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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Made a shopping trip each of the past 2 days. Now have lots of toilet paper, canned goods, etc for if it gets bad. if not I just bought a lot of stuff that I will use anyway. If this hits bad there will be supply chain disruptions. Plus I can hide at home away from contamination most of the time.
Prep for vapeapoclypse and virusapoclypse.

although I may have already had the virus. had something with exact same symptoms of a light case of the virus. Got it 3 days after getting a packet from China. Wife is getting over it now with exact same symptoms. A cold thing has never hit us exactly the same before.
I do say may have had it. I am not paying thousands for a test.

The timing of both is creepy, so close to one another. They should postpone vapageddon for now, imho. They can focus on the coronageddon instead and maybe save some lives,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Made a shopping trip each of the past 2 days. Now have lots of toilet paper, canned goods, etc for if it gets bad. if not I just bought a lot of stuff that I will use anyway. If this hits bad there will be supply chain disruptions. Plus I can hide at home away from contamination most of the time.
Prep for vapeapoclypse and virusapoclypse.

although I may have already had the virus. had something with exact same symptoms of a light case of the virus. Got it 3 days after getting a packet from China. Wife is getting over it now with exact same symptoms. A cold thing has never hit us exactly the same before.
I do say may have had it. I am not paying thousands for a test.

I wondered if the flu I had a couple months ago wasn’t this, as well. It was a cold, just stronger, and the symptoms tallied. Who knows. Mine kicked in hard after going into Manhattan and eating out there. And traveling on the subway.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Made a shopping trip each of the past 2 days. Now have lots of toilet paper, canned goods, etc for if it gets bad. if not I just bought a lot of stuff that I will use anyway. If this hits bad there will be supply chain disruptions. Plus I can hide at home away from contamination most of the time.
Prep for vapeapoclypse and virusapoclypse.

although I may have already had the virus. had something with exact same symptoms of a light case of the virus. Got it 3 days after getting a packet from China. Wife is getting over it now with exact same symptoms. A cold thing has never hit us exactly the same before.
I do say may have had it. I am not paying thousands for a test.
Yes it sounds like you gig. I don't blame you I wouldn't pay for the test either


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I don’t know if I can. I never go to the doctor. If I need antibiotics suddenly, I guess I can pay for them. But I’ve always blown things off with herbs and garlic. Hopefully it will work for this.
Antibiotics wont work anyway cause this is a virus not a bacteria.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I wondered if the flu I had a couple months ago wasn’t this, as well. It was a cold, just stronger, and the symptoms tallied. Who knows. Mine kicked in hard after going into Manhattan and eating out there. And traveling on the subway.
This has been around for some time now so who knows it mighta been a mild case of it.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A friend told me it was listed as a virus that lysol will kill on the back of the can
I got 3 containers of lysol wipes today.
Never got to be a Boy Scout but like to be prepared.

I think it is kind of iffy on the hand sanitzer killing it but won't hurt.
think I will get some of that laysol laundry additive in case things get bad.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
contrary to what this administration says. The flu has around a .1% mortality rate this thing is around 6%.

If it gets bad all infected should attend Trump rallys? It is just a Dem hoax after all isn't it?
Way to go Crummie ......showing your impotent menatlly imbalanced psycho rage ......fantasizing about spreading an unknown pathogen indiscremenantly among other human beings...newflash slick I doubt the virus checks your voter registration card.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
This has been around for some time now so who knows it mighta been a mild case of it.

I have to say this was the scariest flu ever. I’ve only had colds once every few years, but this kicked my ass. I was so sick, and my hubs was in NV for the worst of it. All I could do was sleep, maybe make tea or something to eat, and that’s it. Creepy AH.

The symptoms are the same, even down to suddenly vomiting like crazy with no warning. I’m going to buy loose leaf echinacea if I can find it. With red clover and garlic, I’m hoping it works.

Do you make CS, Jimi? I stopped doing it lately. I need more rods.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I got 3 containers of lysol wipes today.
Never got to be a Boy Scout but like to be prepared.

I think it is kind of iffy on the hand sanitzer killing it but won't hurt.
think I will get some of that laysol laundry additive in case things get bad.

Or straight up bleach. If you dissolve bleach in water in the washer, you can wash stuff in it without it tie dying everything. You’ve got to do it carefully, though.

Your alien team plays harder than the Boy Scouts, Crom.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Way to go Crummie ......showing your impotent menatlly imbalanced psycho rage ......fantasizing about spreading an unknown pathogen indiscremenantly among other human beings...newflash slick I doubt the virus checks your voter registration card.
But how can it hurt them it is just a democrat hoax?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Way to go Crummie ......showing your impotent menatlly imbalanced psycho rage ......fantasizing about spreading an unknown pathogen indiscremenantly among other human beings...newflash slick I doubt the virus checks your voter registration card.

I think he was being ironic. Whether that effort succeeded or not is moot, no?

Please don’t start fighting on Jimi’s thread. We’re trying to help each other out here. Please leave the politics at the door.

Hope you and your family are doing well. :hug:

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Out of respect for Jimi I will not make any more comments about the stupid politics involved in the Virus pandemic. In this thread at least.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think he was being ironic. Whether that effort succeeded or not is moot, no?

Please don’t start fighting on Jimi’s thread. We’re trying to help each other out here. Please leave the politics at the door.

Hope you and your family are doing well. :hug:
no he wasn't being ironic, he was being the sick little turd that he trying to legitamize , it is two bring politics into the thread and then when you're called out on it ,you suddenly start lecturing other people...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
no he wasn't being ironic, he was being the sick little turd that he trying to legitamize , it is two bring politics into the thread and then when you're called out on it ,you suddenly start lecturing other people...

I’m not trying to legitimize anything. And I’m not sticking up for Cromwell or attacking you. If he said that to you, I’d have said the same thing to him. I apologize for saying anything.

I know you from a few food and mixing threads, so I don’t want to start shit with you. I like you.

We were just goofing around, because the situation now is scary and everything being done is not really helpful imho.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Out of respect for Jimi I will not make any more comments about the stupid politics involved in the Virus pandemic. In this thread at least.

The political rift between left and right can only get in the way of people surviving this virus now. We need to pull together and look beyond what party or policy we support, imho.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
This has been around for some time now so who knows it mighta been a mild case of it.

If what I had was mild, I’m really afraid about this outbreak then. I think that was the sickest I’ve ever been, looking back on it.

The weird thing is that I don’t think I really had a fever.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have to say this was the scariest flu ever. I’ve only had colds once every few years, but this kicked my ass. I was so sick, and my hubs was in NV for the worst of it. All I could do was sleep, maybe make tea or something to eat, and that’s it. Creepy AH.

The symptoms are the same, even down to suddenly vomiting like crazy with no warning. I’m going to buy loose leaf echinacea if I can find it. With red clover and garlic, I’m hoping it works.

Do you make CS, Jimi? I stopped doing it lately. I need more rods.
I sure do,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I think he was being ironic. Whether that effort succeeded or not is moot, no?

Please don’t start fighting on Jimi’s thread. We’re trying to help each other out here. Please leave the politics at the door.

Hope you and your family are doing well. :hug:
Thank you very much dear, Yes please lets keep this thread for helping each other and arguing doesn't help anyone's health. Thank you.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Everyone I know that has one likes it a lot. I have never had one or anything outta one.
They are basically just an oven that blows hot air around.
I fix frozen fris, fish, hotwings and such in it.
15 min and done no oven warm up or anything and less energy used.
Set it and forget it :)
Most are only good for 2 people though.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
They are basically just an oven that blows hot air around.
I fix frozen fris, fish, hotwings and such in it.
15 min and done no oven warm up or anything and less energy used.
Set it and forget it :)
Most are only good for 2 people though.

Sounds good, esp. since I don’t use a microwave anymore.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A Guide to Speaking the 6th Love Language

Hades and Persephone had it down.

Do you remember their arrangement?

Persephone’s mother, Demeter, wanted her back above ground after Hades, Greek God of the Underworld, kidnapped her. But Persephone had fallen in love. So they compromised.

Persephone would spend four months of the year with Hades, and spend the remaining eight in the land of the living. (That’s why we have seasons, or so the legend goes.)

And this worked well for them — they gloried in their love for four months of the year, and spent the rest of their time glorying in themselves, their projects, their individual wants and needs.

The beauty of Greek Gods for ancient Greek citizens was that they weren’t perfect, formless, ideals.

They were just like humans. They had caprices and whimsies and could feel bored, lonely, dissatisfied, even enraptured.

And the essence of Hades and Persephone’s agreement is a lesson modern humanity has forgotten: space and solitude are not the poison that kills your relationship. They’re the antidote.

Gary Chapman’s five love languages — quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, physical touch — neatly package an individual’s preferred care style. How a person likes to give love, and how they like to receive it.

But those five neglect a sixth care style that doesn’t have anything to do with how you relate to your partner. In fact, it’s more about how you don’t relate to your partner…


Too Close for Comfort

The world we live in is cramped.

Wage stagnation and rent hikes have shrunk our personal quarters in this big wide world so small, that square footage is the most valuable part of most millennials’ homes.

And on top of that (or maybe because of it), we expect too much from our partners. We don’t have room for a village anymore, and our significant others are expected to pick up the slack.

Perhaps without realizing, and perhaps by hyperfocusing on how to come at our partners correctly, we forget that there’s a form of interaction that’s just as important: not coming at them at all.

In our incredibly connected, often claustrophobic, world, compacting is easy.

Instead of casting a wide social net, where lots of different people bring value to you in different ways, it’s easy to isolate, and to double down on the resource that’s most handily available.

But doing so makes setting personal boundaries nearly impossible. It makes disconnection nearly impossible. It makes saying “no” to demands on your time, your availability, and your emotional energy nearly impossible.

Love in the Old Days

We hear a lot about the variant strengths and weaknesses of the marriages of our grandparents versus our own relationships.

And while there are many significant changes — women leaving the home to work, men expanding into vulnerability, Netflix — here’s a big one: When you left the house for the day, you didn’t speak again until you saw each other.

Barring emergencies and check-up phone calls, you weren’t texting all day. Sending cute pictures. Following up on each other’s every movement.

Did it make those marriages less meaningful?

Or was the time apart a necessary structure to helping you remember that your day had its own meaning, because you were your own person?

Given the curse of time and distance, it’s hard to say for sure.

But the fact that there isn’t a culturally acceptable way to say “leave me alone” to your partner is certainly evident of how society weighs and values quality time in relationships.

Practicing Distance Practically

Emotional well-being is studied today like never before. Terms like “neurotypical” and “neurodivergent” flood the wellness cycles of the internet. More people are seeking treatment for mental illnesses now than ever in modern history, and most of those mental illnesses…

Place a heavy emphasis on the importance of alone time, connecting with yourself, and reflecting.

So how do you know when you’re not spending enough time by yourself? And how do you know when to say something to your partner? And what to say?

Consider this:

  • What did you enjoy doing before your relationship? When you still lived alone, or woke up by yourself on a Saturday?
  • How much do you enjoy activities that your partner enjoys? How much do they enjoy activities that you enjoy? How much does that ratio impact your respective enjoyment of your preferred activities?
  • Where do you see a space in your life that doesn’t have to be communal?

It can be small.

Maybe you don’t want anyone in the kitchen while you’re cooking dinner. That’s your time, to listen to your music, catch up on your podcasts, hum quietly to yourself.

Maybe you need a weekend away by yourself every now and again. Maybe you both do.

Maybe you love your partner desperately, but miss having the whole bed to yourself. Maybe every few weeks, you sleep in the guest bedroom.

Maybe you decide not to go to the same gym anymore, because you’re better focused when you’re by yourself.

Maybe, and this may be the hardest one of all, but maybe…

You just need to say “I want to be alone, not because of you or us, but because of me.”

And maybe they’ll breathe the same sigh of relief you did.

Because distance not only makes the heart grow fonder, it can make your heart grow stronger.

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