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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Mask up, says medical expert: More than 25% of coronavirus cases don’t show symptoms


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Australian politician says no access to restaurants, businesses or childcare if you refuse coronavirus vaccine


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Many people think of summer fare as being things like hot dogs, ice cream, and potato chips (none of which are about to win any nutritional excellence awards!). But there’s a world of summer food options that are far healthier, and taste great too.
Click here to find out about the top foods to eat and avoid in the summertime (and to get some great summer recipes).
Yours for healthy food in every season,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Traditionally, summer has been a time for outdoor gatherings and activities of all kinds. Because of the pandemic, this summer is looking a little different for most of us. But you can still enjoy fabulously festive summer foods (that are also good for you!). Get the whole story on summer foods your body can love, here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi there,

Today I put out a new podcast episode with Dr. Margaret Christensen, MD. We talk about the Toxic Mold and Candida link.

Dr. Margaret's story is similar to mine. She was running a very busy practice and got so sick from toxic mold.

I've seen hundreds of clients suffer with toxic mold and candida.

You have to fix the mold to beat the candida. We talked about this in my Candida Summit.

Today's podcast is a continuation of that conversation.

We discuss:

-The toxic mold candida link

-How the sympathetic nervous system and limbic system can worsen your symptoms

-How Dr. Christensen uses a "secret tool" in her clinic to help her clients reset their nervous systems

-Head trauma, PTSD, chronic stress, ACEs, and biotoxin exposure

-Neuroinflammation and the vagus nerve

If you are not subscribed to my Evan Brand Show already, you can do so on your iPhone via Apple Podcasts, on Android via Google Podcasts, or any other podcast app you prefer.

I have over 10 million downloads and put out new episodes every week. (Since 2012 by the way, if you're new, you have hundreds of episodes to enjoy!)

It's the best functional medicine podcast on the internet. I didn't say that. You all, the reviewers do!

Thanks for the feedback and enjoy the podcast.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that your oral health could be triggering chronic disease? Click here to attend the Holistic Oral Health Summit, and learn to identify, prevent, and eliminate the root cause of disease. In it, I’ll discuss, “Digestive Solutions: The Oral Health-Gut Connection”.
  • How poor oral health can trigger intestinal permeability and chronic disease.
  • I’ll share foods and supplements that help reduce inflammation and improve digestion and overall health.
  • Plus, I’ll clear up any confusion you may have on non-celiac gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. (Yes, they are different.)
Inflammation doesn’t just magically appear. There is a cause, and for many people it began with poor oral health.
Your mouth is the gateway to your entire digestive system. When you understand the role of your gut, it only stands to reason that whatever is happening in the mouth can impact your entire body.
35 of the world’s top experts in non-toxic dentistry and integrative medicine will show you the best ways to improve oral health, and prevent and reverse disease symptoms.
Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn About at The Holistic Oral Health Summit:
  • Links between oral health and chronic disease
  • Best strategies to treat gum disease
  • Dangers of root canals and dental toxins
  • Proper healing strategy for cavitations
  • Connection between mercury and Alzheimer’s
  • Cancer risks of dental infections
  • How to choose the right dentist
  • Oral health building tips
  • Difference between conventional and biological dentistry
  • And more
Millions of people are exposed to disease promoting dental procedures every single day. Be an educated health consumer and know the pitfalls to avoid beforehand.
Get the tools,
Dr. Tom O’Bryan
P.S. Join me for the Holistic Oral Health Summit. When you register, you’ll gain access to these early talks:
  • Solutions for Heart Disease and Oral Infections, Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
  • Your Cancer Risk Exposed, Ty Bollinger


Diamond Contributor
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7 Natural remedies to get rid of that runny nose


Diamond Contributor
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How to Make Cold & Flu Elderberry Syrup


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Chinese company mandates that employees take part in vaccine experiments, violating the Nuremburg code of medical ethics


Diamond Contributor
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UK funnels $2 billion to pesticide giants in corrupt covid-19 bailout scheme


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Coronavirus contact tracing group tied to pro-abortion globalists


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Is The Relationship Between Food And Autism?
"They are a super picky eater. They won’t eat vegetables."

These are some of the most common words I hear from the parents of my autistic patients.

Dietary aversions and preferences
Of course, we all know that eating our veggies is healthy, but for a child on the spectrum what the bacteria would do with that fiber can have a massive impact on how their immune system and brain work. There can be a few reasons they might dislike these types of foods. They may have too many bacteria in the small intestine due to poor bowel motility and they could cause pain and bloating.

There could also be the possibility that a child on the spectrum could have their parietal lobes affected. This could lead to an aversion to the texture as well as the taste. Since there is typically altered sensory perception with a child on the spectrum this can include the lips and tongue, which have a lot of real estate on the homunculus, or the taste themselves.

Also, the concept of exorphins is where certain foods can activate opioid receptor sites, literally making a child addicted to the very foods that has the potential to be the most problematic. When a parent asks me what foods their child should avoid, I typically ask them what foods they seem addicted to and we have some of the answers.

Immune system, Autism, and microbiome
Although the research is still being done, it is becoming more apparent that either the child themselves or the mother suffers from a pattern of immune activation that can lead to disrupted gut barrier, which can contribute to an alteration in not only bacteria, but as well as how the immune system in the brain responds to immune insults and the proper development of the nervous system.

Since bacteria are responsible for metabolization of foods, extracting nutrients, building neurotransmitters, and modulating immune function, this can lead to an inflammatory cascade and cycle. The diet can become narrower, bring further nutrient depletion, cause more of a microbial imbalance, all of which cause more of a pro-inflammatory environment.

Although most people with chronic disease have some form of inflammatory response, researchers have eluded that when a subset of immune cells called TH17 are brought into the mix either in a pregnant woman or an autistic child themselves, now we can see this can drive the inflammatory response so imbalanced that a neurodevelopmental disease is more likely to develop.

Bacteria, fiber, and immune modulation

When bacteria eat fiber, they make different compounds called short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) that can totally affect how the central nervous system works by activating several parts of the enteric nervous system. Some of the fancy words are ‘G-protein coupled receptors’ and ‘histone deacetylases’… with the latter being a way that gene expression is modulated with the catch-phrase ‘epigenetics’ and now the brain’s function can start to change. There is even data demonstrating that this can lead to an increase in oral tolerance, so the immune system won’t target foods as ‘bad guy.’

The concept of oral tolerance is where the immune system is told to ignore foods that are being consumed so they don’t contribute to an inflammatory response. This can be a large catch-22 in the sense that the less diverse a child’s diet, typically the lower their oral tolerance of foods, so unfortunately, the immune system and microbiome get painted into a corner that can be difficult to get out of.

In particular, one SCFA called butyrate seems to take the gluten-free cake. Not only is butyrate a primary energy source for cells in the large intestine to ‘fix the gut’, but it also has a great impact on the immune system healing the gut lining. It also helps fight the bad bacteria that can be driving the immune issues in the first place. Butyrate helps turn off pro-inflammatory signals as well as turn on anti-inflammatory signals and bring balance back to the immune system by helping with something called T-regulatory cells which can really help with doing exactly what they sound like they do, regulate the immune response.

This is especially important given that the brain and GI tract are in constant communication, not only via the vagal nerve, but the sympathetic nerve fibers send signals directly to the brain. Given that the microbiome and inflammatory cytokines are an important part of this relay system, their involvement with something like Autism shouldn’t be ignored.

For those of us that have been doing this enough, it is blatantly apparent that there is immune system involvement, with some articles showing upwards of 70% of children on the spectrum have an autoimmune disease process going on in their brain. Hence, to help modulate the altered immune response, the bacterial by-products of fermenting fibers can go a long way in helping bring balance to the immune response, gut lining, and nervous system.

Although only one piece of the puzzle, giving the gut and immune cells of a child with ASD what they need can really help. But on the back end, a large goal is to have these kids lose their taste aversion and start eating veggies and other healthier foods. To accomplish this, we have to address the root causes of their food aversions. This means addressing proper magnesium levels of the brain and rebalancing gut microbiota.

Once we see how all the pieces are connecting, we can paint the clearest picture possible. Since each child is unique, each picture is unique as well. The good news is, once a path to healing is identified in a child, the effect can snowball in the sense that the fewer food aversions a child has, the better the gut and immune system work, so the better the brain works, so the more foods they will eat, and the cycle continues​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Our friend and tremendous supporter of Alzheimer's - The Science of Prevention, Brian Vaszily -- a 20+ year natural health veteran and the founder of The Art of Anti-Aging -- has gathered together 21 world-renowned doctors and researchers for an epic free online event.
And in this important free summit, he’s going to challenge each expert to answer this ONE crucial question for you:
“From your unique area of expertise, what are your 3 biggest secrets that almost no one knows but everyone needs to know because of how powerfully it can change their lives?”
-->> Find out what these experts had to say HERE

Because as you’re about to hear -- in the areas of disease and illness that matter specifically to you -- there are many cutting-edge solutions you need and deserve to be aware of...
By attending The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, you will hear WELL OVER 60 of the biggest secrets the experts have to offer.
-->> Watch the powerful short trailer and sign up free here right now
Be sure to see the “Schedule of Speakers” a bit lower on the page, because there you’ll discover the caliber of these doctors and researchers…
…And you’ll get a “taste” of what you’re going to discover from each of them.
If you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond – and especially if you’re a woman – we believe you will appreciate the touching story that drove Brian to create this powerful and unique summit.
-->> Don’t miss this – head here right now to sign up free
To your health,

-The Science of Prevention Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
2020 Food Matters Juicer Buying Guide


Diamond Contributor
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Juicing vs. Blending: Which One Is Better?


Diamond Contributor
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10 Delicious Ways To Use Juice Pulp


Diamond Contributor
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Heavy Metal Detox Juice


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

What if your body’s warning you that there’s something wrong with your health…

But you don’t recognise the signs?

You see, your nails, tongue, and eyes are some of the more obvious ways your body tells you to pay closer attention to your health.

But most people don’t know what to look for…

Or that the changes they notice are actually not normal!

So today, let me share with you a free visual guidebook that will tell you if the symptoms you’re seeing are more threatening than they look.

Brian Vaszily, my good friend and a 20+ year natural health veteran, recently released a brand-new and very useful 28-page guide called "The 29 Signs of Disease to Watch for on Your Nails, Tongue, and Eyes."

In this free book, you’ll see that these signs may actually point to an underlying disease that you are not aware of, including:

  • Dark lines on the nails about the width of a pen’s ink cartridge could be an early indicator of cancer

  • A glossy and bright red tongue can be a clear sign you are deficient in vitamin B12

  • Eyes that are frequently bloodshot may be an early indicator of high blood pressure
And so much more.

There are also photos with each symptom, so you can immediately see what these signs look like.

In all, you’ll discover 13 top signs of disease to watch for on your nails…

7 signs of health issues to watch for on your tongue…

And 9 signs of illness to watch for in your eyes.

I’m sure you’ll also pick up a lot of new (and surprising!) info in this ebook the same way that I did.

So get your copy of this unique and important guide for free today.

To your health,

Sarah Otto

P.S. When you get your free copy today, you’ll also be registered for the 7-day online Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, which truly is about as life-changing as it gets!

That’s because Brian is going to challenge today’s 22 leading anti-aging and longevity experts to reveal their 3 MOST important health secrets that almost no one knows.

You need and deserve to know these secrets, because of how they can help you look and feel your best… avoid and possibly even overcome disease… and live long doing it.

>> Get "29 Signs of Disease to Watch for on Your Nails, Tongue, and Eyes" right here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Arthritis Drug Fails to Help COVID-19 Patients


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can Static or Dynamic Stretching Be the First Step in Energizing?

For the past few months, getting out of bed and performing our daily tasks has been nothing short of a triumph of the will for plenty of Americans, and people all over the world.

We all learned a valuable truth about ourselves that no other generation in living memory has…

It wasn’t lack of time that was keeping us from our goals… It was energy.​

And it’s not just that we’re psychologically drained (although that’s certainly true – the allostatic load of six straight months of negativity in the news, including the brink of World War Three, the coronavirus death toll, our separation from our families, restricted access to our former coping mechanisms, relational strains, near constant protesting of every stripe, plus our own trauma and baggage we’re each carrying every day… it’s exhausting.)​
But on a molecular level, we’re not approaching our lives with sufficient energy.

Our ever-available stimulants, overtaxed adrenal glands, and compromised mitochondrial integrity mean we’re starting off behind the curve whenever we set out to increase our natural energy reserves.

Part of our problem is something really obvious… but our confusion is understandable.

You see, people who experience fatigue chronically – who think they’re getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, refraining from the use of depressants like alcohol – often rest when they feel tired.

Makes sense, right?

Except that rest doesn’t restore our cellular energy when our fatigue is chronic.

Exercise does.

And if you’re particularly fatigued, and it’s been going on for a while, and your exercise has been lacking, you might want to ease your way back in with stretching.

Stretching is a gentle movement modality, just like yoga or Qigong.

Let’s look at two of the broader categories of stretching and what they can do for you…

Static stretching and dynamic stretching.​
Static Stretching

Anyone who played organized sports as a child ought to recognize this form of stretching. Static stretching involves extending individual muscle groups at a time for a set amount of time, usually 30 seconds, and usually only at the end-range of a muscle…

For example, the overhead triceps reach, the seated butterfly pose, the cobra pose, or the head-to-knee forward bend.
Although this type of stretching used to be the recommendation to warm up muscles prior to exercising, it’s now recommended as the stretching you do at the conclusion of an exercise session.

One criticism of static stretching is that it impedes quick reaction times if done prior to a work out. But done after a workout, static stretching can help to increase flexibility, prevent injury, and raise the blood flow and circulation to each muscle group stretched.

This ultimately allows nutrients to travel farther and repair and feed our cells as needed, resulting in more energy.

So what is dynamic stretching?

Dynamic Stretching

Unlike static stretching, dynamic stretching involves the entire range of motion of a particular muscle group. It’s typically done at the beginning of a work out, and tends to mimic the movements you’ll be doing in the work out itself.

Or in this case, if you’re using stretching as a way to reintroduce movement to your daily routine, it can mimic the movement you’d like to return to.

Dynamic stretching involves sinking into and rising in strength from a series of poses in motion. Instead of concluding the stretch at the end of the muscle range, dynamic stretching involves moving the muscle past its end range and back to its starting position.

The full range of motion is repeated 10-12 times. Stretches like the torso twist, walking lunge, leg swing, and high kicks are all examples of dynamic stretching.

Similarly to static stretching, dynamic stretching increases blood flow throughout the body, but it also keeps joints agile and lubricated, contributing to overall health and energy.

It can be tempting to jump right back into high intensity exercise… but over thousands of years of studying the human body, we know that every movement has its time, place, and function.

It would make sense if you’ve been tired these last few months.

But even if you’ve been tired for years, the path to feeling alert once again begins with movement.

Start by stretching – dynamic in the morning, and static in the evening. Simply bringing more oxygen and nutrients to your cells will go a lot farther than you might think!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!​
In this brand new, 45-page, research-based report, you’ll discover 15 of nature's most effective, proven herbs and botanicals!

Plants and their derivatives, such as extracts and oils, can be your best friends and secret weapons. There’s a reason why every ancient healing system, from Ayurveda to Traditional Chinese Medicine, is centered on nature’s bounty.

--->>Unlock your 45-page anti-aging research report on healthy herbs!

Whether you consume them or apply them to your skin, plants are the powerhouses to boost your immune system, fight disease, avoid early aging and enjoy your youngest-looking (and feeling) self!

As you'll see in this eBook, certain herbs and spices may be the closest thing we have on earth to a real "fountain of youth."

They provide your body unique and powerful compounds that can:

  • Stop & reverse signs of aging: wrinkles, low energy & brain fog
  • Prevent & combat chronic diseases that reduce length & quality of life
  • Boost your immune system against viruses & other pathogens

You’ll discover the popular cooking spice that research shows can provide a powerful boost for both mood and memory -- and can even protect against brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.

You’ll find out how a popular garden herb can protect your skin from photo-aging and even help rid the body of toxic heavy metals.

You’ll learn about the 5 herbs and spices cherished by the ancients that modern science agrees can combat stress, promote young-looking skin, boost the immune system and much more.

Most importantly, you’ll also be registered for the 7-day online Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit -- 22 leading anti-aging and longevity experts to reveal their 3 MOST important health secrets that almost no one knows
-- which truly is about as life-changing as it gets!

--->>Unlock your 45-page anti-aging research report on healthy herbs!
To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

P.S. Herbs and spices really are like "nature's medicine cabinet," and many modern medicines are, in fact, sourced from them. They're also far too UNDER-utilized by people for all the benefits they provide!

The good news is they are so easy to add to and increase in your daily diet, so head here now to get your free copy of this important new research-based, 45-page guide!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Obesity and Breast Cancer: What is the Connection?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Hey Jim

So 2020 has been an interesting year, to say the least.

I imagine it will be a year that is forever imprinted in the minds of the entire world.

A time of hardships and also a year of transformation.

What I find to be most powerful is the mass awareness of how much we really do impact those around us and how connected our global population is.

No matter what your experience has been during the last 6 months, you have been impacted on some level.

For some the impact has been intense and acute. Maybe a loss of a job or a loss of a loved one.

For others the impact has been marital stress from being at home and overwhelm from juggling work, kids and isolation.

But I think it’s fair to say that no matter where you are on the spectrum....2020 has likely had triggering moments and it’s fair share of stress.

Stress isn’t always a bad thing. We actually need a fair amount of stress to grow and become resilient.

But chronic stress starts to have negative effects on the body and mind.

Stress triggers the adrenals to release the hormone cortisol in your body.

Your body has the same cortisol response when you lose your job or your kids are driving you crazy as when you are about to be eaten by a lion and die.

Same hormonal response.

This hormonal response is meant to be acute. It’s meant to help us run away from a threat and then re regulate.

We are not meant to be in this state for 6+months.

If you add on top of this the fact that you have been managing your stress with alcohol or sugar, the effects are even more drastic.

Right now the entire world would benefit from optimizing their hormones and regaining balance.

Because here’s the thing, when cortisol remains high for too long you start to have other negative effects such as:

  • Increased blood sugar levels
  • Weight gain
  • Suppressed immune system
  • Digestive problems
  • Heart disease
These are all the conditions that we desperately need to avoid right now and actually put us at very high risk for the virus.

Some people are so used to being in a stressed response that they can’t even self identify as being stressed….so let me just tell you that you are. There is no human on this planet being affected.

That being said, some tell tale signs that your hormones need some TCL and you are stressed are:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Weight gain
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Low libido or menstrual irregularity
  • Poor sleep
Now is the time to regain your balance and settle your nervous system. Now is to reset your hormones.

And with you (and the entire world) in mind, I decided to host the Hormone Reset Challenge.

Next week, I will guide you through a private chef curated hormonal balancing meal plan and coach you on the 5 things you need to be doing in order to be the calm within the storm and make sure you are spit out on the other side of this better than when you came in.

Join me next week by signing up here! It’s FREE!

I can’t wait to support you, connect and eat yummy food together.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, are you tired of waking up exhausted and reluctantly dragging yourself through each day?
Join me and learn to unlock SUPERHUMAN ENERGY to help overcome fatigue, improve immunity, recharge your brain and regain your zest for life!
>> UPGRADE your energy levels when you attend this FREE online event!
It is estimated that 17-24 million suffer from full-blown chronic fatigue syndrome and another 3-6% suffer from fibromyalgia. But this is just scratching the surface of the problem, with the most severe cases…
Fatigue, burnout and chronic lack of energy affect nearly 1 in 2 people.
Half of us!
Energy is at the core of happiness and success in life, and yet it’s easy to normalize energy depletion… and then, to just push, and push harder, while suffering with (and exacerbating!) symptoms like exhaustion, brain fog, impaired memory, trouble sleeping, mood problems, pain and other physical symptoms…
…thereby, causing further exhaustion and, possibly, chronic health issues!
My great friend, and fellow energy expert, Ari Whitten, became a health advocate after he contracted mononucleosis (caused by Epstein-Barr virus) and his world was forever changed.
Before his illness, he had always been a fit and healthy athlete, but then, suddenly, nearly a year after this infection, he became severely and chronically fatigued.
This put the concept of human energy on the map for him: inspiring him to shift focus from the world of fitness to the science of energy, and to dedicate his life to helping people suffering from chronic fatigue by teaching the science of human energy enhancement.
He’s here to help you by sharing his discovered wisdom!
The Superhuman Energy Summit will help you learn:
  • Most common causes of fatigue
  • Biohacks for superhuman energy
  • Hormone and immune system optimization
  • Top 5 tips to boost brain health
  • Detox protocols and supplements to maximize energy
  • Power of spirituality, meditation and movement
  • And so much more!
You’re not alone. There are answers. We can heal together.
Here's to more energy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

In terms of how you look and feel, and how long and how well you live…

What are you NOT hearing about that you dearly deserve and need to know?

The dangers of EMFs and how to protect yourself, certainly.

But very probably quite a lot more too.

That’s why I encourage you to…

Listen closely to this important FREE online summit

Brian Vaszily is a 20+ year natural health veteran, is gathering 22 world-renowned longevity and anti-aging experts together online.

And he’s going to challenge each of them to answer this one crucial question for you:

“From your unique area of expertise, what are your 3 biggest secrets that almost no one knows but everyone needs to know because of how powerfully it can change their lives?”

What a great idea, isn’t it?

Go here now and watch the short trailer video

(No this is not an EMF summit but one of the speakers, Nick Polizzi, does address the EMF issue.)

Tip: check-out the “Schedule of Speakers” a bit lower on the page, and you’ll get a “taste” of what you’re going to discover from each of them.

Then, don’t miss the emotional 2nd video that comes right after you sign up.

Because particularly if you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond – and especially if you’re a woman – I think you will appreciate the touching story that drove Brian to create this powerful and unique event.

Click here to access this FREE event.

Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!

P.S. If the above links don’t work copy/paste this link into your browser

P.S. Sign up today, you’ll also getting the new 39-page guide, The Top 15 Anti-Aging and Longevity Herbs and Spices.
EMF protection is IMPORTANT
please share ElectricSense emails
with your friends and colleagues.

Support my work: visit my EMF protection store

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