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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hate to see this happening

While The Media Covers Coronavirus, Trump Just SEALED THE DEAL!:

Trump Signed!
“5G Cash” Rolls out In America


“I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible [...]
We must always be the leader in everything we do.”
— Donald Trump, 45th President

And he is offering you a chance to make money in order to hide the "TRUE DANGERS"
This is BS


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As you may or may not be aware Jimi, I recently decided I wasn’t behind enough on everything I already have going…

and Teddy and I decided to spearhead a movement to stop 5G from being rolled out here in Park City, Utah.

Wanted to send you a few quick notes on why this is important and what you can do in your area.

(speaking of “what you can do”… Teddy and my tagline throughout our journey through cancer and various other health challenges with our son has been “no one’s gonna do it for you”

Although we did already have so much going, we came to the realization that if we didn’t want our whole family bathed in even more radiation than there is now everywhere we go, it’s up to us to actually make that happen)

First and foremost wanted to make sure you’re aware the 5G Summit 2020: Worldwide Call to Action starts Monday.

Deep dives on everything from scientific proof EMF is harmful to health, how 5G will be exponentially worse than what we already have, what to do to protect yourself and how to stop it in your town, all in one place.

That said, as the lawyer I talked to today put it, “you don’t want to wake up tomorrow to find a 5G tower 50 feet from your bedroom.”

I know there’s a lot going on right now (what a coincidence 5G is getting rammed through during this time of crisis…), for me more than ever, but this is something we only get one shot at.

“Legally” (not a big fan of “laws” these days… for reasons like this exactly), it’s exponentially harder to take down an existing tower than to block a new one from coming up.

So… if the 5G Summit gets you revved up to go do something about this to protect your family, wanted to share the steps, information and resources I personally have found most valuable and important in actually trying to accomplish this myself. Bullet points are probably the best for this…

  • JUST GET STARTED with a group. I kept putting off actually starting something due to everything I’ve got going, but one day Teddy and I said the all-powerful “screw it,” created a facebook group (which takes 5 minutes), invited all our local friends to it, posted about it in all the local groups, and just like that it became a real thing we were actually doing!!
  • KNOW THAT MUNICIPALITIES ARE NOT FINANCIALLY LIABLE for denying permits to install small cell wireless facilities. I’ve talked to both my city and county council and they both claim they’d look into it further, but they’ve been informed they could be sued for millions of dollars if they deny a permit. That’s simply not true. The lawyer I talked to today reiterated my understanding that in case after case across the country, the worst that happens is that a local government is forced to issue a permit, but is not able to be sued for money.
    • What they could be HIGHLY liable for however, is all the lawsuits from people injured by these towers going up that the council failed to protect!
  • KNOW THE PERTINENT ISSUES: the two best places for learning all you can about what you can do to stop this are:
    • They’ve got everything you need to get started. Take note of their sample ordinance that you can suggest your local councils.
    • Zen Honeycutt’s Unstoppable Podcast: She’s made amazing progress fighting pesticides and has now set her sights on 5G! I’ve gotten SO much from listening to the episodes on this issue.
  • SHOW PEOPLE THE HEALTH EFFECTS: You don’t need to be the one to know all the science behind all the reasons 5G will be devastating for health (and freedom), you just need to know where to point people:
  • KNOW THE BEST LAWYER: I watched a recent roundtable of lawyers all working on this issue, and the one that stood heads above the rest was Andrew Campenelli. I just talked to him today. He can help block individual towers and provide “ordinance reviews” to help cities and counties understand the power they do have on this issue and ensure they’re protecting both themselves and the folks who live there.
Alright that was way more than I planned on and definitely enough for now!

One more time, definitely check out the 5G Summit 2020 to fill in any gaps in your knowledge base on blocking 5g, mitigating the health effects of EMF, or learning exactly what the heath effects are for that matter.

And one more time again… no one’s gonna do it for you!! ;)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Some people scoff at plant-based medicine…

Perhaps being unaware that around 74% of medicines we use today are derived from plants!

Nature has provided over 340,000 plants that can be broken down and studied for their medicinal properties… And wow, can those properties be powerful!

Just one example…

In 2013 a study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Phytotherapy Research looked at the effects of turmeric on depression, versus the popular antidepressant Prozac.

Their results showed that turmeric is both as effective in treating depression, and FAR SAFER.

Other studies have demonstrated that turmeric combined with both ginger and black pepper are even more powerful in treating depression, likely because of the combo’s profound effect on inflammation.

And it doesn’t stop there…

In fact, inflammation is now considered the leading contributor to developing Alzheimer’s.

Perhaps that’s why India—whose people use these three spices liberally every day—has almost the lowest incidence of Alzheimer’s on the planet.

Further, as a UCLA reported, using turmeric daily improves memory by 28% AND untangles amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s… largely by decreasing the underlying inflammation in the brain.

The next question is…

Does this work for EVERYONE? Should you be adding these and other supplements to your diet right now?

Unfortunately, just as no singular pharmaceutical medicine works for every person/body…

Some people simply do not tolerate supplements well. For one person they’ll work like magic, fast… and for others, there’s a sensitivity.

That’s why it’s so important to have PROPER GUIDANCE.

Our friend and mental health expert Dr. Elena Villanueva has dedicated her life to using cutting edge science and data-driven solutions that allow you to find the best ways to reverse mental (brain) health challenges for YOUR body.

Dr. Elena struggled with overwhelming stress, depression and anxiety herself, at one time. It got so bad she nearly lost everything she held dear…

After wasting thousands of dollars and far too much time experimenting with treatments…

And with harsh pharmaceuticals that can create more problems than they solve as you try to figure out the right dose and medication...

Dr. Elena finally won her battle.

Now she’s taken all that she learned and packaged it into an amazing 5-Part Masterclass that she’s sharing with the world, absolutely free, starting June 7th.

>> You can grab a free ticket to this event here!

When you join Dr. Elena for The Mental Health Masterclass you’ll discover…

  • The foods that can cause or increase your anxiety
  • The real root causes of mental illness and mental health challenges
  • Why managing mental health is so challenging in this modern age
  • Medications and hidden factors that make things worse
  • How clients suffering with psychological disorders and neurological diseases are seeing real results, backed by measurable data
  • And so much more!
It all starts June 7th at 9 pm ET.

Join the thousands of other people who have regained their energy, focus, hope, and peace by following Dr. Elena’s guidance…

>> Register for The Mental Health Masterclass while spots are still open!

We can’t wait to hear your success story.

To your health,

The Detox Smoothie Team

P.S. This information may just change or even save a life. Too many people struggle in silence.

Think of all the wonderful women in your life. Your relatives. Coworkers. Facebook friends…

You never really know who’s suffering or how badly (especially since many of us have been in lockdown for weeks!)...

So please spread the word about this amazing online event far and wide.

>> Send them here for their free ticket!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

In the 1940s and 1950s, the synthetic pesticide DDT was used to kill bugs that spread malaria and typhus in several parts of the world, including the USA, where it was sprayed at public swimming pools, elementary schools, and across other highly populated areas.

Advertisements for the DDT ran in magazines and on the radio with the ironic slogan “DDT is good for Me-e-e!”

Apparently it wasn’t actually “good for you” since it was banned by the US government in 1972, and has been declared a human carcinogen and linked specifically to non-Hodgkin lymphoma, testicular cancer and liver cancer.


Remember thalidomide? Thalidomide was used in the late 1950s and early 1960s to combat morning sickness, but led to children being born without limbs. But don’t worry about it. No big deal. The German inventor issued an apology. We guess that makes everything OK...

But do you know what’s more toxic than DDT and Thalidomide?

We’ve been lied to over and over and over…by the “fake news” mainstream media!

Most of the “facts” we are expected to accept as true are nothing more than monumental myths told by double-dealing liars.

It reminds us of ancient Rome. “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,” translated “false in one thing, false in everything,” is a Roman legal principle indicating that a witness who willfully falsifies one matter is not credible on any matter.

So why do we continue to believe the proven liars?


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
I tried it on my face too. I’d like to find some that’s cheaper than $40, though. I hated the taste and stopped taking it. I did the pulling with it a few times but only because I had nothing else.

What brand do you use, Lucy? to you and les poulees.

Dang if I can remember but that was about what it cost - the lid cracked on it and I transferred it to another bottle

I only ate it once - I use a lot of coriander seed in salad dressing and what have you instead of using the oil internally

I tried it directly in the eyes once; BIG MISTAKE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Did you know that over 450 million people struggle with mental illness?

In fact, 1 in 4 adults will be affiliated with mental health challenges within their lifetime.

In 2017, 1.4 million people attempted suicide in the U.S. Sadly, 47,173 of those attempts were successful.

Data from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) says that more than 90% of people who commit suicide have shown symptoms of mental illness.

Not surprisingly, depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health conditions, and both have a link to suicide.

For many, the idea of being a little depressed or anxious is no big deal… But research (and actual brain scans) show that these conditions damage the brain and actually give you up to an 80% higher risk of Alzheimer’s.

The simple truth is that mental health is a complex issue that people don’t like to talk about, even though things like anxiety, ADD, depression, dementia, OCD, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s are now so common.

Treatment for these and similar conditions can be incredibly complex as well. For many people, it’s a constant struggle to find the right medications…

Prescriptions that often come with their own set of challenges, including harsh side effects.


What if there was a data-driven formula to unravel mental health issues?

A way to get to the deepest roots of the causes, contributors and catalysts so that you can apply actual solutions and say goodbye to that monkey on your back, once and for all?

That’s precisely what my good friend and mental health expert Dr. Elena Villanueva is offering in a 5-Part Masterclass that’s airing completely free, starting June 7th at 9 pm ET.

Dr. Elena struggled for years with worsening anxiety and depression and wasted thousands of dollars looking for solutions, until she almost lost everything…

Luckily, she was finally able to overcome these mental health challenges and it started her on a journey of discovery that brought her to the most cutting-edge science that has allowed her to help others do the same, over and over.

Data-driven, measurable results, helping real people overcome the most common neuropsychological challenges. It’s her life’s work and she’s sharing it with the world for a limited time.

When you join Dr. Elena for The Mental Health Masterclass you’ll discover…

  • The foods that can cause or increase your anxiety
  • The real root causes of mental illness and mental health challenges
  • Why managing mental health is so challenging in this modern age
  • Medications and hidden factors that make things worse
  • How clients suffering with psychological disorders and neurological diseases are seeing real results, backed by measurable data
  • And so much more!
Dr. Elena has included several bonus items you can print out and reference, simply for registering.

It all starts June 7th at 9 pm ET.

>>Grab your free ticket here before spots run out!


The Revealed Films Team

P.S. The information in The Mental Health Masterclass is so very important. Too many people struggle in silence.

Think of your relatives. Coworkers. Facebook friends.

You never really know who’s suffering or how badly (especially since many of us have been in lockdown for weeks!)...

So please spread the word about this amazing online event far and wide. You may just change or even save a life. >>Send them here to claim their complimentary ticket now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I want to give you a free copy of my 5 Tools for Weight Loss Success PDF.

You can CLICK RIGHT HERE to download it.

While you’re there, be sure to watch the first of my special Food Freedom Videos I recorded on the psychology and neuroscience of weight loss.

People from 190 of the 195 countries on earth have watched this powerful video (when it came out, it pretty much went viral around the globe) and it’s helped them lose a collective 430,000 pounds in just the past three years.

This is information you won’t hear anywhere else. I myself used it to go from obese to slender and stay there for over 14 years and counting.

You may have noticed that there is a whole lot of contradictory and confusing information out there about how to lose weight, get fit, and stay healthy. The reason for this is that people react very differently to food. There’s a food addiction “Susceptibility Scale,” and it’s critical to know where you fall on that scale. Only then will you know what kind of program will work, given the specific way your brain is wired to respond to food.

Click here to watch the video and download your free 5 Tools for Weight Loss Success PDF.

With love,


P.S. – I taught this content for years in my college course on the Psychology of Eating, and today the only way to hear me explain this cutting-edge science is to watch this first Food Freedom Video. This email is your access point. Click here to tune in.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Jimi, I just saw a great film on Netflix called What The Health. It was about diet and disease and health. And plant based diet. It was excellent. Check it out! Love you!
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Dang if I can remember but that was about what it cost - the lid cracked on it and I transferred it to another bottle

I only ate it once - I use a lot of coriander seed in salad dressing and what have you instead of using the oil internally

I tried it directly in the eyes once; BIG MISTAKE

It’s nice that you do crazy things like I do! :blowkiss:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Where do you get yours? I got some through Green Med Info and it was so expensive!!
It's expensive pretty much everywhere or at least I haven't found anywhere it isn't yet. You have to keep in mind that you usually get what you pay for so if you were to find it cheap you might wantta check out the quality first;);)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, I just saw a great film on Netflix called What The Health. It was about diet and disease and health. And plant based diet. It was excellent. Check,it out! Love you!
I've never done any netflix, don't know how to go about it . But thank you for the heads up, I'd really like to see that:)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, I hope you are doing well and staying safe.

We've all been rather overwhelmed with info related to the virus over the past several months, haven't we?

Well, if you'd like clarity on the research-based most effective dietary steps you can take now and in the future to best defend yourself...

Please do yourself a favor and don't miss...

Killing Viruses Naturally -- the transcript of a powerful interview with Dr. Thomas E. Levy., M.D. you're getting free right here

Jonathan Landsman is giving away this bonus today in support of his forthcoming Immune Defense Summit.

YES, you get immediate access to it on the page right after free sign up.

And I can't encourage you strongly enough to read this particular interview to get a clear understanding on what -- in terms of nutrition and more -- you'll want to do and why.

You see, there really has been an overload of information over the past several months from so many different sources, much of it conflicting, confusing, heavily biased, and flat-out inaccurate.

And frankly, some very key knowledge has also received little to no coverage in the media.


Dr. Levy is a board-certified cardiologist and one of the world's leading experts on vitamin C and other antioxidants.

He even trains other doctors in this area.

And what he reveals in this interview may literally be life-saving...

And it can certainly lead to better health outcomes even beyond protecting people from viruses and other pathogens.

Head here now to get immediate access to the free interview transcript right after the free sign up.

As Jonathan Landsman notes toward the start of this interview with Dr. Levy:

"Today, you’ll discover a simple yet powerful way to neutralize the threat of viruses without the need for toxic medications.

The scientific evidence to support my statements are not only valid, but staggering in its substance.

It’s time to remove the unnecessary fear surrounding potential viral threats, and discover a safe way to protect our health.

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Thomas Levy..."

And, truly, what follows in this interview that you can read in its entirety is "staggering in its substance" about vitamin C, toxins, and more in relation to viruses.

Click here now to find out more about the free Immune Defense Summit and to get this interview transcript (and more) free on the page right after sign up.

Enjoy the important learning, please do stay safe and healthy, and I will talk to you soon.

To What Will Still Be Your Best Decade Yet,

Brian Vaszily


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I see that a lot of you have been sharing the latest episodes of The Smarter Tech Podcast. Thanks SO much for your support!

I’m glad people are enjoying the 3-part series with Pawel Wypychowski. It’s truly cutting-edge information.

I’m back today with a different engineer -- this time one from Australia -- none other than my friend Cyril Bourke. Cyril shares a presentation that he has given to countless clients and colleagues around Australia and during his worldwide travels.

If you’re fairly new to EMFs, this is a perfect conversation to listen to. At the end, Cyril and I chat about our new Meter Crisis project -- and how we’re trying to bring a more affordable EMF meter able to read high frequency millimeter waves (mmW) to the market. Enjoy!

===> EMF Mitigation Basics & EMF Meter Problems w/ Cyril Bourke [New Podcast]

If you enjoy the show, please leave a review for the podcast! It would help so much. Here’s how you can do just that:

Enjoy your Friday,


PS -- Stay tuned for the final part of my COVID article on Sunday!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As a part of my community, I want you to know that I will continue supporting you on your health and healing journey with empowering and vetted information, education, inspiration, events, products and services.

While I'd hate to see you go, if you no longer want to receive these kinds of emails you can unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.

With that said, I wanted to share with you a new free video as part of my blog series I'm doing to help you navigate the journey towards wholesome health, longevity and vitality.

This video is titled;

"Enhance Your Immune System to Fight Viruses and Disease with Prebiotics and Probiotics"

You can watch it for free on my blog here.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tips for Reducing Stroke Risk

When Sandra Bullock was 35, she transformed from the lovable but rough-around-the-edges FBI agent Gracie Hart to an undercover beauty in "Miss Congeniality." That kind of transformation may seem like a good setup for a comedy, but it's not very realistic.

However, according to researchers at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, even in middle age women can dramatically change their future.

Special: Why Most People Have Digestive Issues – It's From This Common Vegetable Problem

It seems basic lifestyle changes, adopted even after years of unhealthy behaviors, can reduce women's 26-year risk of any type of stroke by up to 25%, and of ischemic stroke by up to 36%. (Ischemic stroke is the most common type, caused by a blood clot in the brain, and women's average age of a first stroke is 75.)

That’s important because women are more likely to have a stroke, to end up with poorer health and physical function post-stroke, and to die from stroke than men.

Total and ischemic stroke risk is reduced most effectively by:

• Stopping smoking

• Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise daily

• Eating three servings of 3 to 6 ounces a week of fatty fish such as salmon and sea trout

• Eating nuts, like walnuts and almonds, almost daily

• Ditching red meat

• Losing weight if you need to

The effective ways to reduce the risk of hemorrhagic stroke are achieving normal blood pressure and, according to the researchers, increasing the amount of fish you eat.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I've never done any netflix, don't know how to go about it . But thank you for the heads up, I'd really like to see that:)

You go to Netflix dot com and sign up. It’s about $8 monthly. I’ve had it for years but I don’t watch all the time.

I’m watching Forks Over Knives now. It’s another food and health doc. You may be able to find these online not at Netflix.

I’m more convinced now to go Plant Based. I forgot how bad eggs, chicken, and dairy are. Forget red meat!!

I need to start food combining again.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Beliefs determine thoughts. Thoughts determine actions. And actions create our world.

So when we see things that are wrong, disturbing, or sad, it’s helpful to look at the numbers and then beyond to the circumstances and beliefs that created them.

Now, consider this:

1 in 6 Americans is on a psychiatric drug. Nearly half the population suffers from at least one chronic disease. 1 in 2 men will get cancer. 1 in 3 women.

The statistics are tragic, but they give rise to a powerful and life-changing question:

What in this world really makes us - and keeps us - healthy?

Are drugs and surgery our only option? Not even close...

What most doctors DON’T necessarily know about - and certainly won’t tell you about - is the subject of an AMAZING 9-part documentary series that you NEED to know about!

It’s called PROVEN: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science.

PROVEN premieres in a few days and it takes a deep dive into the phenomenal world of “alternative” and “natural” therapies - all backed by peer-reviewed scientific research data.

Click here to watch the trailer!

This unprecedented series will provide you with powerful information about non-drug and non-surgical approaches to staying healthy that are more effective and far SAFER than hospital medicine… and it’s FREE to watch!

In each captivating episode, you’ll witness interviews with leading health experts, Ivy league researchers, and also survivors who have been through incredible alternative healing journeys!

There are more healing wonders in our world - some right at our fingertips - than you can even imagine.

One thing I know for sure is that there will be something in this series that will likely change your life. Especially if you have health concerns, for yourself or for any of your loved ones.

Click HERE to register for this limited-time premiere.

Our conditioned beliefs about what keeps us healthy have actually contributed to making us sick! Brute chemical force is NOT the only path to wellness.

There are other ways to heal. Many of these ways are rooted in ancient wisdom from long-ago cultures, while some cutting-edge alternatives are being discovered right now!

PROVEN is a portal into all healing possibilities and will change how you think about health for the rest of your life.

You do not want to miss this. I know I won’t.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

P.S. PROVEN also disproves many of our commonly shared assumptions about western medicine.

Did you know that you can take five people with a condition such as Type 2 diabetes, give them all the exact same modern drug, and get five completely different responses? THAT has been proven.

Many of the ways we’ve been taught to THINK about doctors and medicine are just wrong! PROVEN will show you why.

This exclusive premiere is only going to be available for a limited time, so be sure to register now!

Click HERE to register for your exclusive FREE access


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The debate about 5G is completely skewed.

In fact, there is no real debate.

'Faster downloads, greater connectivity and we're going to win the race for technological supremacy.'

That's the essence of the message which is being shared far and wide.

All that may be true, BUT.

There is a huge BUT.

At what cost to our health?

(And the cost to the planet, for that matter.)

We're NOT being told about the serious risks to health, and the infringement of our fundamental rights and basic freedoms.

There are now THOUSANDS of independent studies linking wireless radiation exposures to a long list of serious diseases, including cancer.

Pregnant women, children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable.

And yet the wireless industry is determined to up these exposures even more—in the form of 5G.

"5G wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities," is already becoming a reality.

Health advocates Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji have brought together a stellar line up of experts for the 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit

These are the expert interviews you can access for FREE on Monday:
+ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dangers of 5G to Children's Health
+ Dr. Martin Pall, How Wireless Causes Harm (Part 1)
+ Dr. Magda Havas, Extensive Biological Effects of EMFs and 5G
+ Dr. Devra Lee Davis, Science on 5G and Wireless Radiation
+ Jason Bawden-Smith, Critical Disruption of Mitochondria by EMFs
+ Dr. Paul Heroux, Harmful Effects of 5G and Wireless

When you register today, these are the FREE gifts you'll receive:
+ 5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective eBook
+ 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation eBook
+ Nature's Pharmacy Evidence-Based Alternatives to Drugs eBook
+ 5 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation eGuide
+ 3 Interview Transcripts from The 5G Crisis Summit
+ Instant access to The Coronavirus Support Series

There is still time to derail the 5G juggernaut. The more people that have their eyes opened to what’s going on, the better.

Empower yourself and humanity, sign up today and share this email!

Note: If you registered for last years broadcast - this is the same event, but there are new interviews. And as Josh del Sol explains, 'this year there is a new Solutions 2020 course, giving people the option between several powerful individual/group actions and The 4 Levels of Solution to 5G Masterclass is now free on sign-up'.

Sign up for FREE here:
(Copy/paste this link into your browser if the link doesn't work)

Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!

EMF protection is IMPORTANT
please share ElectricSense emails
with your friends and colleagues.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jim,

This past week I started to feel sick. Anytime that happens I start to pile on the supplements, as there’s a lot of good you can do in that early stage.

You may have already passed through an illness in these three months, but this was my first time. Getting sick really made me reflect on my prevention and how to respond when symptoms start.

Learn the exact home protocol I'm doing to combat my 'mystery virus' (results still not back!) at the button below.

I'll also share the 5 top things I think you should do daily for prevention as we reopen.

What to Do if You Get Sick >>>


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
I don't know how anyone feels about signing petitions, but hope you will consider signing this one.

I personally don't want to be forced to take a vaccine, so I thought maybe some of you don't want to either. It's up to us citizens to keep freedom of choice free.

Scroll down to read it.

Thank you for taking your time and consideration on this. (hope the link works. It should)

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
So, Jimi said it would be okay to post this here - a demo on how to germinate sprouts at home on the cheap!

Broccoli sprouts are what's on the menu for this

Take a clear plastic container that something else came in and soak the seeds for 8-12 hours. Drain, and then rinse with fresh water twice daily until they reach the size you want. The package of seeds says it will take 7-10 days for these to sprout

I've never done broccoli before, but have done lots of other seeds, so we will see



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So, Jimi said it would be okay to post this here - a demo on how to germinate sprouts at home on the cheap!

Broccoli sprouts are what's on the menu for this

Take a clear plastic container that something else came in and soak the seeds for 8-12 hours. Drain, and then rinse with fresh water twice daily until they reach the size you want. The package of seeds says it will take 7-10 days for these to sprout

I've never done broccoli before, but have done lots of other seeds, so we will see

View attachment 162160
Thank you Lucy, I love sprouts and everyone should eat them. Because they are a powerhouse of nutrition. Here's an article to go with it.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Disengage and Let it Go
This past Friday night, I got into one of those dreaded Facebook debates. I won't go into the details here, but it was long and draining, and also important. I learned a few things from it about how best to deal with these events and how my approach has changed through my experience with cancer.

Conflict is nothing new, particularly when differing views about very personal things are involved. No matter what your views are, everyone can find examples of injustice in this world that bother, upset, anger, or sadden them. And it’s great to discuss the issues that matter most to us with others. This happens a lot of course in the conventional oncology versus alternative debate, and for me, luckily, most of these discussions have been quite civil. I do, however, remember one in particular that was not, and in that instance, I didn’t have the chance to defend my position.

I'm sure you have all felt the same way before: heart pounding, face flushing, thoughts continually preoccupied with all of the things you wish you had said. I spent days chasing that lost opportunity around my head, even though I knew it wasn't going to get me anywhere but stressed and bitter, which it did.

The difference between that encounter and the one this past Friday is that I have now become better equipped to have those discussions and calmly back my point, better trained to handle the stress that they create, and more easily able to let them go afterwards because of my journey with cancer. I can recognize now when an impasse has been reached, when I can do no more good by continuing to butt up against this wall, when it is time to disengage and perhaps try another tactic later if the opportunity presents itself.

It’s definitely not easy. I have spent a good amount of time in the last 24 hours dealing with the stress and letting the discussion go, but it showed me even more strongly the importance of doing this. As important as it is to discuss the issues that are significant to us, that we feel strongly about, and that we want to change and make a difference in, you must put on your own oxygen mask first. By disengaging and letting it go, we can diminish the damage conflict can do to our health and control the stress that surrounds these encounters. Do not keep going over and over what you wish you had said or what you wish you hadn’t; apologize if you were in the wrong or accept the apology if it comes, and let it go. You have to take care of yourself and your own well-being first.

Happy Healing ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mental Health Monday
There is an absolutely gorgeous garden on the route I usually walk. I’m a person of routine, so I often walk the same blocks and have therefore admired this garden many times a week for two years. When my sister and I were born, my parents planted a tree for each of us; a cherry tree for her, and a plum tree for me.

That beautiful garden I pass on my walk has a plum tree. I wait for that tree to bloom all winter, taking it as the first sign of spring when I see its buds for the first time. But it was only this year that I realized it was a plum tree the same as mine, after walking past it and admiring it more times than I can count.

This taught me two things this year.

Click here to visit the Orenda FB group and discover those lessons.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Recipes: Use It Up! Quarantine Series
Bananas would go brown on me in the best of times, when I didn’t feel like I was stocking up for an apocalypse every time I went to the grocery store. Now, when I feel the need to buy more than usual because I won’t be back for a while, I am finding myself with a lot of brown bananas on my hands. I also don’t eat too many of them a week because of their higher sugar content, so this definitely exacerbates the mushy problem.

I’ve also been rummaging in our cupboards a lot more and discovering long-forgotten bags of seeds and superfoods. In a moment of inspiration, I joined the two in my head and thought, “Smoothie bowl!”.

I topped it with homemade granola, and everything came together in a creamy, fruity, crunchy bowl of deliciousness which I am now sharing with you! As tasty as it is, because of the bananas and dried fruit in the granola, this one is definitely higher in natural sugars, so I would make this a once-a-week breakfast at most.


Click here to visit the FB group and get both recipes, for my Use It Up! granola and smoothie bowl


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is it folks. The 3rd and final part of my massive review of the COVID crisis.

This time, I address what is perhaps the most controversial part -- whether lockdowns have been effective or not, and what consequences our reaction (or over-reaction) to the virus might have.

This one might be a hard pill to swallow -- but will also empower you with factual information free of politics and agendas:

===> Ending The “Corona-Panic”: 5 Facts Proving We’re Going To Be Just Fine (Part 3)

I spent well over 200 hours researching the topic in the last 3 months, and to be honest this is basically pro bono work at this point. But I’m extremely happy I did... I felt compelled to use my research skills and critical thinking to bring some clarity to this crisis that shook the world in 2020.

If you want to support, please take a few minutes to spread the article widely -- on social media, by email, to everyone you care about. This would mean a lot.

Have a great day,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Josh del Sol joins Dr. Rashid Buttar for this explosive new, recently-recorded talk on 5G mm-wave radiation.

Together, they walk through a CIA-declassified report summarizing 7 Russian studies on the significant bio-effects caused by millimeter-wave radiation levels between 37-60GHz -- exposure levels which government agencies tell us are "safe."

Published more than 40 years ago but kept secret, this report was marked "GOVERNMENT USE ONLY..."

...until now!

In addition, Dr. Buttar and Josh discuss a recent troublesome statement by a European politician touting the "benefits" of using 5G for crowd control purposes.

It's a global, for-profit, human experiment... without our consent.

Without consent and despite THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies that indicate 5G is harmful to your health.

Without consent and disregarding millions who are trying to raise the red flag and stop its deployment.

Unlock this pre-summit interview with Dr. Rashid Buttar, "CIA-Declassified Research Reveals Massive Bio-effects from 5G mm-Wave Radiation," and find out the shocking scientific conclusions of millimeter-wave researchers.

When you unlock this gift, you'll also save a seat for the free, online 5G Summit taking place on June 1-7 — over 40+ experts teaching you more about EMF and 5G dangers and how to implement better solutions in your community!

You can truly get started on better health today!

To better health,

The GreenMedInfo Team



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
Thank you Lucy, I love sprouts and everyone should eat them. Because they are a powerhouse of nutrition. Here's an article to go with it.


We have sprouting seeds for broccoli, kohlrabi and radicchio - I picked broccoli for first try because the sprouts extra extra nutritious

This is the first I've done since moving, we'll see how it goes :)

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