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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Which reminds me...Yall have any experience with saline or ACV in any recipes? I've heard mixed stories and have it on my list of things to try tomorrow


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I've tried both but don't use any now. Some people swear that the saline helps keep the throat soothed. Amanda gave me an easy recipe to make your own, so let me find it. It might take me a bit to find it.

Anyone else?


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Hey RPjr -
While you are digging out old stuff, didn't you create/assemble a 2 or 3 letter abbreviation list for flavoring suppliers?

Like: TFA, NN, etc. I am re-organizing my pile and want to use it.

I cannot find it anywhere (here or there).


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AL - Atmos Lab
AV/BM – Azure Vaping/BlueMist (same company)
CAP – Capella
CT – Chinese Tobacco
DV – Decadent Vapours
DSV – Dark Side Vapor
ECX – ecigExpress (uses TPA/TFA for signature line)
EGFD – Ella’s Gournet Flavor Drops
ESS - Essence Flavor Concentrates
FA – Flavour Art
FE – Fruit Express
FF – Flavor Fog
GP – Good Prophets
FW – Flavor West
HC – Health Cabin
HS - Hangsen
HV - Heartland Vapes
INA/INW – Inawera
JF – Jungle Flavorz
LA – LorAnn
LAN – LorAnn Naturals
LF – Liberty Flights
MBV – Mount Baker Vapor
MFS – My Freedom Smoke
NF – Nature’s Flavors
NM – Nielsen Massey
NN – Nude Nicotine
101/OoO - One on One
PA/TPA/TFA – The Perfumer’s Apprentice/The Flavor Apprentice
Sig - Signature, some adapt other suppliers' flavors and create a new line
SM – Seedman
TD - Tino D'Milano
TE – Tobacco Express
TP – Tasty Puff
TW – Totally Wicked
VZ/VZ SC- Vaping Zone/Vaping Zone Super-Concentrated (Some are from Baker’s, Russian Company)
W2V - Want2Vape

Smoky Blue

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Which reminds me...Yall have any experience with saline or ACV in any recipes? I've heard mixed stories and have it on my list of things to try tomorrow

yeps.. I use them both..

saline for moisture, or salty.. only need a few drops..
good for fruits, deserts, creams, nuts, drinks, and tobacco..

Apple cider vinegar.. depends on what is needed.. added texture
some say cuts steep/age time.. me.. because it just makes what I add it in taste better

White vinegar..
same thing as above..

both vinegars.. used in: tobaccos.. some fruits and come creams.. occasionally nuts..


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@danykitten - Here's Amanda's recipe. I forgot how long she heats it for, but when she returns, I'll ask.

150mls d/w to 0.5 tsp kosher salt


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Your the rocket! Thanks for the help smoky. I think I might mix up the key lime and try a few drops of each in separate to see if it adds anything I will of course report my findings. Looks like I'm gonna have a busy day...In the name of science...heehee


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it's a dalek. they are one of the bad guys on Dr. Who, which is an absolutely amazing show if your looking for something to new to watch. i love the daleks so much i actually crocheted one just like my avatar


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Which reminds me...Yall have any experience with saline or ACV in any recipes? I've heard mixed stories and have it on my list of things to try tomorrow

I've only experimented with it a little so far. It does seem to make some recipes 'pop' and others it doesn't seem to affect it at all. I haven't worked with saline enough have much of an opinion. But, I plan to try it out with future recipes.

ACV I probably will never try. I don't know why, it just doesn't appeal to me for some reason.


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I've only experimented with it a little so far. It does seem to make some recipes 'pop' and others it doesn't seem to affect it at all. I haven't worked with saline enough have much of an opinion. But, I plan to try it out with future recipes.

ACV I probably will never try. I don't know why, it just doesn't appeal to me for some reason.
I use acv in a couple tobacco mixes. It doesn't give it a vinegar taste. It sort of just mellows things out.


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@flowerpots I used to live in Ga...and Tn..moved around a lot and landed in florida. I just can't stand the cold

@RocketPuppy sorry I didn't back sooner. Spring cleaning and organization got the best of me. I used 3% key lime 1% dulce de leche 1% cookie 1% meringue 2% fresh cream. Can taste the pie crust on the inhale and a smooth creamy key lime on the exhale. I love it.

Now that everything is organized I hate to mess it up. But I am getting more test tubes for individual samples and a new UC tomorrow so there will be much playing in my future

I'm not a fan of cold weather either. I lived in Florida as well, for about 10 years. I loved the weather, except the hurricane thing and the month of August. That month is so hot and humid, you feel like one of those watches in a Dali painting. I miss the water.


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I'm not a fan of cold weather either. I lived in Florida as well, for about 10 years. I loved the weather, except the hurricane thing and the month of August. That month is so hot and humid, you feel like one of those watches in a Dali painting. I miss the water.
hot and humid yes but i'm 5 minutes from the beach. i dont take advantage of it as much as i should but i did get to spend 4th of july there which was amazing. we were laughing the other day because it's faster to go to the beach than it is to go to starbucks


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I'm not a fan of cold weather either. I lived in Florida as well, for about 10 years. I loved the weather, except the hurricane thing and the month of August. That month is so hot and humid, you feel like one of those watches in a Dali painting. I miss the water.
Great description!


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Happy dance! (In 6 yo singsong voice) I found my zenith.I found my zenith. lalalala lala.
Bwahahaha I was going to ask...well...are you going to tell us what your zenith is?
Then I realized I really am a word nerd because I was thinking you found your high point, not the rda.


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Bwahahaha I was going to ask...well...are you going to tell us what your zenith is?
Then I realized I really am a word nerd because I was thinking you found your high point, not the rda.

LOL nirvana

Smoky Blue

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i hate to say it, but i have to get to bed.. :(

Night every body!! some body leave me some coffee in the morning!:D


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Has anyone done coffee extraction? I know some do tobacco extractions, but does anyone do coffee? I'm thinking of trying this.


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Has anyone done coffee extraction? I know some do tobacco extractions, but does anyone do coffee? I'm thinking of trying this.
ooo i have! i used a quick method that turned out quite good. i just did a little in case i didnt like it i wasnt out much (and because i only had a 30ml glass bottle:rolleyes:) i filled the bottle with 1/4 coffee (used a caramel drizzle i had) and filled the rest with pg then microwaved for 10 seconds to get it warm not hot, checked and refilled any pg that had sunk in. i boiled a pot of water and when it hit boiling i pulled the pot off and set it on a cool burner then set the bottle in the middle and let it sit in there for a good 1 1/2. i then filtered the mix through a doubled over coffee filter for added filtering then repeated the filtering process again just to make sure i didnt get any particles in there. it gave me about 20ml of amazing smelling coffee extract that tastes realistic to the coffee and great with some fresh cream mixed in


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Okay, that sound easy, simple and delicious. I'll try it. Thanks, @danykitten for the instructions. The caramel drizzle is a great idea. I happen to have some caramel sauce - I'll add it too.


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Posted too soon. Listen to Dany.[/QUOTE

i have to laugh because thats something the hubby says alot;)
i did some using the same method with my favorite teas and now they have been sitting for a while i really want to get some nice tea mixes or some really yummy coffee and do it again


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Sure is quiet in here this morning. The regulars must have blew it out at the new diggs last night.


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I guess I'm an odd one out but I make my samples with nicotine. My samples are only 3-6 mls so it is not a big waste if it doesn't work out.

I drip as well and have been for about 6 months or so. I am still dripping 14mg (just lowered to that). When I got my first dripper I was vaping 18mg and it didn't take long before I was nic sick. I dropped to 16mg and was good. My vape is not harsh at all with VT nicotine. It was a little harsher with other nic but not bad.

I do use saline in my base which helps keep my sinuses from drying out. I can tell the difference without it. I don't get any salt taste though. ACV I have not messed with much.

AM I caught up now? Good Morning Late Night Vapers!

Smoky Blue

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Sure is quiet in here this morning. The regulars must have blew it out at the new diggs last night.

I had to crash.. busy day yesterday and can't stay on today much.
need to get to the post office, and finish what I started yesterday.. ugg... :rolleyes:


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I guess I'm an odd one out but I make my samples with nicotine. My samples are only 3-6 mls so it is not a big waste if it doesn't work out.

I make my test mixes with nic as well, but even smaller - mostly just 2ml to begin with :)


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Good morning Pretty Lady!

I have been reading your DIY Diary from the old place. That is a great read!! I love the way you share your actions and findings. Keep that going, girl. Its a valuable tool for the rest of us.

Thanks, Rowdy! It's been a fun thread for me. But, if it also helps others, that just makes it even better.

How is your DIY organization project coming?


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Thanks, Rowdy! It's been a fun thread for me. But, if it also helps others, that just makes it even better.

How is your DIY organization project coming?

Still in the works. It takes a while to manually punch 300+ small holes in a neat pattern in Styrofoam. Knappes, snacks, daydreaming, TV, all seem to get in the way of immediate progress.


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Still in the works. It takes a while to manually punch 300+ small holes in a neat pattern in Styrofoam. Knappes, snacks, daydreaming, TV, all seem to get in the way of immediate progress.

Sounds like my typical hindrances, Rowdy lol


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what saline does everyone use?


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depending on my mood in the mornings.. i go with anywhere from 12mg to 6mg..
once i get moving and am awake.. then its 6mg to 0mg..
you might want to try something like this, but if it's too big a jump for you, try just halving your nic..

I chain vape 3mg
between a clearo to kanger aero tank to a IGO-L
mainly the first two

1 yr ago June Started with 18mg
2 weeks later went to 12 mg for quite a while.
Then to 6 mg
and the past few months been making only 3mg
made a bottle of 0mg - it was good but like the 3 mg better


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what saline does everyone use?

I use the one I get at Rite Aid called Wound Wash or Wound Care...something like that. Just a store brand. I was looking in Walmart the other day (needed a b-day present toy) and they had some too, even though they said they didn't and gave me a dirty look. By the bandages in both cases.

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