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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Glassgrl I'm so sorry you have to put up with that kinda crap. It's like the world of evil mean people is just saying to everyone, "Go ahead, I dare you to be creative, become an artist, go ahead, express yourself. I DARE you." Ffff... the evil mean people.

Want me to make 'em some FA Bread Crust at 10%? I'll do it.

Smoky Blue

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Tonight's agenda:
new coils in all RDAs
Wick all new coils
mix some flavors
post on forum

wait, I have to pick the kid up. Then I have to feed her. Shoot. I should probably talk to her too. Shower. Bed. Clean kitchen. I wonder if I can teach her to wrap coils. No. Nevermind that. make her lunch for tomorrow. Sleep. Dagnabbit!

Revised agenda: post on forum.

eh.. I bet she will be a good coil wrapper..
now once I get my printer.. planning on making my son the official shake and sticker putter on-er :D


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oooh sounds like you will have a good day!!

I have to go run some juice to the post office.. go snag a steam cleaner and a few groceries..
then it is on!! oh and i need more vinegar.. :D

I think it will be a tobacco day for me..;)

wish it was for better circumstances. My mom is getting surgery Aug 6.
my son is 31 & hasn't visited his grandmother for quite a few yrs.
traveling & $$ / time off work is never been an issue for him.

over all tho - we had an enjoyable day. Went for a nice lunch. browsed a few small shops then came back to my house for a while.
They just left. He has a 6am flight out of ATL to NJ

Would love for someone to come to my house & steam clean everything! ;)
have hardwood thru most of house except for 3 bedrooms
Can't wait to get rid of that carpet

hope it was a successful day!


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Glassgrl I'm so sorry you have to put up with that kinda crap. It's like the world of evil mean people is just saying to everyone, "Go ahead, I dare you to be creative, become an artist, go ahead, express yourself. I DARE you." Ffff... the evil mean people.

Want me to make 'em some FA Bread Crust at 10%? I'll do it.

Yes! And all that @CaFF said. lol

I've been asking around and even when a high price lawyer got after Etsy about copyright infringement over the Pandora brand name (lots of glass people are making changeable beads like those and MUCH nicer) they never got their shops closed with no notice. Just the listings and all they had to do was not use the P word. This is bullshit. I'd have a better chance selling a pipe for chronic there.


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OK, so I googled Larry. I can certainly see why Piper would rather google Alex.

the Alex in the show - Yes.
the real Alex who is really Catherine Cleary Wolters - not so much

Laura Prepon who plays Alex I just found out was in That 70's show
Didn't realize that with the black hair

I might be obsessed with Orange :p


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I do but I'm behind right now between trying new stuff and the heat. No AC in the shop. Wahwahwah. You know...I wouldn't have been even able to answer that question on the other forum without taking the risk of being a (doomdoomdoom) 'unregistered supplier'.

Have pics?

no AC in shop would slow me down too


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I've never had their blood orange, but now I need to get some! I'm semi-addicted to Blood Orange soda. I'm vaping the original recipe right now with no other additions. It's a teeny bit sour but not bad at all, it's growing on me. Go for it! Let me know how that works out.

I do need to find another venue for e-cig stuffs. Or get off my butt and get a new website. Another glass person I know got her shop closed today too. Paypal may be a big driving force behind all this, but it's not totally them I don't think.

I added 1% of the FW Blood Orange to this. I know FW %'s are usually high, like 10%-15%, sometimes higher, but this is a strong flavor, I can tell.

If you like the Pellegrino Arancia, you'll love this flavor.


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haha!! I love my iron skillet and other cast irons..
can't cook cornbread without them :p

I have a good corn bread skillet. But I'm a damn yankee
neighbor who is originally from TN makes really good corn bread .
so I just invite her over to borrow my pan


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ok - now that I just spammed the thread for a while. on to vape shit

I got some PG & VG delivered today from Bulk Apothecary
16 oz bottles

I'm going to make unflavored of the essential Depot I been using & the new stuff from BA to see if there's any diff.

If no diff - BA VG is MUCH cheaper than ED


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I had shrimp & grits for lunch. it was good!
something I don't make at home - I'm not southern enough to make a good version of it. HA!

I didn't see this before I posted. Shrimp and grits rock!


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@ClaireW, have you ever been to Lilburn or have any idea where it is? Do you know where the huge sand-castle looking Hindu temple is? You can't miss it.


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Plain ol grits for me. No cheese. No shrimp. No foo foo essence of this or truffle that. Jus a little butter and a Lil sugar.


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There's a restaurant near me with a pretty eclectic menu and they serve fried grit balls served with bacon gravy.

homer simpson.jpg

Smoky Blue

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well i have my vg order in.. 5 gallons..
that way I don't have to mess with the smaller bottles..
it's cheaper buying in bulk
and less room than having smaller bottles around..

nic is ordered too.. Stocking up.. :D


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the Alex in the show - Yes.
the real Alex who is really Catherine Cleary Wolters - not so much

Laura Prepon who plays Alex I just found out was in That 70's show
Didn't realize that with the black hair

I might be obsessed with Orange :p

I watched that show, as well. Cute show. Laura Prepon has been a red-head, blonde and of course, brunette. She's simply very pretty.

Caff, I also have FA Black Pepper, lol.


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ok, who read that as 0 milligrams and who read it as oh my god?

Because you used a lower case oh, then technically, it should read as oh em gee.
I would have read it as zero milligrams if you wrote 0mg.

0mg = zero milligrams

omg / OMG = oh my gawd


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@ClaireW, have you ever been to Lilburn or have any idea where it is? Do you know where the huge sand-castle looking Hindu temple is? You can't miss it.

TOH's nephew lived over there but was only over that way a few times to his house.

Huge castle sounds cool


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Plain ol grits for me. No cheese. No shrimp. No foo foo essence of this or truffle that. Jus a little butter and a Lil sugar.

If I eat 'em plain -- its with swimming butter & salt

Smoky Blue

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i gota have some bacon or sausage in mine..
maybe some scrambled eggs, if not an omelet.. :p


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ok - now that I just spammed the thread for a while. on to vape shit

I got some PG & VG delivered today from Bulk Apothecary
16 oz bottles

I'm going to make unflavored of the essential Depot I been using & the new stuff from BA to see if there's any diff.

If no diff - BA VG is MUCH cheaper than ED
You're too funny. I love reading your spam. Keep it coming.

Please let us know how BA's pg/vg is. I'm very curious. Didn't like ED's last order.


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Have pics?

no AC in shop would slow me down too

Yes, lots. In my suspended shop. haha You could PM me your email if you want to see some. I need to get a website now, so that could wait too.

I'll never be a Southerner, I can't stand grits. Like eating wallpaper paste. Probably one of those things that wasn't prepared properly and I should try again. Maybe. lol I do make a mean shrimp and not-grits (rice). Soooo good. Easy too. Start with a simple Roux, garlic, add clam juice and a can (or more depending on amount) of lobster bisque. ground cayenne, bacon bits and fresh ground black pepper. Sometimes I add celery seed, but not always. Add cooked fresh shrimp, serve over not-grits. Yum.

Smoky Blue

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hmm.. sounds like someone didnt cook those grits right..

the funny is.. you want one grit or 2??:p


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I think the gritline follows the mason-dixon line


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How're you today, Rowdy?


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TOH's nephew lived over there but was only over that way a few times to his house.

Huge castle sounds cool

The temple actually is cool, at night, when the lights are on.

I was just curious because that's where I am. It's a small town, so most people have never heard of it.


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How're you today, Rowdy?

Feelin Fine, thank you!! Still punching holes in Styrofoam. Each sheet is cut to fit inside a 12" x 12" drawer. Each 1 inch thick sheet has 144 holes - individually hand punched!

Each hole will hold one of the little 2 dram bottles of flavoring like WL sells.


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Feelin Fine, thank you!! Still punching holes in Styrofoam. Each sheet is cut to fit inside a 12" x 12" drawer. Each 1 inch thick sheet has 144 holes - individually hand punched!

Each hole will hold one of the little 2 dram bottles of flavoring like WL sells.

I imagine that's a tedious process. You will have a perfectly organized DIY setup though.


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I imagine that's a tedious process. You will have a perfectly organized DIY setup though.

Well, It is looking like I will have a place for everything. Now, If I just make myself keep everything in it's place. Even if I do, that still does not assure me that I can make some vapeable mixes. (That's why I spend a lot of time reading your DIY Diary on the other place.)

Smoky Blue

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Well, It is looking like I will have a place for everything. Now, If I just make myself keep everything in it's place. Even if I do, that still does not assure me that I can make some vapeable mixes. (That's why I spend a lot of time reading your DIY Diary on the other place.)

unless I drop more flavors *bwahaha!!! :D


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Los Angeles is the cool people's republic


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So the dbags and egomaniacs the place is infested with would have you believe.


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They aren't all dbags and egomaniacs. That's just Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Laguna Beach, and others, but they aren't all that way.

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