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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
The US is about 30 days behind on having a clue as to how to handle the corona virus and not getting better.
Saw our recent medal of freedom winner accusing the dems of weaponizing the virus just to bring down Trump.
Politics first citizens last.

Also just saw a commercial for a cruise. I think it must have been Corona Cruise lines?

Just like the deeming regs ignore it and it will go away.

After the Diamond Princess debacle, who wouldn’t want a nice relaxing cruise? :giggle:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

Yesterday I sent an email about mapping out your intentions for the month.

If one of your goals is to achieve optimal health, I have a terrific resource for you!

Nutritious meals that you can get excited about are the most effective way to start feeling healthier, both inside and out. But it's easy to get bored with the same old foods or frustrated by not knowing how to season and flavor your meals in ways that lead to delicious end results.

Luckily, you don't need to be a culinary expert to create delicious tasting meals... you can just borrow recipes from them ;-)

Download The Sauce Factor for 5 amazing plant-based sauce recipes to transform any meal!

These recipes are great for any meal, whether your menu for the week consists of tacos, Buddha bowls, stir fry, or salads. Use them to:
  • Get picky eaters on board with your plant-based dishes
  • Turn a simple meal into a flavor-packed, nutritious creation
  • Give your leftovers and old recipes a makeover with exciting new flavors

And the best part? Each one is ready in 10 minutes or less!

This free secret weapon for transforming any meal comes from my colleague Erin Lucas and the culinary team at VegHealth - they help make plant-based eating easy and delicious.

They also teamed up with the incredible, plant-based chef Mark Reinfeld to show you surprising and creative ways to use your new sauces in a special bonus video.

Go here to get your complimentary copy of The Sauce Factor plus your bonus video from Chef Mark!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Everything Flows from the Mouth of the River Microbiome

Raise your hand if you’re completely comfortable with the state of your mouth!

According to a recent survey conducted by the Delta Dental Plans Association, only 15% of you should have raised your hands.

In fact, for the second year in a row, dentists ranked highest on a list of health practitioners Americans thought they needed to see more often.

The problem?

The current dental health world is based on old science, some of which stopped progressing at the same rate as other health fields as long as 150 years ago. On average, it takes about 17 years for accredited research that’s academically accepted to make it into textbooks, through medical school, and into your doctor’s office.

So even if the 25% of American who don’t currently have dental healthcare coverage (that’s about 73 million, just for the record) felt that they could afford to handle dental health, let alone dental emergencies

New research on the incredible cavity that is your mouth hasn’t even reached the desks of your dentists. That means it certainly hasn’t informed their practices.

Dental health is precarious for many reasons, but the main reason is that to the average layperson, the mouth is a mystery.

And we use it all the time…

When There’s Something Amiss in Your Mouth

Many years ago, dental preventive maintenance existed in its barest, most primitive form. Babylonians had chew sticks 5,000 years ago, the Chinese had used a rough toothbrush made of coarse hair 3,000 years ago, and there are even plants in nature that our ancestors determined could prevent ulcers or slowed plaque growth (the Salvadora persica.) And when teeth got infected, they got pulled.

What people didn’t know was how connected their oral hygiene was to the health of the rest of their bodies.

Today, we know bleeding gums indicates inflammation, which can lead to infection, which can lead to bad bacteria in the bloodstream, the brain, the heart, the lungs, and more.

We know we’re supposed to brush our teeth using a certain technique, floss on a regular basis, and we think we’re supposed to flood our mouths with antibacterial mouthwash every day.

Those without insurance also know there are lots of homeopathic remedies for mouth maladies — coconut oil pulling, brushing with baking soda, etc.

It seems like there’s enough evidence to support strong oral hygiene for better reasons than pearly whites, sweet breath, gap coverage.

But there’s one reason that’s more important than everything else…

Your Mouth is the Gatekeeper

We spend a lot of time talking about how important the gut’s microbiome is. It regulates and affects so many other systems in the body that its maintenance and balance is of critical importance. No problem in the body is solvable without recruiting the gut’s assistance.

And the gut microbiome?

It starts in your mouth.

The first step in digestion occurs the moment you take a bite of your food.

That means that your diet is just as important to your teeth as how you care for them afterwards…

It also means that more attention should be paid to the goings-on in your mouth than we’ve been paying. From the bacterial content and structure of plaque, to the size of your teeth, to the effect of food on tooth placement and crowding, to the connection between: gum disease and diabetes, stress and tooth decay, jaw infections and heart disease…

The mouth, like the gut, is its own ecosystem, its own universe. And just like the gut’s microbiome, it has massive implications for the rest of your health.

And even if it doesn’t seem like it…

The world’s leading scientists are taking notice.

In fact, they’ve gotten together with me to answer these impactful and wide-reaching questions in a new series called Gateway to Health…

And you’ll learn not only the secrets that have been hiding in between your teeth, under your gums, in your saliva (most of which isn’t yours, by the way)...

But the groundbreaking methods scientists are developing to change the frontier of dental health forever (hint: there are lasers.)

And this health revolution all starts when you simply open your mouth.

Click here to find out more.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The year of the brain continues...

Actually, it's kicking into HIGHER gear starting now!

There are two amazing brain events coming up (and gifts that go along with them):

1) The Superhuman Brain Masterclass (that's the masterclass I created, gathering 39 of the world's top brain experts all in one place! We're going to provide you with proven solutions to heal and upgrade your brain to "high performance" for life!)

2) Brain Degeneration Summit. On average it takes 17 years(!!) for clinical breakthroughs to make their way into the conventional standard of care, especially when it comes to brain and neurodegeneration. We can do better. I invite you to join me for Dr. Greg Eckel's Brain Degeneration Summit, where you can learn from me and dozens of other brain health experts.

I'm very confident over the next two months, you'll learn how to have the brain energy, performance, and health you've always wanted.

One caveat: You not only have to learn it, but also IMPLEMENT the strategies you've learned from the below gifts and events;)

Let's get to it...

How To Avoid and Heal Your Toxic Brain

I, along with Dr. Isaac Jones, compiled this vital, 30-page eBook, How to Avoid and Heal the Toxic Brain, and learn proven, natural solutions to overcoming brain diseases and disorders.

This is the perfect start to your brain health and performance journey.

And the perfect companion for The Superhuman Brain Masterclass.

Head here to download your free copy

I'll walk you through your kitchen, and all the various ways it can hurt you (and how to protect yourself): cookware, storage ware, water, cleaners, cutting boards and more.

Plus, l provide you with a list of 8 SUPERFOODS to help you become SUPERHUMAN!

Here's the link to get your copy now



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cinnamon Tooth Powder

* Makes about 1 month of powder


  • 4 tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 4 tablespoons calcium powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon fine sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 tablespoon activated charcoal

  1. Ensure that everything is very finely ground (use herb grinder if necessary).
  2. Mix ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Store in an airtight jar.
How to Use:

  1. Wet your toothbrush.
  2. Dip into the powder.
  3. Brush as usual.
*You can use either Cassia or Verum Cinnamons in this recipe. Cassia, however, contains more essential oils and other components that make it a bit 'stronger.'


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I wonder if they have tried vaporized PG yet to see if it kills Corona Virus?
It was proven to kill influenza type A long ago.
I don't know Robert but that's a very good thought/question.

I have wondered why they don't send all travelers form other countries to somewhere like Guantanimo Bay facility until they are sure they are clean of the virus.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I don't know Robert but that's a very good thought/question.

I have wondered why they don't send all travelers form other countries to somewhere like Guantanimo Bay facility until they are sure they are clean of the virus.

They didn’t even quarantine them. And doing it for two weeks, if they do? Not long enough. Why didn’t they just quarantine everyone coming into the country for a month? It would be way safer that way..

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just read 106 confirmed cases in the US and 6 deaths? Around a 5% mortality rate?
And if we have 106 confirmed cases we likely have at least 10 times that amount infected.
At least 10 times...

Damn flu on steroids.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't know Robert but that's a very good thought/question.

I have wondered why they don't send all travelers form other countries to somewhere like Guantanimo Bay facility until they are sure they are clean of the virus.
I was thinking more like Washington DC?
Or put them all up in trump tower?


Senior Moderator
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cinnamon Tooth Powder

* Makes about 1 month of powder


  • 4 tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 4 tablespoons calcium powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon fine sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 tablespoon activated charcoal

  1. Ensure that everything is very finely ground (use herb grinder if necessary).
  2. Mix ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Store in an airtight jar.
How to Use:

  1. Wet your toothbrush.
  2. Dip into the powder.
  3. Brush as usual.
*You can use either Cassia or Verum Cinnamons in this recipe. Cassia, however, contains more essential oils and other components that make it a bit 'stronger.'
Like this recipe, Jimi....and have (most) of the ingredients ....:vino:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Just read 106 confirmed cases in the US and 6 deaths? Around a 5% mortality rate?
And if we have 106 confirmed cases we likely have at least 10 times that amount infected.
At least 10 times...

Damn flu on steroids.

Just like China. With their huge popularity, it’s only a thousand whatever deaths? No way!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jim,

When I was a kid I was terrified of going to the dentist.

Odds are, you were too...

So when I heard this little boy’s horror story it just about gave me nightmares.

  • You see, this young boy didn’t eat ANY sugar…
  • He didn’t come from a family with bad teeth or a long line of bad dental genetics…
  • He brushed regularly. He even flossed.
So when the dentist told his parents his mouth was FULL of cavities…

And that he would need a root canal on almost his entire top row of teeth…

They knew there was something else going on. So what did they do? Well...

Instead of painful root canals, expensive teeth extractions, and months of recovery….

They decided to do something “unconventional” to help their little boy.

Something a growing number of dentists now consider the future of dental care.

And it’s not just for kids - adults need to see this too!

It’s something I’ll be doing for myself and my own family right away.

And that’s why I urge you to watch this brand new 7-part documentary series from Dr. Pedram Shojai. It’s called GATEWAY TO HEALTH: Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome.

Dr. Pedram has brought together the nation’s top dental health experts for a never-before-seen ‘deep dive’ into the new frontier of oral health care.

As you’ll see, when we take care of our oral health… the rest of our body’s health can take care of itself.

Best part? This documentary series is completely free!

⇒ All you need to do is sign up here and then tune in on March 12.

In the meantime, you can watch this mini-preview.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One Article Two Posts
Blundering Incompetence Disguised as Science

Reversing diabetes is easy. What’s the big deal? Money of course. Over half the population of the developed world is overweight, obese (pre-diabetic) and/or diabetic. It’s all a problem forced on us by stupid (read faked) science that was served up in favor of the food industry and Big Pharma: if we can get people overeating by habit, getting fat and developing insulin resistance, we can make a bunch of money! They die sooner than otherwise but while they are alive we get to sell insulin products, glucose control drugs, pain pills for the ensuing inflammation and a bunch of other good earners...

Doctors too make a bundle from all the office visits (because none of this garbage works as claimed). And the food industry sells mountains of sugary, flavored, super-sized junk that is not worthy of the name food. Hey, doctors even tell patient they need to eat a LOT of plasticized foodstuff (carbohydrate “lines”, as it’s called).

There are over 400 million people, worldwide caught in this trap.1 Wow, what a racket! It puts The Mob and the Sinaloa Drug Cartel to shame! Because all this killing and robbery is quite legal and is even supposed to be “scientific”!

But not any more. The game is over. If you have diabetes and your doctor doesn’t tell you to lose weight, using keto and intermittent fasting, sue him or her for gross malpractice!

The science is in. Only the dodos and crooks that believe in the racket argue about it. “We need more tests” is a favorite one. “We can’t use the word reversal,” is another. I’ve even read, “Diet isn’t the answer.”

Type 2 diabetes has an undeserved reputation as an intractable, progressive disease that will require full medication and careful monitoring for the rest of the patient’s life. That’s nonsense. We’re talking here about gross mismanagement of the problem by ignorant doctors, to the point where it causes accelerated aging and early death.

People go blind; there’s heart damage; kidney damage; and worse: legs get amputated. And you know what? Getting your A1C down and using drugs to “control” your blood sugar doesn’t stop the progressive damage. It’s gonna get you!

But what doctor is honest and would say to you: “Look, I don’t know much about diabetes. But I’m going to mismanage it for you, ruin your health and vitality, and put you early in your grave. Is that OK with you?”

We don’t want to “manage” and “control” diabetes. We want diabetes GONE!

The truth is, despite the relentless TV advertizing about A1C levels, with a few simple moves you can be off all your meds and in good health in as little as four weeks. I was doing this as long ago as the 1980s. Today there are thousands of holistic practitioners who will attest to the value of the natural method of diabetes control.

What Does Science Say?

Item #1. Native people’s who live the Stone Age lifestyle, or close to it are never overweight or obese.

Item #2. Our ancestors ate on the edge of starvation. They would frequently have to go several days without much food. That’s our “natural state”. It’s called intermittent fasting. It's HEALTHY!

Item #3. Carbohydrates don’t feature much in the hunter-gatherer’s diet (fruit in a short season; honey very occasionally). Carbs are killer foods that only entered Man’s daily eating pattern with the development of
civilization and farming methods. Carbs are also highly inflammatory.

Item #4. It’s not just about obesity and type 2 diabetes. This crazy lifestyle that’s been forced on the population is highly inflammatory, meaning accelerated aging. It messes with blood fats to the point of being dangerous. Heart attacks and strokes have risen exponentially. You keep reading heart attack is the number one killer (just ahead of
cancer), right?

But have you been told these two killer diseases didn’t really feature until just around 100 years ago? No? Well, I’m telling you know. These are 20th century health problems. According to a marvelous study of Victorian lifestyle and eating habits, cancer was a very rare disease mid-19th century. One doctor described lung cancer to his students as “… one of the rarer forms of a rare disease. You may probably pass the rest of your student’s life without seeing another example of it.”2

Today, lung cancer is the commonest cancer of all worldwide and most often fatal.

UK Victorians, by the way, ate more calories than us but were much more active. They also ate a VERY LOW CARB DIET! They were healthy and, apart from horrendous childhood mortality, if they made it to adulthood, were more than likely to reach their three score years and ten (70 plus).

What put an end to their healthy, vigorous lives? Sugar, the universal 20th century “addiction”.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part Two


Now read on…

Item #5. Type 2 diabetes is a condition of INSULIN RESISTANCE. Anyone 20 lbs. overweight or more has a degree of insulin resistance: fact. You need to understand this. Taking on too much sugar is a health problem for two reasons:

  • Excess sugar is converted to fat, leading to obesity
  • High blood glucose levels demand more and more insulin, to try and keep it down. So insulin levels go HIGH. But after a while it stops working due to sheer overload and misuse. So: high insulin levels and no good result = insulin resistance.
Item #6. High insulin levels are a problem, because insulin is highly inflammatory in and of itself. High insulin levels set off a chain of inflammatory events that will soon put you in your grave. In fact measurement of a person’s fasting insulin level has been suggested as the number one marker for death due to all causes (not just diabetes). Wow! Did your doctor explain about insulin resistance to you? No? I’m not surprised, because the average doctor knows nothing about it or why it’s so deadly.

Item #7. Cancer is primarily a disease of inflammation (that’s why changing your diet and detoxing is so effective. It tunes down the inflammation, to give your immune system chance to fight back).

According to a 2002 paper in the prestigious journal Nature: “Recent data have expanded the concept that inflammation is a critical component of tumor progression. Many cancers arise from sites of infection, chronic irritation and inflammation. It is now becoming clear that the tumor microenvironment, which is largely orchestrated by inflammatory cells, is an indispensable participant in the neoplastic process, fostering proliferation, survival and migration.”3

As I remarked at the start, diabetes and obesity (insulin resistance) are a very big problem, worldwide. And it’s getting worse. That’s because idiot (or criminal) scientists INSIST that we need to eat 60% of our calories as carbohydrates.

The truth, I can tell you, is that anything more than 10% is dangerous. That means no grains and no sugar in your diet. Fat is back (fat never went away for those who understand true health). At least 40% of your calories should be fat. Those of you pushing for keto, fat should be at least 60%, and 70% gives better keto results.

Studies Studies Studies

OK, I’m sure I shocked some of you. I get cantankerous and angry about this needless misery and all these unnecessary deaths. But I’m right. Let’s look at a couple of studies that are gaining attention for a dietary approach to sending type 2 diabetes into remission.

In late 2017, researchers for the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) reported findings in the Lancet from 298 people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within the past 6 years and not receiving insulin. One half of the patients were randomized to be treated under current best practice guidelines, and the other half to undergo an intensive weight management program.

After 1 year, 24% of participants in the diet group experienced weight loss 15 kg (35 lbs) or more and, of these, a staggering 86% achieved remission of their diabetes, compared with 4% in the control group.4

This remarkable study was followed by another analysis that showed similarly encouraging results in a cohort of 349 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Patients received either usual care (87 patients) or a low-carbohydrate diet (262 patients). Unlike in DiRECT, patients were allowed to take insulin at study onset (30% in the low-carbohydrate group and 46% in the usual care group).

After 1 year, patients in the “usual care” group had no significant changes in study biomarkers. But 60% of those in the low-carbohydrate group achieved an A1C level < 6.5 (normal) while taking no diabetes medications or metformin only. 60% is AMAZING. No drug can come even close to that kind of response. Drugs come to market, described as “scientifically-proven” with only 2% benefit over a placebo!

But blood sugar control was not the only improvement in the diet group: there was also a 12% average weight loss, 24% reduction in triglyceride level, 18% increase in HDL “good” cholesterol level, and 39% reduction in C-reactive protein level (main measure of body-wide inflammation).

AND: there was an amazing 94% rate of reduction or outright cessation of insulin use in the diet group.

You will hear more and more of the game-changing Virta study.5

I advise you to live by its wisdom and avoid sugar and grains completely! Go really hungry once in a while. And lose weight.

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