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Next Generation MTL tanks Part 2


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Alright here's the plan currently.

On the immediate buy list this month.

Innokin Axiom*
KangerTech Cupti & Cupti2
Innokin iTaste Kroma
Vaporesso Attitude Kit
Volcano Lavabox M DNA 75
Youde Mesmer

*I've been wanting this damn tank for sometime and I figure why not get it for myself for Christmas/Hanukkah.*

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I didn't buy the o-atty; because I already have the hadalay. (and it's stupid expensive) The vape is so similar I can't justify both; but, I've seen the hadalay in the 62-65 dollar range. Not terrible for a good authentic, but, as all things go, im sure a good Clone will be along soon, if not out already.
3fvape NaRDA clone $13.99...

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With the exception of the VF DNA133, my other mods are sitting on the sidelines.
I have my second one on the way back from the vaporshark along with 2, 250vsdnas
In the move one of my flasks was in my carry-on and when i dropped my bag, my laptop slammed into it and shattered the screen. So I called vaporshark and they swapped out the chip for nocharge and I had them swap the 200 boards out of my vs200 mods for the new 250w chips.
I love their customer service!


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Narda clone. 3fvape.
Machining is great It's a nice rda. I think it works better with some bigger coils. Regular round wire and smaller coils makes it a little too airy for my preference. It's not a mtl at all. Thought it would have a tighter draw than it does.


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I must've said that at least 100 times. Last time was just before the Kayfun minis came out. As for mods, I am pretty much settled one FSK chip mods.....said that just before I ordered the Dotbox 300w.


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Haha I said that once....once.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away

Seriously, my mistake was going the DL direction and missing a few tanks. Now, that I've gone back and sampled I've found exactly what works for me and my style. I'm way too cheap to keep pouring money into tanks :)
But my needs truly are very simple and amongst these tanks I've found everything I need:
  • KFMV3
  • Spheroid V3
  • KFL+
I have some others that are keepers but these tanks right there are my gotos and never disappoint.

But I'll always be a defender of MTL innovation :)

I just don't see anything new beyond the KFMV3 for innovation. Everything at this point is just repeating the same stuff, so IMO it's going to be another year or 2 before anything really innovative occurs.

I'd rather put into into discovering new juices :)


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I must've said that at least 100 times. Last time was just before the Kayfun minis came out. As for mods, I am pretty much settled one FSK chip mods.....said that just before I ordered the Dotbox 300w.
Nah... right now it's just rinse and repeat. If something truly innovative occurs I'm in but right now it's just same ol and while I greatly appreciate the companies who are putting out MTL new stuff (Digiflavor, Aspire, etc.) until something revolutionary comes along I'm good.

Honestly, why should I invest in anything that can't outdo the KFMV3, for my MTL needs?

And I've never bought a mod that can do over 40 watts... Why should I when I barely vape above 15 watts LOL.


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You mean the Digiflavor Siren is not something that you'd like to try?
I thought about buying one to give away, to support a company that delivered a MTL tank.... but for me personally, no, I'm not interested.

I love tanks don't get me wrong but with my simple needs its really not that complicated so I'm waiting until they come out with a wick-less tank where the coil never has to be changed LOL, or something close to that in innovation.

I mean, if you notice everything I've bought and talked about in this thread are tanks that are older. That was my main goal after missing out during the DL period, was to try the MTL tanks I missed.

Next goals - load up a couple of more solid mods and mechs and finish learning DIY juice.

All that said, I'm still here (and other threads on other forums) pushing for and supporting MTL vaping :)


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I've heard good things about it.

I'm just moving the acquisition disorder over to juice LOL.

Yes been getting good reviews, so I'll try it out ;)

I go round in circles, for awhile I buy mainly mods, then tanks and then juice, I got so much juice right now, enough to probably last 6+ months, and happy with the mods I have, so all been about tanks at the moment.


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Do you guys know of any 19 mm or so RTA type tanks less than 1 yard long (like the Kayfun mini v3)? I just got a couple Hohm Tech Skillets and it would be nice to top them off with a couple of rta's.


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Do you guys know of any 19 mm or so RTA type tanks less than 1 yard long (like the Kayfun mini v3)? I just got a couple Hohm Tech Skillets and it would be nice to top them off with a couple of rta's.
I picked up several 16 mm atties that are super nice.. spheroid and chel mini atty


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I must've said that at least 100 times. Last time was just before the Kayfun minis came out. As for mods, I am pretty much settled one FSK chip mods.....said that just before I ordered the Dotbox 300w.
I think the last time I promised myself and the wife "No more mods I swear".The MVP 20 was still new...About 2 weeks later the MVP 3 Pro dropped.Talk about eat crow.


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Seriously, my mistake was going the DL direction and missing a few tanks. Now, that I've gone back and sampled I've found exactly what works for me and my style. I'm way too cheap to keep pouring money into tanks :)
But my needs truly are very simple and amongst these tanks I've found everything I need:
  • KFMV3
  • Spheroid V3
  • KFL+
I have some others that are keepers but these tanks right there are my gotos and never disappoint.

But I'll always be a defender of MTL innovation :)

I just don't see anything new beyond the KFMV3 for innovation. Everything at this point is just repeating the same stuff, so IMO it's going to be another year or 2 before anything really innovative occurs.

I'd rather put into into discovering new juices :)
Those are kinda pricey...I prefer to go for tanks that are under $15.Like this little dude linked below. - 9 bucks

Or this 1 below for $5


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And I've never bought a mod that can do over 40 watts... Why should I when I barely vape above 15 watts LOL.
I'm bi-coastal.
I have multiple setups for various Needs/Wants.
Yes I do have a "Clouds Bro Clouds" setup.Which I am not allowed to use if my wife is home.
The first time she saw me use it she said "That reminds me of Puff the Magic Dragon".


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Do you guys know of any 19 mm or so RTA type tanks less than 1 yard long (like the Kayfun mini v3)? I just got a couple Hohm Tech Skillets and it would be nice to top them off with a couple of rta's.
Hmm...only thing comes to mind is a mini-neme.


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Has anyone here tried the cubis for MTL? I was just looking through some lists of best tanks and the cubis was there for best MTL


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I really believe that it is a matter of preference, some like a very tight draw,others don't. What you may find as a great MTL tank, I might call a very restricted DL. I'm exagerating a little, but you get the idea. The only real way is to try the tank for yourself and that can get very costly, very fast. It is one of the reasons I take reviews with a grain of salt and and tend to put more weight on the opinions found here.


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I really believe that it is a matter of preference, some like a very tight draw,others don't. What you may find as a great MTL tank, I might call a very restricted DL. I'm exagerating a little, but you get the idea. The only real way is to try the tank for yourself and that can get very costly, very fast. It is one of the reasons I take reviews with a grain of salt and and tend to put more weight on the opinions found here.
One of the reasons I started using the term "my style of mtl".

For what I like I look for tell tale signs that indicate it will meet my likes... airflow coming from under the coil, no more than 2 mm big, small deck,chamber, tight short chimney.

It's why I never had to get a kfv5 because no way it would meet my criteria...I could tell by looking...I took chance on the rose3 and should have known better


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With your own drip tip on this and the 1.5 coil, this fits into my MTL tanks perfectly


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It makes sense though as The cubis uses the same coils as the AIO and that has gotten some rave reviews. Just figured I'd throw that out there for anyone Interested.


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It is more likely that the Chutlu MTL rta would be a good MTL tank, though I'm not disputing your statement CD. The only fly in the ointment with the Chutlu is the damn thing is 24 mm. Ithe does come with 3 different air flow restrictors, has the K5 deck and a very credible K5 type chamber.


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I had them swap the 200 boards out of my vs200 mods for the new 250w chips.
I love their customer service!
First, the rude question, how much did they charge for the new boards?
And the other question, could they do it in the flask as well? I noticed the "skin" is just barely starting to wear off on one side so I may wan to send it back and have it refinished.

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First, the rude question, how much did they charge for the new boards?
And the other question, could they do it in the flask as well? I noticed the "skin" is just barely starting to wear off on one side so I may wan to send it back and have it refinished.
Im not sure what they Are charging for the board's, they did everything for me at no charge under warranty.
The 250 board is much smoother in tc though.
The new board will fit in the flask, but In this case he just swapped out the mod.


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I guess the best way to find out is to get in touch with them. I'm going to try and find the time to write to them and if I ever find out, I'll let you guys know.

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I guess the best way to find out is to get in touch with them. I'm going to try and find the time to write to them and if I ever find out, I'll let you guys know.
I always call first instead of email.
Then again, I've been a long time regular customer since they started.


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Do you guys know of any 19 mm or so RTA type tanks less than 1 yard long (like the Kayfun mini v3)? I just got a couple Hohm Tech Skillets and it would be nice to top them off with a couple of rta's.
@BrewBear , I can't believe I forgot about the Origen Little 16 when you asked this originally. I don't have one but it's been recommended by several MTL peeps I respect. Might be the ticket you are looking for your Skillets. It's 16 not 19 but worth a look:


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No...Just NO!!
I was mocking, and now I'm back to using one at work, since I can only safely hide a vv3 on a lanyard. I wanted so badly to carry my Minivolt with my Goblin mini for stealth bathroom breaks, but have no way to safely carry it on me while I'm working. Oy.

At least breaks and lunch vapes are THAT much better!


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I was mocking, and now I'm back to using one at work, since I can only safely hide a vv3 on a lanyard. I wanted so badly to carry my Minivolt with my Goblin mini for stealth bathroom breaks, but have no way to safely carry it on me while I'm working. Oy.

At least breaks and lunch vapes are THAT much better!
Ouchies...For a slightly better stealth setup that mini-volt and a nautilus mini with a 1.8 ohm Clapton Coil.Plus as an added bonus the nautilus-mini is pretty leak proof so no worries on that end.Just toss it in your purse...Cheers!


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Ouchies...For a slightly better stealth setup that mini-volt and a nautilus mini with a 1.8 ohm Clapton Coil.Plus as an added bonus the nautilus-mini is pretty leak proof so no worries on that end.Just toss it in your purse...Cheers!
I wish, but for the time being, while I'm working, there's too much chance of it falling out of a pocket and hitting the ground, or snapping off at the 510, which I've done before, so I had to switch to something I could carry on a lanyard, hidden under my shirt. In the next couple weeks, I'll be able to pocket something without the worry. When at lunch, or on breaks, I'm vaping with my usual stuff. I can survive just fine without vaping in between, I just don't wanna, LOL.


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@BrewBear and whoever else ordered the skillets. How are they? I'm thinking about ordering them for my parents for Xmas but don't want to get them something that isn't much good

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