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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Reasons To Try DMSO Potentiation Therapy For Breast Cancer​

DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) Potentiation Therapy is a hot topic that has been the subject of much debate, so I want to give you all the information needed so that you and your medical team can make wise choices. If you Googled dimethyl sulfoxide’s uses, you could get a dozen answers ranging from an industrial solvent to cancer therapy. I’m serious. This non-toxic chemical compound really does have endless uses:
  • Facilitates a more effective delivery of drugs into your cells.
  • Tissue and organ preservation.
  • Targets cancer cells more selectively, potentially reducing the side effects associated with conventional chemotherapy.
  • Decrease body pain (ie: rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Speed up the healing of wounds, burns, and muscles and skeletal injuries.
But since you are here to learn how to heal breast cancer, I’m here to share the healing properties and huge potential of DMSO Potentiation Therapy for cancer management.

Breast Implant Illness Summit​

Are you or someone you know experiencing unexplained symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, gut issues, or joint pain? It could be due to Breast Implant Illness (Bii), a topic often overlooked in the search for the root cause of someone’s health challenges and one that can present as a laundry list of mysterious symptoms that don’t resolve despite doing all the right things.
I'm excited to invite you to join me for the Breast Implant Illness Summit 2024: Navigating Your Healing Journey. Led by renowned experts Sarah Phillipe and Danielle Valoras, this comprehensive summit aims to shed light on the complexities of Bii and provide valuable insights into healing and recovery.
Here's what you can expect:
  • Understanding Bii: Discover the symptoms, risks, and impact of Breast Implants on your health.
  • Holistic Healing Approaches: Explore natural strategies for healing and recovery pre and post-explant.
  • Get Unstuck: Understand what factors might be keeping you stuck in your healing journey and what you can do about them.
  • Learn from 50+ World-Class Experts: Gain insights and knowledge from leading global experts in various fields, ensuring you receive the most comprehensive information and expert guidance on your post-explant healing journey all in one place.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and learn from experts in the field. Register now and secure your spot!

Censored Therapies​

Did you know that the National Cancer Institute's 2024 budget is over $7 billion?
Yet, despite this massive investment, Western medicine seems no closer to finding "The Cure."
Meanwhile, there are many holistic cancer therapies that have been available since 1896.
However, most of these potentially lifesaving protocols have been systematically censored.
Thankfully, my friend Jonathan Landsman, a natural health expert has compiled the top 10 censored cancer therapies into one groundbreaking new eBook called…
Censored Therapies: Stop Cancer Holistically
This eye-opening eBook reveals:
  • The supercharged oxygen therapy that inhibits the growth of many cancer cells without affecting healthy cells!
  • How a high amount of certain vitamins can supercharge your immune system against cancer cell growth
  • The miracle herb that triggers cancer cell death
  • How energy medicine can be used to target and destroy cancer cells — with perfectly safe electromagnetic frequencies
  • The herbal formula that boosts the immune system, detoxifies the body, and deactivates cancer cells
Don't let fear and misinformation rob you of potentially life saving options.
Get a complimentary copy of this Censored Therapies eBook today and discover how you can take control of your health and fight cancer naturally.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Lab tests ... When are they important? Which ones?​

Most of us only think about lab tests if we have a health challenge.
But there is a lot of value in running lab tests even when you're feeling healthy.
As I see it, there are two main purposes for running lab tests when you're not aware of any problems with your health.
  1. To catch potential issues before they develop further.
  2. To spot opportunities for health optimization.
These are some of the reasons that biohackers run lab tests even when they feel perfectly healthy.
There is a lot of wisdom in that.
If you wait until you have a health condition, you may have missed opportunities to totally avoid that health condition by spotting early warning signs on lab tests.
And if you seek to optimize your health but don't run lab tests, you're flying blind and just guessing at what your optimization opportunities are.
So if there is value in running lab tests when you feel healthy, which tests make the most sense for you to run, and why?
Are they different from tests that are appropriate for somebody with a health challenge?
How much does this testing cost?
Where can you get it?
In the next few emails, I will answer questions like these and give you my take on the most important, core lab tests to run for people who feel perfectly healthy and for people who have a health challenge.
There is a surprising degree of overlap between tests that make sense to run for people who feel healthy and for people who have a wide variety of health challenges.
And then there are additional tests to consider for each type of health challenge.
If the topic of lab testing is interesting to you, could you reply to this email with "interesting" so that I can get a read on how much attention to place on this?
And if you have any questions about lab tests, reply to this email so that I can address them in the upcoming email newsletters on this topic.
In the mean time, watch this video about some of the basic lab tests that make sense for most people to run.
Blessings to you on your health journey,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi jimi ,

In this week's episode of our 'Stories That Heal' podcast, we hear the story of how Robert Milligan overcame his Stage 4 Melanoma diagnosis.

Robert Milligan was diagnosed in July 2019 with metastatic melanoma. He followed a conventional path of radiation, surgery, and immunotherapy, but Robert believes it was when he began an aggressive epigenetic approach with nutrition, supplements, stress reduction, fasting, and cannabis, that his tumors started shrinking immediately. Robert was essentially tumor-free by January 2020.

After a thriving career as an entrepreneur, in 2023 Robert founded the Holistic Cancer Care Foundation to "pay it forward" for others diagnosed with cancer. The Holistic Cancer Care Foundation has been established to educate patients, their caregivers, family, and friends on holistic prevention, treatment, and cure of cancer through an epigenetic approach, which includes all aspects of a patient’s health; mind, body, spirit, and emotions, and utilizes all treatment modalities, both conventional and alternative.

Happy listening,
-Karla and Liz, Co-Directors of the Radical Remission Project​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Green Tea, More Botanicals Linked to Liver Injury


Botanicals like turmeric, green tea and black cohosh may seem benign, but their overuse is being increasingly linked to liver injury.

New research suggests that 7% of U.S. adults are using at least one of the six leading botanicals, the equivalent of 15.6 million people.

Many are ending up in hospitals for liver toxicity, researchers report.

Because there's almost no regulatory oversight over botanicals, chemical tests of products linked to liver crises "show frequent discrepancies between product labels and detected ingredients," noted a team led by Dr. Alisa Likhitsup. She's an assistant professor of gastroenterology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Special: Will You Take Care of Your Liver Before It's Too Late?

The researchers focused on the use of six of the most popular botanicals: Turmeric, green tea extract, the I am a spammer ban me cambogia plant, black cohosh, red yeast rice, and ashwagandha.

Perusing 2017-2021 data on almost 9,700 adults in a federal health database, they found high rates of botanical use.

For example, Likhitsup's group estimated that more than 11 million adults regularly take turmeric supplements, often with the notion that it can ease pain or arthritis. That's not too far below the approximately 14.8 million who take an NSAID pain reliever for much the same reasons.

Unfortunately, "multiple randomized clinical trials have failed to demonstrate any efficacy of turmeric-containing products in osteoarthritis," and overdoing it on turmeric has been linked to serious liver toxicity, the researchers said.

Likewise, over 3 million adults are estimated to be taking another potential liver toxin, green tea extract, usually to help boost energy and aid in weight loss.

But again, "multiple studies have failed to demonstrate any objective evidence of weight loss and sustained improvement in mood or energy levels" with products containing the active ingredients in green tea extract, the Michigan team noted.

Other claims, many unfounded, are made for other botanicals: I am a spammer ban me cambogia is touted for weight loss, black cohosh for easing hot flashes, and ashwagandha to help build muscle.

But Likhitsup and colleagues noted that consumers may be overdosing on botanicals, or getting misled by labels that don't reflect the actual ingredients in their supplements. That may be leading to more users ending up in the ER.

According to a national database, cases of liver toxicity linked to botanical use, some severe or even fatal, nearly tripled between 2004 and 2014 — from 7% of cases to 20%. Use of turmeric, green tea extract, I am a spammer ban me cambogia were often implicated. Another study found such cases rising from 12.5% of liver toxicity cases in 2007 to 21.1% by 2015.

Who's using these botanicals? According to the new study, the most common consumer is an older (average age about 52) white (75% of users) female (57%), who was typically well-off.

People taking botanicals were more likely to be battling some kind of chronic illness, such as arthritis, thyroid disorders, or cancer, compared to folks not using the supplements.

In two-thirds of cases, people took a botanical while also taking a prescription medicine, the study found. Because of the danger of drug interactions and the threat to liver health, it's crucial that botanical users inform their doctors, Likhitsup's group said.

When botanicals are overused, the damage to the liver "can not only be severe, leading to hepatocellular [liver] injury with jaundice, but also fatal, leading to death or liver transplantation," the research team warned.

A prior study found that the number of liver transplants required due to botanical overuse has jumped by 70% between 2009 and 2020.

The Michigan team believe better regulation and oversight are needed to protect consumers.

"Considering widespread and growing popularity of botanical products, we urge government authorities to consider increasing the regulatory oversight on how botanicals are produced, marketed, tested, and monitored in the general population," they wrote.

The study was published Aug. 5 in the journal JAMA Network Open.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Check out this short video about Chris's story and the course here:


*No cost to register or watch
I cannot recommend this program enough. Just click here to get access to the program, and share this email with your friends and family. This is the road map so many need to transform their healing game plan. It incorporates strategies and information needed to help with healing and preventing disease.

Once you register for free, please don’t keep it to yourself. Unfortunately, we all know someone who is in need of hope, so we ask that you kindly share this with your friends and family. Let’s spread HOPE together, and help others get into the ring. You never know who may be looking for something like this.

If you have any questions or needs, just reply to this email. :)

All my love and support,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Does it feel like pain is a constant thorn in your side, limiting your freedom and daily activities?

Thousands of people are finding relief from chronic pain with a surprising new approach that has nothing to do with surgery, injections, medications, supplements, or limiting what you eat.

--->>Learn more at the From Pain to Peace Masterclass...

Choose the date that works best for you:
  • Wednesday, August 21st at 11:00am U.S. Eastern (New York time) or...
  • Friday, August 23rd at 2:00pm U.S. Eastern (New York time)
Our friend and pain relief expert Jane Hogan, aka “The Wellness Engineer,” is sharing the wisdom she’s spent years researching on addressing the root causes of chronic pain. She reversed her rheumatoid arthritis and has helped thousands of people find relief from chronic pain so they can live a life of freedom again.​
At this masterclass, you’ll discover three scientifically proven secrets to resolving most forms of chronic pain:

  • The missing piece in chronic pain treatment
  • The biggest mistake people make that reinforces chronic pain
  • The simple method to becoming pain-free
--->>Secure your spot today for this enlightening and pain-relieving event here!

You’ll get practical, science-based information that will empower you to take action immediately, and Jane will lead you in a live exercise that will allow you to experience peace and relieve pain right away!

Get ready to discover how to resolve chronic pain so that you can go from pain to peace and find freedom again.​
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Latest Blog​
Craniocervical Instability:
A Hidden Key to Chronic Illness
Eric Gordon, MD​
For decades, we have observed a critical yet often overlooked factor in complex chronic illnesses: the importance of the physical structure. Through our extensive work with patients suffering from various chronic health problems, we have recognized the significant impact of muscular tension and ligamentous laxity on the lymphatic, neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system.

Craniocervical instability is the most dramatic example of how structure affects metabolic function. CCI plays a crucial role in a wide array of chronic health conditions and deserves greater attention within the chronic illness medical community. It plays a key role in many cases of dysautonomia and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

In our latest blog, Dr. Eric Gordon explores the complexities of the craniocervical junction. He shares its connection to dysautonomia and explains why CCI often flies under the radar in medical diagnoses. He also discusses why this condition requires a nuanced approach to diagnosis and treatment.​
Chronic Inflammation and Healing
Cures, Remedies, and Beyond​
In a recent interview on the "Cures, Remedies and Beyond" podcast, Dr. Gordon explored the pervasive issue of chronic inflammation and healing. He shared insights from the groundbreaking study he co-authored, "Metabolic Features of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."

During the conversation, Dr. Gordon delved into the role of the Cell Danger Response in healing. His explanations shed light on the complex mechanisms underlying chronic fatigue and offers new perspectives on potential treatment approaches.​
Calming the Herxheimer Reaction
and the Sensitive Patient

Presentation & Transcript
Jamie Kunkle, ND​
Presentation and Transcript Highlights:

  • What is a Jarisch Herxheimer Reaction (AKA "herx") response?
  • How to differentiate TRUE herxes from pseudo-herxes
  • General principles of treatment and support
  • Diet, nutritional and easy home therapies
  • Herbal medicine, nutraceuticals, and pharmacologic therapies we use for sensitive patients


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ever think about how there’s been way MORE skin cancer, since AFTER sunscreen was invented, Jim?

I do.

Here’s a guide on how to stop skin cancer!

-Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
Why is it hard to stick to goals?
The truth is, old habits are hard to break, and new ones can be just as hard to adopt. As creatures of habit, we often seek comfort in the familiar, regardless of how it affects our health, and we tend to avoid the unknown—simply as part of our innate survival drive.

That’s why it’s so important to create goals that you can align yourself with and truly get behind with energy and enthusiasm.
Click below to read six brain hacks that will help you achieve your goals.​
Open Heart Medicine Meditation and Healing Retreat
September 18-21, 2024 | Fairmont Orchid Hotel,
Hawaii's Big Island
There are limited spots available for my upcoming retreat. If you have any questions or need assistance with the purchase process, my support team is ready to help. Simply reply to this email, and they will get back to you promptly.​
To give you a better idea of what to expect, I've prepared a short video overview. Please take a moment to watch it at the link below.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
Why is it hard to stick to goals?
The truth is, old habits are hard to break, and new ones can be just as hard to adopt. As creatures of habit, we often seek comfort in the familiar, regardless of how it affects our health, and we tend to avoid the unknown—simply as part of our innate survival drive.

That’s why it’s so important to create goals that you can align yourself with and truly get behind with energy and enthusiasm.
Click below to read six brain hacks that will help you achieve your goals.​
Open Heart Medicine Meditation and Healing Retreat
September 18-21, 2024 | Fairmont Orchid Hotel,
Hawaii's Big Island
There are limited spots available for my upcoming retreat. If you have any questions or need assistance with the purchase process, my support team is ready to help. Simply reply to this email, and they will get back to you promptly.​
To give you a better idea of what to expect, I've prepared a short video overview. Please take a moment to watch it at the link below.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
Need a light & refreshing soup during the hot summer days? Chilled Zucchini Soup is ready in minutes and is the perfect way to cool down.
There’s some kind of magic that happens when you simply roast zucchini with onions. It sounds so ordinary, if not entirely uninspired, yet it creates an impossibly rich, savory depth of flavor.
I could very happily eat this combo plain, as is, but blending them into a cool and creamy soup takes it to a whole new level.
Pale green from a generous handful of fresh basil, it’s pure summer sunshine in a spoon.
Get the Quick Chilled Zucchini Soup Recipe HERE
P.S. Got anxiety or depression? Learn a simple technique that can improve mental health in only 10 minutes a day! Check out my friend Ari Whitten's, M.S. FREE class that's happening TODAY August 8th at 4:30pm Pacific Time. Reserve your seat here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,
As a doctor, I am naturally going to tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day…
And that a good, nutritious breakfast revs up your metabolism so you can burn calories throughout the day…
But the truth is… your breakfast may very well be what is causing you to GAIN WEIGHT.
Especially if you are consuming sugary cereals or high carbohydrate foods like bagels, or muffins.
Recent research shows that getting adequate protein in that 1st meal of your day can actually help you to lose more weight. Too busy to pack in that high protein breakfast?....How about trying a weight loss elixir shake that literally tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch…without the sugar of course.
I know, this sounds too good to be true……I’m sure you’ve probably heard — having a protein shake, especially in the morning, can be extremely beneficial — not only can it provide great nutrition, but it’s also been shown to help us control our appetite better over the course of the day.
→ Click here to learn more about it and…the top 6 breakfast foods that are sabotaging weight loss.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Did you know that women are three times more likely to be diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis than men?

This stark reality isn’t just a statistic—it’s a call to action. It’s a call to understand why this happens and what we can do about it.

The questions seem endless: Why does it affect me differently? What can I do to manage my symptoms better? Is there hope for a brighter future? These questions are what drive us to seek answers and find community.

That’s why we’re beyond excited to invite you to the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmune Summit 2.0. This online event is more than just a summit—it’s a lifeline. A chance to gather, learn, and find hope together.

>> Uncover the truth about MS <<



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today, on The HighWire, John Oliver has stepped in it once again.

Del opens with a scorching takedown of the late-night funnyman. The HBO host recently recycled his tropes about vaccine ‘safety and efficacy,’ and Del has all the answers with receipts, plus new data showing Americans aren’t falling for Oliver’s tired talking points.

Then, Jefferey Jaxen reports on the ongoing turmoil in the UK as their government tries to ride tragedy and protests to implement a security state. Then, the first big universal basic income test fails to produce its intended results. And certain forever chemicals take center stage over their toxicity to humans.

Also, Del welcomes back former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd to recent financial market crashes in the United States and Japan. What does this mean for our future? Are these transient events, or is there a larger crisis on the horizon?

Now available from ICAN Press, Unavoidably Unsafe: Childhood Vaccines Revisited, by Dr. Jeffrey Barke and Dr. Edward Geehr, with a foreword by Del Bigtree! Order your copy today and get a bonus FREE Pocket Guide to Vaccine Safety & Policy in the U.S. from ICAN.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ever felt like your brain is on a constant loop of "Where did I put that?"
Or do you regularly lose your train of thought mid-conversation?
These moments could be early signs of cognitive decline.
It’s more common than you think, affecting over 35% of women over 35.
And lately, we're seeing it start sooner, especially among women who are in the midst of perimenopause or just entering into menopause.
But don’t worry!
There are ways to prevent and even reverse it.
You can reclaim your mental clarity with just 5 simple steps:
Taking care of your brain can be a game-changer for several reasons:
  • Boosts Memory: Enhance your ability to recall names, dates, and important details (even later in the day)
  • Improves Focus: Stay on task and complete daily activities more efficiently (and with less coffee)
  • Elevates Mood: Better brain health can make you happier and reduce feelings of frustration or anxiety
  • Supports Better Resilience: When your brain is firing on all cylinders, your body usually follows suit and heals itself faster
Implementing these 5 steps can make a massive difference in how you feel and function in midlife—and beyond.
You’ll thank yourself later!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast -
Dr. Will Cole: Functional Medicine and Getting to the Root of Disease
In this episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast, I speak with Dr. Will Cole, a health and wellness trailblazer who operates one of the first global functional medicine telehealth practices. Named one of the top 50 functional and integrative doctors in the nation, Dr. Cole specializes in clinically investigating underlying factors of chronic disease and customizing a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems.

Together, we dive into the distinct differences between functional and conventional medicine, emphasizing the critical need for precision in lab result interpretation to effectively address underlying health issues. He also tackles the growing epidemic of autoimmune diseases, connecting it to environmental influences and lifestyle choices in what he describes as the "age of autoimmune." Our conversation further explores the significant role of intuition and gut feelings on one’s health journey, and the critical need for a holistic strategy that incorporates diet modifications, lifestyle changes, and cutting-edge diagnostics to empower individuals to take control of their health.

This episode is more than just a deep dive into functional medicine; it's packed with practical advice, marrying age-old wisdom with contemporary scientific insights to guide you toward a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Get ready to be motivated by Dr. Cole’s dedication to healing and his clear, actionable tips toward your greatest vitality.
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Relationships: Overcoming Hardships and Attracting the "Right" Partner with Peter Crone
Have you listened to the HEAL with Kelly Podcast episode with Peter Crone that everyone is going nuts over yet? In this nugget from the popular recent episode, Peter and I explore the profound dynamics of relationships, focusing on how to navigate hardships and attract the "right" partner. Peter shares powerful insights on addressing and healing our wounds and insecurities, which in turn elevates the type of partner we attract. Peter's transformative approach offers practical strategies for letting go of past traumas, reframing limiting beliefs, and cultivating a deep sense of worthiness and self-love. Click the button below to pave the way toward deeply meaningful and fulfilling connections.
You can also watch the full podcast episode with Peter Crone on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or listen to it now on either SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cultivating Healing, Strength and Joy: Guided Meditation & Breathwork
Bring more healing, strength and joy into your life with this breathwork and meditation session led by HEAL Producer Adam Schomer, now available on our YouTube channel. This guided session is crafted to help you harness your inner strength while inviting a deeper sense of joy and well-being. You'll engage in practices designed to heal emotional wounds, enhance your resilience, and uplift your spirit. Whether you're looking to overcome obstacles, boost your mood, or simply infuse your life with more positivity, this meditation is a truly rejuvenating experience.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
46 Questions That Can Accurately Predict Dementia Risk
Subjective cognitive decline, where individuals notice changes in their own cognitive abilities, often precedes dementia. Recognizing the limitations of existing tests for early dementia, researchers at Murdoch University in Western Australia developed a robust new tool: the McCusker Subjective Cognitive Impairment Inventory–Self-Report (McSCI-S).
This new 46-question assessment looks at six different areas of cognitive health, such as memory, attention and cognitive functioning, language, and more. To test it out, the researchers gave the assessment to 526 participants and used factor analysis, item response theory analysis, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to measure the tool’s ability to detect subjective cognitive decline. They also compared its performance against other established tests.
What they found is that the McSCI-S effectively identified potential early signs of dementia with high accuracy. The researchers say that these findings underscore the importance of capturing an individual’s own assessments of their cognitive decline when predicting future dementia risk.
Neural Activation Builds Strength (Not Just Heavier Weights!)
Have you ever put in the effort at the gym but not seen the results you hoped for? Contrary to popular belief, building strength isn’t just about lifting heavier weights. It’s about forging robust neurological connections with your muscles to enhance balance, coordination, and mobility. As we age, these connections can weaken, leading to reduced strength, increased risk of falls, and an overall decline in well-being.
To understand why, imagine your brain as the conductor of an orchestra, sending signals through your nerves (like electrical wires) to your muscles (the instruments). Strong, efficient “wiring” is essential for flawless performance. Believe it or not, early strength gains often come from improved neural activation, not just bulking up your muscles.
The secret to fitness when you’re over 50 is to engage as many muscle fibers as possible to become strong and metabolically active. This means training your body in a way that enhances natural movement patterns and minimizes injury risk. Here are the three types of muscles you want to activate and how to coordinate your muscle groups harmoniously.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dried Fruits May Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Since dried fruits are so sweet they taste like candy, many people believe they would raise their blood sugar. Yet, a new study has found that eating 1.275 pieces of dried fruit daily may lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 60.8%. That’s because dried fruits contain fiber and phytonutrients, which support healthy blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, and more. (More)
The Dangers of “Dry Fasting” & Why to Avoid It
You may have heard about intermittent fasting. Now, there’s a new trend called “dry fasting” where you not only fast from food but avoid drinking liquids as well. Advocates say dry fasting helps to boost immune function, promotes weight loss, and even protects against aging. However, experts warn that this practice is downright dangerous and can lead to dehydration. (More)
3 Reasons to Eat More Apricots + 4 Potential Risks
Not only are apricots delicious, but they’re filled with bioactive phytochemicals that help to prevent cancer, boost your heart health, and contribute to better gut health. They’re also an excellent source of fiber. Yet, experts warn that apricots also pose some potential risks. Apricot kernels, for example, may expose you to dangerous levels of cyanide. Here’s why, along with what you need to know about this tasty fruit. (More)​
Compelling Health Fact
Did you know that if you stretched out just one strand of your DNA, it would be about 2 meters in length? Yet, despite its incredible length, it’s so tightly coiled within your cells that it’s invisible to the human eye.​
Tofu & Broccoli Stir Fry (Takeout Inspired)
This easy, tasty stir fry is so good it will win over the biggest tofu skeptics.
Spicy Korean Cucumber Salad
Cool, refreshing cucumbers are coated in a sweet-salty-spicy-tangy sauce.
Warm Butter Bean Salad
So flavorful and simple to make you can enjoy it on your busiest weeknight evenings.​

“Nature has given us all the pieces required to achieve exceptional wellness and health, but has left it to us to put these pieces together.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Breathing Exercises Of The Week

This week’s breathing exercise is the classic box breathing at a rate of five seconds inhale, five seconds exhale, and five seconds hold. I’m really proud of this version we’ve published on the channel—it’s so calm, the music is beautiful, and it’s wonderfully easy and relaxed. Click here to try it now.

Study I've Been Reading This Week:

A study in hospitals in India, found that box breathing significantly reduced pain levels in post-operative patients. Those who practiced this technique had much lower pain scores after surgery, proving box breathing to be an effective tool for pain management. You can read the full study by clicking here.

Podcast of the Week

In this week's podcast, I sat down with Katona Yoga instructor, Tiger Bai, where we discussed pranayamas, posture, breathing techniques, and much more. This is a really great conversation filled with lovely insights that you won't want to miss. Click here to watch the podcast.

Wild Card - Advanced Box Breathing

I’ve got an incredible two breaths per minute box breathing technique that’s perfect for those looking to dive deeper. Breathing at this slow rate can significantly enhance your lung capacity, lower stress levels, and promote a profound sense of calm and relaxation. So, take it easy, enjoy the process, and take your time with this one. Here’s the link

I wish you all a great weekend, and until next time, breathe well my friends.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yesterday, we experienced some technical issues with our webinar host's server during our Misconceptions About Fruit Webinar that caused many of our attendees to miss a significant portion of the webinar. Because of this issue we'd like to give you an additional chance to see the webinar presented live!

There is no doubt that fruit is a controversial topic in the raw food, plant-based, and nutrition world! There is so much information and so many points of view on fruit, but what do we believe? Does this information have a basis in solid research and actual human physiology? What do the lab results of real world fruit-eaters reveal?
In our Misconceptions About Fruit webinar we answer these questions and so much more. This webinar is scheduled for tomorrow:
Saturday, August 10th, 2024 at 10 AM Pacific Time
(1 PM Eastern Time, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST)

This is the third in our 2024 Summer Webinar Series! As with all our webinars, this one will contain well-thought-out slides so you can follow along with the subjects we are covering for added clarity. At the end, we'll be there to answer questions live on the webinar topic.
Click here to register for this free webinar


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jennifer Whitmire demonstrated how to prepare easy, heart-healthy meals using practical and tasty recipes designed to support cardiovascular health while making meal preparation enjoyable and accessible.

Summary: In this session, Jennifer Whitmire conducted an engaging food demonstration focused on creating easy and nutritious heart-healing dishes. She highlighted the importance of using whole, plant-based ingredients to support cardiovascular health and shared step-by-step instructions for several recipes. Jennifer’s approachable style made it easy for participants to follow along and gain confidence in preparing heart-healthy meals at home.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Heart-Healthy Ingredients:
    • Leafy Greens: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Leafy greens like spinach and kale help reduce inflammation and improve arterial function.
    • Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are rich in fiber and antioxidants, which help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.
    • Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are high in antioxidants and polyphenols, which protect against oxidative stress and inflammation.
    • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds provide healthy fats, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation.
    • Avocado: Rich in monounsaturated fats and potassium, avocados help lower bad cholesterol levels and support heart health.
    • Herbs and Spices: Garlic, turmeric, and ginger have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that contribute to cardiovascular health.
  2. Boosting Nitric Oxide:
    • Jennifer emphasized the importance of boosting nitric oxide levels for cardiovascular health. Foods like beets, spinach, arugula, and citrus fruits were highlighted for their ability to enhance nitric oxide production, which helps relax blood vessels, improve blood flow, and lower blood pressure.
  3. Featured Recipes:
    • Leafy Green Salad: A vibrant salad with spinach, kale, mixed vegetables, and a heart-healthy vinaigrette.
    • Berry Smoothie: A refreshing smoothie made with a mix of berries, greens, almond milk, and chia seeds, providing a powerful antioxidant boost.
    • Stuffed Avocado: Avocados filled with a mixture of chopped vegetables and herbs, offering healthy fats and a variety of vitamins and minerals.
    • Roasted Vegetables: A mix of cruciferous vegetables seasoned with herbs and spices, roasted to enhance their flavors and nutritional benefits.
  4. Mechanisms Supporting Heart Health:
    • Anti-Inflammatory: Many of the ingredients used, such as leafy greens, berries, and nuts, have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the risk of heart disease.
    • Antioxidant-Rich: Foods like berries and cruciferous vegetables are high in antioxidants, which protect against oxidative stress and improve heart health.
    • Healthy Fats: Ingredients like avocados and nuts provide monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids that help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation.
    • Fiber-Rich: Vegetables, nuts, and seeds are excellent sources of dietary fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels and improve overall heart health.
    • Nitric Oxide Production: Foods like beets and leafy greens enhance nitric oxide production, improving blood vessel function and lowering blood pressure.
Action Steps:

  1. Try a New Recipe: Choose one of the heart-healthy recipes demonstrated by Jennifer and try making it at home. Incorporate it into your weekly meal plan. Recipes are available in the recordings bundle. If you attended the event, you can find the link on your dashboard. If not you can access the entire event, including VIP sessions, HERE.
  2. Prep Ahead: Set aside time each week to prepare heart-healthy ingredients in advance. This will make it easier to assemble nutritious meals quickly.
  3. Experiment with Flavors: Use herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of your dishes while keeping them healthy.


When you’re part of my Inner Circle, you get regular access to Jennifer for food coaching, pantry makeovers, and food preparation demonstrations. You can choose her as your coach and get 1-on-1 support from her. You also get access to lab testing, 1-on-1 coaching, group coaching, and a library of programs, recipes, videos, and resources to empower you to restore balance to your hormones and body systems. Watch the video on this page to hear from some of my clients who have implemented heart-healthy, hormone-balancing changes and gotten great results.


Take the next step towards improving your heart health and overall vitality. Register for a strategy session to discuss personalized support and strategies.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
You won’t believe this SHOCKING discovery about oxidative stress and its impact on your health!

Recent research from Baylor College of Medicine reveals that oxidative stress can cause MASSIVE damage to your body.

Scientists found that high levels of oxidative stress and a BIG drop in antioxidants, like glutathione, were present in a study of hospitalized patients.

Oxidative stress happens when there are too many f.ree radicals and NOT enough antioxidants.

This imbalance can damage YOUR cells and tissues.
And here’s the thing…

Constant oxidative stress can damage your DNA and disrupt gene function…

Which may increase your cancer risk over time.

When I spoke to the wonderful Dr. Melissa Coats about how she advises us to lessen the burden of stress on our bodies, she said…
There’s so many things that contribute to those stressors on the body. and that’s what I like to help patients understand is how to lessen the burden of stress on their body, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, toxins, whatever it can be, in order to get them back to health, and avoid this cycle of repeating it over and over again. So some of these stressors that may have happened earlier in life, traumatic childhoods, or just really stressful environments at home, or neglect, or poor nutrition. All of this puts stress on our body and our cells and that can cause oxidative stress, which then that communicates with our DNA and our bacteria, and everything. And that can dictate whether something turns on and off. And that could be something that is suppressing cancer from happening.”

Infections around us can increase oxidative stress in the body.

Such viruses trigger an inflammatory response, which leads to the production of f.ree radicals and hydroxyl radicals.

These radicals can damage cells and DNA, similar to the oxidative stress described in cancer studies.

Now, the pressing question is…
How can we rid our bodies of these insidious toxins?
You’ll find the answers in my BRAND NEW special report, The Bidirectional Relationship: Stress Causes Cancer; Cancer Causes Stress…

To discuss the relationship between chronic stress and cancer…
Showing how it can function as a silent partner, impacting everything from the course of the disease to the effectiveness of treatment.​
Download your f.ree copy right now:
>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of The Bidirectional Relationship: Stress Causes Cancer; Cancer Causes Stress!

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon downloading this F.REE book:
  • Discover the different types of stress, such as acute and chronic, and how they impact the body’s physiological responses.
  • Learn about the silent link between stress and cancer, such as how stress influences cancer progression and metastasis.
  • Explore the mechanisms through which stress affects inflammation, immune function, and hormonal regulation, and its role in cancer development..
  • Gain practical strategies for managing stress, including mindfulness, exercise, dietary changes, and building a support system.
  • And. So. Much. More!
And the BEST part is…
When you download this amazing book, you’ll also get F.REE VIP access to my BRAND NEW 12-Episode docuseries Cancer Decoded.
You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensored truth…
About highly effective ways to address cancer with natural medicine protocols!
Cancer Decoded
begins on the 9th of September and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough.

Our world-class health experts are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.
All you need to do?

>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of The Bidirectional Relationship: Stress Causes Cancer; Cancer Causes Stress!

See you on the 9th of September, 2024 at 8 PM ET for the world premiere launch of Cancer Decoded.
To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Hundreds of millions of people suffer from autoimmune diseases. And most of them are women.
Sometimes the symptoms are impossible to ignore - like joint pain, emergency trips to the bathroom, or overwhelming fatigue.
But many of the early warning signs are easy to miss - like frequent headaches, fatigue and brain fog, pain when chewing, skin issues, or cold intolerance.
The prevailing medical model is to treat autoimmune conditions with corticosteroids, immunosuppressant drugs, and other medications. But these approaches come with serious side effects - and they often don’t work.
Now a growing team of cutting edge researchers are finding that lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, and a host of other autoimmune conditions can be addressed at the root - which turns out to be your gut.
That’s why my friend, nutritionist Sarah Otto, brought 30 world-leading authorities together to create The Gut-Autoimmune Solution. If you or anyone you love is facing or fearing an autoimmune condition, or if you just want to optimize your gut health with the latest wisdom from front line doctors who have found real solutions…
>> Click here to join in this innovative online docuseries (it’s free!).
Over 8 mind-blowing episodes, you’ll discover:

  • The little-known ways your gut bacteria could be fueling system-wide inflammation (and how to tell if you're at risk)
  • The surprising dietary changes that can help you cultivate a joint-protective microbiome (hint: it's not just about eating more fermented foods!)
  • The breakthrough supplements and protocols that are helping people achieve remarkable remissions (and how to tailor them to your unique situation)
  • Real-life healing stories that will give you hope and inspiration for your own journey
  • And so much more.
We keep hearing about how important your gut is to health. This series will show you what you can do, starting today, to put the latest breakthrough wisdom into action.
>> Watch it all here.
Yours for root cause healing,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Normally The Gut-Autoimmune Solution will cost $297. But right now, in celebration of the world premier, you can watch it all for free (for a limited time).
>> Get your complimentary spot now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jim!​

Not long ago, we came across one of the most life-changing discoveries ever!

Some call it a “healing tub,” others say it’s “ice dipping”...

Be that as it may, we’ve come to witness that cold plunging can have an undeniable impact on your health!

No wonder it’s gained SO much popularity among health enthusiasts all over the media.

But this amazing therapy isn’t just a social media sensation; it's backed by scientific research…

And centuries of traditional use in various cultures around the world.

Today, cold plunging is known to be effective for:

  • Reducing some of the biomarkers associated with autoimmune diseases
  • Slowing down tumor growth
  • Clearing glucose from the bloodstream and improving insulin sensitivity
  • Slowing down Chronic Kidney Disease progression by reducing inflammation
  • Reducing the degree of exercise-induced muscle damage
  • Improving gut microbiome balance
  • And so much more!
This cold water therapy has AMAZING benefits for the entire detoxification of your body.

One study said...

“Cold water plunges also cause your lymphatic system to contract, which promotes the flow of fluid through lymph nodes. This helps your body detox, lowers inflammation, and strengthens your immune system overall.”

Now, if you’re wondering exactly how to start using this at home…

Then you can’t miss out on the Cold Plunge Webinar hosted by our good friend, investigative journalist, humanitarian, and filmmaker, Jonathan Otto on Wednesday, August 14th, at 4pm US Eastern (New York time).

Learn more about the amazing benefits of cold plunging for chronic diseases and overall wellness...​
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter highlights a new visual model of the human brain at spectacular resolution, why thinking hard can be painful, why Ozempic-like drugs may prevent Alzheimer's, the importance of maintaining social connections, and more...

-->> Cubic millimetre of brain mapped in spectacular detail - Nature (August 2024)​

Google scientists have modelled a fragment of the human brain at nanoscale resolution, revealing cells with previously undiscovered features...

-->> Memory Is Maintained by Quality – Not Quantity – of Synapses in Old Age - Technology Networks (August 2024)​

Memory loss as we age has been attributed to synapse loss, but new research suggests memory can be maintained by quality synapses...

-->> Study Finds Thinking Hard Can Be Painful - Technology Networks (July 2024)​

Mental effort associated with unpleasant feelings, study says...

-->> Ozempic-like weight loss drugs may protect against Alzheimer's - NBC News (July 2024)​

A drug similar to Ozempic, called liraglutide, slowed cognitive decline in people with mild Alzheimer's disease...

-->> LONELINESS – A Risk Factor for Dementia - Apollo Health (July 2024)​

Social connections offer numerous advantages for survival. Simply put, there is comfort, strength, and safety in a group setting...




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi there! Happy Friday! :) I hope all is FANTASTIC on your end! :)

So, three days ago, I sent you a free copy of my book, "Take Back Your Life: An Inspirational Guide to Bouncing Back Quickly, Finding True Inner Peace and Happiness, and Creating the Life You Want" (if you missed it, you can still get it in the P.S. below). It's truly a life-changing read.

TODAY, I want to encourage you to watch the Unsinkable MOVIE. It's streaming again right now.

If you haven't watched it before, please watch it.

If you have watched it before, I highly recommend you watch it again.

The stars in the film include me, the late Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Marci Shimoff, and so many more incredible motivational speakers and experts.

This film has been nominated for many awards and selected for so many film festivals around the world.

It's inspirational and life-changing, and you'll have a new lease on life!

Unsinkable movie

Go here to get your free ticket now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The information in SQUARE ONE covers the exact strategies he (and countless others) used to heal cancer…

And, you can watch all 10 modules free online... Here's the screening schedule:

Day 1: Tuesday, August 20
Module 1 - First Things First

Day 2: Wednesday, August 21
Module 2 - Why We Get Cancer & How to Eliminate the Causes

Day 3: Thursday, August 22
Module 3 - The Anti-Cancer Diet (Part 1)

Day 4: Friday, August 23
Module 4 - The Anti-Cancer Diet (Part 2)

Day 5: Saturday, August 24
Module 5 - How to Detoxify Your Body & Environment

Day 6: Sunday, August 25
Module 6 - How to Eliminate Stress & Heal Your Heart

Day 7: Monday, August 26
Module 7 - The Importance of Spiritual Healing

Day 8: Tuesday, August 27
Module 8 - How Exercise & Rest Activate Healing

Day 9: Wednesday, August 28
Module 9 - Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas & Supplements

Day 10: Thursday, August 29
Module 10 - How to Test & Monitor Your Progress

Chris's SQUARE ONE program takes you step-by-step through the healing process in a simple straightforward way that is empowering, hopeful and encouraging, without being overwhelming or confusing.

There's nothing else like this out there and we are so excited to share it with you :)
Take a moment to watch this short video featuring Chris's story and learn about the course.

While you're there, don't miss the chance to register and watch all 10 SQUARE ONE modules for FREE online this month!

Whether you're a patient, caregiver, or committed to prevention, this course is perfect for you.​
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,​

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We are a nation of slop eaters. We suck up the slop thrown down for us by big agribusiness and our bureaucratic handlers.

I was reading through some food blogs, and as synchronicity will have it, there were lots of comments about how things are better, more or less, in many other countries.

rBGH nd rBST are banned in the EU and in Canada, so you won't get milk full of pus from infected cow udders.

Ireland allows no artificial flavors or colorants in food, so an orange soda tastes like real, carbonated orange juice.

One blogger mentioned how she doesn't like sodas in the US because they are so high in sugar, which she compared to Costa Rica, where pop in bottles is less sugary, less carbonated, with more intense flavors.

Some countries fare worse than others. Citizen action groups have tried to get glyphosate banned in the European Union. It was set to be banned in December of 22, but extended to allow its use until December of 2023, then EXTENDED FOR TEN MORE YEARS, because the European Commission is just as owned and operated by big ag as are our own bureaucracies. Some countries have implemented partial bans or restrictions on its use, including Austria, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany, which have prohibited its use in certain areas or by individual households.

Interesting organization and article. I don't see a date on the article, but there is a reference to a measure that was taken in November 2023, so it can't be too old:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We are a nation of slop eaters. We suck up the slop thrown down for us by big agribusiness and our bureaucratic handlers.

I was reading through some food blogs, and as synchronicity will have it, there were lots of comments about how things are better, more or less, in many other countries.

rBGH nd rBST are banned in the EU and in Canada, so you won't get milk full of pus from infected cow udders.

Ireland allows no artificial flavors or colorants in food, so an orange soda tastes like real, carbonated orange juice.

One blogger mentioned how she doesn't like sodas in the US because they are so high in sugar, which she compared to Costa Rica, where pop in bottles is less sugary, less carbonated, with more intense flavors.

Some countries fare worse than others. Citizen action groups have tried to get glyphosate banned in the European Union. It was set to be banned in December of 22, but extended to allow its use until December of 2023, then EXTENDED FOR TEN MORE YEARS, because the European Commission is just as owned and operated by big ag as are our own bureaucracies. Some countries have implemented partial bans or restrictions on its use, including Austria, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany, which have prohibited its use in certain areas or by individual households.

Interesting organization and article. I don't see a date on the article, but there is a reference to a measure that was taken in November 2023, so it can't be too old:

How very sad but true this is


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In today’s bustling world, where the pace of life often leaves little room for reflection, Qigong offers a sanctuary of peace and rejuvenation.

For those in their golden years, the benefits of Qigong are manifold. Regular practice can enhance flexibility, improve balance, reduce the risk of falls, and alleviate chronic ailments.

More than that, it provides a sense of community and connection, essential for emotional health.​
"Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born." — Albert Einstein
qigong practitioners
Picture yourself joining such a group, feeling the gentle energy flow through you, and experiencing a profound sense of belonging and peace. Read the rest of this month's blog about Qigong & Conscious Aging here.

We'd like to invite you to a very special free webinar this month:​

Join Master Mingtong Gu for a transformative 90-minute free webinar, Embrace Your Golden Years: Qigong for Conscious Aging available on-demand beginning August 14.

This exclusive event is designed to introduce you to the ancient art of Qigong, seamlessly blending its profound wisdom with modern scientific insights from Blue Zone research – the lifestyles and environments that lead to many people living to over 100 years!​
I hope to see you in my brand new webinar soon!​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Have you ever wondered how much your emotions affect your fight against cancer?

What if you could tap into a simple yet powerful technique that boosts your emotional resilience and promotes physical healing at the same time?


Check out the bonus videos below to discover a transformative method designed to support cancer patients—a versatile practice you can use anywhere, anytime, to help reduce stress and foster inner resilience, all while supporting the body’s natural healing process.

Whether you’re battling cancer, facing chronic illness, or simply seeking to enhance your wellness, these insights are your gateway to a healthier, more resilient you.

Watch these bonus videos now and learn how to harness the power within you to heal and thrive. 🍃

Watch this bonus talk to discover a simple yet powerful technique to boost your emotional resilience. ✨Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD, introduces a simple yet powerful technique for emotional and spiritual support, particularly for cancer patients. This technique involves tapping on specific acupressure points while affirming positive statements, helping to balance the body’s energy and enhance healing. Join him as he guides you through a series of affirmations focused on acceptance, strength, love, gratitude, and more, each designed to foster inner resilience and promote wellness. He emphasizes the simplicity and accessibility of this transformative technique, making it a versatile practice that can be used anytime, anywhere to reduce stress and support the healing process.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s time to stop surviving and start thriving. 💪

Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, delves into the critical themes of trauma and its impact on health, as discussed in his book, The Survival Paradox. He emphasizes the role of a protein that is deeply involved in the body's survival response but can drive chronic inflammation and disease when overactive. Dr. Eliaz explains how trauma, whether personal or multigenerational, can manifest in the body, often leading to conditions like chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, and even cancer. He also highlights the importance of addressing both emotional and physiological aspects of trauma, noting that unresolved trauma can keep the body in a survival mode that perpetuates disease. These insights offer a path toward reclaiming health and vitality by integrating scientific knowledge with heart-centered approaches to healing. Watch this riveting talk now.

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