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My new Griffin RTA (vs Crius)


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Wicked again, same deal with dry hits only this time I took pics. Remember I am using juice that's about as thick as syrup though.


My wick retention ring is stuck so I can't mess with that but I did tuck the edge of the cotton down in a touch.

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Try pulling the wicks out of the hole till it's just barely in there and put it back together. I've used a hair too much wick a couple times and doing that fixes it. You can have the extra wick above that ring it's just that it's choking off at that point. So pull up, maybe poke around that bottom a little pulling it apart. Might help.


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No lol just regular old 26/40 fc's the juice pooling in between the wraps makes it look that way

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2.5mm ID coils? Make absolutely sure that theres no cotton blocking the port entry under the ring.


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Try pulling the wicks out of the hole till it's just barely in there and put it back together. I've used a hair too much wick a couple times and doing that fixes it. You can have the extra wick above that ring it's just that it's choking off at that point. So pull up, maybe poke around that bottom a little pulling it apart. Might help.
I actually did that after juicing to make sure everything was settled, i lifted the wick up and set it back down into the hole. I don't have time to rewick before work today so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully I can figure this thing out.
@raymo2u yea 2.5mm and theres nothing blocking the holes I made sure the cotton was just lightly placed there and not packed in any way. Could I be not pulling it hard enough to cause vacuum? I do take fairly light draws on it.

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Hank F. Spankman

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Wicked again, same deal with dry hits only this time I took pics. Remember I am using juice that's about as thick as syrup though.


My wick retention ring is stuck so I can't mess with that but I did tuck the edge of the cotton down in a touch.

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I don't think you're using enough cotton. Looks to be a it thin. Next time use a bit thicker strips


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I actually did that after juicing to make sure everything was settled, i lifted the wick up and set it back down into the hole. I don't have time to rewick before work today so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully I can figure this thing out.
@raymo2u yea 2.5mm and theres nothing blocking the holes I made sure the cotton was just lightly placed there and not packed in any way. Could I be not pulling it hard enough to cause vacuum? I do take fairly light draws on it.

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I dont see how you would be dryhitting then...hotspot maybe? Touching the Chamber cap? Unless the cotton is bunched up (It doesnt look like it) that should feed anything you can put in the Griffin at just about any wattage. I really can say for sure what the issue is, when you get a chance go for 3mm ID. This is what most of us use and that could be the missing link for you-It will hold more juice and pull more juice...


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I don't know how to multi quote on Tapatalk so I'll just reply. @ Hank F Spankman I was told to wick looser than I would an rda so that's why the wicks look thin.
@raymo2u no theres no hotspots or anythjng and my old wicks dont look burnt or anyhing. that's what I'm thinking, I have it wicked so it should feed juice like crazy, I'm thinking im asking alot by taking big hits back to back. Maybe I'll go up to 3mm next time, I really wish I could find a 2.7-2.8 mm bit though, 3 I such a big step up wattage wise.

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Hank F. Spankman

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I don't know how to multi quote on Tapatalk so I'll just reply. @ Hank F Spankman I was told to wick looser than I would an rda so that's why the wicks look thin.
@raymo2u no theres no hotspots or anythjng and my old wicks dont look burnt or anyhing. that's what I'm thinking, I have it wicked so it should feed juice like crazy, I'm thinking im asking alot by taking big hits back to back. Maybe I'll go up to 3mm next time, I really wish I could find a 2.7-2.8 mm bit though, 3 I such a big step up wattage wise.

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I wick it the same as I would a RDA. I just trim the tails accordingly


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I don't know how to multi quote on Tapatalk so I'll just reply. @ Hank F Spankman I was told to wick looser than I would an rda so that's why the wicks look thin.
@raymo2u no theres no hotspots or anythjng and my old wicks dont look burnt or anyhing. that's what I'm thinking, I have it wicked so it should feed juice like crazy, I'm thinking im asking alot by taking big hits back to back. Maybe I'll go up to 3mm next time, I really wish I could find a 2.7-2.8 mm bit though, 3 I such a big step up wattage wise.

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Drop a wrap or two to compensate for the ID increase. Your not asking too much from it...Ive taken video of chain vaping @ 150w almost 10 draws back to back on the Griffin...just to prove to someone the Griffin is a beast. I did feel a bit sick after :)
Once you get it right you will be able to do whatever you want with it, just getting it where you need it is the process then staying inside those requirements is easy.

Remember this, increasing your ID raises your resistance so you wont need as much wattage to get the same type of vape you would at a lower resistance. The mass overall may seem like you would need more wattage but you wont since the resistance will be higher.


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I'll try thicker wick next time and see what happens, I wish I had more time to mess with this other than once every couple days though.

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I use 2.5mm ID also, no issues. I do have decently tight wicks though, as in pulling them through there's plenty resistance right on the edge of stretching/tearing the cotton (work it back and forth sometimes to get it through without tearing). Same way I wick everything but my Avocado (thinner wicks on that for another reason).

What wattage are you vaping? I know on the last set of fused claptons I had in mine at 85w it was nice for a toke every now and then but I guess it just cleared the cotton quick, so chain vaping it'd start to burn. Dropped it to 75-80w and I was golden.


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The problem with that add on for the Griffin is it only goes to the Drip tip...not the coils. Ive emailed Geekvape earlier about this and I hope to hear back from them. I provided a quick fix to make it direct it to the coils and it would be optional for either drip tip or coil added airflow and it wouldnt make a change to what they have already made...just a piece that goes inside it..hopefully they listen to me...
They are doing it to get back on top and its a smart move but only if they make it like Ive informed them, if it stays as drip tip airflow it wont do one bit of good for the griffin and will fail to sell.


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The problem with that add on for the Griffin is it only goes to the Drip tip...not the coils. Ive emailed Geekvape earlier about this and I hope to hear back from them. I provided a quick fix to make it direct it to the coils and it would be optional for either drip tip or coil added airflow and it wouldnt make a change to what they have already made...just a piece that goes inside it..hopefully they listen to me...
They are doing it to get back on top and its a smart move but only if they make it like Ive informed them, if it stays as drip tip airflow it wont do one bit of good for the griffin and will fail to sell.
Doh, I just assumed they did it right, I mean why do it wrong?


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The better question is why fucking bother? Why mess with a great fucking tank?
Realistically I have no fucking clue, the airflow is honestly more than I want, so... ehh why? And even the "connects to the coil" top airflow still mutes the flavor... hell all airflow does but especially the top airflow kind, it's just not as bad connecting to the coil as it is just on the drip tip.

But, it's all just a marketing thing, "hey look we can do that too!"


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Its mostly to grab people that want that Vaporrcarp...Other then that there really is no other reason..

I think they should make a new topper with Smok TFV4 Topfill on it..


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I talked to Geekvape and it is indeed Top down Airflow that directs air to the coils.


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How does top down airflow work? What's it supposed to do? thx

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Same as the Herakles Plus...Add extra Airflow to the Coils. It's what's "Hott" right now, the Gemini offered it so people think its better then the Griffin because of it, so Geekvape stepped up and made a modular add on to do the same thing, but its chamber space isnt reduced like the Gemini's is so it is actually ADDED Airflow.


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this price seems too good to be true....and you know what they say about that! Anyone ever deal with them, think it's worth the gamble?
Am I missing something? $38 is more expensive than other places. Ebay I've seen $30 w/ free shipping. VapeNW they were like $25 IIRC but had to pay shipping. Vapingwalrus $30 as well and again free shipping.


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You can buy them off Ebay for cheaper and get it in 3 days...


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login as wholesaler, 18 bucks, some have said it works, and yes, you can buy just 1


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are there any spare parts for the griffin available anywhere? the threads of the center pin that screws onto the positive post got screwed and I am left with no griffin... :(


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are there any spare parts for the griffin available anywhere? the threads of the center pin that screws onto the positive post got screwed and I am left with no griffin... :(

That center pin can be replaced with one from a velocity, phenotype and many other 2 post rda's with adjustable pins


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That center pin can be replaced with one from a velocity, phenotype and many other 2 post rda's with adjustable pins

how is this possible? my center pin is two parts, the lower adjustable part (that comes in touch with the mod) screws into the top pin which is a hex nut with a pin on top as seen in the picture below (the hex nut can be seen through the airhole). The top pin is not removable, that one is damaged



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how is this possible? my center pin is two parts, the lower adjustable part (that comes in touch with the mod) screws into the top pin which is a hex nut with a pin on top as seen in the picture below (the hex nut can be seen through the airhole). The top pin is not removable, that one is damaged

Its called an Adjustable Pin...its supposed to be 2 parts that screw into each other. If you can fit a Flathead into it tight enough you could turn it loose, if not and you stripped it out then you may need to drill it out and dislodge the remainings...Its key to have the correct fitting drivers when fiddling with screws/bolts or you will strip them and fuck yourself. I have to take my griffin apart to try and tighten it up so I may take some pics to show you the internals.


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oh, ok, I thought that hex nut was fixed... Ok thanks for the advice, I will try to loosen it up


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Hmmm, how did you manage to make your Griffin loose? Never had that issue with the Aromamizer ;)


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Hmmm, how did you manage to make your Griffin loose? Never had that issue with the Aromamizer ;)
well being careless is all about... now I am stuck with the aromamizer which sucks btw, until I get it fixed... ;)


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Hmmm, how did you manage to make your Griffin loose? Never had that issue with the Aromamizer ;)
I wouldnt compare the Aromamizer tho the Griffin...Thats like saying a Geo Metro is comparable to a 70's Chevelle SS LS6...Its loosened from all the opening and closing, rebuilding often...Im guessing, its just a bit looser then I like and it wasnt when I first got it.


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Well that does suck for you, don't you have a Crius or Diablo?? Having only an Aromamizer for back up is showing a basic lack of planning ahead. :D

Actually I was wondering what raymo did to get himself into this predicament...

edit - personally have no experience with a Geo, but do appreciate you sharing your misfortune.


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Well that does suck for you, don't you have a Crius or Diablo?? Having only an Aromamizer for back up is showing a basic lack of planning ahead. :D

Actually I was wondering what raymo did to get himself into this predicament...
I said I was being careless... I overtigthened the screw wisearse


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Easy big fella, was no malice intended.

Hey raymo, I was thinking about how you don't like the wicking system on the Aromamizer and looking at them it occurred to me that it is just like my RDA's; Velocity, Petri 1.5, Stumpy, Tobh and even my Marquis and Origen only they have just one wick in the juice due to vertical coils. Only dif is the juice is coming up from the bottom instead of dripped from above. Am I missing something here, always happy to get a better understanding on this stuff...


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Easy big fella, was no malice intended.

Hey raymo, I was thinking about how you don't like the wicking system on the Aromamizer and looking at them it occurred to me that it is just like my RDA's; Velocity, Petri 1.5, Stumpy, Tobh and even my Marquis and Origen only they have just one wick in the juice due to vertical coils. Only dif is the juice is coming up from the bottom instead of dripped from above. Am I missing something here, always happy to get a better understanding on this stuff...

well I am sorry about that, sometimes written word gets misinterpreted, I didn't say anything about the wicking system of the aromamizer, I just said that I don't like the aromamizer, yes it has a velocity deck, about half the size of the griffin, so what? different RTA from the griffin and it is not a RDTA, the marketing department put the "D" in there, it is just another RTA end of story


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Ravendark, my extraneous comments were directed at another poster. Sorry for the confusion. Unless you really are raymo, hmmm o_O lol

And just in the interest of truth, clarity, and the American way, the Aromamizer and Griffin decks are the same size....


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Ravendark, my extraneous comments were directed at another poster. Sorry for the confusion. Unless you really are raymo, hmmm o_O lol

And just in the interest of truth, clarity, and the American way, the Aromamizer and Griffin decks are the same size....

pardon me, its late where I live... :p
are we talking about the same aromamizer? can you fit the same coils to both of them?


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I can usually squeeze an extra wrap in the Griffin. The poles on the Aromamizer are a bit wider than the Griffin, but that is negated by a tighter barrel section of the chimney. Which gives it more juice capacity. So always a trade off/balancing act....


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I can usually squeeze an extra wrap in the Griffin. The poles on the Aromamizer are a bit wider than the Griffin, but that is negated by a tighter barrel section of the chimney. Which gives it more juice capacity. So always a trade off/balancing act....

try fitting a 7 wrap 3.5mm ID horizontal fused clapton to the aromamizer


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@anschutz54 ifd you only knew what I had and have owned so far...just think of it this way...I buy (with my own money) everyuthing that gets released and have for quite some time. I do this to review and compare the gear for others here on the forum, most of the people here seem to appreciate the comparisons and thats the main reason I do it.

If you've seen something in the shop or online, Ive owned it...I dont keep everything as I either sell it or give it away buty I always take many pics for comparisons and reviewing.
This is just from the last 2-3 weeks of buying things (except the Snow Wolves):
20160226_202718(0).jpg 20160224_122118.jpg Cuboid Family.jpgBalrog.jpg

and the woman's toys:
Ally My Gear.jpg


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I can usually squeeze an extra wrap in the Griffin. The poles on the Aromamizer are a bit wider than the Griffin, but that is negated by a tighter barrel section of the chimney. Which gives it more juice capacity. So always a trade off/balancing act....
The Aromamizer is Tiny in every way compared to the Griffin...The griffins Deck holds bigger builds then any other RTA, even bigger then the VCMT 25mm can fit.
Griffin Comparison  .jpgGriffin Comparison   .jpg Griffin Comparison.jpg Griffin Comparison .jpg

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