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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Predicting the unpredictable​

Imagine having a full day’s warning before a seizure strikes.

Researchers have made a promising breakthrough in developing a method to predict seizures up to 24 hours in advance. This innovative approach could significantly enhance the quality of life for individuals managing epilepsy.

By analyzing 90 seconds of brain activity data from 15 epilepsy patients with implants, researchers identified that increased communication between the right and left hippocampus signals an elevated risk of seizures.

What makes this new method so encouraging is its potential for quicker and more reliable predictions compared to current techniques. This could empower patients to take proactive measures like ensuring they have support nearby or avoiding potentially risky activities like driving.

The research team plans to test this approach with a larger and more diverse group of patients, including those with different types of epilepsy. They also aim to develop non-invasive brain-monitoring tools, which could make this life-changing technology accessible to even more people.​


Exploring the Latest Health News​

*A message from our sponsors


Today’s Brain Game:​

How well do you know the best exercises for your goals?

Ready to shake up your fitness routine? Whether you’re aiming to boost endurance, build strength, or simply relieve stress, there’s a perfect exercise waiting for you. Find out which workout matches your goals. Let’s get moving!

Goal 1: You want to relieve stress and improve your flexibility. What should you try?
a) Weightlifting session
b) Stretching routine
c) Sprinting session

Goal 2: You aim to build endurance and improve heart health. What’s the best option?
a) Long-distance running
b) Resistance training
c) Stretching exercises

Goal 3: You want to improve coordination and balance. Which activity is ideal?
a) Weightlifting session
b) Cycling
c) Swimming

Goal 4: You want to improve your core strength and stability. What should you choose?
a) Stretching
b) Walking
c) Plank exercises

Goal 5: You need a low-impact workout that is easy on the joints. What should you choose?
a) Swimming
b) HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
c) Rock climbing

Goal 6: You want a low-impact full-body workout that also boosts cardiovascular fitness. What’s your choice?
a) Circuit training
b) Walking
c) Stretching​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Smoky Lentil and Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie​

This plant-based shepherd's pie is hearty, comforting, and packed with nutrients. The lentils provide protein and fiber, while the sweet potato topping offers a delicious twist on the traditional recipe. The smoked paprika adds a depth of flavor that complements the earthiness of the lentils. Enjoy this satisfying meal on a cool evening or any time you're craving some wholesome comfort food.​

For the filling:

  • 1 cup green or brown lentils, rinsed
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp dried rosemary
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1 cup vegetable broth
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the topping:
  • 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened plant-based milk (almond or oat)
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Cook lentils according to package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion, carrots, and celery. Sauté for 5-7 minutes until vegetables start to soften.
  4. Add garlic, smoked paprika, thyme, and rosemary. Cook for another minute until fragrant.
  5. Stir in tomato paste and cook for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Add cooked lentils and vegetable broth. Simmer for 10 minutes until the mixture thickens.
  7. Stir in frozen peas and season with salt and pepper. Remove from heat.
  8. For the topping, boil sweet potatoes until tender. Drain and mash with plant-based milk, nutritional yeast, salt, and pepper.
  9. Transfer the lentil mixture to a baking dish. Spread the mashed sweet potatoes evenly over the top.
  10. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until the top is lightly golden and the filling is bubbling.
  11. Let cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.


Thank you for reading
Goodness Today

Here’s the solution to today’s challenge. Did you get all the answers right?

1. b) Stretching routine
2. a) Long-distance running
3. b) Cycling
4. c) Plank exercises
5. a) Swimming
6. b) Walking
That’s all the goodness for today.

“Sitting is the new smoking” is a sentiment we often hear. Technology is great, but we do need to add more movement to our daily routine.

It doesn’t even have to be big, especially if you’re just starting out or if you’re dealing with health issues. Simple steps like taking the stairs, doing a short morning stretch, or even dancing to your favorite song are all small movements that build up over time. You can also bike to a nearby store or walk with a friend daily.

Start with what you can realistically add to your routine. Stay consistent and watch your energy and mood improve. Keep moving forward!

As July comes to a close, I’d love to hear about your progress with your health goals. Hit reply and let us know how we can support you further.

Sarah, Matt, and the Goodness Lover Team
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Today I'd like to talk to you about something serious - and that's cancer.

Back in the 70's, you only had a 10% chance of being diagnosed with this terrible disease.

But, in 2024, your chance of getting cancer is now at 50%.

And, by 2030, experts say this will rise to nearly a 100% chance.

(That’s not a typo!)

I know that I have more friends & relatives being diagnosed with cancer all the time....

>> Find Out How to Stop Cancer Naturally

If you want to reduce your risk of getting diagnosed with cancer or find out how to overcome a cancer diagnosis … then I've got something you need to see...

My good friend Jonathan Landsman, a natural health industry expert for over 35 years, recently brought together the world's leading experts on cancer to create the Stop Cancer Docu-Class.

>>> Click Here to Get Complimentary Access Today!<<<

Starting August 13th
these experts are going to reveal everything you need to know about how to avoid (and even overcome) a cancer diagnosis.

Here's a list of the Top 10 things you'll learn...

1. How to detect cancer cells much earlier - BEFORE they become life-threatening.

2. The TRUE SURVIVAL RATES of cancer treatment and a SHOCKING admission by conventional oncology.

3. What really causes cancer: How blood sugar levels, infections and dental procedures are all linked to your cancer risk.

4. Exactly what cancer patients need to do first … especially if you're ever diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

5. The most essential nutrient needed to deal with stress … and why this is critical for killing cancer cells.

>> Sign Up Today to Watch the Stop Cancer Docu-Class, at no cost to you!

6. How to cut your risk of cancer by 60-70% with simple changes to your diet.

7. The 7-step cancer treatment protocol that is being used to help thousands of people at two cancer clinics.

8. How holistic medicine can help your body kill cancer cells much better than Western medicine protocols.

9. Shocking evidence on how conventional cancer care leaves you vulnerable to cancer cell growth.

10. The 10 biomarkers that measure the strength of your immune system and the surprising levels needed to avoid cancer.

As you can see, this program could literally save your life - and the lives of the ones you love.

So, Get Access Now to the Stop Cancer Docu-Class - at no cost to you!


P.S. In case you're thinking... "If this stuff really worked then I would have heard about that already!" then you must know that this lifesaving information is being censored by the pharmaceutical industry and Big Tech. Don’t let Big Pharma or the media keep you in the dark about natural ways to defeat cancer. Starting August 13th, the Stop Cancer Docu-Class will reveal (censored) ways to get rid of cancer cells and boost immunity. Grab your spot here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey there,

Jimi, how much do you know about phosphorus and its importance for your longevity?

There are a lot of minerals that get more stage time—iron, for example, given its use in creating red blood cells, or calcium in its role as your bone builder—but phosphorus is just as important, if not as frequently talked about.

Phosphorus serves a number of critical functions in your body:
  • It works with B vitamins to facilitate nerve signaling, muscle contractions, kidney function, and a normal heartbeat.
  • It’s critical for the use of the fats and carbohydrates you consume, turning them into usable energy.
  • It’s needed to produce the proteins that facilitate both muscle growth and maintenance, as well as the repair of damaged tissues and cells.
  • It is necessary for the production of ATP energy, the form of energy your muscles burn when contracting (critical for muscle growth).
  • It works with calcium and other minerals to produce healthy bones and teeth.
Looking at that list, it’s pretty clear to see why it’s necessary for your longevity, right?

Think about it…

Without phosphorus, your body would be unable to utilize the food you eat as energy to facilitate the exercise that is so critical for staving off premature aging.

Without phosphorus, your body wouldn’t be able to repair the microscopic damage done to your muscle, joint, and bone tissues during exercise, leading to breakdowns.

Without phosphorus, your muscles would lack ATP energy, so you wouldn’t be able to do the resistance training that keeps your muscles strong and is so important for graceful aging.

Without phosphorus, your teeth would deteriorate, making eating and getting proper nutrition a whole lot more difficult.

Without phosphorus, your body wouldn’t be able to repair your bones following the high-impact and high-intensity exercise that is crucial for increasing bone density and staving off bone degeneration (like osteoporosis).

That’s a lot of very important longevity-boosting functions phosphorus facilitates in your body.

Unfortunately, getting enough phosphorus in a vegan or vegetarian diet can be a bit tricky.

While animal proteins and dairy products are high in this mineral, fruits and vegetables contain only very little. The real sources of phosphorus that you should focus on are whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

According to the NIH:
  • Half a cup of lentils contains 178 milligrams of phosphorus, or around 14% of your DV.
  • One ounce of dry-roasted cashew nuts contains 139 milligrams of phosphorus, or around 11% of your DV.
  • A single medium, skin-on baked potato contains 123 milligrams of phosphorus, or around 10% of your DV.
  • Half a cup of canned kidney beans contains 115 milligrams of phosphorus, or around 9% of your DV.
  • Half a cup of long-grain brown rice contains 102 milligrams of phosphorus, or around 8% of your DV.
  • Half a cup of boiled green peas contains 94 milligrams of phosphorus, or around 8% of your DV.
  • One tablespoon of sesame seeds contains 57 milligrams of phosphorus, or around 5% of your DV.
The good news is that because so many different nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains contain phosphorus, you should be able to add enough into your daily diet, provided you get enough variety of foods.

And because the average adult body only needs around 700 milligrams of phosphorus per day (though it’s up to 1,250 milligrams for growing teenagers), you should have little trouble incorporating enough of these phosphorus-rich plant-based foods into your meal plan.

Give your body the mineral that plays such a central role in its function on so many levels, and you’ll have a far better chance of leading a longer, healthier life!​
Yours in good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

Not so long ago, our good friend, renowned investigative journalist and filmmaker, Jonathan Otto had a very fruitful discussion with Dr. Peter McCullough. He shared that he was recently invited to participate in a panel discussion organized by a German member of Parliament…

And the focus of their discussion was on the “pandemic,” civil rights violations and the “pandemic” treaty by the WHO.

In this discussion, Dr. McCullough had two key points that he wanted to bring to the table…

Firstly, that the powers that be should remove all C0V!D vaxxes from the market due to safety concerns…

And secondly, that the European Union should withdraw from the WHO because of their influence and negative agenda.

Dr. McCullough boldly expressed his concerns about how big organizations and certain government agencies are pushing an agenda that he calls the "biopharmaceutical complex".

Even though people are coming out openly about what has been happening to them since they took the jabs…

The big organizations still try to cover and shun these stories so they can continue to push their deadly agenda.

But the best thing is…

Dr. McCullough also shared an incredible health protocol that he developed to help detoxify the spike protein associated with CVD-19.

Because he and many other health experts that we’ve had the privilege to talk to…

Know very well that Big Pharma is not going to provide any of us with TRUE life-saving health protocols…

And there are more and more issues that are arising due to vaxx injuries.

And it’s because of this that Jonathan and his team have spent countless hours putting together his latest docuseries, Healing Genesis….

Where you will learn all the natural protocols you need to revitalize your body and reclaim the perfect health you were ALWAYS meant to have!
In the Healing Genesis docuseries, you will learn from renowned health experts who have embraced functional medicine that focuses on dealing with the root cause of disease…

And not just merely treat the symptoms.

You will get to:
-Learn ancient healing remedies that have stood the test of time.
- Explore the influence of pharmaceutical giants and the alternatives they don't want you to know.
- Discover that you're not alone in your struggles. Many have walked this path and emerged stronger.
- Learn how to take charge of your health journey and make informed choices that promote well-being.
- And a whole lot more!

You’ll hear of real stories of people who, just like you, faced despair but found their way to healing.

Their experiences will inspire…

Their challenges will connect with you…

And their successes will give hope to you who have been looking for answers and relief.

Join us on this illuminating journey as we embark on a mission to uncover the secrets of well-being at this Healing Genesis event, launching August 5.

Healing Genesis is more than a docuseries… It's a lifeline to a brighter, healthier future, and we can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you.

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team

Top Natural Medicines and Nutrient-Rich Superfoods that Help Detox Your Body​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In conventional healthcare discussions, natural therapies are often overlooked. But why? The simplicity and accessibility of these treatments lead many to underestimate their effectiveness, especially in the fight against cancer.

That's why we're excited to introduce you to the new eBook, "7 At-Home Cancer Therapies."

This comprehensive guide reveals natural healing strategies that are not only easy to implement but also backed by scientific research.

Inside, you'll find invaluable tips, such as:

  • The 'heat shock' technique that stimulates your immune system and could potentially shrink tumors
  • A simple meal timing trick to enhance your body's natural defenses
  • A short daily ritual that reduces inflammation and promotes positive gene expression
  • An exact diet associated with a lower risk of prostate and digestive system cancers
This eBook is filled with practical, scientifically-supported strategies designed to empower you to take control of your health. Imagine being able to boost your immune system, combat cancer cells, and reclaim your wellbeing—all from the comfort of your own home.

Please don't miss out on this opportunity.

Download "7 At-Home Cancer Therapies" today and start your journey towards a healthier life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week on the Podcast​
Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue to share these inspiring stories of healing!​
In 2017, Antoinnette was diagnosed with Stage 4, High-grade diffuse large B-Cell Lymphoma of the thyroid and neck lymph nodes. She was leading a completely anti-cancer lifestyle in terms of food, supplements, exercise & mindfulness. But she unknowingly had suppressed emotions, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and many of the symptoms of her borderline personality disorder were playing out. She believes this triggered her cancer diagnosis and this is where her healing efforts were most needed.

Cancer was the catalyst that started Antoinette’s journey of healing from the inside out. Healing those parts of herself, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that were off-kilter. She has come through and out the other side transformed for the better. She feels hardship can be the catalyst for positive change and a better life and now her passion is to share what she has learned to help others. Antoinette has been cancer-free for 6+ years.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dogs Can Smell When Humans Are Stressed

Dogs can sniff out whether a human is stressed or relaxed, new research suggests, and that sensory feedback appears to influence canine emotions and choices.

The dog doesn't even have to know the human well to interpret odor in this way, the British researchers noted.

“Dog owners know how attuned their pets are to their emotions, but here we show that even the odor of a stressed, unfamiliar human affects a dog’s emotional state, perception of rewards and ability to learn," said study author Dr. Nicola Rooney. She's a senior lecturer in wildlife and conservation at Bristol Veterinary School in Bristol, England.

Special: Find Calm Today: 10 Doctor-Approved Tips for Managing Anxiety…FREE Book!

"Working dog handlers often describe stress traveling down the lead, but we’ve also shown it can also travel through the air," she said in a University of Bristol news release.

Her team published its findings July 22 in the journal Scientific Reports.

As the Bristol team noted, research has long pointed to scent as an important but perhaps under-appreciated form of emotional communication between people.

Rooney's group wondered if dogs, with olfactory senses that are so much more sophisticated than humans, might catch human emotions through smell, as well, and act accordingly.

They constructed an elaborate experiment to find out. First, they trained dogs in a simple task: If a bowl was placed in one location, it invariably contained food. But if it was placed in a separate location, no food was present.

For obvious reasons, the dogs soon became more eager to trot over to bowls in the "have" spot than the "have not" location.

But what if the bowl was placed between these locations?

If the pooch ambled quickly over to this ambiguous, mid-range bowl, the researchers considered that the dog was in an "optimistic" frame of mind ("maybe there's food in that bowl!").

If the dog was more hesitant about heading towards the bowl, that reflected a more "pessimistic" attitude ("The bowl's in the wrong spot, probably no food there").

Next, the 18 dogs recruited for the experiment were exposed to sweat and breath samples from humans who'd been in either a stressed or relaxed state of mind (a math test versus listening to soothing music).

When dogs smelled the "stressed" human odors, they were visibly less eager to head towards the ambiguously placed bowl, suggesting an emotional downturn towards pessimism, the researchers said.

"This ‘pessimistic’ response reflects a negative emotional state and could possibly be a way for the dog to conserve energy and avoid disappointment," the researchers reasoned.

However, this "downer" effect was not seen when the dogs were exposed to a "relaxed" odor sample from a human.

According to Rooney, the new findings have real-world applications.

"Understanding how human stress affects dogs' well-being is an important consideration for dogs in kennels and when training companion dogs and dogs for working roles such as assistance dogs," she said.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast -
Peter Crone: Accessing Freedom, Peace and Healing through Acceptance and Personal Responsibility
In this episode, I am thrilled to welcome back to the HEAL with Kelly Podcast for a second time, 'The Mind Architect' and my dear friend Peter Crone - who you likely remember from the HEAL Documentary. Known for his profound understanding of the human mind and its potential for accessing personal freedom, Peter shares his wisdom on a number of crucial topics connected to our personal and collective growth. He discusses the roots of self-judgment and offers strategies to overcome our inner critic, paving the way for self-acceptance, inner peace, and ultimately true freedom. He also shares a number of powerful techniques for letting go of the past and its strangle hold on our present life, in order to experience peace with the reality we have co-created. Only by letting go and learning to be ok with whatever circumstances color our real time reality, can we access true healing and wholeness.

In this episode, you'll also get to experience Peter guiding me through a very personal issue offering the opportunity to experience firsthand how his transformative technique can lead to deep and sometimes instantaneous healing. Listen now for more life-changing, and mind-blowing mic drops from my friend Pedro.
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do You Have the Courage to be Your Authentic Self in the Public Eye? This Should Help!
Do you have the courage to be your authentic self in the public eye? It's amazing how many of us struggle with FOPO (Fear of People's Opinions) - a term coined by last week's HEAL with Kelly Podcast guest, Dr. Michael Gervais.

In this nugget from the episode, Dr. Gervais dives into the beautiful and messy journey of finding the courage to be your TRUE self. He emphasizes the importance of cultivating self-awareness and embracing vulnerability as essential steps toward self-discovery and mastery. This powerful conversation reveals that the path to genuine fulfillment lies in recognizing our inner strength and daring to be unapologetically ourselves. Click below to discover how you can start living a more authentic life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The cancer-fighting secrets doctors won't tell you are now within your reach.

Did you know that chemotherapy, despite having a nearly 98% failure rate and showing 0% improvement in some cancers, is still prescribed yearly to over 650,000 people in the USA?*

The truth is that these treatments often severely impact the immune system, yet they continue to be the standard recommendation.

As someone deeply passionate about helping people fight and overcome their diagnoses, I've spent years studying and learning from hundreds of world-leading cancer experts and survivors.

This journey led me to uncover a wealth of powerful, scientifically validated strategies, some of which most doctors won't tell you about, or are just unaware of.

I’ve compiled these life-changing insights into my bestselling book:
Becoming Cancer

Because I am committed to helping as many people as possible, I have decided to give out this book of immense value at no cost to you.

Download your fr-ee copy of Becoming Cancer today and start learning strategies that actually work.

Why This Book?
While no one can promise a guaranteed reversal of cancer, this book offers you the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to make significant and effective changes.

By the end of this eBook, you will be better informed, more inspired, and equipped with strategies that could transform your life and potentially add more years to your life and more life to those years.

Real Stories of Triumph
Learn from incredible stories like Elaine Gibson, who reversed stage 4 cancer, and others like Chris Wark and Dr. Veronique DeSaulniers. Their journeys are a testament to the power of integrative approaches and the resilience of the human spirit.

Exclusive Resources
This eBook also includes practical worksheets such as:
  • Questions to Ask Your Integrative Success Team
  • Cancer-Causing Culprits Checklist
  • Medicinal Movement Routine
  • Holistic Plan for Health and Healing
Join me on this empowering journey to take back control of your health.

Download your copy of the Becoming Cancer eBook today and start making the changes that could lead to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Thank you for your commitment to your health. I am honored to be part of your journey.

Yours in Health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hello Jimi,
Are you looking to revitalize your routine and embrace a healthier lifestyle? A 21-day yoga challenge could be just what you need.
Yoga offers incredible benefits for both the mind and body, from improved flexibility and strength to reduced stress and enhanced mental clarity.
When practiced consistently, yoga also boosts cardiovascular health, supports immunity, and improves overall mood. In fact, several studies have shown that yoga can help control depression.
Why 21 days and not 20 or 22? Studies have shown that 21 days is the optimum length of time necessary to develop a new habit — and make it stick.
I’ve created a list of helpful tips, or secrets if you will, to achieving success with yoga. Click below to learn more!​
Join me for the Open Heart Medicine
Meditation and Healing Retreat
September 18-21, 2024 | Fairmont Orchid Hotel,
Hawaii's Big Island
This transformative retreat represents the culmination of my 50 years of meditation, training, and practice.
Limited spots are still available - Register by August 15th!​
If you have any questions or need assistance with the purchase process, my support team is ready to help. Simply reply to this email, and they will get back to you promptly.
Experience the beauty of our retreat location:
I recently captured footage of the breathtaking Big Island, my cherished second home, and our retreat setting.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

Many of my female patients come in with a similar story: one day they're fine, and the next they are experiencing mysterious symptoms of chronic illness, even though nothing that they know of has changed in their life. This phenomenon has left countless women puzzled and frustrated, especially during perimenopause and post-menopause, when they are hit with a wave of unexplained symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, aches, and pains.​
The effect of these sudden changes can be profound, leaving women struggling to understand what's happening to their bodies and minds. This abrupt onset of symptoms, seemingly out of nowhere, is a common experience for many women navigating the complex terrain of hormonal transitions.

In the latest episode of the Gordon Medical Forum podcast, Dr. Nafysa Parpia sits down with Laura Frontiero to shed light on the unexpected onset of chronic illness during perimenopause and post-menopause and the often overlooked link between heavy metal toxicity and menopausal symptoms.​
Episode highlights include:
  • Heavy Metal Hideouts: How our bones and tissues store toxins over a lifetime
  • The Hormone-Metal Connection: Understanding how menopausal changes can trigger the release of stored heavy metals
  • The overlooked impact of bone loss during menopause and its role in metal toxicity
  • Symptom Surge: Exploring how released metals can activate dormant health issues
  • Complicating Factors: The interplay between heavy metal toxicity and conditions like tick-borne illnesses and mold exposure
  • Insights into identifying heavy metal issues and potential paths forward

Dr. Parpia unravels this complex topic, offering her expertise to help you understand what might be happening in your body during this transformative time. Whether you're approaching menopause, in the midst of it, or simply curious about women's health, this episode promises to be an enlightening journey into the world of metals, menopause, and mysterious symptoms.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

From tickborne illness to autoimmune conditions, Chronic Fatigue to long COVID; no matter what type of chronic illness you’re experiencing, inflammation plays a role. Dr. Eric Gordon will be featured at the upcoming Conquering Chronic Inflammation Summit, where he will share his insights on the Cell Danger Response. Talk highlights include:

  • The role Cell Danger Response plays in the development of chronic inflammation and its impact on chronic illnesses
  • How chronic inflammation can affect various organs and the distinction between functional and pathological illness
  • Actionable strategies to enhance mitochondrial function, providing a pathway to improved health and reduced inflammation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 High Mercury Foods to Avoid and How to Detox it​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey there,​
Emergency home remedies for toothaches are always going to be searched for, simply because of the nature of many toothaches. They have a tendency to erupt at night when the person is sound asleep and the chance of immediately visiting a dentist is not possible.

Learn more on today's blog:
>> Got A Toothache? Try This!
I hope this helps,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Crandall: Hidden Risk Factors of Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. for both men and women.

And nearly half of adults over age 40 may have hidden heart conditions that can increase their risk for a heart attack, according to a University of Copenhagen study.

4 Signs Your Heart Is Quietly Failing... More HERE!
Cardiologist Chauncey Crandall, M.D., the New York Times bestselling author of "The Simple Heart Cure: The 90-Day Program to Stop and Reverse Heart Disease,” says that while everyone knows that smoking can lead to heart attack, there are other important, less obvious risks to be aware of.

In addition to diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, some less obvious heart risk factors are stress, lupus, arthritis, sleep apnea and low hormone levels.

Dr. Crandall, director of preventive medicine at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida, points to inflammation as the silent heart disease culprit.

Editor’s Note: Find Out Your Heart Disease Risk in Just 2 Minutes

“People that have arthritis, lupus, even other inflammatory conditions, such as COVID — these are silent irritants of inflammation that set off heart disease. And it is just coming to light right now,” Crandall tells Newsmax’s “Newsline.”

“And stress,” he adds.

Crandall says it is hard to avoid stress right now with the events happening in the world, but we need to lower our stress levels. “We need to remove ourselves from stress,” explains Crandall.

Special: Heart Surgeon's Secret to Healthy Blood Pressure

To lower stress, Crandall recommends trying to walk an hour a day. And pray, which he practices daily and says can also help lower stress.

In addition, Crandall cites eating a Mediterranean diet, getting proper sleep and keeping weight down to a healthy level.

“These are really the five key steps we can do today that will give you a long life, and better health,” says Crandall.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Craving a fiesta but with a chill vibe that fits the bill for a weeknight dinner? This plant-based taco salad is your answer.

Hot or cold lentil taco meat is the centerpiece of this boldly seasoned bowl, lavished with creamy avocado dressing and crispy toasted tortilla strips.

Unleash your inner taco artist and build the salad bowl of your dreams!

Get the Plant-Based Fiesta Taco Salad HERE!

Let us know what you think!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Melatonin is a natural hormone that’s critical to good sleep. And it might also help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
But we tend to produce less of it as we age.
So what diet and lifestyle choices help your body get the melatonin you need? And should you take a melatonin supplement?
Get the whole melatonin story here.
Yours for wise choices and deep sleep,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. A lot of people struggle to get enough quality sleep. Might melatonin deficiency be part of the problem? Here’s what you need to know.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy August!
I’m excited to share one of my very favorite wild herbs today.
In fact, seeing mullein (Verbascum thapsus) growing in the front yard of my house before I bought it was a major draw. Yes, herbalists are that weird.
Mullein is a common sight in many landscapes and holds numerous healing properties. It has a towering presence and velvety leaves. Mullein is a fascinating plant. I used mullein oil quite a bit when my kids were little.
In our brand new Herb Note, Tara Ruth explores the remarkable benefits of mullein and its long-standing use in herbal medicine.
Learn three significant ways mullein supports our well-being:
  1. Mullein Leaf for Dry Cough
  2. Mullein as a Nutritive
  3. Mullein Flower for Ear Ache
Read the full post and watch the video here.
If you are going out for a walk today, see if you can find a mullein plant that’s in its second year of growth. If you see mullein flowering, then you found one.
Keep on enjoying your summer!

In health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cocoa / Dark Chocolate May Lower Your Heart Disease Risk
If chocolate is your guilty pleasure, you may not need to feel so guilty anymore. A recent meta-study, which analyzed 31 randomized clinical trials involving 1,986 participants, found that cocoa may actually promote heart health.
In the studies analyzed adults who consumed either cocoa extract or very dark chocolate for several weeks saw a reduction in total cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar – all of which are high risk factors for heart disease. Plus, cocoa consumption did not show effects on body weight, body mass index, or waist circumference.
Cocoa’s powerful benefits can be attributed to polyphenols, which are naturally occurring micronutrients. They serve as antioxidants, preventing cell damage and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer or heart disease. They also stimulate the body’s release of insulin, which is the hormone that helps to regulate blood sugar levels. It’s important to note that the study focused on eating cocoa extract and dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more, not lighter varieties or milk chocolate.
Your Genetics May Influence How Coffee Impacts Your Health
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, generating over $100 billion in annual revenue. Yet, despite the beverage’s popularity, connections between coffee consumption and health are still being researched. Now a recent study has found that genetics may influence how coffee affects your health, including how it may influence obesity.
Researchers examined data from genetic testing companies, looking at 130,153 participants from the US-based 23andMe and 334,659 from the UK-based Biobank. The study found that the genetic traits that influence coffee intake may be linked to the genetic traits that influence obesity, as there is a significant overlap between the genetics of coffee intake and that of obesity.
Another part of the study found that individuals with certain genetic variants relating to coffee intake had higher odds of an obesity diagnosis. It’s important to note that this is an association between genetics and is not a causal relationship between coffee intake and obesity. The researchers also note that a similar process performed in different populations could find cultural differences in the relationship between coffee consumption and genetics.​

Partner of the day:
Bone Coach

The Real Secrets for Building Stronger Bones
Do you want to stay active and healthy as you age?
Most people do, but brittle bones and osteoporosis can be a huge obstacle, slowing you down with the fear of a fracture. (And, in fact, 1 in 2 women over age 50 will break a bone in their lifetime due to osteoporosis.) That’s why Kevin Ellis– more commonly known as The Bone Coach™– created his Stronger Bones Masterclass.
In this free training, you’ll discover the #1 MISTAKE many people make with osteopenia and osteoporosis, 5 action steps to boost bone health without leaving home, and the surprising reason many people don’t have a shot at better bone density (plus, how to avoid being one of them).
Find out more and get instant access to this free training right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Home Test Accurately Predicts Heart Attack Risk
For years, blood tests and blood pressure have been the strongest predictor of heart attack risk. Now a new study in Sweden has found that a 14-question test can predict a heart attack with the same level of accuracy as these medical tests, allowing for early intervention. The questions include risk factors such as age, height weight, and family history—underscoring the importance of letting your doctor know about your risk factors. (More)
Hearing Loss May Boost Dementia Risk (Hearing Aids Help)
Most people know age, genetic predisposition, and lifestyle factors can influence dementia risk. Yet did you know hearing loss is also a significant risk factor? That’s because it can lead to social isolation and an increase in the “cognitive load” of the brain for following conversations. Plus, it lets the parts of the brain associated with hearing atrophy. Fortunately, this is a risk factor that’s highly treatable with the use of a hearing aid. (More)
Despite Risks, Daily Aspirins Are Overused
For years, doctors recommended taking a daily low-dose aspirin to help prevent cardiovascular disease. However, due to the risk of internal bleeding, those recommendations shifted to those at highest risk. Yet, despite this change, a survey found that nearly 30% of adults aged 60 and older were still taking aspirin for primary prevention between 2012 and 2021 and 5% were doing it without their doctor’s knowledge. Here’s why that could be risky. (More)​
Compelling Health Fact
Did you know the human ear is capable of distinguishing between hundreds of thousands of different sounds? It can detect sounds as quiet as 0 decibels (near total silence) and as loud as 120-130 decibels (louder than a jet engine).​
Teriyaki Tofu
Made with marinated tofu, teriyaki sauce, and broccoli, this is an easy weeknight meal.
Easy Vegan Frittata
This tasty dish features chickpea flour, herbs, and colorful fresh seasonal veggies.
Elote Corn
This leveled-up corn on the cob is creamy, tangy, smoky, and sweet!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We live on the edge of uncertainty these days, with every headline referring to some new global crisis.

As homesteaders and (shhhh) closet preppers, we know that it's best to think about the future NOW while everyone else is blissfully in denial.

You know better than most that once your local area is hit with a significant blow that disrupts essential services, it's more than just a minor inconvenience.

It's serious!

Survival isn't just about stocking up on canned goods and dried foods.

Or even having an alternative energy source or whatever else the cliché prepper is thought to stockpile.

It's about having the KNOWLEDGE and RESOURCES you'll need to keep going. Comfortably.

One of the things that is often overlooked is alcohol.

Yes, you read that right.


Have you ever thought of alcohol as more than just something people drink to relax?

Have you ever considered distilling alcohol yourself?

What about the benefits of alcohol beyond putting it in a glass?

Let's take a look at the ways alcohol can be used…

Herbal Tinctures for Potent Herbal Remedies
Alcohol is essential in the production of herbal tinctures. These tinctures are an effective and natural way to fight disease and infection and boost your immune system. By using alcohol to extract the essential compounds from herbs, you can create powerful medicines right in your kitchen.

First Aid and Wound Care
High-proof alcohol is used as an antiseptic to clean and disinfect wounds, reducing the risk of infection. But you already knew that didn't you? Did you ever consider that you could use some of the byproducts of alcohol distillation in your first aid kit? Well, you can!

In addition to first aid, alcohol can be used to disinfect surfaces. Its ability to kill bacteria and viruses makes it an invaluable tool for maintaining a clean and sterile environment, especially in times of uncertainty.

Preserving Fresh Fruits
Alcohol is a fantastic way to preserve fruits. By creating a fruit mash and making alcohol, you not only extend their shelf life but transform them into something new to be enjoyed year-round. Did you know that you can even make your own vanilla extract using alcohol?

Bartering and Trading
Alcohol has a historical significance in barter and trade. If times get really bad, alcohol could be one of those things you wish you had on hand, whether for first aid or just to take the edge off. Possessing the knowledge how to produce alcohol and even owning your own still may just be your meal ticket someday.

Fuel Production
Alcohol can even be mixed to run small motors… How cool is that?!

Now that you know the incredible benefits of alcohol beyond the drink, why not take it a step further?

Our NEW Weekend Project, Distilling Alcohol, was created to provide you with an overview of the alcohol distilling process.

Discover the Art of Distilling for yourself and learn:
  • The basics of distillation with a three-part video series that walks you step-by-step through the process
  • How to safely and effectively distill alcohol at home
  • A 42 page full color eBook discussing how to get started; including the essential equipment, ingredients, and techniques required to get started
  • And a special unboxing video from Marjory where she opens her brand new alcohol still

Unlock the full potential of alcohol on your homestead and enjoy the myriad benefits it brings. Click here to sign up now.

Happy distilling!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Transform Brain Disease: Historic Trial Begins

This is absolutely insane!

Heart is Frozen watching this video explaining how these brilliant scientists managed to revoke Alzheimer, dementia and 3 other types of brain diseases in 100% of cases.

It was the biggest trial ever run on 7,000 people, from mild to severe memory loss disease. You can check their findings here.

See, it took them 4 years and a lot of sweat and blood but in the end they actually discovered the real root cause of brain damage and why diseases like Alzheimer and dementia happen to millions these days.

Now this is incredible, but can't hold the breath just yet.

Right now a handful of people can still access their findings and the recommendations that so far has helped over 7,000 people during their clinical trial to revoke their memory loss and even escape the terrible Alzheimer and dementia.

Sure, these people are living proof that miracles are possible.

But Big Pharma is quietly knocking on their doors and pressing these genius scientists into selling out their formulas, in fact they are in process of doing a hostile takeover on these honest people’s labs.

So while we can still get their hands on this for a short period of time, doubt there’s much hope for other people.

See this incredible discovery here.

Now there’s something else they found, something completely unexpected.

By neurostimulating certain areas of the brain, they actually found the source for tinnitus and hearing loss.

You simply cannot afford to miss these files as long as they are up.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Breathwork in a blink​

Your weekly 5-minute dose of breathwork from Mike Maher​

Hey Jimi,

Welcome to August! I’ve spent a lot of time traveling this week and recovering from all my birthday celebrations, and I’m very grateful to have a restorative breathwork toolkit!

What Made My Week
We’re having some work done around the house and studio, and I’m geeking out about my new podcast studio background. I cannot wait to share it! Finally, I’ll have a place to display and store all my breathwork stuff, which will make my fiancée very happy as it won’t be lying around the house anymore.

Breathing Exercises Of The Week
This week's breathing exercise is the physiological sigh, also known as the double inhale, popularized by Andrew Huberman. We just dropped a new version on the channel, featuring lovely animation. Reported benefits include feeling more relaxed, calmer, and experiencing less stress and anxiety. Click here to watch the full breath exercise.

Study I've Been Reading This Week:
It would be rude not to reference Dr. Andrew Huberman’s paper on the double-inhale-exhale technique. This study compared various breathing techniques and found the double inhale-exhale particularly effective at helping us calm down. You can find his full paper here.

Podcast of the Week
This week's podcast is with Dr. Ella Gorman. This was a really interesting podcast for me because she explains that if you're doing breathwork and still feel stressed later on, it might not be the breath that's the problem. She discusses other potential causes like parasites, heavy metals, and mold that might be contributing to stress and anxiety. Breathwork might just be a band-aid. Watch the full podcast here and let me know your thoughts in the comments.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter explores why memory for music seems to persist with age, why chronic laxative use may be harmful, how our brains track time, the benefits of engaging your brain during exercise, and more...

-->> Don’t fade away: memory for music persists with age - Nature (July 2024)​

Eighty-year-olds are able to identify familiar tunes just as well as teenagers can.

-->> A protein called Reelin keeps popping up in brains that resist aging and Alzheimer’s - NPR (July 2024)​

A trio of studies published in the past year all suggest that the protein Reelin helps maintain thinking and memory in ailing brains, though precisely how it does this remains uncertain...

-->> If You Rely On This To Poop, You May Be At Greater Risk Of Dementia - MBG (July 2024)​

One study tells us that regularly using laxatives may harm our health and increase our likelihood of developing dementia. Here's what to know...

-->> Good Timing: UNLV Study Unravels How Our Brains Track Time - UNLV (July 2024)​

It’s not how many minutes, but how much fun, says new neuroscience research...

-->> The benefits of engaging your brain during a workout - Nature (July 2024)​

The lactate you produce during hard exercise fuels your brain cells and also sends a signal to activate BDNF. The BDNF, in turn, facilitates “long-term potentiation,” which essentially means that the connections between any nerves that happen to be firing will be strengthened...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

If you’ve ever watched The Missing Link docuseries...

You may have discovered that while incredibly deep, it covered SO much that knowing which protocols to apply first and in which order created some overwhelm and confusion.

The truth is, you really can’t go wrong with implementing any of them into your daily life...

But this video explains which strategies are a step above the rest and why, so you can reach your health goals faster.

You’ll also hear about the top proven ways to prevent and conquer cancer verified by leading cancer doctors and thousands of patient case studies.

We also want to let you know about a time-sensitive opportunity included with the video above...

For the next 72 hours only, we have open enrollment into the 26-lesson Anti-Cancer Blueprint inspired by Dr. Dana Flavin...

This also includes an invitation to our weekly interactive coaching calls with our certified holistic health coaches...

And the next LIVE coaching session is this Monday.

This is the exact path that has helped countless cancer survivors and health seekers navigate their journey to long-lasting wellness up to 10X faster...

And now you have the opportunity to do the same.

So after you watch Nathan’s video, be sure to check this out before open enrollment closes...

>> Discover the proven blueprint to preventing and conquering cancer (and how to get results 10X faster)

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

New 5 Minute Read:
7 Surprising Benefits of Meditation (Plus, a guided meditation with Laurentine)

Meditation is a practice that we adopted into our lifestyle years ago. We love the peace and stillness it helps bring amidst the chaos of everyday life. Meditation does more than improve your mental headspace. Check out our latest article to learn more and access a free guided meditation with Laurentine!

Latest Podcast:
Is the Mind-Body Connection the Missing Link to Your Weight Loss? Beyond Dieting with Jon Gabriel

What if the secret to losing weight wasn’t in extreme fasting, a new diet, or excessive exercise? What if all you had to do was see it in your mind first? In this interview, we dive into the reasons our body gains weight, stores fat, and the many mind-body techniques we can use to shift stubborn weight.



Trending Recipe:
Spicy Cauliflower Bites

Cauliflower's got to be one of the most versatile vegetables. We love adding it frozen to smoothies, blitzing it into "rice" for our curries, but this way to eat cauliflower might just be our favorite. Say hello to our version of popcorn cauliflower!

This Week's Hot Health Tip:
Did you know that studies have found anti-carcinogenic properties in cauliflower? It can reduce the risk of cancers by helping to prevent cellular mutations and reduce oxidative stress from free radicals. Cauliflower consumption appears to be most beneficial for lung, stomach, colon, and rectal cancer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, my friend!

When you hit those midlife years, did you start reflecting on your life, wondering if you're truly living your purpose? Especially if you’ve put all of your attention and focus on your career. But then, what happens when you get that life-altering wakeup call that changes everything?

In THIS WEEK'S EPISODE OF YOUR MIDLIFE COMEBACK STORY PODCAST, we will answer the question, how can you achieve that same spark for purpose and transformation, without experiencing a wakeup call that will force you to reevaluate everything?

Together, we will unpack:
  • The unexpected cost of putting work first over everything else in life.
  • How my guest, Suzanne Oshima, dodged cancer, but then experienced a wakeup call that shocked her.
  • How her story can be the wakeup call you need to rediscover your passion in life.
🎧 In Episode 130 of Your Midlife Comeback Story Podcast, I share more about how to go FROM MIDLIFE WAKEUP CALL TO GREATER PURPOSE WITH SUZANNE OSHIMA (you can listen here on the website).
And you can also listen now on your favorite platforms:

PSST... When you jump into your podcast player, be on the lookout for the new graphic! 👇👇
Have a great week, and sending you abundant blessings!

You can do this. I believe in you.
Coach Holly
👉 PS - If you are a woman in midlife who is ready to ditch the belly fat without crazy diets, or hours in the gym, AND without adding one more thing to your busy schedule, CLICK HERE to register for the WTH Happened to My Midlife Body training session - it's totally FREE!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Militarization of Public Health: Dr. Hotez's Controversial Call to Arms
As reports of vaccine injuries are systematically suppressed, one influential voice suggests treating skeptics as a security threat. Is this the end of informed consent?
Study Suggests 40% Fewer Americans Need Statins
In a groundbreaking study that could reshape cardiovascular disease prevention, researchers have found that millions of Americans currently taking statins may not actually need them. This revelation challenges long-held beliefs about heart disease risk assessment and opens the door for more personalized, holistic approaches to heart health.
Aging Athletes Get a Lift from Beetroot: Study Reveals Ergogenic Effects in Master Rowers
As athletes age, maintaining peak performance becomes increasingly challenging. But what if the secret to enhanced endurance was hiding in the produce aisle all along? A new study suggests that beetroot juice, a natural source of nitrates, could be the key to unlocking better performance in older athletes.
Creators Corner: Arjun + Juhi, Thyroid Disfunction Specialist & Herbalist
Join us for Creators Corner where we get to know Juhi, a Clinical Herbalist (Fitotherapist) and holistic nutritionist, and Arjun, a practitioner of psycho-neurobiology with additional studies in Functional Medicine. Together, they bring a harmonious blend of knowledge and expertise to support women grappling with hypothyroidism and other thyroid dysfunctions. Their unique approach encompasses addressing issues across the five states of being: physical, bio-electromagnetic, mind, intuitive, and spirit.
Healing Genesis
In the Healing Genesis docuseries, you will learn from renowned health experts who have embraced functional medicine that focuses on dealing with the root cause of disease…

And not just merely treat the symptoms.

You will get to:
-Learn ancient healing remedies that have stood the test of time.
- Explore the influence of pharmaceutical giants and the alternatives they don't want you to know.
- Discover that you're not alone in your struggles. Many have walked this path and emerged stronger.
- Learn how to take charge of your health journey and make informed choices that promote well-being.
- And a whole lot more!

Join us on this illuminating journey as we embark on a mission to uncover the secrets of well-being at this Healing Genesis event, launching August 5.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know that cancer will soon overtake heart disease as the #1 cause of death?

In fact, experts estimate that by 2030 nearly EVERY PERSON ON EARTH will be diagnosed with at least one form of cancer at some point in their life.

"Not on my watch!" says Jonathan Landsman, host of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class and natural health industry expert for over 35 years.

Jonathan recently assembled a group of the world's leading cancer experts to reveal all the 100% natural, effective ways you can avoid (and even overcome) a cancer diagnosis.

--->>Click here to watch this lifesaving event today!
The world-class speakers at this event include...

  • Antonio Jimenez, MD, ND who runs 2 holistic cancer clinics - they've helped 1,000s of people bypass toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatments. (He reveals his 7-step treatment protocol.)

  • Véronique Desaulniers, DC who successfully treated her own cancer diagnosis... not just once, but twice. (She's talking about how to kill cancer stem cells with plant medicine.)

  • Edward F. Group, DC, NP ran a successful cancer clinic and had it shut down by the FDA for being outside conventional care. Dr. Group continues to devote his life to helping others heal through natural medicine. (He reveals a "secret" cancer treatment that has helped over 5,000 people get healthy!)

  • Ronald Hunninghake, MD reveals the truth about IV vitamin C therapy... and why most clinics are NOT doing it effectively.
Amazing, right?

But that's actually a very small sample of the cancer experts (and solutions) to be presented at the WORLD PREMIERE of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class - starting Tuesday, August 13, 2024.

--->>See the entire schedule here and unlock complimentary access today!

The main idea the speakers want you to know is...

90% of all cancer cases are related to lifestyle choices and you can beat cancer safely and naturally!

And if you can provide your body with the right conditions, you can start repairing your cells and organs.

So don’t miss a single episode of this life-changing online event...​
Because health means everything,​
P.S. This event is for people who are concerned about cancer, people who've been diagnosed with cancer, and people whose cancer is in remission. We believe everyone can benefit from watching these lifesaving presentations.

--->>Click here to watch today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Picture this: You’re pain-free, exploring new adventures with loved ones, and chasing your dreams – all thanks to powerful strategies for managing chronic inflammation.
Don’t settle for a life limited by pain, fatigue, and constant worry.
Your body has an amazing ability to heal, and it’s time to unlock its potential with the FR-EE Conquering Chronic Inflammation Summit.
>>Click here to discover powerful tools at your fingertips<<
At this exclusive online event, you’ll learn from leading experts in chronic inflammation management:
Dr. David Jockers, your summit host: A celebrated functional health expert, Dr. Jockers will outline straightforward yet effective strategies for reducing inflammation and managing chronic issues, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Expert panels and discussions: Join over 30 specialists who will provide you with practical steps to enhance your daily wellness. Their collective expertise will guide you through the complexities of inflammation management with ease and clarity.
Hands-on tools and strategies: Learn from top practitioners who will equip you with actionable strategies and tools. These resources are designed to empower you to take control of your health and actively pursue your life goals.
Will pain, memory loss, or illness define your future?
You’re destined for more—much more, Jim. That’s why I’m inviting you to the Conquering Chronic Inflammation Summit.
>>Click here to live life on your own terms<<
Looking forward to seeing you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We all know that there are a large number of benefits of intermittent fasting. It helps you lose weight and keep the body fit. For weight loss, you need to be attentive to the calorie intake. This article brings you the top tips for intermittent fasting. It also throws light on the health benefits of intermittent fasting for beginners...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

As a treat for our community, we’re sharing an excerpt from a previous enlightening interview on "The Power of Breath: Transforming Your Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual State Through Breathing."

This session, led by a renowned breathwork expert, highlighted how simple breathing techniques can drastically improve your physical health, emotional balance, and spiritual awareness.​
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