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Jimi's Daily Health Articles

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Food for Thought
Same thing about our planet.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes they are
As fast as things are changing maybe it will catch up with them.
That's why China has such a bad dose of this virus because they have such a dirty country, lets all kinds of diseases breed.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes they are
As fast as things are changing maybe it will catch up with them.
That's why China has such a bad dose of this virus because they have such a dirty country, lets all kinds of diseases breed.
And technology is why it spreads so far so fast.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I’m shocked...

Here’s a clip from my controversial new documentary series.

At one point, I had to stop the speaker and verify with them what I’d just heard because I couldn’t believe it was true. Get this:

“If you have an unknown infection in your jaw - you are

3 times as likely to have coronary heart disease

Shocking, huh?

I mean... when I think about how many people I know with bad teeth (including members of my own family) it really begs the question…

Why aren’t we taking care of our teeth more seriously?

Well, once I finished the rest of the 8-part docuseries, I can confidently say I’ll never take the oral health of myself, or my family for granted again.

Not only was I shocked to learn the majority of ALL DISEASE begins in the mouth (including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and even Alzhiemer’s)….

But, by the end I was armed with some pretty simple, low cost oral health strategies that could literally save the lives of my own family.

These are things I’ll be using in my own home and I suggest you do the same.

That’s why I encourage you to check out my new documentary series GATEWAY TO HEALTH: Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome.

>>Click to watch an exclusive mini-preview

In it, you’ll hear shocking truths like….

  • The newly discovered link between gum disease and type 2 diabetes. (episode 3)

  • Mercury, nickel, zinc, and lead are among the most toxic substances on earth. So why are we still using them to fix our teeth and what should your dentist be using instead? (episode 5)

  • When brushing your teeth can be BAD for your health. (episode 6)

Plus the unconventional, yet surprisingly simple oral health solutions, like…

  • The simple test you should take before undergoing any dental procedure. (episode 5)

  • 3 foods that can neutralize cavities before they begin. (episode 3)

  • The ultimate supplement combo for total tooth health and why it doesn’t include calcium! (episode 3)

It’s why I’m telling everyone with teeth that they need to watch it.

You can watch this 8-part documentary series free starting March 12 at 9pm EST.

All you have to do is sign up for free here as my personal guest and you’ll get to watch all the episodes absolutely F-REE.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The US is about 30 days behind on having a clue as to how to handle the corona virus and not getting better.
Saw our recent medal of freedom winner accusing the dems of weaponizing the virus just to bring down Trump.
Politics first citizens last.

Also just saw a commercial for a cruise. I think it must have been Corona Cruise lines?

Just like the deeming regs ignore it and it will go away.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The US is about 30 days behind on having a clue as to how to handle the corona virus and not getting better.
Saw our recent medal of freedom winner accusing the dems of weaponizing the virus just to bring down Trump.
Politics first citizens last.

Also just saw a commercial for a cruise. I think it must have been Corona Cruise lines?

Just like the deeming regs ignore it and it will go away.
Ain't no way I'd ever get on one of those cattle barges.:giggle:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I Want to Tell You Why I Decided to Become the Alternative Doctor
Hi, it's Dr. Keith here again!

I'd like to tell you a little but more about myself, my philosophy and writings at

For one thing, I'm a stickler for science--real science, not the phoney nonsense paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. Science (done properly) is a way we find out about our world; how we separate truth from delusion. Science is really a method, not a bunch of facts.

I'm saying this because most holistic practitioners are light on science; they seem to think their own opinions are just as valuable as the facts. I don't think so!

Of course, anyone can have opinions. I have them too! But I'm generally pretty consistent at stating when it's an opinion, so as not to fool you.

There is also another big difference between me and many other health writers: I've been at the leading edge as a clinician. I've been there, spent many hours with each individual patient, learned what really works and, naturally, got criticized by mainstream colleagues for sticking my neck out.

I've been attacked by so-called "holistic" practitioners too, for things like suggesting a cancer patient be allowed to make their own choice, whether to have chemo or not. To listen to the rantings of some of these self-appointed thought police, you'd think it was a deadly crime to go for chemo (I don't think it's the best choice but it is the patient's choice and nobody else's business).

When I read some books supposed to be about "alternative health", I shake my head. As someone who knows, from clinical experience, it's easy for me to spot those fakes whose "research" is just Googling other people's (incorrect) opinions and putting them on a blog or in an eBook.

In my day, I used to hear it said that people can't be allergic to foods. It was nonsense, of course. Just orthodox medicine and ignorance.

But there is just as much ignorance and bigotry among holistic fashion-followers: for example, those who declare that "raw milk is safe" and that nobody can possibly react to it or be made ill by it; it's "Nature's gift" and so on.

As someone who has seen tens of thousands of people made sick by milk, I know that statements like these are made by dreamers and fools, not knowledgeable health practitioners. They have an answer to that: it wasn't raw milk and if the sufferer had drunk raw milk, they wouldn't have been made sick. And I have an answer to that too, which is: B*S*!

Trust me, I tested only with organic, raw, non-pasteurized milk in my clinic and LOTS of people found it was causing their arthritis, eczema, migraines or whatever. Even infertility.

Cow's milk is NOT and never was a gift from Nature to human offspring. It's for calves, with a totally different 4-stomach digestive system!

In fact I can quote you something the raw milk lobby doesn't even know, because they don't want their cherished opinions threatened by mere facts. Back in the 17th century, a man called Robert Burton (1577-1640) wrote a book called The Anatomy Of Melancholy. It's still in print at some universities. Burton described, quite capably, the bad effects of milk on health and realized it made many people sick and depressed.

That's back in the days when there was ONLY raw un-pasteurized milk. Today the awful effects of milk are being missed, because everybody drinks it or cooks with it, all the time!

You see, that's where I differ from the herd. I know quite a lot more than they do, about quite a lot of things. Why? Because I have made it my lifelong business to be informed, armed with real information, and not just follow along with fads and silly fashions, even "holistic" silly fashions!

You get the point. If you want good, informative stuff, told with a certain sense of humor, you'll enjoy what I send out (maybe not everything; but who can please all of the people all of the time?)

To Your Health!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The US is about 30 days behind on having a clue as to how to handle the corona virus and not getting better.
Saw our recent medal of freedom winner accusing the dems of weaponizing the virus just to bring down Trump.
Politics first citizens last.

Also just saw a commercial for a cruise. I think it must have been Corona Cruise lines?

Just like the deeming regs ignore it and it will go away.
You need to listen to this one buddy

Coronavirus Pandemic Explodes Across The Globe

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