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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A Cromwell prediction.

The US will not be the first to develop corona virus vaccine and will not want to use what is developed elsewhere since it would not benefit big pharma enough.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's a very smart thing to do, might make all the difference, this one may last for some time.

I am really hoping that it backs off at least some come summer.
Even if it does will it be back next winter?
Or will it not end with warm weather?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A Cromwell prediction.

The US will not be the first to develop corona virus vaccine and will not want to use what is developed elsewhere since it would not benefit big pharma enough.
That one could very well come true, greedy bastards


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Just got back from Wally world and
. No hand sanitizer, no clorox or lysol wipes and few other lysol products.
No dried milk or the milk that does not need refridgeration.

this was my final virus prep trip shopping.

Hmm, it’s early days yet and already there are shortages. Not good.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
You're right my friend everywhere is getting wiped out
Here come the panic of stupid people

They’re not even sure of what to do with those supplies or what to really be afraid of, imho. That’s the problem with herd thinking.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
That's a very smart thing to do, might make all the difference, this one may last for some time.

That’s what I’m thinking, too. This will last for possibly years. The 1918 Flu lasted for a long time, too.
This virus seems different than these other ones that were around like Sars, etc.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
A Cromwell prediction.

The US will not be the first to develop corona virus vaccine and will not want to use what is developed elsewhere since it would not benefit big pharma enough.

Instead of trying to counter the virus, they’ll be worried about patents. That’s also the reason that any natural substances like plants/herbs or vitamins aren’t being looked at as treatment or prevention here. No profit.
Yet, the Chinese are using Vitamin C IV to treat corona. But I doubt the US will, being so BP ruled.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I am really hoping that it backs off at least some come summer.
Even if it does will it be back next winter?
Or will it not end with warm weather?

Have you heard any of the Health Ranger podcasts that Jimi put up?
I’m just kinda surprised more VU members aren’t heading over to this thread now. Ot are they just not aware yet?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That’s what I’m thinking, too. This will last for possibly years. The 1918 Flu lasted for a long time, too.
This virus seems different than these other ones that were around like Sars, etc.
Yes, I think it will, any virus that has as slow of an incubation period is very hard for it to burn out, SARS was a puppy in comparison to this


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Getting Better Sleep is the Key to Vitality

Sleep is essentially the Fountain of Youth. You can’t be healthy if you’re not getting it and if you’re really suffering with insomnia, you’re falling apart each week you don’t take steps to fix this issue.

Yeah, it’s that important.

Sleep helps repair neurons in the brain, helps replace dead or failing cells in the body, it helps rewire the brain connections, reset hormone balance, detoxify the body, and much more.

The essentials of sleep start with Sleep Hygiene. Before you get into pills and potions that people swear by, you have to make sure your bases are covered with these basic principles.

1- No Caffeine after noon - it’ll stay in your system and keep you cranked up for hours

2- Set a “deceleration” practice in the evenings to avoid overstimulation. I like firelight and candles.

3- No screentime- that means no TV, no devices, nothing with an artificial light blasting your pineal gland...that’ll stimulate your brain and keep you up

4- No bills or stressful activities in bed - the bedroom is for sleep and making love. Leave all else outside the chamber.

5- Plan your cycles around natural rhythms. Start to slow down as the sun is setting and wake up just before’ll take a while to adjust, but will sync your body with the cycles of nature all around you.

Will you be sleeping better immediately?

No. It’ll take some time to adjust so you need to stay patient with it.

That said- this IS the right answer regardless of how bad you’ve got it. Yes- there are other things you can do after you make these adjustments but, in my experience, people are asking for a quick fix and they skip over the vital first step which is sleep hygiene.

I’ve helped thousands of patients over the years with sleep. Many of whom were given custom herbal formulas to help close the gap and relax the brain a little better. After decades of this, I ended up making a blend that worked for most patients most of the time. It’s called “Relax and Unwind” and it’s a good option if you’ve tried most things and are still suffering.

Again, make sure you handle the 5 steps above first as that’s the baseline. From there, we have other options for severe insomniacs who need more help.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Los Angeles...Italy... Iran... Seattle... California... every day there’s a scary new headline.

The virus is clearly spreading. And in my area too.

Cases are being underreported (due to lack of testing and test kits).

It’s hard to know what the *true* numbers are—and therefore the real risk we all face.

And if you don’t know the risk, then how can you prepare yourself and loved ones?

===> It’s for all these reasons and more I’m holding an urgent, LIVE Coronavirus Prep Webinar TODAY MARCH 6th at 2:00 pm PST - 5:00pm EST [register FREE right here].

Register Now
As you may know, I’ve been researching this day and night for months—while also speaking to many of the most respected experts (doctors, NDs, and other wellness experts) to gather different perspectives.

The intent of this webinar is NOT to scare you—but rather to simplify everything so you can make calm, rational, informed decisions for yourself and your family.

I’ll do a live Q & A after I discuss:

  • Why there are two strains (and likely more) of the virus—and what that means...

  • How the virus is likely to spread and what that means for your area...

  • Why the US not been testing for 3 weeks - and why this has caused a countrywide spreading (plus my own personal story of someone I know)

  • “How long does the virus live on surfaces?” (And why you need to be spraying your mail and deliveries!)

  • New update on supplements that help with immunity preparedness (these are the TOP nutrients you must have)

  • How I personally prepared - what food I bought, supplements and supplies. what you need to get NOW before panic begins in your area (if it hasn’t already)

  • And so much more!
Best of all, this information is all FREE—there’s no charge for attending this webinar.

It will be LIVE, this afternoon, Friday, March 6th at 2pm PST / 5pm EST.

Can’t make this time? Just register and you’ll get a replay link to watch any time.

===> Register for the Urgent Coronavirus Prep Webinar right here.

Register Now
I don’t need to tell you how valuable this will be.

While everyone else is either completely unaware, burying their head in the sand—or panicking—you can be calmly prepared and ready for anything.

It could be a life-saver.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s clearly understood among the scientific community that the immune system is critical to preventing and reversing cancer.

The question is, what does it take to improve your immune system?

In my documentary film Cancer; The Integrative Perspective, experts share the best ways to enhance the immune system and prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer.

While there is a lot of information and many practical things you will learn during my film, I wanted to share this snippet from the documentary with you which discusses some of the things you can start doing right now to improve your immune system.

Click Here to watch this clip from "Cancer; The Integrative Perspective" about Enhancing the Immune System to Prevent and Reverse Cancer


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