclass that Isa Herrera is hosting!

Isa is considered Americas #1 Pelvic healer and she is my go-to person for all things related to women’s pelvic health.

Isa’s FREE trainings have been called nothing short of life-changing by the tens of thousands of women who’ve attended.

And she’s about to teach a BRAND-NEW Masterclass called:

The NEW Pelvic Power Masterclass: 5 Easy Steps to End Leaking, Heal Prolapse, and Relieve Intimacy Pain In The Comfort of Your Own Home

And while it might feel like there are bigger things going on, more and more women are realizing that taking care of YOU and your health right now should be top priority.

To better health,

The GreenMedInfo Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Pain is a problem that plagues millions in our society…

It’s big business to “big pharma”--and par for the course. They focus on treating symptoms more than cures… it’s the way the system works today.

That puts the responsibility back on us to solve our own problem, and there is hope!

In today’s talk, Dr. Brady & Dr. Osborn reveal how eliminating one very common food from your diet could provide the relief you deserve.

>> Check it out here <<

To your health,


P.S. Morphine & aspirin

Pablo Picasso…

JFK… Marilyn Monroe… and Charlie Chaplin.

They all had one thing in common… They ALL used a Columbia University
doctor’s natural pain-relief formula that is:

Just as effective as morphine for pain relief… AND safer than aspirin.

And you can still get it today—without a doctor—because it is actually an
enzyme your body already creates—that declines as we get older.

Decades ago, a reclusive MD and Columbia University professor Dr. Max
Wolf discovered how these enzymes work to relieve pain.

And he used them extensively in his medical practice.

But in spite of his high-profile patients like JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Pablo
Picasso, and Charlie Chaplin…

The drug industry made more money off selling pills that treat symptoms
without fixing anything… SO:

Dr. Wolf’s breakthrough was blacklisted.

Fortunately—thanks to the internet—his research was re-discovered by a
post-rehab specialist who is sharing it with the world.

And we wanted to share it with you—check it out and see what YOU think.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What’s the Dill with Home-Made Pickles?

In ancient Mesopotamia (like… 4,000 years-kind-of-ancient), denizens of the land between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea figured out how to pickle cucumbers.

Now, they didn’t crack some kind of code. Lots of ancient cultures pickled food to preserve it, either in vinegar, brine, or some other solution.

Cleopatra thought they made her beautiful… Julius Caesar thought they made his soldiers strong… and Amerigo Vespucci, the famous explorer, thought (correctly) that pickles would help prevent scurvy at sea.

Many moons later, when H. J. Heinz brought his pickle recipe to the momentous Chicago World’s Fair of 1893, and tricked patrons into visiting his inconveniently located booth by offering them a free gift (a pickle pin), he ended up with more than one million visitors by the end of the fair.

Even as recently as 2020, pickles have been heralded as athlete’s miracle juice. The “Pickle Juice Game” between the Philadelphia Eagles and Dallas Cowboys, played in 109º weather, was eventually won by the Eagles.

They attributed their success to drinking pickle juice, which a study conducted later confirmed that the high acid content in pickle juice disrupted the muscle reflex that led to cramping.


There’s something important we need to understand.

While pickles have many health benefits, there are some big differences between home-made pickles and commercial pickles.

Namely? Fermentation.

Vinegar vs Brine

So first, we need to realize that vinegar is created through a fermentation process… but it’s only considered fermented when it’s raw and pure.

There are two ways to pickle: in a salty water brine, or in an acid (vinegar or lemon juice, usually.)

Fermenting happens by brining and allowing the transformative mineral salt to change something’s composition from the inside out. What happens is the salt helps start the process of creating good bacteria that eat the sugars and carbohydrates in a food and convert them into substances like acids, alcohol, and carbon dioxide.

Those are the substances that preserve food, which made the original fermentation method of pickling really valuable for armies, sailors, and people living in harsh climes with difficult growing conditions.

Because acid is a byproduct of fermentation, fermented foods often taste tart and acidic.

That’s why most commercial pickle manufacturers simply pickle their cucumbers with vinegar, water, and salt – it achieves a similar enough taste without the longer and more delicate process of fermentation.

But… cutting out the fermentation process to produce vinegar-pickled products robs you of many of the good bacteria benefits of fermentation.

Some manufacturers certainly still pickle cucumbers the old-fashioned way… but most of them, for the sake of volume and output quantity, just don’t.

Fortunately, pickling cucumbers at home is easy!

Here’s a quick way to do it that nets you the benefits.

Pickling Cukes at Home with Fermentation

First step: gather your materials. You’ll need:

  • 2 lbs Cucumbers (pickling variety preferred!)
  • Dill sprigs
  • Garlic
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • Coriander seed/black peppercorn/mustard seeds/fennel seeds or whatever other spices you want
  • 6 cups of water
  • 3 tbsps of sea salt

Heat one of the cups of water on the stove and stir in all of the salt until the salt dissolves, and let it cool.

In your jar, alternate layering the garlic, cucumbers, bay leaves, dill sprigs, and whatever spices you chose.

Fill the jar with the brine mixture and the rest of the water. Make sure the cucumbers are fully submerged by the brine.

Close the lid and keep your concoction in a cool, dark place (maybe where your potatoes are) and check on it every three days. It needs to be out of the fridge to start the fermentation process. You should start to see the mixture bubbling with life and the water getting cloudy!

Once that happens, put the jar in the fridge. It’ll keep fermenting from here on!

Remember, only fermented pickles contain the benefits of probiotics and immunity-boosting properties.

Although, all pickles have benefits like the ability to replenish electrolytes, a rich antioxidant population, and inflammation reduction.

Eating store bought pickles is fine – and vinegar consumption has its own health benefits.

But don’t be fooled into thinking your grocery store garden-variety pickles have probiotics… you may just have to make your own!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I love black seed oil - I use it on my face all the time

Never thought about trying it for oil pulling - think it would taste gross though

I tried it on my face too. I’d like to find some that’s cheaper than $40, though. I hated the taste and stopped taking it. I did the pulling with it a few times but only because I had nothing else.

What brand do you use, Lucy? :hug: to you and les poulees.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Wait till you can get organic coconut oil, do you drink a dose of the black seed oil every day? very good for you too.
And young lady what are you using for toothpaste?

I’m using Tom’s of Maine. But for all I know Toms could be made in China now!!

I haven’t been drinking the black seed oil, it tastes terrible!! :giggle:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Inspiration for Your Week
Self-care shouldn't require you to spend money.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I’m using Tom’s of Maine. But for all I know Toms could be made in China now!!

I haven’t been drinking the black seed oil, it tastes terrible!! :giggle:
I know it tastes terrible but it's so good for you and all you have to drink is a T spoon a day:)

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