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Next Generation MTL tanks Part 2


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wish, but for the time being, while I'm working, there's too much chance of it falling out of a pocket and hitting the ground, or snapping off at the 510, which I've done before, so I had to switch to something I could carry on a lanyard, hidden under my shirt. In the next couple weeks, I'll be able to pocket something without the worry. When at lunch, or on breaks, I'm vaping with my usual stuff. I can survive just fine without vaping in between, I just don't wanna, LOL.
I see a Ohm Wrecker Skillet Kit in your future.


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@snake94115 I strongly suggest it. I have one that's been thru hell and back and still works perfectly. I have several DNA 200 mods that look good and I use to "show off" but the ones I carry with me 24/7 are a Slice and a G2 ( the Slice's big brother) along with a VaporShark Vapor Flask DNA133. In my opinion, the FSK chip ( in the Slice and G2) has no equal for reliability, ease of use (once you get the hang of it) making changes on the fly. BTW, Kanthal in TC is a beautiful thing.


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Ordered my 1st slice yesterday, already have 26650 batteries, so was no brainer for $30, and interested to try this temp control with my kanthal builds.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ordered my 1st slice yesterday, already have 26650 batteries, so was no brainer for $30, and interested to try this temp control with my kanthal builds.
I bet it will become one of your favorite mods once you get the hang of it. The good news is that there are quite a few people on this forum that can and will help out.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@snake94115 I strongly suggest it. I have one that's been thru hell and back and still works perfectly. I have several DNA 200 mods that look good and I use to "show off" but the ones I carry with me 24/7 are a Slice and a G2 ( the Slice's big brother) along with a VaporShark Vapor Flask DNA133. In my opinion, the FSK chip ( in the Slice and G2) has no equal for reliability, ease of use (once you get the hang of it) making changes on the fly. BTW, Kanthal in TC is a beautiful thing.
When I get 1 is the question.I'll be spending most of this month's cash flow on my wife for Christmas/Hanukkah.So I'll more than likely be seeing 1 come February.


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Too airy...We've had this conversation before I suspect.
I'm just messin' with ya. I always did like my protanks, but this is the first time I've used one in quite a while. Thankfully, I'm only using it for stealth. My great love has become the Goblin Mini, which I'm SURE you're all aware.

(collective "We know, Huck." is muttered amongst the crowd)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm just messin' with ya. I always did like my protanks, but this is the first time I've used one in quite a while. Thankfully, I'm only using it for stealth. My great love has become the Goblin Mini, which I'm SURE you're all aware.

(collective "We know, Huck." is muttered amongst the crowd)
Yep...I plan on getting the Mesmer as soon as I'm able.Quite a few tanks on my list to try.Not to mention that HΩ Slice.Which I'll have to watch a YouTube video of before I purchase the dang thing.


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@BrewBear , wanted to make sure you saw this one. Forgot about it when you asked about 19mm atties. Its 16mm but very short.



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Think I'll be waiting for the Digiflavor Siren V1.? the one with a smaller hole on the afc ring (if they will make one).
The PBusardo review of the Cthulhu MTL sort of changed my mind on getting the tank but the manufacturer's reply addressing the gurgle issues has me teeter-tottering again. I guess I'll have to wait on @Nailz or @Ryedan to get theirs and let us know.


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Think I'll be waiting for the Digiflavor Siren V1.? the one with a smaller hole on the afc ring (if they will make one).
The PBusardo review of the Cthulhu MTL sort of changed my mind on getting the tank but the manufacturer's reply addressing the gurgle issues has me teeter-tottering again. I guess I'll have to wait on @Nailz or @Ryedan to get theirs and let us know.

If I hadn't already bought the Cthulhu, I would probably wait too, I hate leaky tanks, hence why my goto tanks are the avocado's, stuff wicks in and not worry about leaking out of air holes, but still like to try different tanks, never know when might find a gem, like the digiflavor siren, even PBusardo has put up his Kayfun V5 for the Siren, but even that I get a little seepage at times, but the flavor makes it worth it though.


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Member For 4 Years
That's right, @Nailz , I forgot you'd ordered the Siren. From the above post, I gather you like it in spite of the occasional seepage. Please, don't be so thrifty with your words, give us a little more info about the Siren.


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That's right, @Nailz , I forgot you'd ordered the Siren. From the above post, I gather you like it in spite of the occasional seepage. Please, don't be so thrifty with your words, give us a little more info about the Siren.

Easy to build on, easy top fill and awesome flavor, paired with the new hohm slice, TC on kanthal 1.5 ohm clapton coil, it is the best vape I have in my collection, and my collection isn't small :)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Easy to build on, easy top fill and awesome flavor, paired with the new hohm slice, TC on kanthal 1.5 ohm clapton coil, it is the best vape I have in my collection, and my collection isn't small :)

Is that the siren in this pic?
Another question...Is it a RDTA only?


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Member For 4 Years
@jack , nice to see you here and thank you for the input. Frankly, I used to spend hours upon hours watching reviews then buy the tanks and find out the damn thing wasn't even in the same zip code with MTL or whatever I was looking for at the time. I believe I get a much better idea from the people on the forum.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So I'm reading Siren reviews on the VaporDNA site and 2 out of 3 people are saying the airflow disperser is missing in their box! I'm wondering if this was a "Monday morning hangover from the week-end" QC issue.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So I'm reading Siren reviews on the VaporDNA site and 2 out of 3 people are saying the airflow disperser is missing in their box! I'm wondering if this was a "Monday morning hangover from the week-end" QC issue.
6 of 1 half dozen of the other...I blame the whiskey!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey y'all remember when I said back in post #1805 I'd let y'all know well...Cheers!
Glad to see you like it! I bought 4 of them to give as gifts to friends that still smoke. I just gave it a try and the code SKILLET still works.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I just bought a I just start for 13 bucks for a gift (US vendor). I bought a few pico's for 21 bucks each. I'm now ready to start stocking up since I have a decent job now.
Any new MTL tanks that use premade coils? I'm also looking for a U.S. supplier of kayfun 3 minis (clone).


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Glad to see you like it! I bought 4 of them to give as gifts to friends that still smoke. I just gave it a try and the code SKILLET still works.
I've put about 30ml of juice through it in the last 29 hours...Having trouble sleeping tonight so I'm vaping more than I normally would.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Never mind...I was at the manufacturers site and not vapor cube. It still works.
I made the same mistake.Came back on here just to dig up the code.Which took a couple minutes of searching through BrewBear's comments.I should've remembered my own rule.
Life Rule # 31 - Never go shopping when you're tired.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I made the same mistake.Came back on here just to dig up the code.Which took a couple minutes of searching through BrewBear's comments.I should've remembered my own rule.
Life Rule # 31 - Never go shopping when you're tired.
I'm debating if I really need one. I haven't used a stick type in many years. I just finished buying gifts...however, its cheap enough to buy. Will keep my order window open till tonight.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm debating if I really need one.
I haven't need any of the mods I've bought in years.Normally I buy vape things because I want them.
I haven't used a stick type in many years.
I still use my Inferno on a somewhat regular bases.
I just finished buying gifts...however, its cheap enough to buy.
Yep if 6 bucks is going to break the bank then do yourself a favor use the money to buy food.
Will keep my order window open till tonight.
BrewBear mentioned a few pages back that vaporcube is kind of lazy when it comes to pulling their coupons.I did a bit of searching and found that information to be spot on.Their coupons from July still do in fact work.


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Member For 2 Years
Thanks! With vaporcube do they require additional info for id verification? Or is it a smooth transaction?
Smooth as silk. Except I received an email from hohmtech asking me for separate payment for shipping because there was a glitch and I got free shipping on my order. I knew it was going to happen but the fee shipping would have been nice. I'm just hoping for it to pass customs without a problem


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Smooth as silk. Except I received an email from hohmtech asking me for separate payment for shipping because there was a glitch and I got free shipping on my order. I knew it was going to happen but the fee shipping would have been nice. I'm just hoping for it to pass customs without a problem
Thanks for the clarification. I'll order one tonight after I finish cleaning.

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