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Jimi's Daily Health Articles

Bliss Doubt

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Port Hedland Australia city council votes to immediately stop the use of Moderna and Pfizer Covid injections:



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Reddit Exile
Port Hedland Australia city council votes to immediately stop the use of Moderna and Pfizer Covid injections:

so now when someone there dies of covid they will be saying " she would have been alive if she had the needle" people these days get so scared of things that have been around for a long time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., writes:

Nerve pain is a common problem. Studies have shown that the natural compound acetyl-L-carnitine can stimulate healing of injured nerves and reduce nerve pain.

One way it does this is by triggering the production and release of neurotrophins that promote nerve repair and healing.

Special: 4 Medical Doctors Made a Surprising Discovery

Acetyl-L-carnitine also activates a special type of glutamate receptor (mGluR2) that dampens pain signals.

Interestingly, when stimulated this same glutamate receptor acts as a powerful antidepressant.

Other studies have shown that acetyl-L-carnitine also stimulates the growth of brain cells, which would benefit people suffering from a stroke or other types of brain injury.

Nerve problems often occur with diabetes, and one study found that acetyl-L-carnitine could correct diabetic nerve damage, even though it had no effect on blood sugar.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
7 Reasons Why CCDH Faces Collapse: From 'Anti-Hate' Group to Foreign Influence and NATO 'Black Ops'
A powerful UK-US intelligence nexus masquerading as an anti-hate group faces unprecedented legal and congressional scrutiny, as evidence of alleged foreign election interference and constitutional rights violations emerges.
11 Things Better than Drugs or Supplements for Healing
Natural medicine doesn't just involve "nutraceuticals," but extends to modalities like yoga and acupuncture that an increasing body of peer-reviewed research shows can be superior to drugs.
Top 5 Steps to Exit The Surveillance State + Protect Yourself
Join our friends Dr. Zielinski and renowned immunologist AJ Lanigan for a LIVE Masterclass entitled “Immune-Boosting Power of Beta Glucan”, Thursday, November 14th @ 1pm EST, where they’ll dive into the science of Beta Glucan and its powerful role in immune health.

Why This Webinar is a Must-Attend:
- Introducing the Missing Piece to Your Gut Health, Anti-Aging & Immune Protocols
- Discover why health experts recommend Beta Glucan & why you cannot get the benefits of Beta Glucan in your food
- Learn how your immune system REALLY works & how to avoid scam products.
- Get simple, proven tips on how you can boost your immune function, gut health and longevity without breaking the bank from an expert Immunologist
- Unlock the key to living longer and thriving in today's toxic environment.
- Understand why Beta Glucan is the #1 Immune-Boosting ingredient on the planet + hear proven followers success stories

There will also be a L.IVE Q&A session where you can get your questions answered by Dr. Zielinski and AJ!
Top 5 Steps to Exit The Surveillance State + Protect Yourself
Privacy is one of the biggest issues of our century. But I doubt most people understand
what is at stake.

Maybe you’ve seen the viral videos about how Google listens through your device’s
microphone - so they can send you “personalized ads” based off of what you say.

Well, personalized ads are just the tip of the iceberg. The truth is much more insidious...
Have you ever wondered how Google and Facebook can be among the wealthiest
companies in history, even though everything they offer is free?

Well, that’s because YOU are the product. They can afford to be “free” because they get
something more valuable than your money…

Our friend Glenn Meder, an online Privacy and Security Expert, created a webinar, TOP 5 STEPS TO EXIT THE SURVEILLANCE STATE & PROTECT YOURSELF ONLINE, on Thursday, November 14th at 7pm CT/8pm ET.

You do not have to be tech savvy to take back your privacy…

You don’t need any high-level technical skills…

All you need is the ability to use a browser, and a desire to protect your freedom.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Fall Superfoods Ward Off Colds, Flu

As we head into the cold winter months when colds, flu, and COVID-19 peak, it is important to give our immune systems an extra boost.

And a powerful and natural way to do that is by eating superfoods — foods that are nutrient dense and packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Editor’s Note: Discover This Superfoods Bible – Boost Your Health!

“We are entering cold season, flu season, so we need to fight against it. It's not about taking pills and medicine and all that. It's really about eating correctly,” says Chauncey Crandall, M.D., world-renowned cardiologist and director of preventive medicine at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida.

“You know, really, the Lord has provided us with superfoods that are available in the fall. And if we focus on these, I believe we will do well and we will not get a cold or the flu,” Crandall tells Newsmax’s “Newsline.”

Special: Doctor: All Multivitamins Are Not the Same

Crandall says that foods harvested in the fall have a purpose and reason for being there now. Some fall superfoods that Crandall recommends for boosting the immune system include:

Pumpkin. We all have these hanging around after Halloween. Pumpkins get their orange color from the high content of the immune-boosting pigment beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A.

Sweet potatoes. These tasty potatoes contain vitamin A and vitamin C, which are antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent them from damaging the body. While studies have not found that vitamin C can prevent a cold or flu, they do show that this vitamin can shorten the duration of colds.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:

  • How to Reverse Weight Loss Resistance
    with Dr. Keesha Ewers
    • A commonly overlooked hidden stressor that might be causing your weight loss resistance
    • The surprising effect of Dr. Keesha’s 21-Day Detox
    • What does a detox lifestyle really look like and an amazing case study of how someone going through menopause is living it



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Gordon Medical Forum LIVE Webinars​

Join Dr. Nafysa Parpia for our upcoming Gordon Medical Forum live webinar on November 15th at 1 pm PDT | 3 pm EDT. Dr. Parpia will share practical insights on using peptide therapy to address:

  • Heavy metal exposure
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • ME/CFS
  • Detoxification support
Even if you can’t join live, please register to ensure you receive the replay.​
Join Dr. Eric Gordon and Dr. Mark Gordon on November 20th at 12 pm PDT | 3 pm EDT as they discuss how chronic trauma and stress can trigger neuroinflammation, leading to persistent mood disorders and mental health challenges that often resist traditional medication.

Learn about the crucial connection between inflammatory cytokines and disrupted neurotransmitter function as they discuss why common mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and mood disturbances often fail to respond adequately to conventional treatments.

They will discuss how disruptions in key neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA drive these conditions and how addressing the underlying neuroinflammation can effectively resolve these persistent symptoms.​
Even if you can’t join live, please register to ensure you receive the replay.​
Expert Talk​
Lyme Disease: What Every Parent Needs to Know​
In recent years, there has been a rise in chronic illness among children, with Lyme disease emerging as a particularly significant concern.

In this in-depth discussion for the upcoming ADHD, Autism, and Chronic Disease Parenting Summit. Gordon Medical’s own Dr. Jennifer Sugden sits down with host Dr. Joel Warsh to explore the challenges of Lyme disease in pediatric patients and what every parent should know.

Talk highlights include:
  • Common signs of Lyme disease
  • Complexities of diagnosing Lyme disease and the importance of early detection
  • Potential risks and implications of Lyme disease in pregnancy


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
➡️ Click Here To Access Your What to Eat & How to Shop for Optimal Gut and Brain Health
Hi Jim,
You just took a powerful step toward better gut health by accessing my free What to Eat & How to Shop for Optimal Gut and Brain Health.
Inside this guide, you’ll find all the information you need to successfully navigate the landscape of misleading labels, harmful ingredients, and processed foods millions of Americans just like you face at the grocery store every day.
You’ll also learn:
  • The importance of prebiotic, probiotic, and postbiotic foods.
  • How to decrease inflammation with the foods you eat.
  • When to consider supplementing your diet.
  • How to cook at home to protect your gut.
…and much more.
If you’ve been feeling a little lost and confused regarding what you should eat, what you should avoid, and how you should supplement your diet for optimal gut health, the What to Eat & How to Shop for Optimal Gut and Brain Health is exactly what you need.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know essential oils are extremely effective at managing mouth pain and gingivitis?

When used properly essential oils can help reduce your risk of chronic disease. Some experts claim that 80-90% of all disease is linked to oral health and maintaining a proper microbiome balance starts with a clean mouth. If you're interested to learn how you can use essential oils to manage oral health naturally, then you won't want to miss out on this eBook.

CLICK HERE to download Dr. Z’s eBook: Essential Oils for Oral Health & Remedy Guide. >>

This is your chance to unlock ancient essential oil secrets that our ancestors have enjoyed for thousands of years.

In this eBook, you will discover how to:

❌ Prevent Cavities: Learn how essential oils can help you avoid cavities and tooth decay.
👄 Heal Gum Disease: Learn natural methods to treat and prevent gum disease.
😫 Relieve Pain: Find effective ways to relieve toothaches and gum inflammation.
🪥 DIY Oral Care: Access easy recipes for making your own toothpaste and mouthwash.

And much more!

Don't overlook your oral health! It's crucial to your overall wellbeing, and now is your chance to learn how to do it naturally.

Get the eBook HERE. >>


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Long-Term Effects Of Chemotherapy​

The long-term effects of this treatment modality are just as crucial, albeit less frequently discussed.
This article aims to shed light on these long-term effects, explaining what chemotherapy is, how it works, and what physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges patients might face in the long run.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I have a new interview for you today with my friend and accomplished physician, Monisha Bhanote, MD
Dr. Bhanote is an expert in the field of lifestyle medicine with five medical board certifications and is the best-selling author of The Anatomy of Wellbeing.
Dr. Bhanote has several decades of expertise in internal medicine, pathology, cellular health, nutrition, the microbiome, the interactions of stress and inflammation in disease development, and longevity.
Dr. Monisha Bhanote specializes in cancer care, as well as chronic disease prevention and reversal, and is an advocate of a whole-food plant-based diet for optimal health.
In this interview we discuss:
-Dr. Bhanote's journey to diet and lifestyle medicine
-Her human body handbook: The Anatomy of Wellbeing
-How to stop making excuses for your bad habits
-Healing your body starts in your mind
-The biggest dietary cancer promoters
-The vicious cycle of pharmaceuticals
-Specialized testing that Dr. Bhanote does with her patients
-Disease reversal cases with heavy metal detoxification
-Practical steps for healthier living
-And more!
I'm thankful for Dr. Monisha Bhanote. She is a wealth of practical wisdom and it is my pleasure to introduce you to her. Enjoy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,

What if you could invest 10 minutes every morning for the next month to DOUBLE your energy levels?


I’m incredibly excited to share a new live virtual event with you from the host of our Energy Blueprint summit, Ari Whitten.

He’s teaching a new system that he says is “the single fastest method to increase energy levels that I’ve found in 25 years of studying health science.”

What is it? It’s about optimizing your cellular energy production through dramatically increasing your body’s oxygen carrying capacity, and the ability of your red blood cells to deliver oxygen to your cells.

He’s partnered with world-renowned breathing expert Patrick McKeown to develop a brand-new system of specialized breathing practices to go from fatigued to energized in just weeks.

You can register for FR*EE right HERE.

In this live virtual event happening on November 14th at 4:30pm PST, he’s giving away the secrets of how to use specific breathing practices to:

  • How to measure your body’s vitality/energy with a simple 1-minute test
  • Rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Improve your fitness level and endurance dramatically
  • Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety)
  • How to improve your health by increasing oxygen delivery to your cells
  • The 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
  • Why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and mood problems (and how improving circulation to your brain with breathing can fix it)
  • Why breathing practices are often the secret key to helping you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
  • A powerful 10-minute morning routine that dramatically increases energy levels

Grab your FR*EE spot in this live virtual event HERE.

It’s happening Thursday, November 14th at 4:30pm PST.

See you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

US EPA Forced to Evaluate How Pesticides Harm Hormone Systems in Humans and Wildlife

After decades of inaction, last month the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a proposed plan to implement its Endocrine-Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP), EPA’s program for evaluating how pesticides may harm the hormone systems of humans and wildlife.

“Many of the pesticides covered by the agreement are linked to birth defects, significant reproductive harms, and certain cancers in people, particularly farmworkers who are in direct contact with these toxic chemicals,” said Sylvia Wu, attorney for Center for Food Safety, counsel for the plaintiffs in the case. “After decades of inaction despite these terrible harms, as a result of our lawsuit EPA is now committed to much needed steps to protect farmworkers and the public from the potential endocrine-disrupting harms of pesticides.”

In October 2023, nearly a year after plaintiffs sued the EPA, EPA proposed an overhaul of the EDSP. Today’s proposed legal agreement builds on that initial overhaul by setting deadlines by which EPA will implement the EDSP and assess pesticides’ endocrine-disrupting effects. Read more here from our colleagues at Sustainable Pulse.

Over 20 agrochemicals, including common herbicides, linked to prostate cancer

New research adds to evidence that several types of agrochemicals — including the widely used herbicides 2,4-D and glyphosate — may raise the risk of prostate cancer.

A study published November 4 in the journal Cancer examined the relationship between the quantity of pesticides used in US counties over certain spans of time and then the rates of prostate cancer 14 years later. Nearly two dozen of these chemicals were consistently associated with an elevated risk of the disease, which is the most common cancer in men, and is considered the second-most deadly. Learn more here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Glyphosate Increases Blood Pressure and Alters Gut Microbiome

In a study conducted at the University of Toledo, rats exposed to glyphosate showed an increase in blood pressure and alterations in the gut microbiome. The researchers concluded, "Our study supports the reasoning that the unabated use of glyphosate could be a contributor to the rising incidence of hypertension in the western society."
In an article about the study, the lead researcher wrote, "This alteration in gut microbiota can lead to changes in metabolites, which are released by bacteria into our bodies.... These altered metabolites could play an important role in the increased blood pressure observed in our rat model." Source: GM Watch and American Physiological Society
European Parliament urged to call for immediate investigation into Poison PR
GM Watch recently did a deep dive into the US government’s funding of Poison PR, in which it was noted that tracking and vilifying critics of GMOs and pesticides was not all the PR firm at the center of this scandal has been up to on behalf of the US government. It has also emerged that v-Fluence, the firm founded and led by former Monsanto director Jay Byrne, was hired by the US Department of Agriculture, together with another PR firm – the White House Writers Group – to assist them in torpedoing the EU’s Farm to Fork policy of aiming to cut pesticide use by 50% by 2030. Continue reading more on this from our friends at GM Watch here.

What the Recent $78 Million Win for a Philadelphia Plaintiff Means for Future Roundup Lawsuits

Bayer’s winning streak among Roundup lawsuits broke last month when a Philadelphia jury awarded $78 million to William Melissen. The 51-year-old who filed the lawsuit in 2021 after he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma a year earlier. Melissen said he had been using Roundup at home and at work since 1992.
This decision flips what had been a rough few months for plaintiffs. Bayer and its subsidiary Monsanto had been continuously winning new trials in court and have had their previous wins upheld in appeals.
But this win could signal good things for the thousands of active lawsuits claiming that the company failed to warn of connections between Roundup exposure and cancer. Continue reading here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The latest episode of Freedom Files is Available now on HighWire+! In this episode, politician & activist, Randall Terry, breaks down the five rules of social revolution which he has identified in his study of revolts dating back as far as the American Revolution.
Freedom Files is our latest exclusive series on HighWire+, Following the success of ‘Off The Record,’ our first new series on HighWire+, we’re thrilled to bring you this powerful new offering.
Join Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree as they engage with thought leaders and experts championing liberty and freedom for all. From the challenges facing our education system and health to the growing censorship state, tech issues, and beyond, these insightful conversations shine a light on the most critical battles of our time—the fight for our independence.
Enjoy this latest episode of Freedom Files with Randall Terry, now!
Not signed up for HighWire+ yet? Register HERE today!


Diamond Contributor
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Can Prebiotics Influence You to Make Healthy Eating Choices?
There’s an important link between your gut and brain called the gut-brain axis. Plus, a healthy gut thrives on probiotics, which are nourished by prebiotics found in plant fiber. Now, a recent study has found that prebiotics may influence the gut-brain axis by helping people to select healthier foods. In the study, 59 overweight adults were divided into two groups: one received a daily prebiotic supplement (inulin), while the other took a placebo. After two weeks, brain MRIs revealed the prebiotic group was more likely to choose medium- or low-calorie foods over high-calorie ones. Plus, they exhibited less activation in their brain's reward network when viewing high-calorie options. (More)
Short Workouts May Improve Memory & Reaction Times
While long-term exercise has consistently been shown to boost cognitive function, the impact of single exercise sessions has been less clear. Now, a recent meta-analysis of 113 studies with over 4,000 participants reveals that short bursts of intense exercise can positively affect cognitive performance, especially working memory and reaction times. Activities like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and cycling were found to be particularly effective for delivering quick cognitive boosts. (More)
This DIY Exercise May Improve Your Vision
Tiny eye movements, called "fixational drift," help us see fine details more clearly. In a recent study, researchers used advanced imaging to study the fovea—the area of the retina responsible for sharp vision—while participants identified the orientation of a small letter "E." They found that these intentional eye movements targeted areas with more light-sensitive cells, improving vision by about 18%. You can practice this by focusing on a small object, like a letter or symbol, and letting your eyes make tiny movements to explore its details without moving your head. (More)​


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You know the struggles of midlife weight gain. And you've probably tried all the diets, fitness programs, and supplements that promise to fight it.

You're not alone in this—most women struggle with menopause belly fat. It's just a fact of life, right?

But what if you could stop fighting and start winning? What if you could get rid of your menopause belly fat once and for all?

That's why we recommend that you...

Download Your Ultimate Guide to Losing Belly Fat today!

With over 10,000 clients and 20 years of expertise in the industry, our friend Dr. Michelle Sands has made it her mission to help women regain their health and vitality. And she’s bringing her knowledge, expertise, and success to you.

In Dr. Michelle's free guide, you'll learn how to:

  • Banish your belly fat and burn off your midsection no matter your age is or what stage of menopause you're in
  • Boost your metabolism so you can eat more without gaining weight
  • Shed fat from around your waistline, hips, thighs, and arms
  • Eat food that helps slim down the midsection rather than food that piles on the pounds
  • Use natural methods to get rid of stubborn belly fat without diet pills, expensive surgery, or expensive supplements
Are you ready to say hello to a new, leaner body?

--> Download Your Ultimate Guide to Losing Belly Fat today!


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Make the most of the time you have for this NeuroMovement Healingfest. It is Day 2 of this 3-day event.
Here is more of what you'll learn:
Lesson 3: On Back – Your Pelvis
In the third lesson, you’ll be moving your pelvis. You’ll keep seeing improvements in your movements as your day goes on. And if you have pain, that will be reducing also.
Lesson 4: On Belly – Twisting to Sitting
With lesson 4 you can follow along with Anat's guidance, take it easy, be gentle, and feel the results as you free your body. Remember, doing these movements improves brain functioning. Not just for moving your body, not just for being free of pain, but for every aspect of life.
Here are your sessions for the
NeuroMovement Healingfest:

  • Introduction Video of 9 Essentials
  • Lesson 1: On Back Folding Chest and Spine
  • Lesson 2: On Side Moving Arms and Legs
  • Lesson 3: On Back – Your Pelvis
  • Lesson 4: On Belly – Twisting to Sitting
  • Lesson 5: Side Sitting – Head/Hip Connection
  • Lesson 6: Whole Body Integration into Easy Swift Movement

What others are saying:

“I ordered the Healthy Necks and Shoulders DVD and started doing lessons the day after it arrived. I noticed almost immediately after starting the lessons that I was sleeping better. I also feel like I’m moving better and that I have more energy and focus…the movement is helping loosen up areas that have been stiff and/or stuck for many years. So, I thank you for this incredible method you have developed…IT’S WORKING!!”
— Jennifer H.
Help us spread the word!

Tell your friends to sign up here: www.LearningStrategies.com/NMHealingfest/FreePass. They will receive free access to the sessions just like you.

The sessions are On-Demand until 9:30 a.m. U.S. Central Time on Friday, November 15.

For your personal best,
Pete Bissonette


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Good Morning Jimi.

'Tis the season when we host our annual holiday breathwork class with the Breath Masters. It's our gift to you for spending the year with us on the App.

Join us as each of our Breath Masters weave their favorite techniques into a beautifully choreographed breathing practice.

👉 REGISTER your spot here for FREE! 👈
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
15 years ago, I asked the universe a question that would change my life forever.

“What would happen if I brought 8 seriously ill patients down into the Amazon Rainforest to work with shamans and healing plants for 30 days?”

Miracles? Disaster?

The answer to this question turned into The Sacred Science movie, which we are screening for free until this Sunday at midnight.

This film was the biggest risk I ever took, and has since been featured in major film festivals and on Apple TV, Prime, etc. If you haven’t seen it yet, now is the time!

Click here to watch it now

Here's a brief plot summary of The Sacred Science (don't worry, I won't spoil the ending!):

The film follows eight people from around the world, with varying physical and psychological illnesses, as they travel deep into the Amazon jungle to work with the indigenous healers of this enchanting, unexplored territory. Each participant uses a combination of plant medicines and powerful spiritual ceremonies to heal.

During their fascinating 30 day healing journey, the barriers between each patient's physical health and mental well-being are blurred and eventually eliminated altogether. The ancient system of medicine used by the shamans reveals the root cause of disease and works from the inside out to create dramatic healing results.

"If “Survivor” was actually real and had stakes worth caring about, it would be what happens here, and “The Sacred Science” hopefully is merely one in a long line of exciting endeavors from this group." - Billy Okeefe, McClatchy Tribune

Watch the full movie here

Again, this is a 100% free screening event, but it ends on Sunday, November 17th at 11:59pm ET. Make sure to spread the word!

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A ‘gut boost’ for C–section babies​

In a pioneering clinical trial, researchers explored a unique way to help C-section infants develop a healthier gut microbiome. The study included carefully selected participants from Helsinki University Hospital. Initially, 90 mothers were screened, but only those free of any pathogens were chosen to ensure safety.

Newborns received a tiny amount of their mother’s fecal matter mixed with milk as their first feed. Babies given this mix showed notable increases in beneficial gut bacteria — key microbes often acquired through vaginal birth — which can help train the immune system and reduce risks of allergies, asthma, and digestive issues. These gut bacteria changes persisted up to six months, suggesting long-term benefits.

The trial will continue to monitor the babies until they are two years old. While this shows incredible promise, experts strongly caution against trying this at home. Thorough screening is essential to prevent dangerous pathogens from being passed on to the baby.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


How building connections can reduce your dementia risk​

Loneliness has become a hot topic in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. But did you know that feeling lonely could also be putting your brain health at risk?

A new study from Florida State University has found that feeling lonely can increase your risk of developing dementia by an astonishing 31%!

The researchers analyzed data from over 600,000 people worldwide and discovered that loneliness was linked to various forms of cognitive decline, including Alzheimer's and vascular dementia. And get this — the connection held strong even when they accounted for factors like depression.

So what's the bottom line? While there's still more to uncover, it's clear that maintaining social connections is crucial for keeping your brain in tip-top shape. So go ahead, give your friends a call, join that virtual book club, and engage in activities that build that sense of connection.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


From ancient dyes to healthy aging​

Historically, our ancestors used extracts from certain plants as dyes and tanning agents. Today, science is uncovering how these same plants can support healthy aging.

In a recent review, researchers explored the role of polyphenols — plant compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties — in slowing aging. Drawing from clinical trials and experimental studies, they highlighted how polyphenols support mitochondrial function, aid in DNA repair, and reduce inflammation, which are all crucial for healthy aging.

These compounds — found in foods like berries, nuts, and vegetables — may help combat neurodegeneration, cancer, and heart disease. For instance, ellagic acid from walnuts and pomegranates promotes mitochondrial health, while gallic acid in grapes and pomegranates supports skin elasticity and collagen production. Quercetin, present in broccoli and apples, reduces frailty, and fisetin from strawberries improves cognitive function.

By including polyphenol-rich foods in your diet, you can improve health outcomes and quality of life as you age. You can also try our polyphenol-rich salad recipe included in this newsletter!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


The #1 trick to slow prostate cancer in its tracks​

A groundbreaking study from Johns Hopkins Medicine has shed new light on the potential role of diet in managing low-risk prostate cancer.

That’s right, men may have the power to influence the course of their disease by simply making smarter choices at the dinner table.

The research followed 886 men diagnosed with grade group 1 prostate cancer over a 12-year period. Prostate cancer is classified in grade groups 1-5, with 1 being least aggressive and 5 being most severe.

The study evaluated participants' diets using two powerful tools: the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) and Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII). The results were astounding — for every 12.5-point increase in diet quality score, there was a 15% reduction in the risk of the cancer progressing to grade 2, and the risk of reaching grade 3 plummeted by a whopping 30%.

While more research is needed, this is the first study that suggests that in the battle against prostate cancer, your fork might just be your most powerful weapon.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Exploring the Latest Health News​

*A message from our sponsors


Today’s Brain Game:​

How well do you know these polyphenol-rich foods?

Match each fun fact and hint to the polyphenol-rich food below:​
  1. Fun Fact: This food’s vibrant color is thanks to anthocyanins, which may help protect your vision and skin.
    Hint: Often found in summer desserts and famous for its tiny size but powerful antioxidants.

    2. Fun Fact: Once revered as a “gift from the gods” in ancient Persia, this fruit’s punicalagins can support brain health.
    Hint: This fruit has a tough exterior and a treasure trove of juicy seeds inside.

    3. Fun Fact: Known as “liquid gold,” this pantry staple has hydroxytyrosol, a potent antioxidant for joint health.
    Hint: It’s a Mediterranean staple often drizzled over salads and pasta.

    4. Fun Fact: This tea has been enjoyed for centuries in Asia and contains catechins, known to boost heart and cellular health.
    Hint: This drink is often associated with matcha and comes in a soothing green hue.

    5. Fun Fact: This nut contains ellagic acid and was once used in ancient Roman hair dye recipes.
    Hint: Packed with brain-boosting benefits, this nut resembles a tiny brain itself.

    6. Fun Fact: Brightly colored and earthy, this spice has curcumin, which may help balance inflammation.
    Hint: Known for its golden color, it’s a key ingredient in curry.

    7. Fun Fact: Ancient Egyptians used this food to promote vitality; it contains resveratrol, a compound linked to heart health.
    Hint: Often found in clusters, this food comes in green, red, and purple varieties.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Polyphenol–Rich Quinoa Salad​

This Polyphenol-Rich Quinoa Salad combines quinoa, berries, walnuts, and kale to deliver a flavorful boost of health benefits. Packed with an array of powerful polyphenols, including anti-inflammatory anthocyanins and heart-healthy flavonoids, as well as omega-3s, this nutrient-dense salad is an easy, delicious way to support well-being.​
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups water or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup fresh kale, chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/2 cup fresh strawberries, sliced
  • 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: 1 tsp turmeric
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  1. Rinse quinoa under cold water. In a medium pot, bring quinoa and water or broth to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 15-20 minutes until quinoa is cooked and fluffy. Set aside to cool.
  2. In a large bowl, combine chopped kale, blueberries, strawberries, and walnuts.
  3. Add the cooked quinoa to the bowl.
  4. In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, turmeric (if using), salt, and pepper.
  5. Pour the dressing over the quinoa salad and toss to combine.
  6. Let the salad sit for 10 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.
  7. Serve chilled or at room temperature.
Nutritional breakdown:
  • Calories: 660 kcal
  • Protein: 17.16 g
  • Carbohydrates: 71.26 g
  • Fiber: 12.03 g
  • Fat: 38.15 g


Here’s the solution to today’s challenge. Did you get all the answers right?

1. Blueberries
2. Pomegranates
3. Olive oil
4. Green tea
5. Walnuts
6. Turmeric
7. Grapes​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let me be clear and upfront: I am not encouraging you to drink alcohol if you haven’t been doing so already.

But if you plan to have a drink here and there over the holiday period, I thought I would let you know what the best and worst options are.

In the health space, we categorize alcohol from best to worst by gauging the amount of histamine released and impurities it contains.​
Before we get into that, we wanted to share Dry Farm Wine’s Pure Natural Wine to pair perfectly with your Thanksgiving dinner. Box options are: 6 Red, 6 White, 12 Mixed (6 Red + 6 White), 3 Rosé, and 3 Sparkling.

🍷Shop Pure Wines for Thanksgiving🍷

Best and Worst Alcohol

In regards to impurities, the “smoother” the alcohol tastes, the better it is made. Remember the tequila shots we used to do in college? We had to get it down quickly to get over the awful taste. That was the “college” tequila—cheap and poorly made (but affordable).

You can enjoy and sip a top-shelf tequila—it contains fewer impurities, which will make it easier on your liver. Thus, I would call it a “healthier” choice with a lower chance for a hangover.

Histamine release will also contribute to how you feel; headaches, itching, rashes, ringing in the ears, and flushing are signs of histamine release, which would also make you feel sick.

I’ve put this list for you here to give you an idea of what might be best for you when you go shopping.​
I don’t have liquor brand recommendations, but I have come across great wine that our Hormones Balance community has given a seal of approval. We’ve partnered up with Dry Farm Wines for truly biodynamic, low histamine, and no-sugar (yes, this is correct, they ferment it until there is no sugar) wine selections of whites, reds, and rosés.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What can you do about osteoporosis in your spine?

Can you fix it?

Is it why you’re getting shorter?!?!

Watch this video so you can…

>> Stop Spine Shrinkage

You’ll find out:
+ Exercise for Bone Strength
+ The Importance of Posture
+ Nutrition for Bone Health
+ Supplements for Bone Support
+ Spinal Health Care and Structural Correction

With the right combination of nutrition, exercise, posture, and possibly supplements, you can maintain your independence and reduce risk of fractures.

Check it out here.

And while you’re there, give a thumbs up, comment, and subscribe to my channel;-)

As always, Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever stopped to question the effectiveness of modern medicine?

Every year, countless people suffer from chronic diseases and debilitating conditions. All they get is yet another prescription.

But what if the real solution has been hiding in plain sight all along?

Here’s the truth. The key to vibrant wellness lies not in the latest pharma drug, but in the ancient wisdom of the East.

And it's all revealed in a groundbreaking new book, The Encyclopedia of Power Foods.

This eye-opening guide takes you on a journey through the heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It uncovers the secrets of "Oriental Optimization" and the life-changing benefits of a natural approach to wellness.

Discover how to harness the power of special foods to transform your health, without the risks and side effects of modern medicine.

Inside the Encyclopedia of Power Foods, you'll find:

  • The ancient Chinese principles of healing that have stood the test of time
  • A comprehensive guide to the "Power Foods" that restore balance and vitality
  • Practical strategies for incorporating these foods into your daily life
And so much more.

To discover the natural solution that could change everything, Click here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

It’s almost here!! We’re so excited to announce our docu-series - Propaganda Exposed! [UNCENSORED] - airs tonight at 9pm ET.

Episode 1 lays the foundation for understanding how deep-rooted propaganda has shaped modern medicine. This episode explores historical attempts to control medical knowledge, featuring insights from the Founding Fathers on health freedom and examining the legalized propaganda practices that emerged with the 2012 NDAA. It delves into the FDA's pursuit of alternative health practitioners, the hidden history of medical experiments in the U.S., and federal funding aimed at increasing vaccine compliance. Viewers will also uncover media manipulation, explore potential detox methods post-COVID vaccination, and learn about a buried 1946 cancer cure.

Click on the image below to watch a brief “sneak peek” ...

If you haven’t already signed up to watch the entire docu-series, then don’t delay! Episode 1 airs in less than 9 hours and it’s going to blow you away!


To Your Health and Liberty,
Ty & Charlene



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Just the other day...
I took two young women I mentor into my garden to harvest elecampane root.
We infused the root in honey to create a remedy for sore throats and coughs.
I used to do this each fall with my kids — and when they’d feel a tickle in their throats, they’d rush to the fridge, excited to use the honey they’d helped make. Hailey still takes a jar with her every time she heads back to college.
There’s something magical about watching kids connect with nature, especially when it’s hands-on. If you’re looking for a meaningful way to inspire this in your family, I’d love to introduce you to Herb Fairies — a book series and learning adventure that opens children’s eyes to the wonders of plants and their own self-care.
Today, I’ll be sharing how Herb Fairies came to life and why it’s become such a special gift for so many families.
Join me live for Growing Curiosity: Inspiring Kids to Explore the Magic of Nature:
Growing Curiosity

Let’s explore how this magical series can bring a screen-free adventure into your home.
📅 Join us TODAY, Wednesday, November 13
⏰ 1pm Pacific Time (2pm Mountain, 3pm Central, 4pm Eastern)
👉 Click here to register. Registering assures you get a reminder AND have access to the replay.
📺 You can also watch live on YouTube or Facebook in case our main room is full.
Let’s come together and share the joy of connecting with nature.
I hope to see you there!
Kimberly Gallagher

Here’s what I'll cover on today's meetup...
A Healthy, Screen-Free Gift for Your Kids: In a world of screens, Herb Fairies offers a refreshing alternative. These stories invite kids to explore the outdoors, get their hands dirty, and fall in love with learning about the plants around them.
Behind-the-Scenes Stories: I’ll share my creative journey, from how I designed each plant-inspired fairy to the cultural ties of each character’s background. It was a joy to weave herbal teachings into these magical stories that captivate kids’ imaginations.
A Learning System Kids Love: The Herb Fairies experience goes beyond books — with puzzles, crafts, a Magic Keeper’s Journal, and more. Kids become part of a world where they’re active learners, helping “fairy friends” and discovering the magic of plants.
Engaging Family Activities: With Herb Fairies, family time becomes a hands-on herbal adventure. From fairy tales to crafting remedies and identifying plants, these stories help create memories that bring families closer to nature and each other.
Herb Fairies is more than a gift; it’s a lasting way to bond with your kids and inspire their curiosity about the natural world.
👉 Join us at 1pm Pacific Time TODAY.

If you’re watching this meetup with your little one nearby, we’ve included a Discovering Violet Activity Book just for them! Inside, you’ll find a coloring page, dot-to-dot, crossword, journal page, and even a recipe for candied violet flowers.
Open this in a new window to download the PDF and start exploring together.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Algae and apricot seeds. Two things you probably rarely ever think about, if at all. However, these little bits of nature could actually become two of your best healers!
Both start in the cells and work their way around the body to naturally heal, restore, and create vibrant health. Check out the blog and my podcast episode...and be amazed!
In addition Probio 4 Women, my powerful probiotic formula, perfectly pairs with algae and apricot seeds to supercharge your gut and microbiome (which is most of your immune system) so your body can effectively receive your healing therapies and treatments.

Big healing starts with the littlest things, and all is easily within your reach.
You got this!


Algae: Nature’s Answer to Cellular Health & Cancer Healing​

Did you know the ocean holds one of nature's most potent healing secrets?
While modern agriculture struggles with depleted soil, toxins, and GMOs, algae—nature’s oldest plant—offers us a wealth of health benefits that go far beyond traditional nutrition.
In our latest blog, we dive deep into the world of Chlorella and Spirulina, two types of algae that are making waves in cellular health and cancer support.
These little green powerhouses are packed with chlorophyll, protein, antioxidants, and nutrients essential for protecting and revitalizing your cells. Algae feeds your mitochondria, supports immune and gut health, balances hormones, and even detoxifies.
Imagine what your body could accomplish if every cell had the strength to resist illness and heal. From ancient civilizations to NASA astronauts, algae has been a trusted superfood. And now, backed by modern science, it could be a powerful part of your healing journey too.
Curious to learn how algae can support your wellness? Read the full blog!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Healing Power of Apricot Seeds in Cancer Defense with John Richardson​

Did you know the humble apricot seed might hold significant potential in the fight against cancer?
In our latest episode, we dive into the fascinating world of Amygdalin (Vitamin B17/Laetrile) and its anti-tumor properties.

John Richardson shares his mission to continue the work of his late father, Dr. Richardson, and Edward Griffin, who pioneered research on apricot seeds as a natural cancer defense.
John explains how the key compound in apricot seeds, Amygdalin, supports apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells—offering a powerful, natural approach to cancer prevention. From cellular health to immune support, this seed might be one of nature’s best-kept secrets.
Tune in to explore how apricot seeds could become a powerful addition to your healing journey. And for more in-depth information, check out John’s organizations, A World Without Cancer and the Richardson Nutritional Center.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Podcast Episode​
Tune in to our new episode on the Radical Remission Project's “Stories That Heal” podcast featuring a Triple Positive Natural Breast Cancer Thriver and soon-to-be Radical Remission Health Coach, Wafaa Sbeiti.​
Diagnosed in 2017 with breast cancer, Wafaa Sbeiti started doing her research on Day 1 and found that there were other ways to treat cancer besides just conventional therapies. She made the personal decision to decline conventional treatments and take a more holistic path. Traveling to Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, and a few other countries, she visited clinics offering alternative therapies where she tried treatments such as hyperthermia, ozone therapy, IV infusions, and more – in addition to adopting many healthy lifestyle changes.

With each passing day, she felt better and better. She has been monitoring her tumors via PET scans and has been stable for 5 years. During her cancer journey, Wafaa spent hundreds of hours researching, received 5 certifications in holistic health, and is currently studying Naturopathy and training to become a Certified Radical Remission Health Coach.​
If you prefer to READ the podcast's transcript, please visit Apple Podcasts. Once in the episode, scroll down below the show notes for the automatically generated, unedited transcript. (Available in the Apple Podcast app only)​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Event​

Join us for a transformative experience dedicated to harnessing the healing power of gratitude with community.

This special event combines live music, guided meditation, sound healing, and insightful talks from practitioners and members of our team, all designed to elevate your spirit and well-being.

Join Us​

Join us as we gather together in a celebration of gratitude, community, and holistic healing.
Date: November 22, 2024
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: 6 Hughes Irvine, CA 92618 United States

⭐Sign up using the link below or the QR code on the flyer⭐
What to Expect at the Event​

  • Live Music: Enjoy uplifting live music for an atmosphere of joy and reflection, enhancing your journey toward gratitude.
  • Guided Meditation: Engage in a powerful guided meditation Being in a Beautiful State with Mike Liu, MD as we focus on cultivating a grateful mindset, allowing you to connect more deeply with your emotions and intentions.
  • Soundbath: Experience the restorative effects of high vibrational frequencies through an immersive multi-instrumental sound healing to facilitate deep relaxation and emotional release. Featuring Billy Pinkerton, Sierra Sovereign and Soundhealers Collective.
  • Speakers: Learn from leading voices in the field of integrative healing as they share their wisdom on the profound impact of gratitude on mental and physical health.
What to Bring:​
For your comfort, please bring the following with you:

  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Pillow
Why Attend?​

This event is a wonderful opportunity to explore the transformative benefits of gratitude, discover alternative health practices, and connect with others in our vibrant, healing community. Together, we will celebrate the power of gratitude to uplift and heal us all.
Event Link and Info​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Stevia Kills Lyme Disease Pathogen Better Than Antibiotics (Preclinical Study)
Lyme disease is exceedingly difficult to treat, due to its well-known shape-shifting (pleomorphic) abilities, with conventional antibiotics often failing to produce a long-term cure. Could the commonly used natural plant Stevia provide a safer, and more effective means to combat this increasingly prevalent infection?
Major Study of 1.7 Million Children Finds Myocarditis Only in Kids Given COVID-19 Vaccines
Since the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children and adolescents in 2021, health officials have reassured the public that vaccine-related heart inflammation--myocarditis and pericarditis--is rare and claimed children were at a higher risk1 of developing myocarditis from the virus.
How Yoga Heals The Diseased Heart
What if the simple act of doing yoga could heal your diseased heart?
Immune-Boosting Power of Beta Glucan
Join our friends Dr. Zielinski and renowned immunologist AJ Lanigan for a LIVE Masterclass entitled “Immune-Boosting Power of Beta Glucan”, Thursday, November 14th @ 1pm EST, where they’ll dive into the science of Beta Glucan and its powerful role in immune health.

Why This Webinar is a Must-Attend:
- Introducing the Missing Piece to Your Gut Health, Anti-Aging & Immune Protocols
- Discover why health experts recommend Beta Glucan & why you cannot get the benefits of Beta Glucan in your food
- Learn how your immune system REALLY works & how to avoid scam products.
- Get simple, proven tips on how you can boost your immune function, gut health and longevity without breaking the bank from an expert Immunologist
- Unlock the key to living longer and thriving in today's toxic environment.
- Understand why Beta Glucan is the #1 Immune-Boosting ingredient on the planet + hear proven followers success stories

There will also be a L.IVE Q&A session where you can get your questions answered by Dr. Zielinski and AJ!
Top 5 Steps to Exit The Surveillance State + Protect Yourself
Privacy is one of the biggest issues of our century. But I doubt most people understand
what is at stake.

Maybe you’ve seen the viral videos about how Google listens through your device’s
microphone - so they can send you “personalized ads” based off of what you say.

Well, personalized ads are just the tip of the iceberg. The truth is much more insidious...
Have you ever wondered how Google and Facebook can be among the wealthiest
companies in history, even though everything they offer is free?

Well, that’s because YOU are the product. They can afford to be “free” because they get
something more valuable than your money…

Our friend Glenn Meder, an online Privacy and Security Expert, created a webinar, TOP 5 STEPS TO EXIT THE SURVEILLANCE STATE & PROTECT YOURSELF ONLINE, on Thursday, November 14th at 7pm CT/8pm ET.

You do not have to be tech savvy to take back your privacy…

You don’t need any high-level technical skills…

All you need is the ability to use a browser, and a desire to protect your freedom.

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