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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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The thing I like about California is they care about the environment, and prove it (to the point that I'm surprised they don't charge you to breathe once you cross the state line), and they are progressive in many ways, as long as you don't count OC. lol


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And, they have an awesome ferris wheel, and they have great mexican food, and they are close to Vegas.


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What has been your favorite place to live or visit, @Ace? I loved NYC, but wouldn't live there if you paid me to. I liked what I saw of Chicago, which wasn't much. I lived in Florida and have no desire to ever go back.


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Visited all over. Vancouver is great. Loved canberra. Almost moved to Tennessee. Chicago i couldn't deal with the weather. East coast way too humid. Scotland is nice.
only other place I've lived is vegas. Would move back in a minute.


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Yeah, I wouldn't be able to live in Chicago climate either. Georgia gets as cold as I ever want to be again.

You lived in Vegas? Okay, I want to hear about it. I never thought I would like Vegas, never wanted to go, had no desire. Don't gamble (I should say didn't lol), don't like loud, bustling, busy, people-crammed places, so I never went there. Then I went for the first time last year. And OMG (not 0 mg) you couldn't have pried my hands off the slot machines with a hot crowbar. So, yeah, I'm a fan now.


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If you live there (most people) stay awayfrom the strip and downtown. Only time I went down there was for a specific restaurant or when visitors from out of town came. It's a great place imo. It's 3:30am, let's get a good steak. No problem. Anywhere else all you have after 11 is dennys.


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Virginia Tobacco
Sweet Cream


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If you live there (most people) stay awayfrom the strip and downtown. Only time I went down there was for a specific restaurant or when visitors from out of town came. It's a great place imo. It's 3:30am, let's get a good steak. No problem. Anywhere else all you have after 11 is dennys.

No doubt @ good food any time of day. What are you favorite restaurants, as a local? I stayed at South Pointe in March and actually liked it. Liked being off the strip this time. Did the spa thing, never again lol We went to a couple of local places to eat too, mexican.
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@Ace, I totally forgot you're in California! Will you stay there? I liked what I saw of SLO, which wasn't much, but it seems nice.


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How about hash house a go go. Here's a popular item from the menu:
O'Hare of the dog: Signature 24 oz Budweiser in a bag & side of bacon


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How about hash house a go go. Here's a popular item from the menu:
O'Hare of the dog: Signature 24 oz Budweiser in a bag & side of bacon

Best breakfast there, hands down @Hash a go-go. Their food is sooo good. And you get gigantic portions.

Not sure about beer that comes in a bag though. That's a little too maddog-ish for me lol


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@HH I'm probably here to stay. Won't move away from my daughter. It's much nicer here than l.a.


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Ahh that's understandable, Ace.


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Yes we did. He was on swing shift, I was on graveyard, so we saw each other for an hour on overlap. Even introduced him to my folks when they came down on vacation, said he was on my short list. Been married for 36 years now, so I guess it worked!

Wow@36 years. That's amazing. That's an accomplishment.


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@flowerpots , NOOOOOOOOOOOO! You can't draw the line @ 3:30am! Who the heck is gonna burn the candle with me between 3:30 & 9:00 am? I just lost my late night vaping bud! Oh well, more juice for me then! Hehe brahahahahaha....snort....brahahahaha.......


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Top 5 for versatile and most loved:
FA: Cocoa, Vienna Cream, Fresh Cream, and Coffee Espresso


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That sounds like my other half @misswish. Set a limit, don't go over limit, quit while you're ahead. I know, it's the smart and right thing. It is.

But, the burgeoning gambler in me says, spend as much as you want, until you have to sleep, then sleep a minimal amount, then get up, have a good breakfast, then continue to spend as much as you want.


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TOH and I actually got in a huge fight over it while there. I'm sure this is very routine for couples visiting Vegas.


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Grandma had similar style. She always had a room but she only seemed to use it for showers and clothes storage. She was found more than once at the 25$ slots.
But, the burgeoning gambler in me says, spend as much as you want, until you have to sleep, then sleep a minimal amount, then get up, have a good breakfast, then continue to spend as much as you want.


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Grandma had similar style. She always had a room but she only seemed to use it for showers and clothes storage. She was found more than once at the 25$ slots.

Yikes@$25 slots. I won't do that high. I won't even do $5. Most of the time it's 0.25 or 0.50. I just do 0.25 or 0.50 ad nauseam.


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Yep, very common. It's generally the guy that wants to keep gambling (to win it back). I have seen so many people lose so much. Cars, homes, jobs. Keep it fun, ok?

Yeah, you're right. I've heard those stories. Couples going and losing their nest eggs, their homes, and wives by the time the vacay's over. lol


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You can actually have a blast on penny slots. The waitress still brings drinks. You can compete and mess with each other. Or take turns. Last time i did that i came out 200 ahead.


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Last time we went to Vegas, I had tp split my time between hubby and mom. She likes the nickel slots, and wins! Hubby was a pit boss and I was a blackjack dealer, so we like the tables. And by the way, there is no successful system.....


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Been offline 'cuz shut everything down and pulled the plugs. ;)

Had a severe t-storm system roll through...pretty destructive with hail, rain and sustained winds above 30mh and gusts to nearly 70mph.

Check it:

About 30-40,000 people are without power, trees and limbs are downed everywhere, no deaths I don't think.

I'm fine, Tiki is fine if a bit frazzled, I fortunately didn't lose power for long or have any trees fall on us. :)
But, when things get that crazy, I just shut it all down. No insurance so if all the comps fry, I'm SOL.


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Just make sure all vape gear is charged!

Been offline 'cuz shut everything down and pulled the plugs. ;)

Had a severe t-storm system roll through...pretty destructive with hail, rain and sustained winds above 30mh and gusts to nearly 70mph.

Check it:

About 30-40,000 people are without power, trees and limbs are downed everywhere, no deaths I don't think.

I'm fine, Tiki is fine if a bit frazzled, I fortunately didn't lose power for long or have any trees fall on us. :)
But, when things get that crazy, I just shut it all down. No insurance so if all the comps fry, I'm SOL.


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Been offline 'cuz shut everything down and pulled the plugs. ;)

Had a severe t-storm system roll through...pretty destructive with hail, rain and sustained winds above 30mh and gusts to nearly 70mph.

Check it:

About 30-40,000 people are without power, trees and limbs are downed everywhere, no deaths I don't think.

I'm fine, Tiki is fine if a bit frazzled, I fortunately didn't lose power for long or have any trees fall on us. :)
But, when things get that crazy, I just shut it all down. No insurance so if all the comps fry, I'm SOL.

Glad to see you're okay. We were supposed to get storms, nothing so far.


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I thought Vegas was like a big vampire. Sucksucksuck all my money. The climate? Sucksucksuck all the water out of my body. I liked Reno though. More like Atlantic City, not so big and....sucky. lol I have a friend from here that moved to Vegas so I'll probably be going there in October.


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Just make sure all vape gear is charged!

I did that last night because I knew it was coming. Also checked all of the flashlights, dug out the corded phone, froze all the ice I could and filled the trays back up...colder and denser the freezer, longer it'd last without power in 80F heat. I was raised a prepper type... ;-)

I check Weatherbug and/or WU all the time too. Had my own weather station when I was about 8yo.

It's the NW, anything can happen.


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Know which neighbors are preppers, when things go bad sneak up behind them and... hold on. I need to make sure the guy next door doesn't vape

Better plan > know which ones are armed, and with what. ;):)

I cant do most of that sort of stuff..I live in an Apt. complex. But, I can keep ME prepared...

I always have dry/canned goods and bottled water stocked, lots of flashlights and candles, battery powered radio, a Coleman lantern is a good thing too.

Just imagine you had to without power for a few heat, no a/c, no microwave or hot water...

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