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The Cromwell

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The Cromwell

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The Cromwell

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Man charged $1,400 for corona virus test. and he has insurance...

The Miami Herald reported that Azcue was charged over $3,000 for being responsible and visiting the hospital to be screened for the novel coronavirus following a feverish return from China, the virus' epicenter.
He is responsible for paying the hospital at least $1,400 of the bill and it may be more pending meeting his insurance company's strict requirements. Worries that they will confront bills like his will deter many from seeking appropriate care and put more people at risk.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Man charged $1,400 for corona virus test. and he has insurance...

The Miami Herald reported that Azcue was charged over $3,000 for being responsible and visiting the hospital to be screened for the novel coronavirus following a feverish return from China, the virus' epicenter.
He is responsible for paying the hospital at least $1,400 of the bill and it may be more pending meeting his insurance company's strict requirements. Worries that they will confront bills like his will deter many from seeking appropriate care and put more people at risk.
Very true, but anyone who has the money to travel to China should have the money to go get checked out, it's the poor people he/she will infect. Even if I had some big investment over in China that needed my personal attention ain't no way I go over there, just haveta take the loss.

The Cromwell

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Very true, but anyone who has the money to travel to China should have the money to go get checked out, it's the poor people he/she will infect. Even if I had some big investment over in China that needed my personal attention ain't no way I go over there, just haveta take the loss.
yeah but what about the 14% or so with NO insurance and many more with minimal insurance?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Man charged $1,400 for corona virus test. and he has insurance...

The Miami Herald reported that Azcue was charged over $3,000 for being responsible and visiting the hospital to be screened for the novel coronavirus following a feverish return from China, the virus' epicenter.
He is responsible for paying the hospital at least $1,400 of the bill and it may be more pending meeting his insurance company's strict requirements. Worries that they will confront bills like his will deter many from seeking appropriate care and put more people at risk.

It seems like everything that can be done to screw things up is being done. Amazing. Now people won’t want to test.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Very true, but anyone who has the money to travel to China should have the money to go get checked out, it's the poor people he/she will infect. Even if I had some big investment over in China that needed my personal attention ain't no way I go over there, just haveta take the loss.

The crazy thing is that people who traveled to China, even to Wuhan, were allowed into this country, without even being quarantined. :wtf:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Especially if it the one being pushed in a couple of months timeframe by someone.
And besides there are now several strains of the virus...
The CDC and Administration snoozes and everyone loses.

But I haven’t had a vaccine in like twenty years, not since I had to get them for school. I’m not even sure I want the corona one,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
And Germany came up with tests for the virus which the rest of the world is using but not the US....
We are the greatest and do not rely on others to get our heads out of our asses.

They act like it’s weakness to admit that another country has made something useful that we could benefit from.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The crazy thing is that people who traveled to China, even to Wuhan, were allowed into this country, without even being quarantined. :wtf:
That's what I was saying and I think they oughta set up a big quarrentined field hospital in, maybe Guantanimo Bay where they were keepin terrorists.

The Cromwell

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contrary to what this administration says. The flu has around a .1% mortality rate this thing is around 6%.

If it gets bad all infected should attend Trump rallys? It is just a Dem hoax after all isn't it?

The Cromwell

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Made a shopping trip each of the past 2 days. Now have lots of toilet paper, canned goods, etc for if it gets bad. if not I just bought a lot of stuff that I will use anyway. If this hits bad there will be supply chain disruptions. Plus I can hide at home away from contamination most of the time.
Prep for vapeapoclypse and virusapoclypse.

although I may have already had the virus. had something with exact same symptoms of a light case of the virus. Got it 3 days after getting a packet from China. Wife is getting over it now with exact same symptoms. A cold thing has never hit us exactly the same before.
I do say may have had it. I am not paying thousands for a test.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years
Just read that Medicare and Medicaid will cover Crona testing !!!

Of course it would be nice if med centers had a way to test for it...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
That's what I was saying and I think they oughta set up a big quarrentined field hospital in, maybe Guantanimo Bay where they were keepin terrorists.

As long as they don’t water board the detainees. :giggle:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
You might consider gettin some at least till this burns out.

I don’t know if I can. I never go to the doctor. If I need antibiotics suddenly, I guess I can pay for them. But I’ve always blown things off with herbs and garlic. Hopefully it will work for this.

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