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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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How Safe Are Metal Dental Implants and What Are The Alternatives?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Diabetes Increases Risk of Dementia

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Thomas Edison's determined optimism illuminates how important it is in the face of setbacks to keep your eye on the goal.

That will-do attitude got us the electric lightbulb, and if you have Type 2 diabetes (or prediabetes), it can help you avoid dementia.

A new study published in JAMA found that dementia is a major complication of diabetes. In fact, if you turn 70 and have had Type 2 diabetes for more than a decade, your risk for dementia is twice that of people who are diabetes-free at 70.

Special: Loose Jowls? Why Celebrities Are Turning Away From Surgery and Trying This Instead

And, say the researchers, for every additional five years earlier you were diagnosed with diabetes — for instance, at 55 instead of 60 — there's a 24% increase in the risk of developing dementia.

We know that controlling diabetes can seem daunting. There are 10,000 ways to remain sedentary; eat sugary, saturated-fat snacks; increase metabolism-damaging inflammation; and darken your future.

But there is a way to make sure your inner light doesn't fade.

If you have diabetes, the first step is to declare: "I have not failed."

Adopting a plant-based diet; ditching red and processed meats, ultraprocessed foods, and added sugars; and getting 300 minutes a week of aerobic exercise and strength building twice a week can protect your brain, as well as every other organ in your body.

Talk to your doctor about nutritional counseling, exercise, and cognitive behavioral therapy to help you leave behind your "ways that won't work." That’s a bright idea.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Root Causes of Chronic & Acute Nausea​

Hi Jimi-

A complaint I hear often is that a lot of patients commonly feel nauseous. Whether its debilitating chronic nausea, or a vertigo-like feeling that persists, today I wanted to dive into the root causes behind this unpleasant sensation.

In this episode Evan Brand and I share our experience with nausea, and how we treat it for ourselves as well as for our thousands of patients around the world. We will discuss some anti-microbial herbs as well as the acupressure points and other methods of treating nausea.

>> Click here to check out the podcast!<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
From a very young age, most of us are taught that the only “true” approach to healing our bodies is through modern medicine.
We see commercials championing pharmaceuticals (with a long list of worrying side effects at the end) and health insurance companies only want to pay for drugs or surgery. If that!
We willingly follow our doctor’s pronouncements – their diagnoses, prescriptions, prognoses, and projections of how many months or years we should expect to live… all under the assumption that their methods are proven by science and everything else is not.
Are they right?
Or is it possible that there is just as much science to support natural and alternative approaches to healing disease?
The answer might shock you.
Thousands of studies are now showing that many “alternative” medicines and therapies (that your doctor doesn’t know about or isn’t allowed to recommend) are FAR superior for the majority of chronic health conditions we suffer from.
If you want to expand your understanding and discover fact-based solutions for what is ailing you (or a family member)...
There’s a new 9-part documentary series called Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science that is airing soon - and it’s an absolute must-see!
Each episode will provide you with highly effective (and safe) approaches to wellness that will change your life… and it’s FREE to watch!
Click HERE to watch the trailer!
There are so many complementary, alternative, and natural ways to protect - and to reclaim – strong, optimal health.
Many of these healing resources are amazingly simple, and you can take advantage of them all by yourself.
Far more treatments and therapies exist in this world than you are being told about - and their power has been proven, scientifically.
Regardless of whether you are struggling with a chronic health condition, or want more vital energy, or you simply want to defy the effects of aging in the years to come... I cannot recommend this documentary series highly enough.
I know there will be some wonderful nuggets of information in it for you.
Click HERE to sign up for this limited-time screening.
We’ll be tuning in for sure.
Hope you will be too.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

*-- 10 Amazing Benefits Of Banana Peels --*

Banana Peel Uses:

1. Sparkling Teeth: Rub the banana peel everyday for a week on your teeth for about a minute. This actually results in teeth whitening, which can cost a lot of money otherwise.

2. Warts: Banana peel helps in removing warts and eliminates the occurrence of new ones. For this, simply rub the peel on the affected area or tie the peel overnight on it. This is one of the simplest ways to use a banana peel for skin.

3. Eat Them: Banana peels can also be consumed. You can find amazing Indian recipes using it. Also, this is used to tender chicken by placing over it.

4. Pimples: Just massage banana peels on your face and body for 5 minutes every day to cure pimples on Results should be visible within a week. Keep applying the peels till the acne disappears.

5. Wrinkle: Banana peel helps to keep your skin hydrated. Add an egg yolk to mashed banana peel. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it for 5 min. Wash off after 5min.

6. Pain Reliever: Apply the banana peel directly on the painful area. Leave it for 30 mins till the pain is gone. A mixture of vegetable oil mixed with banana peel also helps in pain relief.

7. Psoriasis: Just apply the peel on the psoriasis affected area. Banana peel has moisturization properties and also reduces itchiness. It will quickly heal psoriasis and you can see noticeable results within no time.

8. Bites by bugs: Massage the peel on the mosquito bites to get instant relief from the itching and pain.

9. Shoes, Leather, Silver polish: Rub banana peel on any shoes, leather, and silver to make them shine instantly.

10. UV Protection: Banana peel helps in protecting the eyes from harmful UV rays. Make sure you leave the peel under the sun before rubbing the banana peel on your eyes. It is also proven to reduce the risk of cataracts.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Did you know that about 100 MILLION Americans have parasites and don’t even know it?

That’s because by design these organisms are stealthy… Their job is to go undetected so that they get to live a long life feeding off of you!

Meanwhile, they cause subtle to serious havoc on your health, creating problems that include bloating, malnutrition, depression, anxiety, weight gain, and ever-damaging inflammation.

Unfortunately, if you haven’t taken action, the odds are that you are living with parasites in your system right now.

But parasites are just one part of the equation...

Pesticides, heavy metals, plastics, harmful bacteria, and viruses flood our bodies every day.

It turns out that these infections and environmental toxins are also linked to common autoimmune conditions, as well as addiction, cognitive decline, brain fog, fatigue, and more.

Part 1 of the three videos you signed up to watch explores this topic in detail.

This special three-part video series explains where these toxins and infections come from, how to avoid them, and how to eliminate them from your body to drastically improve your health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ,

We all know that fried foods aren’t good for our bodies.

They add way too many calories, fat, and trans-fats.

And the latest news about fried foods should worry you:

A team of researchers have shown that even the smallest amount of fried foods can increase your risk for a heart attack or a stroke.

Which is pretty scary.

But men have something else to worry about besides their heart when it comes to eating fried foods. If you have a guy in your life that can’t put down the fried chicken or fries…then make sure you show them this article:

The Risk Of Fried Foods For The Men In Your Life

Who's lookin' out for ya? ;-)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Before we talk about the final broadcast of the Summit, I just want to remind you about the 50% off ‘early-bird’ discount on the Empowerment Package.
The discount ends THIS Friday at midnight.
To support our mission and learn more about what’s in it for you, please click the links in the PS at the end of the email.
Now, as for tonight’s grand finale, it’s going to be the most uplifting and inspiring evening of the entire Summit!
That’s right, we may have saved the best for last.
[TONIGHT] Survivors Share their Inspiring Journeys
You can go to the page now, so that it’s open and ready. And then at 9pm ET just refresh the page to play the interviews.
I’ll see you there,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Have you experienced trauma or challenging relationships in your past?

Do you yearn to feel more consistent support, ease, joy, and fulfillment in your life?

If you answered yes to any of these, I want you to know that you are not alone.

It is estimated that 70 percent of adults experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. And 20 percent of these people will develop PTSD...much of which goes undiagnosed.

The good news is, trauma is NOT a life sentence.

Healing from whatever adverse experiences you’ve had IS possible. To learn how, I highly recommend you join me for this FREE online event from AVAIYA University:

>> Breaking Free From Trauma


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Bug Spray​

The sun is officially out in full force here in Tennessee. Along with that comes the bugs, sunburns and the creams, lotions, potions and sprays to combat them.

Last year I touched on this in my Wellness Wednesday - Avoiding Skincare Toxins. In that one I talked about things like sunscreen, lotions, soap, cleaning products, and makeup just to name a few. These chemicals can absorb into your skin and cause some major long-term damage.

Today I felt like it was worth revisiting this topic to add one more consideration. But, I highly encourage you to go back and read the other one too.

The reason I wanted to revisit this is because there was one thing that I feel I missed that comes up a lot here in Tennessee. Bug spray.

If you are like me then you don't love mosquito bites.😩

It is not fully understood why some people are more attractive to mosquitos than others. Some say that it could be your smell, clothing color, blood type and a number of other factors. In any case, I seem to be fairly attractive to these little buggers and in our area we get quite a few of them.

So as my manner is, I am always on the lookout for natural, non-toxic ways to repel them without loading up on harsh chemicals.

The CDC recommends picking a bug spray that’s registered with the EPA, which typically includes one of these ingredients: DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), Para-menthane-diol (PMD), 2-undecanone.

Most store-bought bug sprays contain DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), which has received mixed reviews during research. According to Scientific American:
Duke University pharmacologist Mohamed Abou-Donia, in studies on rats, found that frequent and prolonged DEET exposure led to diffuse brain cell death and behavioral changes, and concluded that humans should stay away from products containing it. But other studies have shown that while a few people have sensitivity to DEET applications, most are unaffected when they use DEET products on a sporadic basis according to the instructions on the label.
So what are some healthier alternatives? Here are a few that are worth looking into.
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus
  • Citronella oil
  • Picaridin
  • IR3535
  • Geraniol
  • Soybean oil
While DEET is the most effective, the long term effects of usage and the environmental impact are just not worth it for me. Therefore, I try to avoid it and go for a more natural alternative.

Want to try making your own? Here is one I tried last season that worked pretty well.
  • ½ cup witch hazel
  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 40 drops essential oils (eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, tea tree or rosemary)
Just mix it in a glass spray bottle and avoid your eyes and mouth.
Until next time! Make good choices and stay healthy! 😀


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

You and I have heard of several "alternative" treatments.

Mindfulness, acupuncture, art therapies, homeopathy, chiropractic, Qigong, and many more.

But which of these are actually backed by science? And which ones should you definitely stay away from?

Award-winning documentary filmmaker Nick Polizzi created a 9-part documentary series called Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science.

So if you want to dive deeper into alternative approaches that have been proven by research to actually work, this is the series for you.

Ever wondered whether the herbs and supplements you’re taking are just a waste of money?

Can your brain actually make new connections, regardless of age, to keep your mind sharp?

A wearable device that can help with back pain… Is it a scientific breakthrough or dangerous?

Jim, 38% of adults and 12% of children in the US alone use complementary and alternative medicine.

Clearly, there is a massive interest in this path to healing and I want to make sure that you’re not being misled or wasting your money on anything that won’t give you any results.

If you’ve been following us for a while, you know how much we value science and research.

And that’s why I’m highly recommending this series.

Watch the trailer here and see what I’m talking about.

To your health,

Sarah Otto


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
On replay NOW: The heart health action hour

Wow, you really need to see this, Jimi.
One of the most esteemed cardiologists on the planet just explained how we can put an end to the world’s #1 killer - with simple changes to diet and lifestyle!
His wisdom could save MILLIONS of lives.
Did you miss it? Or do you want to see it again?
Watch it on replay right here.
In today’s final Action Hour of the series, “Ending The Cardiovascular Disease Epidemic,” we discussed:

  • The #1 thing that could prevent heart disease — which 90% of America is not currently doing;
  • Which tests are actually useful to assessing heart disease risk (and which ones are not);
  • The stunning link between cardiovascular disease and COVID-19 mortality;
  • How the right food can improve your heart health AND your mood;
  • Why low income communities are being hit the hardest by cardiovascular disease - and what we can do about it (I was thrilled by what Dr. Williams said about recent changes in the American Medical Association!);
  • And so much more.
Click here to see it all now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi
The grand finale of the Conquering Cancer Summit is about to begin and we may have saved the best for last!

Prepare to be inspired and empowered when you hear tonight’s detailed personal journeys from 3 incredibly brave cancer conquerors.

Airing NOW — Summit Grand Finale

Here’s a preview of tonight’s finale:

  • How Steve beat his cancer with an integrative approach and why he said NO to chemotherapy.

  • How TJ reversed stage 3 breast cancer using nutritional intervention and genetic testing.

  • How Elisa thought she was eating healthy but realized she was actually feeding cancer.

  • And so much more!

Remember, these presentations are publicly available to listen and share right now and then on limited replay for the next 24 hours — so please don’t miss out!

Catch it all here now

See you there,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Healthy Tip

Poor diet choices, stress, anxiety, environmental toxins… these are just a few things many of us are exposed to daily.

And all of them can lead to stress on the digestive system and dangerous disruptions in your gut microbiome. This can lead to painful symptoms like gas, bloating, and cramping.

Yes… stress alone can lead to painful digestive distress! And we’re all feeling a little stress lately.

Symptom relief is crucial when you’re being hit with painful bloating and digestive pain.

But you’ll still need to get to the root cause of your symptoms. Antranil will help.

And for an even more robust gut microbiome, ION Restore is a leading-edge supplement that works to strengthen the tight junctions of your stomach lining to help heal leaky gut and other digestive issues.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Too Much TV May Dull the Aging Brain​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Fried Food Warning Has People Worried

Hey ,

We all know that fried foods aren’t good for our bodies.

They add way too many calories, fat, and trans-fats.

And the latest news about fried foods should worry you:

A team of researchers have shown that even the smallest amount of fried foods can increase your risk for a heart attack or a stroke.

Which is pretty scary.

But men have something else to worry about besides their heart when it comes to eating fried foods. If you have a guy in your life that can’t put down the fried chicken or fries…then make sure you show them this article:

The Risk Of Fried Foods For The Men In Your Life

Who's lookin' out for ya? ;-)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years




Don't let anyone's negativity stop you from being the best version of yourself. Distance yourself when necessary. Keep your dignity. Avoid wasting your energy on someone who doesn't want to change.

Direct your focus towards yourself and your personal development. You are ultimately responsible for your happiness. Make room for positive energy in your life.

Don't give another person permission to steal your joy. To do that, you have to make a conscious decision to find the good in your life. Don't allow their negativity to define you in any way.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Chinese flu vs. American flu: Understanding the fake pandemic​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Full update: Vaccine tourists flock to America to receive vaccine DEATH shots, while the CDC bribes dating apps to attach vaccination badges and “super likes” to dating profiles​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Project Veritas blows lid on Facebook’s global censorship of “vaccine hesitancy”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Everyone vaccinated for covid will DIE, warns French virologist​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Indian hospital under investigation for allegedly using gang rape, forced intubation to silence and murder female covid patient​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Yesterday, you were given access to part one of our 3-part video series, How to Rid Your Body of Harmful Parasites and Toxic Heavy Metals.

Did you get a chance to watch it? If not, you can still catch it here.

Here’s just one great comment that came in about Part 1:

Thank you, Jonathan, and thank you, Lori. You are (a) Godsend to help us. Keep up the good work. I couldn't explain what I was feeling. But now I know its brain fog and it's a gut issue.
~M. Jussab

In this bonus video series, Dr. Kan and I explore how you can protect and cleanse your body and remove toxins that surround you in your everyday life…

And get rid of the stealthy, damaging parasites that an estimated 100 million Americans are unknowingly infected with!

If you struggle with nutrition, bloating, anxiety, brain fog, depression, or autoimmune conditions, fatigue, weight, and chronic illness, then learning how to cleanse and restore your body may help you.

Part 2 of this special video series is available to watch for 48 hours.

Tune in to this special bonus content to discover more on how drastically parasites and toxins can affect your health, without you even being aware!

You’ll see...

  • How the chronic cycle of infection & toxicity contributes to illness
  • How toxins and parasites deeply affect your mental health
  • The correct way to detox and why consistency matters
  • The surprising link between brain fog and heavy metal toxicity
  • How parasitic infection prevents adequate nutrition and the toxic byproducts it creates in the body
Most people are simply blind to just how exposed they are to parasites and toxins in their everyday lives...

That’s why it is so critical that you regularly cleanse your system of these damaging infections and substances, just as your forefathers did before we lost that knowledge to the rush of commerce and industry.

The good news is there are natural remedies that support a healthy, thorough detox and which have been used for years to protect and heal our bodies… And we explore these in detail throughout this 3-part video series.

Put fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and mood disorders behind you...

>>Watch Part 2 HERE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, we live in an age of information overload…

In less than one second, a simple online search will bring in thousands and thousands of results.

But what do you DO with all that information? What’s reliable and what’s just hype?

And what about the thousands of results that don’t show up, because of media censorship?

Now, more than ever, each and every one of us needs to learn how to take control of our own health.

Not only is our immunity and overall well-being vital in preventing illness in the months ahead - our access to basic healthcare isn’t as easy to come by in these times of social distancing.

The good news is that we have at our fingertips so many brilliantly effective and safe ways to not only heal illnesses, but prevent it from happening in the first place.

I’m talking about nourishing the beautiful organism that is you on every level - your body, your mind, and beyond...

We are entering an era of empowerment, where every one of us needs our own DIY Home Medicine chest.

The question is how do we navigate the storm of information that is sprouting up left and right on how to stay healthy in the months ahead?

Perhaps most importantly - what is actually PROVEN to work?

Check out the trailer of the exciting new docuseries PROVEN: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science. This 9-part series will open your eyes to evidence-based healing methods that you probably didn’t know about - including powerful foods that fight disease.

And it’s FREE to watch!

Click here to watch the trailer

Proven is the first series I’ve ever seen that uses the lens of science to guide you through the most powerful “alternative,” complementary, and lifestyle medicines out there. A true healing gift.

It gives you the tried and true answers to these questions, showing you a number of evidence-based, holistic approaches… that the major medical centers (Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Mayo Clinic, to name a few) all stand behind…

This is the real deal.

Sign up now to watch PROVEN for free.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sayer Ji's Full NPR Cross-Interview [VIDEO] + NPR's Article Reveals Deep Bias & Conflicts of Interest
This is an exclusive cross-interview recorded on May 5, 2021, featuring Geoff Brumfiel, the NPR reporter who wrote the recent somewhat denigrating piece about me. Brumfiel and I agreed to ask a number of questions of one another, to be recorded and shared with the public in order to provide the full context of the written piece. Below is a detailed description of the context that led to this conversation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, hope you're doing well today.

Most people, including doctors, treat symptoms (like those listed below) as disconnected and separate issues.

The truth is, if you want to heal from chronic conditions, you must approach the Brain-Immune-Gut axis as an integrated system.

YES, Jim, it is quite possible to reverse even difficult symptoms:

  • Brain Fog
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Short Term Memory Loss
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Inflammation
  • Immunocompromisation
  • Food and Chemical Sensitivities
  • Digestive Dysfunction
  • And more...
The BIG secret known in Functional Medicine circles is this: You must optimize the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis!

Join me at this unique event and learn how to RESET your Brain-Immune-Gut axis


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Toxic Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ways to Use Lemon to Improve Your Energy Levels

In this podcast, I go over the many great health benefits of lemons and how to incorporate them into your diet and lifestyle to improve your energy levels.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Using Herbs to Heal the Mind
Think back to when you were in college, your first job, or a really stressful situation like becoming a parent or learning to drive a car for the first time.
Your mind was probably racing. There are so many “what ifs” that it’s hard to focus on the moment as our mind goes into the future… sometimes only thinking about what could go wrong.

Your mind races from thought to thought and you’re nervous and anxious and your heart is pumping. Or maybe you woke up on the day of a big test and your mind was foggy. Everything was unclear. It was hard to focus. Instead of racing, your mind felt like it was crawling through a low fog, like a dank swamp moved into your brain.

While we often think of strictly using herbs to treat the body, it’s important to remember that herbs can heal the mind as much as they can heal the body.

Because some plants work directly on our nervous and endocrine systems, changing our physiology, they then in turn influence our state of mind. After all, when certain hormones are dominant or deficient, we are much more prone to say irritation and anger (testosterone), perhaps depression (serotonin), or anxiety (epinephrine).

This week’s episode discusses a few primary strategies for treating the two most common patterns of cognitive difficulty: the foggy mind and the racing mind.

Click here to watch Using Herbs to Heal the Mind I think you’ll find it helpful.

Take care,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Our bodies are intelligently equipped with five different defense systems: angiogenesis, stem cells, the microbiome, DNA, and the immune system. These mechanisms are in place for protection and healing, but for many of us they’re compromised by different aspects of modern life, like stress and undernutrition. It’s never too late, though, to revive them using the power of food as medicine.
There are thousands of compounds in wholesome plant foods, beyond vitamins and minerals, that can benefit every part of our health. Today’s guest on The Dhru Purohit Podcast, Dr. William Li, breaks down how so many of our favorite real everyday foods (like blueberries, green tea, broccoli, kiwis, and cacao) have hidden superpowers to fight disease.
tune in.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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