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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

It’s no secret that eating well reduces your risk of getting sick.

COVID-19 has made immune health more important than ever, but it’s also made it much harder to stay healthy.

Financial stress, worries about friends and family members, and social isolation often make people reach for comfort foods and sugary treats.

Unfortunately, these are the worst foods for your immune health.

To make it easier for you to make healthy choices during these trying times, we published a free ebook on our site that contains essential information like:

  • 27 easy and tasty recipes that are immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, gut-healing, and nutrient-dense
  • The simple things you must do every day to support your immune system
  • The foods you should refrain from eating at all times
  • And, the foods that you should plan your meals around for optimal immune function

In this recipe book, you’ll find recipes for beverages, soups and stews, entrées, condiments, and healthy treats and snacks!

>> Click here to get your copy of Quarantine Cuisine: Easy, Nourishing Recipes To Support Your Immune System (no email required to download)

And be sure to write back to let us know which recipe you like best!

To your health always,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Wildfires And Air Quality: What You Need To Know


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
A Community Supported Agriculture program, or CSA, is an innovative method for linking farmers directly with consumers. That sounds nice, but what can CSAs do for you?
Find out all about what CSAs are, their benefits and flaws, and what they can do for you and your community, here.
Yours for healthy and sustainable food,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. There are more than 7,000 CSA programs in the United States, and tens of thousands more worldwide. Find out why the model is catching on, and how you can participate, here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

If you really want to boost your immune system...The first thing you’ll need to do is strengthen and rejuvenate your liver!

Your liver helps your body by providing it with energy, fighting off infections and toxins, helping clot the blood, regulating hormones and much, much more.

One of your livers' many jobs is to capture and disarm any harmful bacteria or viruses trying to enter your body through your gut.

Because of its wide-ranging responsibilities, your healthy liver can come under attack by viruses, toxic substances, contaminants and diseases.

Lifestyle can factor into and affect the overall wellbeing of this major organ.

Unfortunately, most people's liver has been compromised by...

  • Prescription and over the counter medications

  • Smoking and Alcohol

  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners

  • Artificial colors and flavors

  • Air and water pollution

  • Poor diet and lack of exercize
So if you want to get the most immune power from your liver you'll want to check out this new ebook: The Ancient Answer for Liver Ailments.

In this new ebook you'll find out why so many people are getting Fatty Liver Disease as well as 24 all-natural solutions for helping you get rid of it quickly.

Like a natural liver cleanser that's been used safely and successfully for over 2,000 years. This remedy is easy to find, inexpensive, and simple to use so...

Why not try it?

Your liver will love you for it!

To your liver health,

The VegHealth Team

P.S.- Claiming a copy of the Ebook will also save your seat for the free, online Fatty Liver Docu-ClassDid you know Fatty Liver Disease is the hidden cause of autoimmune disorders, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and even skin issues?? Save your seat now to learn more!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!​
Over the course of recording the interviews for The Anti-Cancer Revolution 2, Ryan Sternagel uncovered a number of incredible health tips and tactics from more than 30 experts — researchers, practitioners and doctors — on the front lines of improved health and happiness.

--->>Download your complimentary transcripts about integrative cancer care!

These full-length interview transcripts are full of health wisdom.

A few quotes include:

Jim P. Roach, MD, ABOIM, ABIHM
“I did conventional medicine for 20 years, writing more and more prescriptions to get people better. And then the last 20 years, I've done just the opposite. I've been working hard to pull patients off medicines as fast as I can. And the outcomes are much better, and I'm achieving outcomes I never conceived possible using these approaches.”

Neil McKinney, BSc, ND
“What made me write my first book in 2003 was the discovery that curcumin, while useful for cancer, was much more valuable if you combined it with grape seed extract, and even more so if you combined those two with green tea extract. So that combination — green tea, curcumin, grape — that was my first discovery of something really useful for people with cancer.”

Sharon Gurm, ND, FABNO
“In conventional oncology, there aren't any treatments that are spoken about that can treat cancer stem cells. And yet we all recognize that this is important, and we need to develop therapies and integrate therapies that can treat the cancer stem cells. And in naturopathic oncology, I think that's the only place where we're going to find those answers, at least right now. There's no drug that we know of that's going to treat cancer stem cells.”

Ryan Sternagel
“If we're talking about cancer here, as long as you're still breathing, there's still stuff you haven't tried. There's still a combination of things that have not been implemented that could be the combination. That was always really comforting for us just to know that if the scan didn't go the right way, the way that we wanted, that there was this whole other world of stuff that we hadn't even gotten to yet.”

--->>Gain immediate access to these important health transcripts!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 on October 19-25, 2020 — where more than 30 experts will teach you what it takes to create an anti-cancer mindset. This will help you sift through the many approaches to treatment and testing, manage treatment side effects, avoid all cancer-causing toxicants, become your best advocate and so much more!

You can truly get started on better health today!
To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

P.S. Don’t miss these interview transcripts from Ryan Sternagel’s The Anti-Cancer Revolution 2. Unlock them today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Beer Compounds Improve Metabolic Syndrome

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Compounds derived from hops — the flowers that give beer a bitter flavor — can likely improve cognitive and other functions in people with metabolic syndrome, according to new research at Oregon State University and Oregon Health & Science University.

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of health problems such as obesity, low "good" cholesterol, high blood pressure, and elevated glucose levels. They are linked to cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Special: Health Secrets Exposed — How to Save Yourself and Your Loved Ones

The research, led by Fred Stevens and Jacob Raber, focused on xanthohumol (XN), a prenylated flavonoid from hops, and two of its hydrogenated derivatives: DXN and TXN.

Using a mouse model, tests showed that XN and its hydrogenated derivatives improve glucose intolerance and insulin resistance and sensitivity to leptin — a hormone that makes you feel full when you've eaten enough.

"Our findings with rodents suggest that that it may be possible to reduce or even prevent learning and memory impairments through a derivative of the same chemical compound found in beer," said Raber.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

We can't believe the 2020 Plant Fit Summit starts in less than two days!

To "warm up" we've decided to share two of our most popular interviews from 2018.

Click here to watch the inspiring story of a couple who thought they may lose each other (she was obese and he had stage four cancer)

Here's what others said about this interview:

Nancy W.: "This story is amazing! Everybody should listen and learn."

Jill B.: "Great story and so inspirational - what great advocates."

Rick M.: "Wow! What an inspiring interview. I will share it everywhere. I'm looking forward to the whole summit. I always call my health journey "my bumpy road back to health" because I have had lots of slips and setbacks. So my advice to everyone is don't beat yourself up, just get back on the program and appreciate the progress you have made!"

And Rick is so right! It's a bumpy road, there may be setbacks but we can pick ourselves back up and move forward - even during tumultuous times like these. But you need the right strategies, inspiration and knowledge and that's exactly what you'll get when you join the 2020 summit.

Each of the 9 days has a specific focus where you get to learn from 4-5 speakers (think of it like getting the highlights of nine separate conferences only that you can watch it all from the comfort of your home without all the hassle or stress). Here are the daily topics:

  1. Boost your immunity & protect your health
  2. Enjoy new vitality by restoring your hormonal balance
  3. Master your mind – the key to achieving your goals
  4. How to use nutrition and movement for abundant energy
  5. Overcoming stress and inflammation for vibrant health
  6. The truth about weight loss and diabetes
  7. The Gut – Brain Connection
  8. Detox with simple hacks in your kitchen and life
  9. The origins of cancer – and what to do about it
And we've got six bonus interviews with incredible change-makers that you don't want to miss.

Click here to check out the full line-up and reserve your complimentary spot now.

See you there!

Thank you,
Tobi & Luke

P.S. We'll email you warm-up #2 tomorrow so look out for our next email. In the meantime here's an exclusive preview of this year's summit.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!​
Enjoy learning from our new 26-page eBook, 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies, to better understand anxiety and how you can take control of it.

There are many research-supported ways to reduce and manage anxiety, perhaps making anxiety more “treatable” than any other mental health challenge.

--->>Learn more in our new eBook, 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies!

Anxiety is a state that often includes worried thoughts, fateful emotions and bodily changes like tension, rapid breathing, dizziness and digestive issues.

Experiencing some amount of anxiety is completely normal. However, 30 percent of women and 19 percent of men develop an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.

Here are a few anti-anxiety strategies you can start using today:
  • Start journaling
  • Control your breathing
  • Limit caffeine intake
  • Listen to music
  • Exercise or go for walk
  • Use self-affirmations
  • Develop a healthier relationship with your phone
Learn more strategies with our eBook.

--->>Gain immediate access to our 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies eBook now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Anxiety Summit 6 — Toxins, Meds & Infections taking place on November 2-8, 2020. At this summit more than 30 experts will teach you the latest research-backed and solution-oriented programs to understand and address anxiety’s root causes while offering targeted and supportive approaches to naturally eliminate toxins, uncover hidden triggers and address unwanted medication side-effects — so you can get relief!

You can truly get started on better health today!
To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
On the run? Please make time for this education on the Parasympathetic Summit.

In my talk I cover a very important message: “The Impact of EMFs on Your Parasympathetic Nervous System”. If this is the only talk you listen to at this conference, it will be worth it!

In my talk at the Parasympathetic Summit, you'll learn:
  • What are EMFs and which devices emit them?
  • Impact on parasympathetic nervous system
  • Strategies to protect yourself and your family
Your parasympathetic nervous system activates your ability to:
  • Relax and heal
  • Route blood flow to your organs of digestion and detoxification
  • Slow your heart rate
  • Normalize your breathing
  • Calm anxiety and manage depression
—>>Get my talk and learn to balance your nervous system at this free educational event.

Stimulating the Vagus Nerve is IMPORTANT - it's sort of like pushing a reset button.

(Note my talk is not until November but sign up today and you get 4 free talks and 3 free eBooks.)

To your health,

Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!

P.S. Don’t delay - register today for The Parasympathetic Summit for FREE!

P.P.S. If the above links don’t work copy/paste this link into your browser
Free access

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with your friends and colleagues.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Chauncey Crandall, M.D. writes:

The media often portray heart disease as a man's problem, but new research suggests that women's blood vessels actually age faster than men's do.

The new study found that blood pressure started increasing in women as early as the third decade of life, and it continued to rise higher than blood pressure in men throughout their life span. The researchers said that this early change in blood pressure sets the stage for different types of cardiovascular disease later in life.

Special: How to Fix Your Blood Pressure (Do This Every Day)

"Women actually start out with a lower blood pressure," explained study senior author Dr. Susan Cheng, director of public health research at the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

"If you think of it like a race, women start behind the starting line. So, when they get to the finish line, women have gotten there by running faster and harder, [which] causes more stress to their systems," she added.

The study included more than 32,000 people ranging in age from 5 to 98. Over four decades, the researchers gathered almost 145,000 blood pressure measurements.

The investigators found that women showed signs of higher blood pressure much earlier in life than men.

The author of an accompanying editorial, Dr. Nanette Wenger, explained, "What this study says is that blood pressure may be really important for women. The higher trajectory starts early and is a continuous rise. Women should know their blood pressure, and they should know when it changes."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dry Eyes May Be Helped with Nutrients

PARIS – In a study conducted at the Lariboisière Hospital with the results published in the Journal of French Ophthalmology scientists sought to determine if dry eye symptoms could be improved with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAS) added to the diet.

Seventy one patients with mild to moderate dry eye symptoms were randomly assigned to receive a supplement containing polyunsaturated fatty acids or placebo capsules, twice a day for 6 months.

For participants taking the supplement there was an improvement that reached the threshold of significance for various dry eye symptoms along with improvements in skin quality and emotional condition, which were improved 61% with treatment versus 36% with placebo.

According to the researcher’s published conclusions:

“This double-masked pilot study shows that PUFAs seem to be an interesting tool to alleviate the symptoms related to dry eye syndrome.”

The American Heart Association recommends eating tofu and other forms of soybeans, canola, walnut and flaxseed, and their oils to add PUFAS to your diet.
If you suffer from dry eyes you might want to consider adding these foods to your diet.

Have a healthy day,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
On the run? Click here to get Dr. Michelle Sands’ 7 Day Food as Medicine Meal Plan, and discover the benefits of medicinal herbs, antioxidants, phytonutrients and superfoods with these easy-to-prepare meals and snacks!
As I always preach, you can (and SHOULD) create your path to reduced inflammation, balanced hormones and increased energy via nutrition as your BASE.
So having a handbook of super simple recipes for smoothies and snacks like kale chips and avocado deviled eggs is a powerful win.
When using food as medicine you will:
  • Eat in harmony with your genetic programming
  • Use foods rather than supplements
  • Reduce stress and raise awareness about how and what you eat
  • Understand you are biochemically unique
  • Find experts who help with nutrition and stress management (rather than medication)
  • Won’t let your diet stress you out
With nourishing recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and ideas for grab-and-go snacks!), this 39-page 7 Day Food as Medicine Meal Plan will help you incorporate colorful and nutrient-dense healing foods, spices and plants into your diet to help reduce inflammation, balance hormones, increase energy and improve your overall health.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Natural Medicine at Home Masterclass taking place on October 12-18, 2020 — over 40 experts teaching you more about effective, proactive practices that you can implement into your daily life to set the foundation for a lifetime of optimal health and happiness!
You can truly get started on better health today!
Nutrition is a POWERFUL every-day base hit!
To your health,
Dr. Tom O’Bryan
P.S. Don’t miss out on Dr. Michelle’s easy-to-follow, 39-page 7 Day Food as Medicine Meal Plan eBook, when you unlock it now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You enter your supermarket, after promising yourself that you’re going to start making better choices.

You get to the egg section…


Hormone free…



Pasture raised…


What does all of this mean? Does more expensive = better? Do I need organic or is that just a waste of money?

...After standing around trying to figure it out, your eyes start glazing over. Why is it so hard just to get some eggs?!

Making better food choices can be confusing. IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. You see, food companies are really -- and we mean REALLY -- good at marketing.

“All natural” or “sugar-free” makes us feel like we are doing something better for ourselves & our families…

Well, most of the time, it’s one big fat lie...and you might just be wasting your money!

That is why we wanted to share this brand new “Clean Living Clarity” Guide with you from our friends Andrea & Ashley. Determined coaches frustrated by the marketing hogwash that have people just like you overwhelmed & confused.

...You can stop guessing, and start making better decisions right away!

When you grab this gift, you'll also save a seat for the free, online Breaking Up With Exhaustion Masterclass taking place October 26th-November 1st, -- where you will learn so much about REAL food, and much, much more... to help YOU find solutions to beat your exhaustion, once and for all.

To your health,

The Beyond Organic Doctors Team

P.S. Don't miss out on this resourceful eGuide, Clean Living Clarity… and shopping will never be overwhelming again!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Fruit Smoothie

  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 3/4 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
  • 2 cups spinach
  • water to desired consistency
  • 1 tbsp ground flax seed

  • Blend all ingrediesnts on smoothie setting in Blendtec blender
  • Serve immediately and enjoy!

Prep time: 10 min
Serves: 2
Gonna try this :) . Hoping, the fruits will cover up the taste of the spinach....
spinach :blech:

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Was Your Wake Up Call after Cancer Diagnosis
It's normal to have a lot of emotions about your diagnosis. But once you look at each of the Essentials and are able to develop an action plan those emotions will calm down. Each of the Essentials I developed is a stepping stone to get to your end goal of no longer "cancering". So try every day to apply each one of the essentials!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Mini apple pies that are guilt-free!! These little cups are grain-free (of course) and sugar-free (of course). You can enjoy these for dessert or even breakfast.
They contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Apples are a major source of dietary phytochemicals and possess potent antioxidant activity and anti-proliferative activity in laboratory settings.
Serve warm with homemade coconut whipped cream. Bon Appétit!
Recipe Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Environmentalism's Unlikely New Hero is... Oil?

In April 2010, a recently installed concrete core, meant to seal the Deepwater Horizon oil rig for later use, exploded.

The blast killed 11 people, and the resulting oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico made global headlines. By the end of the next several months of containment attempts, it’s estimated that:

  • 1,100 miles of shoreline were polluted
  • $40 billion had been spent in clean-up
  • And more than 200 million gallons of oil spilled.

The company responsible for this disaster was BP, a titan of the oil industry. Another “too big to fail” institution; not such a farfetched title, since they financially recovered from the biggest oil spill in U.S. history.​

Over the next ten years, oil continued to spill in catastrophic bursts, global temperatures steadily rose, and a pandemic threatened to shutter the oil industry entirely, sending oil prices below zero for the first time ever only a decade after the oil spill that shook the nation.

Since then, oil’s biggest players have been scrambling to design a business model for the new normal – either doubling down on their existing strengths or pivoting into new arenas.​

And leading the charge right now?

None other than BP.

During a presentation on September 15th, the London-based company unveiled their five, 10, and 30 year plans to convert their business model from oil-based energy to renewable energy, while remaining a strong investment choice for their shareholders.

But how will they do it?

The Nitty Gritty Details of the Clean Plan

BP knows it can’t continue to pollute the Earth and make breakneck profits unregulated. The global mood is shifting, and the company must shift along with it.

The crux of the plan relies on investing heavily in solar energy.

Since solar energy is the cheapest and fastest route to clean energy, taking about 18 months from design to completion, that’s where BP will throw most of their weight.

In five years, the company says that the daily production of bio-energy will double its 2019 rate to reach 50,000 barrels per day. This is good news for areas of travel that need more power than standard renewable energy options can provide – like air, sea, and heavy goods transport. In the fight to switch to renewable energy, these sectors are often used as examples against halting fracking entirely.

Bio-energy: BP partnered with Brazilian company Bunge in 2019 to produce sugarcane ethanol, which is one of the most carbon-efficient biofuels yet discovered. Its greenhouse gas emissions are about 70% lower than most hydrocarbon transport fuels.​
Also by 2025, BP says it’ll have approved 20 gigawatts of renewable energy projects. Although the focus will be solar, it’ll be expanding its investments into wind energy as well, with an eye towards its 10 and 30 year plans.

In all, 83% of those new projects will be solar energy, 15% will be wind, and 2% will be biofuels.

By 2030, BP says 50 gigawatts of low-carbon energy projects will be underway and profitable.
And by 2050? The CEO, Bernard Looney, pledges to make BP’s greenhouse gas emissions reach net zero for the company and its customers.

What Does that Mean for You?

The implications for the average energy user will be gradual.

Savvy Americans have long been aware that our government is less a democracy and more a corporatocracy. Our government’s funds are so heavily invested in businesses that it’s hard to make a move in the “right” direction without the approval of those businesses.

An enormous player in the oil industry like BP influences many others.

With this move, we can expect to see other oil companies fighting not to lose their competitive edges. They’ll likely be investing heavily in renewable energy projects, pivoting their own business models, and driving down the cost of alternative energy sources for the average citizen.

Even the government may begin taking strong measures against climate change as those who stand to lose the most join the fight to save our planet.

On the ground floor, the best we can do is continue to lobby our representatives to vote for clean energy initiatives, remove our own money from funds and indexes invested in fracking technology and oil extraction, and stay informed about upcoming changes in the world of energy.

For now, let’s watch BP very closely to see what initiatives it’ll unveil in the next year or so.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
What if you could finally have your best health and body?
It may feel impossible... but it isn't! And today I want to give you proof.

Whether you want to lose weight, overcome disease, set world records or simply wake up with energy and health every day, your best chance is to learn from people who've done it before...
And that's why I want to invite you to join the Plant Fit Summit.
Meet people who have been in your shoes...
They will inspire you to take action and pursue your dreams - regardless of where you're at right now...
Think of it this way: Over 30 experts want to help you live a life full of health, fitness and joy.
It starts tomorrow!
Get ready for a life-changing experience.
In fact if you've ever wondered how to make it all come together and see what you're truly capable of then make sure to sign up right now!
See you on the summit!
The VegHealth Team

P.S. At this Summit you'll get cutting edge insights into topics like digestion, stress, epigenetics, recovery, sleep, intermittent fasting and more! And you'll learn from change leaders how to forge your own path.
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Have a nutrition question you would like us to answer? Hit reply and let us know! While we can't personally respond to every question, we use these questions to guide our weekly email content.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
6 Drug-Free Ways to Lower Cholesterol
By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Trying to find the right treatment plan for high cholesterol can be overwhelming, with a host of supplements and drug alternatives on the market claiming to be cure-alls.
Special: Discover How Plant Sterols Can Help Lower Your Cholesterol
Here are several supplements that can help with high cholesterol:
  • Psyllium. If you don't get enough fiber from your diet, psyllium can help sweep away cholesterol.
  • Soy protein. Soy can help lower total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Try swapping animal protein for soy protein, like tofu.
  • Coenzyme Q10. This antioxidant has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol's ability to stick to the blood vessels of mice.
  • Garlic. In a few small studies, garlic supplements have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Red yeast rice. Red yeast rice contains one of the same active ingredients found in statin drugs.
  • Vitamin D. There are a few studies that support boosting your vitamin D levels for a beneficial impact on cholesterol or triglyceride levels.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
"Most prenatal vitamins are lacking in the amount of key vitamins and nutrients that your baby needs to thrive and develop. "
Hi Jim,
Let this soak in for a minute...
Over the course of your pregnancy, you are going to be building over 250,000 nerve cells per minute and over 100 billion neurons by the time your baby is born.
No pressure, right?
Setting the stage early is the best way to not only ensure your baby's best start in the world, but also to make sure YOUR health stays in top shape!
Maybe you've been told that a prenatal is all you need to take from the time you're trying to conceive through postpartum...
The reality is that there are a few key things that your prenatal vitamin is not going to give you that you really need to ensure your and your baby's health.
Supplements give you what you can't get through food alone (plus they are SO much easier than tracking and monitoring how much of each vital nutrient you're getting).
Tune in today to hear my specific recommendations for supplements to take in the months leading up to pregnancy, while you're pregnant, and after you deliver.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Carrie Madej warns about coronavirus vaccines and transhumanism nanotechnology to alter your DNA


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here’s the natural cure for Covid-19 the CDC does NOT want you to use


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Covid-19 vaccines cause trial participants to suffer day-long exhaustion, cracked teeth, headaches and high fever


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you heard the term “Symptom Control Medicine,” Jim?

It refers to the unfortunate reality that most modern medicine involves treating symptoms rather than curing the root cause of illnesses.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Naturopathic doctor and global leader Christine Schaffner has made tremendous headway in the field of bioregulatory medicine and is proving that *actual healing* is possible for even the most complex and life-threatening conditions.

She recently held a speaker series for medical professionals that brought together the world’s foremost experts in this exciting field, where they took a deep collective dive into the science of getting TRULY healthy at the cellular level—once and for all.

The event was so well received that she’s decided to hold an Encore Weekend, October 3rd - 4th for both healthcare professionals AND the general public!

Click here to attend this powerful and informative FREE online event!>>

If you’re not familiar with bioregulatory medicine, it’s used extensively in Europe and is a customized, patient-centered model that combines centuries of traditional wisdom with leading-edge innovations to promote regulatory self-healing.

And what’s especially exciting about this encore event is that it’s tailored to healthcare workers, healers, and patients alike…

So whether you’re looking to foster your own deep healing or are helping clients or patients step into optimal health, you’ll learn volumes about what’s really possible!

Claim your FREE ticket now and discover the miracle of Bioregulatory Medicine!>>

To the new frontier of your health and wellness,

Laura Trumbull
Community Director
Evolving Wisdom

P.S. The patients Dr. Schaffner treats have usually been seen by at least 25 different doctors (and sometimes as many as 50!) before arriving at her office, and she’s found cures for mysterious chronic illnesses that no one else in modern medicine has been able to figure out. Tune in to hear her and these other world-renowned experts in her sphere who have had similar success!

Save your FREE seat now to this health-transforming encore event!>>


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Your different types of body fat (and how to get rid of it)

Did you know that not all fats are created equal?

And no, we're not talking about olive oil vs. canola…

>> Body fat comes in different forms.

One type gives you love handles and maybe a little gut…

The other type —called visceral fat —is highly dangerous.

Visceral fat contributes to insulin resistance and inflammation, leading to all manner of metabolic diseases.

And the scariest part?

You don’t have to LOOK fat to have dangerous visceral fat around your organs… making even thin people susceptible to metabolic diseases like diabetes.

The good news is, there’s a way to make sure you’re burning all types of fat efficiently.

Eating the right types of fats play a crucial role in either supporting or harming your wellness journey.

>> Learn exactly what to eat to burn dangerous visceral fat that you can’t even see!

Today’s Recommendation from Beyond Organic Doctors

Do you suffer from dry skin, dandruff, or brittle fingernails?

You might think these symptoms run in your family, or just come with age…

In reality, they’re a side effect of a crucial nutrient deficiency —one that 95% of Americans suffer from.

And dry skin is just the beginning...

Chronic deficiency of this crucial nutrient could lead to inflammation, heart issues, and more.

It’s a fatty acid deficiency. And it’s more common than you think.

As adults, we need essential fatty acids like DHA and EPA for cardiovascular health, the structure of cell membranes, and to help lower inflammation.

The thing is... you’d have to eat fish several times per week just to make a dent in those fatty acids levels.

Until now.

>> Pure Form Omega is a patented mix of organic, plant-based essential fatty acids that convert to DHA and EPA in your body! Save 15% with promo code 'BODOMEG15' here now for a limited time only.

That’s right — ALL plants. No fishy smell or fish burps. And not a chance of mercury toxicity.

Still, you’ll get many of the same benefits you’d get from expensive fish oil. Benefits like:

  • Decreased inflammation
  • Balances hormones
  • Supports heart health
  • Protects brain function
  • Helps reduce joint pain
  • Supports healthy, vibrant skin
It would be impossible to list all of the benefits of this powerful formula in just one email!

>> Get the benefits of all-natural, plant-based fatty acids with Pure Form Omega.

To your health,

The Beyond Organic Doctors Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Ever wonder why things like bacon, salmon, sausage, and hot dogs stay pink for so long?

It’s not natural.

Manufacturers use unhealthy food additives to achieve a specific color.

The ones that they add to hot dogs are nitrates and nitrites — they’re preservatives that make food look pretty, but they can turn harmful once inside your gut. (1)

The next time you eat a hot dog, or anything else that may have food preservatives, eat this afterward.

It’s a blend of green foods and Chinese herbs that can help discourage too many of these preservatives from getting absorbed by your body.

Taking it before or after any “questionable” meals can do a lot for your liver, kidney, and gut — stopping these chemicals from building up in your fat cells and organ tissue.

Hot dogs aren’t the only reason I encourage you to try it.

Preservatives are just some of the food additives that you need to watch out for.

The EWG just released a list of 12 harmful food additives — calling them the “dirty dozen”. (1)

Here’s what you should try and avoid:

  1. NITRITES AND NITRATES (found in cured meats)
  2. POTASSIUM BROMATE (found in bread and crackers)
  3. PROPYLPARABEN (found in tortillas and muffins)
  4. BUTYLATED HYDROXYANISOLE (found in chips and meats)
  5. BUTYLATED HYDROXYTOLUENE (found in cereal)
  6. PROPYL GALLATE (found in sausage and animal fats)
  7. THEOBROMINE (found in chocolate, bread, and sports drinks)
  8. SECRET FLAVOR INGREDIENTS (present in over 80,000 foods)
  9. ARTIFICIAL COLORS (also present in thousands of foods)
  10. DIACETYL (found in yogurt, cheese, flavored dairy products, and popcorn)
  11. PHOSPHATE FOOD ADDITIVES (found in over 20,000 foods)
  12. ALUMINUM ADDITIVES (found in bread, cake mix, tea, flour, salt and more)

These food additives can be found in hundreds of foods — too long to list.

Government agencies allow their use despite evidence that they may be harmful to human health.

Avoiding them is getting harder and harder.

You can’t trust that everything you’re going to eat won’t contain some of these.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

I just received this and wanted to pass it along...

Here’s a {video) preview of “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” docu-series which starts Tue. Oct. 13.

Click Here to Watch This Important Event

I know Ty and Charlene Bollinger - big time supporters of our work here at NaturalHealth365 - will be offering 10 days of amazing content, and I’m so excited to watch this event with you.

No doubt, this topic is heating up in the halls of Congress right now, with the C-Virus vaccine being “fast-tracked” and so many people (including doctors!) voicing their concerns about the safety and effectiveness of this rushed-to-market "solution.".

Keep in mind, this docu-series will be packed with NEW, helpful information about his topic that I know will make a difference for you and your family.


No matter what your position is on vaccines, I strongly encourage you to request access to this complimentary event NOW.

It’s not about being “pro” or “anti” anything ... it’s about getting the facts (and the full story that’s not being told), and understanding what all your options are.

Taking the time to get educated and get the facts will bring you greater peace and confidence, knowing how to best care for yourself and your family and keep them safe from harm.

>>> Click Here to Watch This Event Today <<<

Keep your immune system healthy and strong,

-Jonathan Landsman

PS: Share this link with family and friends, so they can get complimentary access to The Truth About Vaccines. This event will truly help to save lives.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can Too Much TV Give You a Blood Clot?

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A recent study found that people who spend too much time in front of the TV are at increased risk for blood clots in their veins — a condition called venous thromboembolism (VTE).

These clots often occur in the legs and can dislodge and travel to the lungs, causing a potentially deadly condition called pulmonary embolism.

Special: 4 Signs Your Heart Is Quietly Failing

As University of Minnesota researchers explained, sitting for long periods of time can cause blood clots to form, because normal circulation through the legs and feet is impaired.

So, could prolonged TV viewing raise the risk? To find out, the researchers analyzed data from more than 15,000 Americans, aged 45 to 64, in a long-term study that began in 1987.

As of 2011, nearly 700 cases of VTE had occurred among the participants. Those who watched a lot of television had a 70% higher risk of developing one of the clots than people who never or seldom watched TV.

This risk remained high even after factors such as the person's weight or exercise levels were taken into account.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you already sign up for the Plant Fit Summit, Jim?

It starts today!

I know that my friends and colleagues Luke and Tobi are going to start the summit with a ton of incredible content so make sure to sign-up right now or you may miss some of the best presentations...

>> Sign up here

Everyday you’ll master a different aspect of well-being with 3 to 4 brand new presentations!

There are a number of exciting topics being presented, but here are a few of the ones I recommend:

  • How animal protein impacts our immunity and a new look at Vitamin D
  • The hormone key: how food impacts our every cell
  • How to overcome fear and find your inner truth
  • Avoiding pitfalls that may limit your fitness and performance on a plant based diet
  • Simplifying and optimizing nutrition (plus the fasting reset)
And that's just the tip of the iceberg! There are a ton more talks scheduled and truthfully, they all sound amazing.

Join now and watch from anywhere in the world!

See you there!

P.S. Maybe you haven’t heard about the Plant Fit Summit yet? It's the only online event where leading doctors, elite athletes, world-class coaches and people who've been in your shoes are coming together to help YOU!

Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, perform at an elite level, set world records or simply wake up with energy and health every day, this is for you!

Click here to register now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jimi!​
Unlock this brand new 25 Evidence-Based Anti-Cancer Strategies eBook and learn to reduce your cancer risk with anti-cancer foods, diet strategies and anti-cancer habits.

Cancer is scary! It can sneak up on us, making us sick, robbing us of our livelihood, and potentially even killing us. But it doesn't have to be this way.

--->>Download your complimentary 25 Evidence-Based Anti-Cancer Strategies eBook from HealthMeans!

One research-supported strategy for improving your health is the use of "reverse engineering." This is essentially working backwards -- first looking at factors that cause cancer, then looking at the things that cause those factors, and so on. By building an anti-cancer lifestyle this way, we can be more confident that the actions we take have real positive impacts and reduce our cancer risk.

This isn’t guesswork. It’s science.

The majority of this eBook focuses on diet and inflammation, and at the end, we devote a little more time to talking about other potential causes of cancer. With this information, you’ll feel more empowered to take back control over your life and reduce your cancer risk.

By making the simple changes discussed in this 26-page eBook, you’ll learn exactly what to do to create an anti-cancer diet and lifestyle!

--->>Gain immediate access to the HealthMeans 25 Evidence-Based Anti-Cancer Strategies eBook now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for our free, online Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 on October 19-25, 2020 — where more than 30 experts will teach you what it takes to create an anti-cancer mindset and help you sift through the many approaches to treatment and testing, manage treatment side effects, avoid all cancer causing toxicants, become your best advocate and so much more!

You can truly get started on better health today!

In health,
The Toxic Mold Summit Team

P.S. Don’t miss the 26-page, 25 Evidence-Based Anti-Cancer Strategies eBook from HealthMeans! Unlock it today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What nightmares do to your body
Turns out that nightmares cause a lot more harm than just a bad night's sleep.

Latest studies show nightmares trigger a cascade of physiological responses that immediately weakens the immune system and signals the body to store fat in the belly region for days.

Interestingly enough, studies show your body interprets a nightmare as a severe form of stress and it simply reacts accordingly.

For starters, this subconscious stress forces the release of your fat-storing hormone cortisol while simultaneously suppressing hormones that regulate your appetite.

Which is a terrible combination when it comes to your health and fitness goals...

And if you've ever found yourself extra hungry or losing a food cravings battle the day after a bad night's sleep, now you know why.

Fact is, the negative impact that nightmares, or even just a poor night's sleep can have on the body is quite fascinating...

YET, the reverse is also true.

Enjoying a good night's sleep, or more specifically - enjoying 1 specific kind of sleep has been proven to boost our immune system, fend off signs of aging, and even help us to burn more fat...

Which is why I urge you to take 2 minutes to make one tiny change to your bedtime routine, which you'll see at the link below.

This tiny little tweak to your bedtime routine prepares your body for a perfect night's sleep and promotes your body to release stored belly fat while you sleep instead of storing it.
>> Make This Tiny Change To Your Bedtime Routine Tonight


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Causes “Old Person” Smell?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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