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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

$3 billion of taxpayer money to be used on ad campaign to increase vaccine uptake​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Can Genetically Modified Microbes Undermine the Health of Humans and the Environment?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
COVID Vaccinated People Within 2 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

CDC: Covid vaccine official death toll reaches 4,647, setting new 22-year VAERS record​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years




Your body does so much for you every moment, without you even knowing about it. It's doing the very best it can.

Throughout your entire life, your body works to heal itself and maintain its internal balance. Your body is a truly amazing thing. Embrace it, improve it and take care of it the best you can. Give it love and nourishment.

Practice saying positive and gentle things to your body. Accept yourself. Love yourself just as you are.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A Special Message for Our Community
Originally aired as Webinar to the HealingStrong Community in May 2021. Founder and Director of HealingStrong, Suzy Griswold, MPH, (Introduction by husband, Jeff) shares her families decision making process to not vaccinate against C0v1d-19. The video encompasses 5 steps to making a decision:

  • Understand the big problem,
  • Know the main players,
  • Gather evidence based on science,
  • Gather evidence based on eye-witnesses and testimonies, and
  • Weigh it against history, the law and God's Word.

Presented out of love, our sincere hope is this video will help inform families, churches, friends, co-workers and those we all know and love to understand the reasons for our personal decision in this matter. Backed by science, testimonies, and revealing data, this is a very important webinar to help those seeking wisdom, but hope to gain understanding to walk out their convictions with great faith.
We felt it was really important when sending this information out that we include a way for you to be able to present this information to your family, friends and colleagues. Below, you will find a typed letter offering two ways to share this information in a way that uses productive, loving and respectful language.

We pray this will be a great resource!

Dear ____________,

I recently watched the following video and wanted to share it with you. This is a webinar that was first aired in May 2021 within the HealingStrong Community. The presenter is the Founder and Director of HealingStrong, a non-profit organization that has been serving communities for 9 years. She and her husband (who opens the webinar in prayer and makes the introduction) are strong believers and faith has been a big part of their family's decision.

I know that you (choose one to fill in the blank) _______________

1) ... are considering the v@ccine and are looking for scientifically factual information and may not have the time or resources to dig deeper for the best information. This is why I feel this video is important. It is well researched and has helped me to make an informed decision.

2) ... and I don't see eye to eye on this issue, but I love you and I want you to know WHY I made this decision and how much research I have done. I do not take these issues lightly and want you to know that I have prayerfully considered all of the options.. I love and care about you and would appreciate it if you would take just an hour to try and understand why I (or we) have come to this decision.

In the end, it is my hope that we can move forward with a spirit of love and unity and not allow this to cause division between us.

I hope you will take a little time to watch. I would love to discuss it with you afterward and answer any questions you may have.

Most Sincerely,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Thought:
"Life goes by fast. Calm down. It's all funny." Joan Rivers


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Did you catch the webinar Michael hosted with Environmental Toxins Expert & Educator, Lara Adler on Wednesday night?

She went deep into some of the research showing that many of the chronic health issues that plague our population have strong links to toxic chemical exposures that we, unfortunately, experience every day.

Lara talked to us about some of the big key issues:

  • The connection between chronic, low-level toxicant exposures and rates of chronic disease
  • What human biomonitoring studies tell us about our chemical body-burden
  • How everyday exposures to chemicals can alter metabolism in ways that lead to weight gain
  • Why endocrine-disrupting chemicals redefine our understanding of toxicology, in particular, low-dose exposures
  • The role that toxins play in altering the gut microbiome in ways that can lead to downstream health consequences
She also stuck around for a really great Q&A!

If you missed the webinar, head here to watch the replay.

This topic does not get the attention required. Not even close.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Studies Show Saffron Reverses Vision Loss—
With a 2 Line Improvement on the Eye Chart
The results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial on saffron conducted in Italy are particularly astounding.

In this study, researchers gave participants with macular concerns 20 mg of a saffron extract daily and performed tests to measure how well their retinal cells responded to light stimulation. Remarkably, researchers saw dramatically improved retinal function in those taking the saffron.[9]

One of the lead researchers, Professor Silvia Bisti, described the results as a breakthrough, with study participants showing significant vision improvements within just three months of starting to take saffron daily.[10]

"All patients experienced improvements in their vision while taking the saffron pill," Professor Bisti reported.

The results of this initial breakthrough study were confirmed in a longer-term follow-up study, in which participants with early macular concerns took 20 mg of a saffron extract daily for 15 months and were evaluated every 90 days.[2]

After just 3 months, visual acuity measures on the Snellen chart—the standard optical chart used to assess vision sharpness at a distance—improved by a remarkable two lines compared to baseline values!

Participants also reported improvements in contrast and color perception, reading ability, vision in low light conditions and overall improvement in quality of life.[2]


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

*-- Eat These Foods As You Age --*

Foods that are high in fiber like fruits, veggies, and oatmeal, can help with constipation that becomes more common as you age. They're also able to help lower your cholesterol levels, manage your blood sugar, and keep you at a healthy weight.

Watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes, red and orange bell peppers -- these fruits and veggies are rich in a natural compound called lycopene. Studies show foods that have it could lower your risk of some types of cancer and may protect you against strokes, too.

Nuts may be small but they are mighty. Almonds, walnuts, cashews, and other nuts have big anti-aging powers. These crunchy snacks contain special nutrients that can help delay or prevent age-related heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, nerve disease, and some types of cancer.

Blueberries are tasty and they also protect your brain as you age. They lessen damage to your DNA that can make some diseases more likely. They also improve how well your brain cells "talk" to each other.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
PROVEN: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science
We're excited to share that our very own, Sayer Ji's EXCLUSIVE bonus Interview is being featured on Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science. If you want to expand your horizons and discover fact-based solutions for what is ailing you (or a family member), this complimentary 9-part documentary series will provide you with highly effective (and safe) approaches to wellness that will change your life, June 1-9.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is the first time in the history of the world that anybody has ever had to have a vaccine certificate for ANYTHING. Just scarry seeing "them" try to put these controls on us.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years




You are evolving. Memories that kept you awake at night no longer bother you. You have made peace with everything that has happened. You have become stronger.

You are successfully applying the lessons you have learned from overcoming so many difficult situations in the past. You are not scared of change anymore. You are braver and bolder.

Applaud yourself for staying committed to improving yourself a little every day. Keep believing in your power and spreading positivity with the people around you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mental Health – Meaning, Why It’s Important & How To Improve It​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Did you get a chance to tune into the Conquering Cancer Summit?

In my opinion, it was one of the most important online events of the year.

Over 300,000 people signed up and were empowered with the tools and knowledge to never fear cancer again.

Nathan Crane and 59 of the world’s most trusted experts “cracked the code” on cancer and shared the latest breakthroughs that are not only preventing but conquering this disease in 2021.

If you missed it, I've got you covered because I’ve secured 48-hour access to all 59 of the interviews from the 9-day summit at no charge for you.

>> You can get your 100% access right here.

A couple of my favorite episodes include:

● Dr. Veronique Desaulniers reveals how she beat cancer not just once but TWICE — and has since lived cancer-free for more than 6 years

● Dr. Christine Shaffner shares how the current pandemic is affecting the treatment of cancer and what you need to do to keep your family safe

● Brian Vaszily discusses the toxins you must avoid when shopping for beauty and household products and how to cleanse your home of carcinogens and other toxins with simple, natural methods

This is just a taste of the life-changing information I got to hear during the summit. And for the next 48 hours, you can get free access to all of it right here:

Head to the next page and say “Yes!” to Conquering this disease

Here’s to your health,


P.S. Don’t be left without the tools you need to beat this disease. Decide to take back your health and your life today. Get all the answers on how to do that right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Dr. Osborne here,

As part of my mission, I make it a point to share any free knowledge that might be beneficial to your health journey.

I do so primarily through online summits, because they are a great way to consume excellent information, and you can do so from the comfort of home.

With that, I wish to share that my friend, Dr. Shabana Parvez, is launching her upcoming Healthy Body and Mind Summit and she is giving away a FREE ticket today.

>>Click HERE to Grab Your FREE Ticket<<

The Healthy Body and Mind Summit will run from June 7th – 11th and features over 20 doctors and health experts who have made important contributions in the health and wellness space and have dedicated themselves to helping others unlock the secrets to transforming their health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Low-Calorie Treat! Multi Collagen Protein Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Who here in Beyond Organic Doctors community is a Clean Freak (especially in the spring)?

You love that fresh chemical chlorine smell that lingers after you splashed your whole home with it.

Don’t judge yourself for the big spring kill off...some of us still sneak that one in.

But what’s not ok is this (if you care about your health, animals and children):

Those handy cleaners and strong fragrances that create that “oh, so clean feeling and smell” you may also love...

Are full of harmful toxic chemicals that immediately impact your health (+ the environment).

Did you know that store bought cleaners have ingredient lists, just like food packaging?

Here’s some things to watch out for:

Chlorine AND ammonia- those two combined produce fumes that are highly irritating to eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and should not be used by people with asthma or lung or heart problems.

Ammonia AND lye- when combined, they can react to form lung-damaging gases.

Stove and oven cleaners can create toxic chlorine gases. VERY HARMFUL!

So to get that “shiny clean home” you may have just turned it into a hazardous toxic waste site.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Vitamin E Slows Brain Aging​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Almost everyone knows that we need to eat more fruits and vegetables. And blenders and juicers certainly do speed up the process.
For example — the vitamin and mineral content of one cup of carrot juice is almost equivalent to that of five cups of chopped carrots — that saves you a whole lot of chewing!
But like almost everything in life, there are pros and cons.
Here’s what you need to know about blending and juicing.
Yours for the wise use of healthy tools,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Both blending and juicing provide easy ways to get important antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. And they can also be fun and flavorful ways to change up what you’re eating. But which one is better — blending or juicing? Are there any downsides? And what kinds of blenders and juicers are best (and worst)?
Get the whole story (and some great recipes!) here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Heart Cell Regeneration Looks Promising

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Most of the cells in our body — such as blood, hair, and skin cells — are capable of regeneration. But that’s not true of the heart.

Heart attacks are particularly devastating not only because they block the flow of blood to the heart, which can result in death, but also because they damage heart muscle cells in those who survive. And once this cardiac muscle is damaged, it cannot be regenerated.

Special: Don't Buy CoQ10 at a Drugstore. Doctor Explains Why.

Or can it? A team of Israeli and Australian researchers report they succeeded regrowing cardiac muscle in mice.

For this study, the researchers focused on neuregulin, a hormone that plays an essential role in the heart’s cardiac-signaling capabilities.

Previous studies had found that heart muscle cells could be regrown, but only in amounts that were too small to make a difference. However, these researchers found that by “turbocharging” the neuregulin pathway, they were able to boost the replacement of heart muscle in mice by an unprecedented 45%.

They are hoping this discovery will pave the way for new heart attack treatments, and ultimately find a way for the heart to regrow and heal.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

If you missed Donna’s email from earlier today, we decided to run a 72-hour replay marathon of the entire Summit.

You see, we realized that we went a little “overboard” on these interviews, though it was necessary to cover all of the ground needed when addressing cancer, and that caused many folks to miss some key information or a few presentations entirely.

So we knew we had to find a way for everyone to catch up on anything they missed.

And the truth is, you probably missed a lot, so...

Go here to join the replay marathon — airing NOW

By the way, we’ve also extended the 50% off discount on the Empowerment Package until Monday night as well.

So if you like what we’re doing and want to support our mission, consider owning the Summit now before it goes up to full price.

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

There is a huge deception out there that children with ADHD and autism (yes studies also link EMF exposures to ADHD and autism) can only be “controlled” and supported with medication. A new event, “Unlocking ADHD & Autism with Personalized Nutrition” (hosted by a renowned expert on ADHD and Autism, Julie Matthews) is loaded with new, empowering information and actionable tools for attention, focus, behavior and mood issues.


Julie’s results with her patient interventions are amazing:

  • Increased IQ by 6.7 points
  • Improved developmental age by 4.5x
  • Decreased digestive symptoms
  • Reduced anxiety, depression, and aggression
  • Improved cognitive thinking, attention/focus and sociability

It is time to learn the successful strategies and actionable tools to improve attention, focus, behavior and mood issues - and stop buying the deception that we have no control at all.

Please click here to attend at no cost - and please share this with those you love:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Juice and Smoothie Recipes a boost of nitric oxide!

Fill your glass with vitamins and discover how sweet being healthy can be! Click here to discover 10 brand new juice and smoothie recipes! Make it quick and easy to naturally get your fill of antioxidants from fresh fruits and veggies and a boost of nitric oxide!

With ingredients like ginger, flaxseed, raw honey, mint and citrus, these recipes are great for making a quick nutritious breakfast or refreshing afternoon snack:
  • Get Up and Glow Juice
  • Allergy Fighting Green Juice
  • Pineapple Raspberry Smoothie
  • SuperFood Smoothie
  • Plus 6 more delicious ways to get in your fruits & veggies!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online The Secret Life of Nitric Oxide Webinar taking place on June 3. Learn about a new, ground-breaking study that reveals nitric oxide’s secret life and what it may mean for you.

If you need the link to this Cardio Smoothie Book, here you go!

Thank you for your time today and for letting me be part of YOUR journey.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I need to make sure this is correct... So far I see that you haven't claimed the Free book from leading health researcher Matt Cook that shows you how to literally live to 120...

And make love for hours even if you’ve had “rockiness” difficulties.

If you confirm your address today you can get his explosive bestseller "Healthy to 120" for FREE!

and claim it now

"Healthy to 120” reveals landmark results that Big Pharma prays you don’t discover.

Matt Cook’s research has found results of studies that are being buried, ignored or outright censored:

  • 1 simple, over-the-counter substance to shrink inflamed prostates and reduce the chances of cancer by over 95%...even if you’ve been diagnosed, this simple tweak can make it much easier to live the rest of your life without going down the medical rathole... (pg. 101)
  • The easy two-minute “tweak” that's helped thousands of men balance blood pressure WITHOUT pills...the pills cause infertility in many men and by normalizing blood pressure without pills, potency returns. (pg. 139)
  • How blood thinners cause arteries to harden...depositing plaque in the arteries and even in "down there" chambers...fortunately he found a few simple nutritional method that your doctor will approve of, that often makes it unnecessary to take these, or that get RID of this awful artery-hardening side effect. (pg. 145)
  • How to regulate cholesterol readings WITHOUT dangerous statins (which cause muscle deterioration and brain damage)...imagine going to your doctor with your new lab results, grinning ear to ear, because your doctor says, “you don’t need to take these pills anymore.” (pg. 157)
  • The common supplements (which you likely have right now in your bathroom or kitchen) that can work better than chemotherapy in preventing cancer...and if you already have cancer, these assist your doctors in stopping or reversing cancer. (pg. 169)
  • Why commonly accepted “safe” fats will actually dramatically lower your testosterone levels. You can stop eating these fats, and feel a surge of libido as your health improves with higher testosterone readings. (pg. 243)
  • 2 "secret foods" the longest living people on earth eat EVERY DAY -- and 1 food they avoid like the plague. Is this why they've lived well over 100 while still carrying "bad habits" like eating chocolate, smoking cigarettes, and drinking liquor regularly? (pg. 33)
  • And much more we can’t share here because THEY might be reading this.
There’s no time to waste. The book is called “Healthy to 120” and it’s basically free (I only need you to do me a favor and help out with the shipping).

Do you want a copy?

Click here to get you free copy of “Healthy to 120”.

It’s an actual paper book you can pick up and read and I only have a few left…

...for over a month I was silent because I thought they had run out, so this might actually be the last chance.

Click here to get Healthy to 120 before it’s gone


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
There are so many complementary, alternative, and natural ways to protect - and to reclaim – strong, optimal health. Many of these healing resources are amazingly simple, and you can take advantage of them all by yourself!
Ready to expand your horizons and discover fact-based solutions for your health (or a family member)? Definitely make time for the new 9-part documentary series called Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science, starting in just a few days - and an absolute must-see!
Proven is a 9-part docuseries diving into science-backed complementary and alternative treatments that are safer and more effective than their modern medicine equivalents. Our mission is to showcase the research and application of evidence-based medicines that are not yet being used by the masses.
Each episode will provide you with highly effective (and safe) approaches to wellness that will change your life… and it’s FREE to watch!
Regardless of whether you are struggling with a chronic health condition, or want more vital energy, or you simply want to defy the effects of aging in the years to come... I cannot recommend this documentary series highly enough. I know there will be some treasure in it for you.
>>>> Click HERE to watch the trailer!
I’ll be tuning in for sure.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A woman's health journey can be a tricky and treacherous one. It's path consisting of a series of setbacks, stalled progress and failed experiments that feel a lot like throwing darts at a moving target, hoping something lands.

Much of this is due to the complexity of the female hormonal system and the fact that, until somewhat recently, the research being done was on men. With the assumption being, "we're just smaller versions of them anyway".

But the scientific world has finally started to open it's doors to our unique biological nature and conduct studies on, are you ready for it? Women! I know, crazy right!

So, some great news! More and more information is beginning to surface about what's important in the care for our bodies as we age and how to optimize the quality of our life in this next phase of it. I mean, why suffer needlessly?

Biology might say it's time to slow down but technology gives us the choice to keep things moving. And we might as well take advantage of it.

It's still not an easy path but the opportunity is here. And the tools and treatments used are constantly advancing and improving with more promise than ever.

And that's where our next episode of "Invisible You" comes in. A conversation about the exciting possibilities available to women that can slow the aging process through the replacement of our declining hormones.

Please listen here as Dr. Felice Gersh explains the ins and outs of women's hormonal health care on the "Better with Dr. Stephanie" podcast.




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

OCD May Triple Risk for Stroke​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Have you been enjoying our video series? I really enjoyed talking with Dr. Kan and exploring all the ways you can avoid and even reverse things like chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, poor sleep, and depression…

And how important it is to understand the ways toxic buildup and parasites can curb even the best-intentioned health protocol.

Part 3 of How To Rid Your Body of Harmful Parasites & Toxic Heavy Metals is now live!

And if you missed an episode, you’ve got until TOMORROW, 8PM EST to catch up.

>>Watch Part 1 >>Watch Part 2 >>Watch Part 3

Remember these all come down TOMORROW night.


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