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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Covid vaccine spike proteins attack male fertility, too​



Diamond Contributor
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Australian nurse hospitalized with three blood clots after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine​



Diamond Contributor
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Papers, please: Oregon demands that residents show “proof of vaccination” in order to live life​

What a bunch of Bullshit and I thought this was a free country


Diamond Contributor
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FDA document reveals 86% of children who participated in Pfizer covid vaccine trial experienced adverse reactions​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Unless you’re paying close attention…

The spring cleaning you just finished, or are about to do, could set you back big time this year…

Not monetarily back, but in longevity, energy, and even cause massive health consequences.

Even triggering cancer - those are the EPA’s words for environmental chemicals, not mine.

Those handy cleaners and strong fragrances that create that “oh so clean feeling and smell”...

Are full of harmful toxic chemicals that immediately impact your health (+ the environment).

Did you know that store-bought cleaners have ingredient lists, just like food packaging?

Here are some things to watch out for:

  • Chlorine AND ammonia- those two combined produce fumes that are highly irritating to eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and should not be used by people with asthma or lung or heart problems.

  • Ammonia AND lye- when combined, they can react to form lung-damaging gases.

  • Stove and oven cleaners can create toxic chlorine gases. VERY HARMFUL!
So to get that “shiny clean home” you may have just turned it into a hazardous toxic waste site.​


Cranky Old Fart
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Papers, please: Oregon demands that residents show “proof of vaccination” in order to live life​

What a bunch of Bullshit and I thought this was a free country
Seig Heil! Show me your papers! :mad:


Diamond Contributor
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Bill and Melinda Gates: a dark history of exploiting poor children as human “guinea pigs” for mass medical experimentation​


! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation



Many of us tend to jump to the worst-case scenarios without even considering all the realistic options available to us at the moment. We do it because we try to convince ourselves that we're preparing for the perceived worst-case situation. But all we actually end up doing is ruminate over negative emotions and ignore any positive possibilities.

Catastrophic thinking reduces your ability to respond in a rational way. Avoid obsessing about what might possibly happen in the future.

Uncover the preconceived notions you have about the potential consequences of the difficult situation and objectively evaluate how much of it you can control. Replace your fears with trust, and learn to let go of the things you cannot control.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi
Have you joined us for the replay marathon yet?

There’s over 25 hours of life-changing presentations from our world-class experts waiting for you.

All you have to do is tap below and enjoy. 😎

Go here for the replay marathon (ends tomorrow night)

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. The replay ends tomorrow and so does our 50% off discount on the Empowerment Package.

So make sure to catch up on anything you missed while you can, and then support our mission by taking home the Summit and all the bonuses today.

Your replay marathon is airing here, until tomorrow night



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why Big Pharma will NEVER heal you
Hi Jimi
Have you noticed there are an awful lot of “new” diseases coming online all the time?

Even as we spend billions of dollars as a country on new medical research, drugs, and technology?

When the FDA is actually funded by drug companies, and the drug companies can only make obscene amounts of money if you stay sick, there’s likely a massive conflict of interest.

There’s a new series starting soon that reveals the TRUTH behind the practice of modern medicine and opens our eyes to life-changing possibilities for ourselves and our loved ones.

It’s called PROVEN: Healing Breakthroughs Backed by Science and it starts this Tuesday at 9 p.m. Eastern.


Watch the trailer and register HERE

PROVEN features interviews with renowned health experts from all over the world, and it showcases the scientific data that proves the effectiveness of a cornucopia of natural and “alternative” healing approaches.

Herbal medicine, acupuncture, mindfulness practice, electromedicine - and ALL of them have been proven effective repeatedly through peer-reviewed scientific research.

And there are SO MANY more healing resources available to us than we have been led to believe!

PROVEN: Healing Breakthroughs Backed by Science will show you things that will change your life, and might even save it!

If you haven’t registered already, just click the link below for your complimentary all-access pass to watch:

Go here to watch PROVEN at no cost (starting soon!)

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Natural Sunburn Relief, Including 5 Home Remedies​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Kids Will Mimic Your Health Habits

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

Oscar Wilde said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Not always.

Although it may seem cute when your little ones mimic your behavior, there's nothing cute about the outcome if they're imitating your bad habits — and they're just as likely to do that as to adopt your good ones.

When researchers followed 400 children and their moms for five years, they discovered that moms' dietary and TV-watching habits directly impacted not only their own weight and health, but their young children's weight and activity level, too.

Special: You’re a Burden on Your Family

The study, published in the journal Obesity, found that mothers who watch 130 minutes or more of TV daily are more than twice as likely to have kids who are overweight or obese than mothers who are less sedentary and whose kids, coincidently, spend more time outdoors.

They also found that active moms tend to eat a diet with a good amount of fruits and veggies, instead of fatty meats and highly processed foods. In turn, they have young kids who eat healthful foods and are able to maintain a normal weight.

So parents, embrace a more active lifestyle, with less sitting around and a healthier diet. Do it for yourself and your children.

Kids who are sedentary and obese are on a glide path to premature chronic diseases. Don't make them pay a steep price down the road for your self-neglect.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Great news :)
I am inviting you to a new masterclass on immunity - offered at no cost - covering some of the most important questions I get asked about… immunity, the gut, the brain and how it’s all connected.
Have a Great Day!
Dr. Tom
PS: The video on this page, from Dr. Peter Kan, is only two minutes long, with loads of great information. Don’t miss this! (You can get it here.)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become a Form of Human Sacrifice?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., writes:

Most people are familiar with silver compounds as a powerful antibacterial agent. But few know that copper compounds and copper as a metal are equally, if not a more powerful, antibacterial agent.

In fact, in ancient times Roman soldiers used to save the filings when they sharpened their bronze spears (bronze is a copper and tin compound) to prevent wound infection. Copper kills all bacteria and viruses on contact.

While I don’t recommend using copper on open wounds (because it produces high levels of free radicals), it can be used to prevent the transfer of infections from surfaces.

Special: Top Doctors Say: Your Immune Function Now More Important Than Ever

For example, it has been shown that copper doorknobs, countertops, and bed railings do not transfer infections, and kill all bacteria and viruses on contact.

This prevents not only the spread of bacterial infections, but more importantly, the spread of viruses such as the flu.

Copper doorknobs and countertops, and copper coverings on other surfaces can reduce the transfer of infections. Stainless steel can’t be adequately sterilized, as it contains numerous microcracks and holes that contain bacteria that antiseptics cannot reach.

Another place bacterial infections are transferred from person to person is mattresses and pillows.

For example, studies have shown that hospital mattresses, no matter how well cleaned, still contain dangerous organisms that can be transferred between patients (nosocomial infections).

This is especially true for the bacteria Clostridium difficile, which can cause severe antibiotic-resistant infections.

You can purchase copper-impregnated mattresses, pillowcases, and mattress covers to prevent such infections. The covers and pillows would be especially important to use in hotels, where you are sleeping on mattresses that come in contact with hundreds of people, and are rarely cleaned.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., is editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report and a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


This week was anxiety riddled for me. You know those days (or weeks) when it just seems like one thing after another? It feels like no matter what you do, you're taking two steps forward and one step back, or even worse when it feels like you're taking one step forward and two steps back. I was feeling very stuck, and my perceived lack of progress on a few things was feeding my anxiety along with new things popping up.

I've started this practice that Gabby Bernstein talks about in her new podcast Dear Gabby (which is excellent by the way if you are looking for mental health support and to not feel so alone in your challenges). She calls it Rage on the Page, and its purpose is to help you clear out all of the negative thoughts, feelings, and worries that are swirling in your head to help make room for more positive and creative things to come through and take their place. As I'm writing this, I'm realizing maybe starting this practice is what stirred up all these things, both the actual events that happened this week and the anxiety; they're all coming up so I can clear them and make way for the better things that are on their way. But, I digress.

You set a timer for 10 or 15 or 20 minutes, and you just write for that chunk of time; you "rage" into your journal about all that is making you tick right now, and then you meditate on what came up for an equal amount of time. While doing Rage on the Page this week, something unexpected came up, and I think that's really the benefit of this type of journaling; you never know what your subconscious mind will pump out and bring to your attention, and then you can work on addressing it. What came out, was this:

"Maybe it's not that I'm stuck. Maybe life is in fact moving forward towards my goals and I'm afraid to move with it; I have this place figured out, and I'm scared I won't be able to handle the next level. It's all coming, everything I want, and that will inevitably bring change, and I'm maybe scared I don't deserve it or can't handle it."

Woah. I realized that I'm being the squirrel that I talked about a couple weeks ago, that I'm running from the car back the way I came instead of taking the last few steps forward to safety, to what I want. And it reminded me very much of the fear that I experienced surrounding transitioning back into "normal" life after treatment was over. I had that place figured out; I had a handle on my healing routines and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to manage whatever came next or that I didn't deserve to move forward back into life when so many others who have walked this path don't get that opportunity.

If you find yourself feeling the same way, it's time to remember. Remember that your dreams are your destiny and that you can never be unworthy of your destiny. Remember that you will always be able to handle your destiny and that the challenges you face and overcome in getting there serve not to try and prevent you from reaching that end goal, but they actually serve to prepare you for when you do get there. Your life develops you so that you are ready to fulfill your dreams and your destiny when the time is right.

So, sit back, take all you can from the journey, and work to release the anxiety and worry about moving forward. It's what life and we are meant to do.
Happy Healing ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mental Health Monday​

It was a holiday long weekend here in Canada last Monday, and I was off to camp for the first time this summer! I absolutely LOVE camping; getting out into nature is one of the most peaceful things for me. In the city, even when I am consciously trying to take a day off, I am surrounded by too much and I find myself thinking about my to-do list often (and sometimes actually working away on it when I've promised myself not to that day). Being away and in nature is the most effective thing I have found for shutting off my working brain and disconnecting, allowing for a true rest and recharge.

Before cancer, I didn't appreciate the vital importance of rest. This let me diminish the significant benefit of taking breaks, which led me to being over-stressed, getting poor-quality sleep, and burning out, which definitely contributed to the development of breast cancer. So, whether it's a holiday or not, I hope that you are able to consistently find some time for a true rest each week. Your to do list will still be there, everything won't collapse, and you will actually be much better prepared to deal with the realities of life when your mind and your body are recharged ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

New Research and Advancements​

Some really exciting results have been achieved in a new study conducted by the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. We know that the environment in and around a tumour is acidic and deficient in both nutrients and oxygen. This is great news for cancer cells, which thrive in inflamed, acidic, and less oxygenated areas, but this is not good news for the healthy cells there, including the immune cells attempting to fight the progression of cancer.

Tumour-infiltrating T lymphocytes (TILs) are white blood cells that are capable of killing tumour cells and are a vital part of our body’s natural immune defence against cancer. Because of the unfavourable environment in and around a tumour however, these TILs are often forced into a sluggish state, also called an “exhausted” state. Additionally, there are two types of exhausted TILs: one type that can “reactivate" so to speak out of this sluggish state and another that is deemed "terminally exhausted” that, up until now, have not been able to reactivate.

Unfortunately, this type that becomes “terminally exhausted” are those best equipped to detect and destroy cancer cells under normal circumstances; so, finding a way to reactivate them has been the subject of recent research. What researchers have discovered is that these TILs in and around a tumour can be rejuvenated and their cancer-killing activity restored by healing their mitochondria and exposing the TILs to a long-living version of something called interleukin-10, which they dubbed IL-10/fc. And the results they have achieved in mice are astounding, such as up to a 90% cure rate for some types of cancer and the development of immune memory against future tumours!

You can find my full post about this exciting discovery in the FB group here

And you can check out the full article about this research here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Lessons Cancer Taught Me: Year 3​

In my first year after diagnosis, I started to have realizations about different things I was learning from cancer: ways I was changing, positive growth I was experiencing, and how my perspective on life was shifting. I started writing them down, and it is something that I continue today. I am currently sharing my lessons from year three in the Facebook group, so if you have missed any of them, visit the link below to see the most recent one, and then meander through the posts on the group wall or search "lessons" in the group's search bar to see the others. I will keep posting until I share them all. I hope they speak to you and help you find some pockets of light in your own darkness.
Click here to read the most recent one on Facebook

And if you don't have Facebook, click here to read the most recent one on Instagram


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

3 Tips for Handling Times of Challenge and Change​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Rutgers students protest mandatory vaccination rule​



Diamond Contributor
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Whistleblowers expose Facebook’s plans to censor vaccine hesitancy posts​

Sunday, May 30, 2021 by: Cassie B.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

COVID vaccine injury reports among 12- to 17-year-olds more than triple in 1 week, VAERS data show​



Diamond Contributor
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How low will they go? White House partners with nine dating apps to push covid shots on young singles​



Diamond Contributor
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Natural News statement on vaccine refusal, freedom of choice, due process and human rights​

This statement also covers the reality that sooner or later, the US government will shift into its "kinetic" phase of vaccine compliance, which will essentially be a government-run war against the American people. (We're not there yet, but that day is coming...)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Many don't realize just how toxic some sunscreens can be :eek:

We've been taking Astaxanthin orally - it makes your skin create its own sunscreen, and use natural Raspberry Seed Oil for sunscreen externally - it has an SPF of 50

It works well. Mr J is very light skinned and a natural blond and no burns so far, and we spend a great deal of time out in the sun and on the water


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We've been taking Astaxanthin orally - it makes your skin create its own sunscreen, and use natural Raspberry Seed Oil for sunscreen externally - it has an SPF of 50

It works well. Mr J is very light skinned and a natural blond and no burns so far, and we spend a great deal of time out in the sun and on the water
Hi Lucy, thank you for sharing the info with us all, juicing carrots daily seems to do that too. I don't trust anything that isn't natural.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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ECF Refugee
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Member For 5 Years
Hi Lucy, thank you for sharing the info with us all, juicing carrots daily seems to do that too. I don't trust anything that isn't natural.

We only take astaxanthin in the form of marine algae - carrots take too huge a volume to achieve that level, though they are a regular part of what we eat

Carrotseed oil, if you can find it, has an SPF of 20 and is also a good sunscreen

I'm also on a organic, clean diet and it also goes for my skin

I put nothing on my skin that I can't also safely put in my mouth


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation



Give yourself an hour of self-care every day. Use this time to read books, exercise, meditate or do anything to improve yourself in some way. This will help you gain more confidence and a sense of control over your day.

With work, endless obligations, and responsibilities, we often end up ignoring our basic need of checking in on ourselves. We become so preoccupied with how much we can accomplish in a day, we feel burnt out to actually do things that we enjoy, things that make our daily lives better.

You have to start finding time to focus on yourself. It's okay if you don't have an hour, even thirty minutes each day can make a ton of difference. Make it count.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The worldwide screening of PROVEN: Healing Breakthroughs Backed by Science begins tomorrow (and it's free to watch).

You can watch the whole 9-part series right HERE. <=

This series is all about “alternative” healing modalities that have been scientifically proven to be as effective – often more so -- than pharmaceutical drugs or surgery!

And far safer.

PROVEN showcases evidence-based practices and techniques that are not yet being used in mainstream medical practice. You’ll witness interviews with world-renowned health experts as well as survivors who have benefitted from these life-changing natural and “alternative” healing modalities.

It’s crucial to watch this first episode because it sets the stage for the rest of the series.

It may shock you to learn that there are more healing resources at your fingertips than you ever thought possible!

Don’t believe me?

Well, now there is PROOF!

Don’t miss this first mind-blowing episode.

CLICK HERE for access to PROVEN: Healing Breakthroughs Backed by Science.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can Parasites Cause Thyroid Problems?​

Hi Jimi-

Welcome to another episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast!

Parasitic infections are insanely common among my patients. Among the infections that I treat most frequently are giardiasis, which may cause diarrhea, gas, and an upset stomach, greasy stools; cryptosporidiosis, which may cause stomach cramps, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting; and toxoplasmosis which may cause flu-like symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches or pains.

If you're struggling to get to the root of your weight, energy, mood, and concentration issues, you may have an infection. Be sure to check out this podcast to learn more!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<

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