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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Essential How-To Guide
to Detoxing Cancer Cells​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
Are you tired of battling cravings and emotional eating? It’s time to take control of your health, and I’m excited to share an incredible opportunity with you!
I’m thrilled to be featured alongside top international experts in the Crush Your Cravings Masterclass: Proven Strategies for Overcoming Food Addictions and Emotions—and you can attend for FREE!
If you missed this masterclass from March of this year, you can catch it again in just a few days!
This virtual event runs from October 10th – October 16th, and here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn:
  • 💪Cravings & Lasting Weight Loss: Proven methods to beat cravings and maintain your weight goals
  • 🍬Are Sugar Cravings Real? Discover the truth behind your cravings
  • 🛑When Overeating Becomes Addiction: Understand the root causes and learn how to break the cycle
  • 🥦Crush Emotional Eating with a Plant-Based Diet: Simple strategies to manage cravings naturally
  • 🚫Binge Eating Isn’t Just About Food: Learn the deeper reasons behind binge eating and how to overcome it

Hosted by my friend, Kathy “Sugar Free Girl” Williams, this FREE masterclass offers you exclusive access to powerful insights from experts worldwide.
What to Expect:
  • 🗓️Two expert interviews per day, each around 40 minutes—delivered directly to your inbox
  • 🎁$1,500+ in FREE bonuses just for signing up!
  • 🚨Space is limited, so don’t wait—be my guest and register now!

Let’s crush those cravings and take back control of our health together!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: A Big Pink Fraud? - Before you slap on a pink ribbon or proudly sip from your branded “pink” coffee cup, you might want to ask yourself: Who’s really benefiting from all this pink-washing?
>> BCAM: A Big Pink Fraud? <<
COVID-19 Clot Shots Also Causing Asthma - A new analysis of over 200,000 children’s health records found “striking evidence” that mRNA COVID-19 shot increases children’s risk of asthma, which leads to lung damage.
>> COVID-19 Shots Causing Asthma in Children <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Breast Cancer Research: A Few Things to Consider​

I wanted to take this time to share some research on a few things that are usually left out of the conversation when it comes to breast cancer - a few things your doctor might not tell you. I hope this information is empowering and takes away some of the mystery of breast cancer. There are so many things we can do to prevent and treat this disease.​

Higher sun exposure and vitamin D levels are associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer.​

Nearly all of the breast cancer patients I see have low levels of vitamin D. This is an important reminder that avoiding the sun can actually increase cancer risk! There’s a strong connection between breast cancer and low vitamin D levels, along with lack of sunlight. Studies show that breast cancer rates are highest in countries farther from the equator and lowest in those closer to it. This is because the body produces the highest amounts of bioavailable vitamin D from sunlight which is crucial for supporting the immune system and defending the body against cancer.​
Vitamin D:
  • Has been shown to slow or stop the growth of cancer cells
  • Supports healthy cell differentiation
  • Inhibits the growth of blood vessels that tumors need to survive
  • Modulates immune activity
  • Directly helps kill cancer cells
Healthy sun exposure (avoiding burns) prevents cancer. We are meant to spend time outdoors, letting the sun touch our skin. Making peace with our environment is so important - not only for our physical but also emotional health! The earth has given us what we need to thrive.​
For women living in areas with low sun, supplementing with vitamin D3K2 may be a helpful option.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The majority of breast cancers (80%) are estrogen-receptor positive.​

This means that the majority of breast cancers rely on estrogen to grow. Estrogen is essential to female physiology - it gives us amazing womanly features like curves, breasts, and fertility. However, when estrogen levels become too high, it can become toxic to the body.​
The carcinogenic effects of excess estrogen occur when it binds to estrogen receptors, activating growth factor pathways that stimulate breast cells to proliferate uncontrollably. Estrogen can also disrupt cellular function by stealing oxygen from mitochondria, leading to cancerous changes. In this way, estrogen both causes cancer and encourages cancer growth.​
In a healthy body, progesterone naturally opposes estrogen, acting as an "anti-estrogen" by keeping its effects in check. When this ratio is disrupted, the body can become out of balance, increasing the risk of health issues and cancer. This is why it’s essential to check hormone levels and work toward restoring hormonal balance, especially in the case of breast cancer.​
I’m personally familiar with the harmful effects of excess estrogen. When my mother was pregnant with me, she took DES (diethylstilbestrol), a drug made of concentrated estrogen. This drug was later found to cause cancer in the children of women who took it during pregnancy. My experience with DES has led me to research estrogen, although it is not often discussed as a contributor to cancer.​

Natural progesterone is linked to a decreased risk of breast cancer.​

Again, progesterone counters estrogen and is a powerful anticancer substance.​
“A meta-analysis of 3 studies involving 86,881 postmenopausal women reported that the use of natural progesterone was associated with a significantly lower risk of breast cancer…Physicians should have no hesitation prescribing natural progesterone. Indeed, progesterone is protective and preventative of breast cancer. ” (Curtis and Lieberman, 2017).​
Interestingly, natural progesterone doesn’t just balance estrogen—it also has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes the healthy differentiation of cells, preventing the uncontrolled cell growth associated with cancer. Because of this, it is considered a highly protective hormone.​
Many years ago, when I was researching solutions for the effects of DES, bioidentical (natural) progesterone was only available by injection. Today, as progesterone is being discussed more, options like creams and capsules are available. Raena offers the cleanest progesterone products and is my recommendation for those looking to supplement!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Many personal care products for women, especially makeup and cosmetics contain carcinogens and xenoestrogens, which are linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.​

Everything we put on our skin is absorbed into the body. The chemicals in our personal care products don't just stay on the surface—they enter our system and can disrupt hormonal balance. Many common products contain toxins like xenoestrogens. Some of these include parabens and phthalates which are absorbed by the bloodstream, bind estrogen receptors on breast cells, and mimic estrogen’s effects.​
Frequent exposure to these harmful substances over time can accumulate, contributing to estrogen dominance and increasing breast cancer risk. Fortunately, research has found that reducing exposure to these chemicals can reverse cancerous changes in breast cells. Switching to non-toxic, clean beauty products is a key step in reducing hormone imbalances, reducing breast cancer risk, and even treating breast cancer.​
Some of my favorite non-toxic beauty products:
Araza (Code: CONNEALY15)​
Primally Pure (Code: CONNEALYMD)​

Hormonal contraception is linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.​

Hormonal contraceptives like the birth control pill and IUD disrupt the natural balance of hormones. Many of these products contain estrogen or synthetic progesterone, called progestins. These substances suppress the natural production of progesterone and can lead to estrogen dominance. It's important to note that progestins do not act like progesterone in the body, and can in fact have estrogenic effects.​
Research suggests that “the use of progestogen-only hormonal contraceptives is associated with a 20-30% higher risk of breast cancer” (Beral et al., 2023).​
There are so many mixed messages about birth control and I know this is a sensitive topic. It's common for doctors to not disclose all the risks associated with long-term use, but the research is clear. Taking exogenous estrogen or other synthetic hormones can disrupt the natural balance of hormones and increase breast cancer risk. I believe we should approach any substance we take with caution.​
Natural Cycles is a great option for women looking for a non-hormonal birth control option!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mammograms may not be the most effective screening for tool for some women.​

It’s estimated that approximately 50% of breast cancers go undetected by mammograms for women with dense breasts. Dense breasts contain a higher proportion of fibrous and glandular tissue compared to fatty tissue, which can make it more difficult for mammograms to detect abnormalities. Breast density is a normal variation, commonly found in younger women, though it can also persist in older women.​
On a mammogram, dense breast tissue appears white, which poses a challenge because tumors and other abnormalities also appear white. This lack of contrast makes it difficult to differentiate between normal dense tissue and cancer.​
We are normally given blanket screening recommendations. However, for younger women and women with dense breasts, I recommend thermograms, ultrasound, or QT imaging (which is now available at the center this month!). Sometimes a combination of screenings is necessary to get the full picture of a woman’s breast health. I discuss more about mammograms in a post I made for Instagram here. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Tips for Supporting Breast Health:​

Like everything else in the body, breast health should be approached holistically. Everything is connected.​
Emotional health: Breasts can be thought of as ‘nests.’ Just as a nest is a space where life is nurtured and cared for, breasts are associated with nourishment, comfort, and the ability to sustain life. They represent how women provide physical and emotional nourishment to their loved ones, especially children.​
Because of this breasts are not just biological structures but also carry deep emotional significance. In all cancer patients, there is an emotional component at play, and for breast cancer patients, it is common for women to experience intense stress - especially over a loved one. Making peace with her current situation and relationships is one of the most important things a woman can do for her breast health.​
Hormone balance & progesterone levels: Hormone testing or supplementation can be an effective prevention and treatment tool for breast cancer. All hormones work in the body together, they are always dancing in sync. When one falls out of balance, it can have a cascade of effects. For breast cancer in particular, I believe in managing thyroid, progesterone, and estrogen levels. Our entire lifestyle, diet, emotional health, etc. impacts our hormones – it requires some dedication and effort to achieve balance. For those looking for support, again, Raena offers natural solutions or at-home hormone testing.​
Nutrition: Although it seems counterintuitive to many health messages, avoiding seed oils (canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, etc.), flax, soy, seeds, and nuts is important for breast health. These foods contain high levels of inflammatory fats and have estrogenic effects in the body. I encourage patients to stick to traditional fats like butter, coconut oil, and olive oil. As always nutrient density is key! When possible, avoid eating or drinking out of plastic. Eat high quality. Eating is dressing for the job you want – eat like a queen because you are a queen :)
Lymphatic drainage: Breasts contain lymph nodes and are a crucial part of the lymphatic system, which acts like the body’s detox network. It doesn’t have its own pump (like the heart for blood circulation), so it relies on movement, such as exercise or gentle massage, to keep the fluid flowing.​
In the breasts, this drainage is critical because they contain fatty tissue, which can easily store toxins. Progesterone also travels through the lymph system to target tissues, so a free-flowing lymph system is essential for healthy progesterone levels. Daily self massage, dry brushing, wearing loose-fitting clothes - especially bras, frequent exercise, warm baths, good posture, etc., are all really helpful for keeping breasts healthy.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Resources for Women’s Health:​

Non-Toxic Products -​

Natural Cycles - Natural Birth Control​
Raena Health - Natural Hormone Solutions​
Flex & Natracare - Menstrual Products​
Araza (Code: CONNEALY15) & Primally Pure (Code: CONNEALYMD) - Natural Beauty​
My Amazon Page - Nontoxic Health & Beauty​

Books -​

Nutrition for Women - Dr. Ray Peat​
My Amazon Page - Books​

Ins & Outs of the Month​

In: 🍁 👕 🫖
  • Post meal walks
  • Linen and cotton fibers
  • Slow cooked roast beef
  • Reformer pilates
Out: 🥤 😅 👙
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Inflammation
  • Cutting corners
  • Wired bras


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Gut Reaction: How Early Antibiotics Set the Stage for Lifelong Allergies
New research reveals how antibiotics in infancy may set the stage for a lifetime of allergies, offering fresh insights into prevention and treatment.
Is DCIS Being Overtreated in Elderly Women?
The question of whether Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is being overtreated has gained momentum as new evidence points to the low risk of progression in many cases, particularly among older women. Aggressive treatments like mastectomy, lumpectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy, which were once considered the gold standard, are now being re-examined, especially for elderly patients with limited life expectancy.
The Hidden Danger in Your Tampons: Why All Women Should Reconsider Their Use
What if the product you trust most intimately is silently compromising your reproductive health?
Ceators Corner with Laura Maven Star, Midwife of the Divine Feminine
In this interview, Laura shares her journey and how her work through intuitive strategies, quantum energy healing, and spiritual coaching has transformed lives. She is the founder of The Light Leaders Academy and "Get Your Goddess Groove On" Community & Radio Show, where she empowers women to embrace their leadership potential and embody their sacred service. Join us as we get to know Laura, explore her mission, and discover why she chose to be a part of the UNITE community.

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