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Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yes, I think it will, any virus that has as slow of an incubation period is very hard for it to burn out, SARS was a puppy in comparison to this

I just hope if I did get a bit of this virus that it gives me a fraction of immunity. But whatever I had kicked my ass big time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yes, I think it will, any virus that has as slow of an incubation period is very hard for it to burn out, SARS was a puppy in comparison to this

One of the articles you posted mentions two virus strains. It pretty much makes sense.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yep there are actually 3 strains now I think.
Which will complicate vaccine making I would think.

Definitely. I’m hoping that they’re not going to do forced vaccination of everyone. I’m not sure I’d want it.

The Cromwell

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Definitely. I’m hoping that they’re not going to do forced vaccination of everyone. I’m not sure I’d want it.
Especially if it is produced in a couple of months like someone is demanding.
Remember vaccine makers are exempt from product liability...

The Cromwell

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Ky just got it's first case.
From harrison county, but they have already transported them to a Lexington med center...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We have been getting many emails and calls regarding the “Coronavirus pandemic” and our clients wanting to know what to do. First of all, KEEP CALM and learn how to BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. It’s what we teach you to do every day! The basics: Clean Food, Clean Air, Clean Water, Clear Mind. We recommend using nutrient and botanical anti-viral, antifungals along with membrane stabilizing and repair protocols that we have taught many of you already. Do sinus rinsing daily. Consider a personal air ionizer device for travel or being in crowds. Question what you are hearing. Think!

For a detailed understanding of the immune system mechanisms involved in viral infection and how the Covid 19 virus causes serious illness through Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), watch our webinar. We’ve put together a detailed program on the mechanisms of viral infection, replication and hijacking of the immune system and how we can combat those factors to help prevent infection or aid in recovery. Please watch the Covid 19 Survival webinar here and get our protocol here.

The media loves nothing like a good crisis and hype to incite fear, keeping everyone turning to solutions that benefit those 0.01% in charge of our and the global economies. Ignoring and obfuscating the true causes at the expense of rational thinking and the rest of humanity and the planet. No surprise, there are a lot of other factors behind the viral illness that we are not being told about, particularly how air/water/food pollution and especially electro-smog [EMF, radiofrequencies /F.I.V.E-G 60Hz] are contributing. Remember- the media is owned by its advertisers in the medical-industrial-financial-petrochemical monopolies which also happen to own many governments and politicians around the world- including in the US, no matter which party…

Persons with compromised cell membranes, especially in lungs, gut and cardiovascular system are more susceptible to severe consequences of virus infection. How do you know your cell membranes are compromised or damaged? If you have any one of the following conditions, they involve impaired or damaged cell membranes which may increase susceptibility to the Covid 19 Virus.
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Respiratory diseases - COPD, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis
  • Seasonal allergies/Toxic Mold exposure
  • Dysbiosis/SIBO/IBS- bloating, gas, belching due to bacterial or fungal overgrowth
  • Auto-immune diseases
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neuro-degenerative disease - ALS, Parkinson's, ALZ, ADD
  • Cancer
  • Fatty Liver
  • Gets sick more often and stays sick longer than the average person
  • Biotoxin illness- mold/Lyme co-infections, heavy metals, chronic viral infections
NO NEED TO PANIC. Your body has an amazing capacity to heal itself! Don’t allow the media fear mongering to suck you in. What CAN YOU DO? For a complete list of recommended nutrients and botanicals discussed in our webinar and basic protocols please click here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

One way you can help support your immune health is to learn about the importance of our liver in modulating the immune system. It can be damaged with viral infections. As one of the largest organs in the body and the powerhouse for detoxification, it is being bombarded by over 80,000 environmental chemicals, way too many toxic prescription and over the counter medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), the SAD diet laced with pesticides, GMO’s, and high fructose corn syrup as well as exposures to mold mycotoxins from our food supply and water damaged buildings. The good news is there are many ways we can use diet, nutrients and very specific detoxification protocols to reverse the damage!

I highly recommend the NaturalHealth365 docuseries on Reversing Fatty Liver which is replaying for FREE this weekend. A solution packed collection of 35 top experts and clinicians at the forefront of regenerative medicine present vital information that can save your life! Register today to learn for FREE this week, and catch whatever you missed during replay weekend March 7-8th for FREE.

Always Have Hope for Healing, Health, and Home!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Fermented milk: I don't get straight raw milk very often, but I happened to have a couple bottles in the fridge. The first I drank over the course of a week. The other one I forgot about. Until about four weeks after its "best by" date.

Since I "knew" that raw milk doesn't really have the same tendency to go bad as pasteurized milk, I figured I'd give it a shot. There's even a process called clabbering that consists of leaving raw milk out on the counter to spontaneously ferment. I wasn't worried about safety, but I wasn't sure it would taste good enough to drink.

The cap gave an audible *POP* as I removed it. I poured a glass. It was lightly effervescent. I took a sip. It was good! It didn't taste like kefir (didn't have the funk) or like yogurt (wasn't all that tart or sour). It tasted unlike anything I'd ever had. Really quite tasty.

I thought I detected a slight tinge of ethanol. And I remembered that the Mongols and other steppe peoples used to (and still do) ferment horse milk into alcohol. Perhaps I'd stumbled onto a lightly alcoholic cow milk. Is there anyone out there who's done this before? Anyone who's actually turned raw milk into a drinkable alcoholic beverage?

Let's get the brain trust going on this.

Tell me in the comment section of WLL if my ideas are crazy or not. Also, tell me all about any other "silly" thoughts you folks have been having.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good article, not something I would do in the winter however.

But, shrinkage...:giggle:

Yeah me either but on a hot summer day might be a bit different. We have the polar bear club show up every winter. They cut a hole in the ice on years that they have to so them crazy characters can take a dip, then some the locals brave it.

The Cromwell

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In America, those who PREPARE for uncertain times are vilified while the clueless masses who obey and FAIL to prepare are celebrated

they can villify me if they want. Made another grocery run after taking the wife to church.
Got a bunch of dry noodle Knorr stuff, and some meats for the freezer. Heck Krogers had bacon for $3.99 a pkg.

got home to find another box of 100 nitrile gloves from amazon on the step.

The surgeon general says the virus is contained in pockets,,, Well KY just got 3 more pockets in the past couple of days.
Pockets in 33 states now vs less than 1/2 that number a week ago.

Idiots in charge...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
they can villify me if they want. Made another grocery run after taking the wife to church.
Got a bunch of dry noodle Knorr stuff, and some meats for the freezer. Heck Krogers had bacon for $3.99 a pkg.

got home to find another box of 100 nitrile gloves from amazon on the step.

The surgeon general says the virus is contained in pockets,,, Well KY just got 3 more pockets in the past couple of days.
Pockets in 33 states now vs less than 1/2 that number a week ago.

Idiots in charge...
Far better to be prepared and not need it, (you can always use it up anyway) than to need it and not have shit so to speak. I still have a few items to pick up yet.

Yeah, right, is the pocket he is talking about a large scale pocket called the USA:rolleyes: because as loosely as they are handling this it sure must be.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Far better to be prepared and not need it, (you can always use it up anyway) than to need it and not have shit so to speak. I still have a few items to pick up yet.

Yeah, right, is the pocket he is talking about a large scale pocket called the USA:rolleyes: because as loosely as they are handling this it sure must be.

Yep just buying stuff ahead all will be consumed.

And there will be supply disruptions and the wife and I may need to hide a while too.
tomorrow is the wifes birthday so out to dinner and likely to be her last outing for quite a while and I will make darned few as well.

wifes health is not as good as mine and I expect the virus would hit her hard.
Me? I think I would survive fine, but she would need supplies to do her while I was laid for for a few weeks.
I wish most everyone well, but must take care of mine first.

I say most everyone because if some idiot is running around in a house on fire saying there is no fire I do not feel bad if they get singed.
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Awe that's great, hope you two have a good time, Happy birthday to your wifey. Yeah if it get's bad who wants to go out and pay to get sick.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Awe that's great, hope you two have a good time, Happy birthday to your wifey. Yeah if it get's bad who wants to go out and pay to get sick.

Ohh there will be many idiots who think that it cannot happen to them that will go out and help to spread the thing around.
Like idiots STILL going on cruises?

Btw the wife and I are also beginning self isolation to a degree


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ohh there will be many idiots who think that it cannot happen to them that will go out and help to spread the thing around.
Like idiots STILL going on cruises?

Btw the wife and I are also beginning self isolation to a degree
How very true that is, I don't know if they just don't have any sense or if just think they are invinseable

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