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Jimi's Daily Health Articles

Bliss Doubt

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Your Daily Motivation​


There will be many situations in life where we feel unprepared to face challenges. Random events can happen and throw us off balance.

We have to accept that uncertainty and unexpected situations are a normal part of life. Be compassionate and patient with yourself as you work towards making sense of and accepting your experiences. Write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal.

It will help you to create a space to see things from a different perspective. Recognize what is within your control and accept what you can’t control. Focusing on even the smallest thing you can control will help you cope during uncertain times.
To me, the anniversary of the covid hoax is March 13, which was the 2020 date when "two weeks to flatten the curve" began in the US. As March 13 approaches again, for the third time, with no end in sight, I feel that I am swimming between a stream and an undertow, persistence and oblivion. On the one hand I persist in trying to wake people up, with evidence, with links, without vitriol, but those around me who sleep prefer to stay asleep. On the other hand there is this new temptation to oblivion, junk food, apathy, sleep.

It's about so much more than a virus bogey. About 20 years ago we were put to sleep with an illusion of never ending terrorism. Even though we still stand in long security lines at the airports, take off our shoes, have our bags scanned, have horrid security grunts yell at us, the illusion has lost its clarity, so I'm sure the illusion of disease doom will be used to prop up government surveillance and control of our lives, for at least as many years as the previous illusion lasted.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


We go through experiences that may seem uncomfortable at the time, but also bring a ton of valuable insights.

When you look back, you'll be grateful for the experience, for it changed you, and made you into the person you are meant to be so you can receive what you want.

While it can be hard to see it when you are in the middle of something, trust that you'll be guided to the best path towards your desires.

Sometimes, you have to simply allow whatever is happening to happen. Allow the entire picture to unfold.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Please slow down a moment and seriously consider this, because it’s some of the smartest advice you’ll ever hear:

“If you truly want to achieve something important, don’t just listen to what the experts say. Far more importantly, understand and DO what they do.”

Makes total sense, right?

I mean, would you rather listen to what billionaire investor Warren Buffet tells everyone…

… Or get the inside scoop on the investment moves he actually makes?

Now let me ask you an important HEALTH question:

Do you TRULY want to live long and live well?

If yes, you must DO what the world’s top healthy aging and longevity experts do to make that your reality.

But wait.

The problem is …

You don’t have the inside scoop on what it is they actually do.

Actually, YES, now you do

For the first time, the world’s most renowned healthy aging and longevity doctors and researchers are opening their private doors to reveal their most powerful inside secrets…

…The secrets proven so effective that they personally make certain to take those steps themselves.

You most certainly have NOT heard many of these true “insider secrets” before.

However, if you truly want to live long and live well, you certainly need and deserve to…

>>> Don’t miss this unique and genuinely life-changing

FREE online event to start your New Year right <<<

It’s aptly called Now, It’s Personal: The Ultimate Healthy Aging and Longevity Summit…

And it’s hosted by my good friend, Brian Vaszily, who’s been a widely respected natural health advocate and researcher for over 20 years.

By the way, on the page right after free sign up, be sure to catch Brian’s story of how some sage advice he received from a medicine man decades ago has deep relevance for YOUR health today.

Very powerful!

Enjoy the true insider secrets in this epic new event and enjoy your day.


Partha Nandi MD FACP

P.S. Enjoy Brian’s outstanding “Medicine recipes” that you’re getting free today, too!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

It's been a while since I last emailed you! After the pandemic started, I got a puppy and decided to take some time off. Two years exactly! But I am back! I will fill you in later...

I have a resource I think you'll love. Whenever I need a boost, I check in with Avaiya University for some of the best content on making life better!

It is estimated that 1.5 billion people have chronic pain worldwide. And 70% of people with chronic pain have experienced it worsen since the pandemic began.

Are you suffering from chronic pain, Jim ?

If so, you are not alone, and I have a life-changing opportunity to share with you. I highly recommend you join me for this FREE online healing event from AVAIYA University: Conquering Chronic Pain

This online healing event is brought to you by two incredible people, who put on some fantastic online training events, iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Founders of AVAIYA University (creators & teachers of transformational courses, books, films and online events such as Overcoming PTSD, Reversing Type 2 Diabetes, Overcoming Anxiety & Depression, and many more).

Beginning January 19th, over 30 doctors, psychologists, scientists, experts and more will help you unlock your ability to heal, experience lasting pain relief, and live the life of vitality, peace & happiness you deserve!

I am honored to be a featured speaker during this 7-day immersion event, talking about how to Reset Your Nervous System to Conquer Chronic Pain.

Click here to save your spot for this life-changing online event now, Jim.

Here is the lineup of other teachers speaking during the online masterclass:

Dr. Patrick Porter, Debora Wayne, Dr. Joe Mather, Dr. Cheryl Woods Giscombe, Brandy Gillmore, Craig Emmerich, Dr. John Dempster, Dr. Monique Andrews, Dr. Ryan Wohlfert, KP Khalsa, Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, Dr. David Hanscom, Dr. Maya Novak, Lavinia Plonka, Dr. John Arden, Dr. Howard Schubiner, Barby Ingle, Warren Phillips, Dave Berger, Dan Brule, Penny Croal, Lynne Forrest, Dr. Brant Cortright, Dr. Kelly Miller, Lee Albert, Dr. Manas Kshirsagar, Georgie Oldfield, Dr. Peter Martone, Erica Meloe, Phyllis Ginsberg, Mary Ruddick, Sharon Holand Gelfand, Abby Wynne & Sachin Patel.

After you register, keep an eye out for AVAIYA’s email for specific details on accessing these free healing classes. (Replays will be available for 24 hours after each class airs).

To your healing, health & happiness,
Phaedra Antioco

P.S. Please forward this email to your friends, family and community – anyone who you think would benefit from these classes. Thank you for sharing and helping us change lives!

Save your spot right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here’s some of the smartest advice you’ll ever hear:

"If you truly want to achieve something important, don’t just listen to what the experts say. Far more importantly, understand and DO what they do."

With that in mind, nothing is as important as your health. Your health is freedom.

You want to think clearly, move freely, feel energetic and productive, and live life on your terms -- without becoming overdependent on others -- now and for years to come.

To achieve that, you need total clarity on the steps that are so powerful -- that have proven so effective -- that the world’s top healthy aging and longevity experts make certain to take those steps themselves.

For the first time in one place right here, you’re about to get that total clarity.

Yes, it’s completely free, and it’s aptly called NOW, IT’S PERSONAL: The Ultimate Healthy Aging and Longevity Summit.

And yes, for the first time, 21 world-renowned doctors and researchers will each open their private doors to reveal the nonnegotiable -- what they personally make 100% sure to DO to live long and live well.

You most certainly have NOT heard many of these literal "insider secrets" before.

However, if you truly want to live long and live well, you certainly need and deserve to…

-->> Don’t miss this unique new and GENUINELY life-changing free online event to start your New Year right


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Solution Series: Putting Kids First – Helping Parents Address School Mandates

Schools have become a dangerous place for children during COVID. Government officials, school administrators and many educators have created an environment that is simply not safe for school children — the very people they’re entrusted to protect. CDC-recommended COVID-19 protocols such as forced masking, social distancing, contact tracing, constant hand washing and plexiglass barriers have made children afraid of other people and their surrounding environment. These measures have also convinced children that the world is a dangerous place and, in some instances, that they themselves are dangerous.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Had to post this one again



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have good news and bad news Jimi. Let’s start with the bad news first.

Society failed you.
To be honest, they lied to me too! Just like you, I have...

  • Ignored my body, spent too many hours sitting.
  • Treated the symptoms with big Pharma meds instead of trusting my body to heal.
  • Heard “it’s normal to feel tired and fatigued,” so I just accepted it.
  • Sought advice from countless holistic practitioners and herbalists without seeing results when I wanted to.
  • Thought that I didn’t have enough time to dedicate to my health because of my work and family commitments.
It was EXHAUSTING! And I felt so defeated.

That’s why I get goosebumps when I think about sharing this good news with you...

You CAN radically transform your health!

Join me for the “The Elevated Experience'' 5 day training. I’ll be teaching you the simple 5 step process that 100s of my clients have used to reverse burn out, heal high functioning anxiety and reclaim their health.

The Elevated Experience

Thursday, January 20th at 9:30am PST/12:30 EST

Friday, January 21st at 10am PST/ 1pm EST

Saturday, January 22nd at 9am PST/12pm EST

Sunday, January 23rd at 3pm PST/6pm EST

Monday, January 24th at 11am PST/2pm EST


After this training, you’ll know how to:

  • Transform your digestion and heal your chronic issues like gas or bloating.
  • Eat based on your unique dietary needs so you can optimize your energy.
  • Overcome the beliefs and mindsets that are keeping you stuck so you can finally get healthy again.
Run...don’t walk! Click here to claim your spot today.


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Get your FREE report “Treating and Beating Adrenal Fatigue How to Dramatically Increase Mental and Physical Energy”

Grab you copy below!



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Dr. Chauncey Crandall, M.D., writes:

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for people with diabetes, who face twice the risk of heart attack. Even though the risk of other complications from diabetes has declined, cardiovascular risk has proved to be more difficult to lower.

But getting fit can definitely help. The European Society of Cardiology is among those recommending that people with diabetes adopt an exercise plan.

Special: Why Your Sugar Is Out of Control (Has Nothing to Do With Sweets)

In fact, they’ve included this recommendation in their new treatment guidelines.

“Diabetes doubles the risk of mortality but the fitter patients become, the more that risk declines. Unfortunately, the majority of patients do not engage in exercise programs,” said Netherlands cardiologist Dr. Hareld Kemps, lead author of the organization’s position paper. “I can’t stress enough how much even small increases in activity can benefit patients with Type 2 diabetes and heart problems. Interrupting sitting with brief bouts of walking improves glucose control, while two hours of brisk walking per week reduces the risk of further heart problems.”

High-intensity interval training — alternating moderate and vigorous activity — is most effective at boosting fitness and controlling blood sugar.

Unfortunately, this may not be safe for some patients. If you have a pre-existing health issue, ask your doctor for a personalized fitness plan.

Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall is author of Dr. Crandall’s Heart Health Report newsletter. He is a Yale graduate and is chief of the Cardiac Transplant Program at the world-renowned Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. He practices interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology.


Diamond Contributor
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Activating 5G towers could KILL people who took COVID-19 vaccines, analysts warn​



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Remember when we warned you about GMO tomatoes? Scientists say they’re probably not safe, let alone healthy​



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Ex-Pfizer scientist Mike Yeadon claims he can prove COVID vaccine batches are materially different and pose unique risks to recipients​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

For thousands of years, people around the world have been aware of a mysterious force that lives inside us all.

The Druids, Egyptians, Sumerians, Inca, Maya and countless cultures before them saw this divine power as a doorway to self-discovery -- that connects us with our higher selves.

It has been called the heart of healing, the origin of intuition and the mother of manifestation.

I'm talking about The Sacred Feminine.

What did our ancestors know that we have forgotten?

Could our overly masculine dog-eat-dog world be numbing us to a part of ourselves that we desperately need to reunite with?

In a few days, I'll be joining renowned women's health specialist (and modern-day medicine woman), Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, for a worldwide webinar that we're calling Awakening The Sacred Feminine. In this FREE talk, we'll be exploring the lessons that our ancestors left us about this deeply innate power -- and how to use it to heal your mind, body and spirit.

Click here for full details and to sign up now

I can't tell you how excited we are for this! Together, Dr. Low Dog and I will take you on a journey into the origins of this primordial superpower and give you the tools and resources to invoke The Sacred Feminine for guidance and healing.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to decipher the emotions you are feeling and truly hear what they are telling you.
  • Rituals that will reunite you with The Sacred Feminine, allowing you to heal from within and begin to dance with life.
  • How to use specific herbs and other ceremonial items to awaken this divine energy within you.
  • How to use sacred symbolism to explore deeply personal places within your psyche that you've forgotten exist.
  • How to hold healing space for yourself and others.
  • And much more!
Reserve your spot for our FREE Sacred Feminine Webinar!

Dr. Low Dog is considered to be one of the top natural women's heath experts in the world and was called "the real medicine woman" by Prevention magazine. She combines the earth-based wisdom from her roots as an herbalist and midwife with the decades of healing experience she's gleaned as a doctor.

In her own words, she's a mother, a lover of plants and animals, a dreamer, a naturalist, a hopeless romantic, and a cancer survivor.

Her list of awards and accomplishments are too many to list here, but here are a few that pop out -- Dr. Low Dog served as president of the American herbalist Guild, led Dr. Andrew Weil's fellowship program at the university of Arizona center for integrative medicine and has also authored and co-authored many books, including National Geographic's Guide To Medicinal Herbs and The Botanical Safety Handbook.

Our goal behind this webinar is to take you on a journey within, to explore this vital energy and harness it for your own personal evolution.

This is something you don't want to miss!

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
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Widespread COVID vaccination may lead to a spike in ‘crippling’ diseases: analysis​



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[PODCAST #192] Q & A Podcast on Parasites, Gallbladder, Skin Allergies, Hashimoto Disease and More
Hi Jimi,
You’re in for a real treat with today’s podcast!
Once a month, Dr. Jockers and his team attend to your concerns about health and nutrition. This Q&A episode revolves around autoimmune issues involving the skin, gallbladder, adrenal system, parasites, and more.
Learn the importance of getting to the root of health issues, appropriate lab testing, understanding how food impacts our health, and the strong link between viral infection and autoimmune conditions.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Trauma takes a toll, and it might change the way you think and feel. It may take some time to heal, but you need to ensure you're responding to the effects of trauma in a healthy way.

If you engage in unhealthy coping activities, you'll end up adding extra mental agony to an already difficult experience. Acknowledge the feelings of helplessness, and vulnerability.

These are normal responses to difficult situations and will gradually improve over time.

When you're recovering, try to dedicate your energy to activities that keep your mind occupied and allow you to stay connected to the present.

Maintain a healthy daily routine - eat, sleep, exercise, spend time with loved ones, and relax.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Our good friend, Brian Vaszily, has been a positive force in the natural health world for over 20 years.

And right now, he’s hosting an important called, NOW, IT’S PERSONAL: The Ultimate Healthy Aging and Longevity Summit that starts tomorrow, January 19th!

So far over 200,000 people like you who are determined to live long and live well are tuning in, so…

-->> Head here now for this major FREE event


Diamond Contributor
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NASA technology Elaine used to fight stage 4 cancer


Hi Jimi
In case you missed our email yesterday, this powerful NASA technology is scientifically proven to instantly and effortlessly eliminate pathogens, viruses, mold, and bacteria to help your body heal!

And this coming Thursday at 7pm Eastern...

Our host Nathan Crane, naturopathic doctor Troy Sanford and stage 4 cancer conqueror Elaine Gibson are inviting you to join them for a brand new webinar.

You’ll learn about the technology Elaine used as a major part of her cancer healing protocol, reversing stage 4 cancer, and still uses to help her stay healthy.

This technology also has been PROVEN to eliminate 99.9% of SARS-Cov-2 in just minutes!

Attend the webinar and learn about this exciting technology Elaine uses to avoid cancer to this day

In this fr-ee webinar, you will discover the latest NASA-based technology now available to everyone scientifically proven to eliminate viruses, mold, bacteria and pathogens in the air and surfaces of your home, school and business.

So please, join us this Thursday if you can...

Spots are limited, so if you can’t attend, be sure to register so you’ll receive a replay afterward. 😊

Register now and discover the NASA technology Elaine used to fight stage 4 cancer

Yours in health,

The Conquering Cancer team


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Member For 5 Years
Cancer, SuppIements and Detox

Here's what was covered in the Ask the Experts Session:
  • Stress and it’s effect on autoimmune disease
  • How to better manage pain and inflammation when dealing with arthritis
  • The problems and benefits of Spirulina and how to supplement with it and what to watch out for
  • How to know what supplements will react badly with medication
  • Being Pro patient, pro safety, pro data
  • Should you fast if you have cancer, and how should you fast effectively
  • Adrenal Exhaustion and DHEA supplementation vs utilizing herbal adaptogens
  • I have fibroids - my Doctor is recommending a hysterectomy - what should I do?
  • Gallstones: Using the herb chanca piedra to help the gallbladder clear gallstones
  • Coconut oil vs ghee and it’s impact on the gallbladder
  • Using infrared saunas for detox and how much is too much
  • Lower back problems and pain and what to do to help the back heal and reduce pain
  • How to look at chemotherapy and its impact on the body
  • Ketogenic diet and vegan diet when dealing with autoimmune disease and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Esophagus cancer, chemotherapy, changing lifestyle and diet and what else can we do?
-->> Watch the limited time replay here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, with all that's going on these days, I know things aren't easy for many people.

For this reason, I want to share an inspirational movie with you today that will instantly elevate you. It is truly life-changing.

The reviews for Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back have been phenomenal.

In fact, this film has been selected by many film festivals around the world and has been nominated for several awards (including “Best Documentary”).

Go here to reserve your free ticket now.

I want you to know that if you're going through a tough time in your life right now (whether it's something big or small), or maybe you're just feeling stuck in your life, this film WILL help you.

It will shock you, inspire you, and you’ll walk away with a new lease on life!

In fact, you’ll discover how you can be happy right now (even if your life isn’t perfect).

Head here now


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Diamond Contributor
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Hold Your Breath for this one!

Hi Jimi,

The human species has lost the ability to breathe properly and thousands of people are suffering from a laundry list of maladies—snoring, sleep apnea, asthma, autoimmune disease, allergies—because of it.

James Nestor, author of New York Times bestselling book, Breath, and world-renowned journalist who has written for Scientific American, Outside, The New York Times, and more is going to be hosting an interactive presentation during our Perfect Practice Live 2022 event.

He will answer top questions about the benefits of breathwork:

  • Why are humans such poor breathers?
  • What can we do to breathe better at work, sleep, and while exercising?
  • How can breathing affect stress and productivity?
  • What are a few breathing techniques we can use to optimize ourselves throughout the day?
James’ book, Breath- The New Science of a Lost Art, has personally transformed my life and many practitioners I work with. I can honestly say every practitioner on the planet needs to know this information.

After listening to James, you will never breathe the same again :)

Be sure to register for FREE today to save your spot at Perfect Practice Live:

Looking forward to seeing you February 4-6th!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let me ask you something potentially embarrassing:

If you have ‘leaking’ problems —

As in, you pee when you sneeze, or you feel the need to pee all the time, or you get up 3 times every night because you need to pee…

Would you talk to people about it?

If your answer is no, then you share the same sentiment with millions of women worldwide who are suffering in silent pain, embarrassment, and shame with pelvic conditions.

In the US alone, pelvic dysfunction hijacks the happiness of 1 in 5 women.

Make no mistake: This is a condition that can affect women of any age.

And it’s not just leaking issues. Some even don’t want to be intimate with their partners anymore because it’s painful.

If this resonated with you (or you have a loved one who needs help), then you need to get to know Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS.

She’s a leader in a little-known (and often ignored) major medical crisis: female pelvic health. And she’s helped over 15,000 women to date!

And now more than ever, Isa is on a mission to help women heal themselves (without pills, gadgets, or surgeries).

She’s hosting a totally complimentary masterclass called: The Feminine Pelvic Power Secrets Masterclass: 5 Steps to Being Strong, Leak & Pain-Free "Down There" Without Pills, Gadgets, or Surgeries

You’ll discover:

  • Why now is the time to heal your pelvic floor (because it’s the "Grand Central Station" for your entire body and can have major effects on your health)
  • How to know in just 42 seconds what your "down there" type is (and what to do about it!). Many women are doing the wrong things for their type and it’s preventing them from healing, or even causing more damage!
  • The right way to do a Kegel that relieves pain, burning, or tightness in your lady parts. (Most women are doing Kegels wrong – find out why and how to easily fix it!)
  • The simple massage technique that all women must know (especially if you have any pain or discomfort with intimacy)
  • The one exercise all women should be doing to stop leaking and improve pelvic power. The great news is that it can be done in under one minute a day!
And much more!

Finding out about this has been a wake-up call for me as so many in our community right now may be suffering in silence.

Well, now is the time to put yourself and your health first. If you have pelvic dysfunction, Isa is the right person to help you.

Go here to reserve your seat for this live special event (Note: space is limited!)

To your health,

Sarah Otto

P.S. Be sure you stay until the end and ask Isa anything about pelvic pain, exercise, surgery, obstetric trauma, and so much more. Her Q & A sessions are epic.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
On the run? Before I tell you about tonight’s Q&A guest, a reminder: I am speaking TODAY about Gluten and Bone Health, exploring the link between gluten-related disorders and osteoporosis and testing for wheat and gluten-related disorders. Click here to attend.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Keto Pecan Muffins​



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Member For 5 Years
‘Silent’ Heart Attacks Raise Death Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A heart attack is usually thought of as being preceded by obvious symptoms, such as chest pain, but a recent study finds that almost half of them are “silent” and can go unnoticed.

Researchers at the Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, followed nearly 9,500 men and women for about nine years. During that time, 371 participants (3.3%) suffered a silent heart attack while slightly more (4.1%) suffered one that was preceded by symptoms, according to a report in the journal Circulation.

Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This

A study found that nearly 80% of heart attacks in the United States are not diagnosed, and therefore not treated, because they are silent heart attacks.

But even most silent heart attacks are not completely without symptoms. In fact, they are preceded by unconventional symptoms like indigestion or muscle pain. Therefore, they are too often overlooked, putting the person at risk for another heart attack — one that could be massively damaging, or even fatal.

People with diabetes also need to be particularly aware of the possibility of a silent heart attack because this disease causes nerve damage that can mask obvious heart attack symptoms.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If there’s one good thing that’s come of the situation we’re in right now…
It’s that we’re not taking our health for granted anymore.
It’s been a “wake-up call” that there’s no better time than NOW to prioritize your health and well-being.
So if you’re a woman who’s been putting off taking care of pain, leaking, pressure, or discomfort “down there”...
There’s no better time than NOW to start!
Our friend and colleague Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS has helped 15,000 women (to date) heal completely from intimacy pain, leaking, and other “lady parts” problems…WITHOUT meds, surgery, or injections.
And she wants to show YOU how to do the same thing in a BRAND-NEW online Masterclass: The Feminine Pelvic Power Secrets Masterclass: 5 Steps to Being Strong, Leak & Pain-Free “Down There” Without Pills, Gadgets, or Surgeries.

In this FREE masterclass you’ll discover:
  • Why NOW is the time to heal your pelvic floor (because it’s the “Grand Central Station” for your entire body and can have major effects on your health - I was blown away when Isa explained this to me!)
  • How to know in just 42 seconds what your “down there” type is (and what to do about it!) Many women are doing the WRONG things for their type and it’s preventing them from healing, or even causing more damage!
  • The RIGHT way to do a Kegel that relieves pain, burning, or tightness in your lady parts. (Most women are doing Kegels wrong – find out why and how to easily fix it!)
  • The simple massage technique that all women must know (especially if you have ANY pain or discomfort with intimacy).
  • The one exercise all women should be doing to stop leaking and improve pelvic power. The great news is that it can be done in under one minute a day.
When you register, you'll also get three amazing bonuses that will help you to heal faster and better.
So if you’re interested in finally taking back control of your pelvic health, reserve your seat and we'll see you live starting February 9.

To Your Health,
The GreenMedInfo Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy New Year!

I’m going to start off 2022 with a question for ya...

Have you ever noticed that a lot of information about herbs focuses on WHAT herbs to use but rarely HOW best to prepare them?

Making the best preparation is critical to your success in caring for the health of you and your loved ones.

The secrets to picking the best herbal preparation are revealed in a brand-new, free webinar from my friends Rosalee de la Forêt and Emily Han, the best-selling authors of Wild Remedies and Alchemy of Herbs.

In “How to Choose the Best Herbal Preparation,” Rosalee and Emily will share...

  • 3 essential elements to making potent herbal medicine
  • Common herbal myths debunked
  • The pros and cons of 8 popular remedies
  • How to make strong herbal medicines at home
  • How to find the highest quality herbs
By the end of this training, you will be able to confidently choose the best herbal preparation for you.

Click here to learn more and reserve your free seat.

See you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Happy Tuesday Jimi!

I’m so excited to share my first holistic survivor interview of 2022!
Ruby Lathon PhD is an engineer turned holistic nutritionist, after healing herself of thyroid cancer in 2007 with radical life change and a whole food plant-based diet.
You are going to love Dr. Ruby’s energy, passion, enthusiasm and her remarkable healing story. Enjoy!
Watch our interview here
To your life and health!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

For the first time, PCRM has created a multi-lingual video series to help you and your international friends live a healthy life.

You can watch it in English, en français, en español, 普通話, and a version for India.

Click here to register and watch all 6 episodes free of charge - choose your preferred language in the bar underneath the logo.

Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Six classes where Dr. Barnard and the team of PCRM help you take charge of your health
  • Recipes and meal plan ideas
  • Downloadable fact sheets on diabetes, heart disease, cancer, cholesterol...
  • Fact sheets on dairy, fish, eggs, protein, fiber...
  • Q&As with doctors and culinary specialists
And I'm proud to say that Luke is part of the series too!

Enjoy and please share this with your friends around the world.

Yours in health,


P.S. Class 1 of PCRM's series is already available and you get access to a handy on-demand dashboard here.


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Member For 5 Years
Are Feeling Isolated & Hypnotized By Fear

Hi Jimi,

Wednesday 1/19, our  33rd episode of Against the Wind will be live on at 11:30 AM PST.  In this week’s From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul Thomas addresses the universal angst plaguing our society and lack of social support leaving people feeling isolated and hypnotized by fear. In response, he calls us to reduce our dependence on technology and embrace our loved ones, no matter where they stand, linking arms and seizing the opportunity before us to create a new beginning.

This week Dr. Paul interviews chiropractor and The Wellness Way founder, Dr. Patrick Flynn, who offers a different perspective on how people can choose a pathway for their healthcare that brings together the best of traditional and holistic medicine. Illustrating the different approaches with a fireman and carpenter analogy, Dr. Flynn explains how traditional medicine doctors put out fires by diagnosing and treating​

illness while holistic, naturopathic practitioners focus on rebuilding what has been damaged to establish a foundation of wellness. People need multiple doctors with distinct, specialized backgrounds to experience the best health outcomes! To learn more about his work, please visit​

Next, Dr. Paul talks with Ricky about his reaction to the C19 Pfizer shot. An Italian native currently living in Slovakia, Ricky describes the severe side effects following both the first and second doses that included vision impairment, a decrease in brain and cognitive functioning, muscle atrophy, along with a host of other​

neurological and physiological problems. Ricky’s life has been turned upside down, and he urges people to get informed about the risks before putting something in your body that can have a life-altering impact.​

Finally, Bernadette Pajer, Public Policy Director of Informed Choice Washington, shares helpful websites that provide critical information by state that detail federal emergency aid funding and policies tied to these funds, along with an online public health legislation database.​

These resources can empower us to stay alert and educated on what is happening locally so we can take necessary action!​

Watch Episode 33
[HASH=3974]#MedicalFreedom[/HASH] [HASH=3975]#InformedConsent[/HASH] [HASH=3976]#ProScience[/HASH] [HASH=3977]#ProImmunity[/HASH]​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We missed you at the live conversation with Dr. Roney last week on the 5 cancer tests you need to know about.

We had hundreds of positive responses from people who were on the live class to join our new weekly series - Cancer Conversation - The 4 Pillar Approach to Prevention and Care.

The common response was "I can't believe this information is not discussed by all doctors. It makes too much sense."

Maximize your healing. This is a can’t miss conversation.

I wanted to send you a replay to give you another chance to join the conversation, the replay video is available now and for the next 7 days.

>> Watch the VIDEO REPLAY Here <<
During the webinar, Dr. Roney discussed the 5 cancer tests everyone needs to know about regarding the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Join Dr. Roney again on January 26th at 8 PM EST / 5 PM PST for the next conversation:

>> Register Now: What is Cancer, & How Does It Develop? Oxidative Stress, Free Radicals, & Damage to the DNA <<

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