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Next Generation MTL tanks Part 2


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Not sure that I'd want 1...Open chimney usually = Zero Flavor & Weak Vapor.
Yeah I haven't tried it but heard good things cause it uses the Nautilus coil...

Digiflavor siren has same type of chimney and all flavor junkies I know are googoo over it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah I haven't tried it but heard good things cause it uses the Nautilus coil...

Digiflavor siren has same type of chimney and all flavor junkies I know are googoo over it.
I have several tanks I'd love to send you that I was lead to believe were decent if not stellar for MTL.
A couple original pro-tanks and pro-tanks v2-v4.Not to mention every version of the Aero-Tank.I was at 1 point convinced the lead developers at KangerTech were drinking recycled bong water when brain-storming all those really bad ideas.How in the hell did the company that made the T3 a must have for any vaper make some of the crap they came out with is beyond me.


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I have several tanks I'd love to send you that I was lead to believe were decent if not stellar for MTL.
A couple original pro-tanks and pro-tanks v2-v4.Not to mention every version of the Aero-Tank.I was at 1 point convinced the lead developers at KangerTech were drinking recycled bong water when brain-storming all those really bad ideas.How in the hell did the company that made the T3 a must have for any vaper make some of the crap they came out with is beyond me.
I never could get a protank coil that didn't dry hit all the time but the British guys love it w that nature vape coil.

That's why I listen more to the forums I trust than YouTube reviewers.


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I've never had a chance to play with the pro-tanks. Are these tanks rta types? As for the lead developers, I believe it is a common practice for that breed to consume recycled bong water and smoke their gym socks too.
I'm with Toolman in that I'd rather believe the opinions put forth by people using the tanks rather than the "reviewers" on YouTube. I still have a Theorem I've used for less than 5 minutes because some "expert" opined it is a good MTL tank.


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From all the reading and YouTube vids, it seems the Digiflavor Siren is a new take on the genesis tanks. It is supposed to have the flavor without the tilt-and-vape or the leaks of the genny. The deck is half way up the tank so the chimney is short.


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I've never had a chance to play with the pro-tanks. Are these tanks rta types? As for the lead developers, I believe it is a common practice for that breed to consume recycled bong water and smoke their gym socks too.
I'm with Toolman in that I'd rather believe the opinions put forth by people using the tanks rather than the "reviewers" on YouTube. I still have a Theorem I've used for less than 5 minutes because some "expert" opined it is a good MTL tank.
Protanks are old school clearomizer w prebuilt coil but the coil is easy to rebuild and many do. The naturevape coils for it are Uber popular across the pond.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've never had a chance to play with the pro-tanks. Are these tanks rta types?
No they aren't an RTA they're as Toolman described.Save yourself some time Bear and skip it.
Reasons I hate them are as follows.
#1 - Massive Dry Hits
#2 - Way too airy
#3 - Cheap Thin Glass Not Real Pyrex

By the way the *Anyvape* Davide was a way better tank in every way.And it came out before the Original Pro-Tank.Although most vapers don't/didn't realize that.Most thought it was a clone of the KangerTech Pro-Tank.Which turned out to be sad and wrong.Sad because this tank was pretty much dismissed by most people.And well wrong for not just being bad information but the bobble-head brigade all kept repeating the wrong info.Even Phil Busardo called it a clone...Sad.

*Anyvape is a sister company of Aspire*


But in my opinion the 1 tank most people really missed out on was the Anyvape Peakomizer.
Now that thing rocked big time.However the Version 2 of the the tank is even better as it can use Nautilus Coils!


I'm also goiing to toss you a video for the Peakomizer 2



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Peakomizer 2.0 looks interesting, I wonder if the Triton mini coils will work in it. TVM snake.


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Ever wished that oh so loose MTL draw was a little tighter? I was sitting here looking at my Kayfun v5 tanks, 2 of them and a third the SXK K5 shorty wondering how to "fix them. The SS mesh roll in the air tube works...well, sort of. I came up with this: I made a 1/2 inch long 2mm ID coil using 26g Kanthal. Made another 1/2 inch coil 1.5 mm ID using the same wire, even though now I think I should have used 28g. Worked the 1.5 mm coil inside the 2.0 mm coil and put that combo inside the air tube in one of the K5s. Perfect MTL draw (for me ) with the AFC on 3 pips.
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No they aren't an RTA they're as Toolman described.Save yourself some time Bear and skip it.
Reasons I hate them are as follows.
#1 - Massive Dry Hits
#2 - Way too airy
#3 - Cheap Thin Glass Not Real Pyrex

By the way the *Anyvape* Davide was a way better tank in every way.And it came out before the Original Pro-Tank.Although most vapers don't/didn't realize that.Most thought it was a clone of the KangerTech Pro-Tank.Which turned out to be sad and wrong.Sad because this tank was pretty much dismissed by most people.And well wrong for not just being bad information but the bobble-head brigade all kept repeating the wrong info.Even Phil Busardo called it a clone...Sad.

*Anyvape is a sister company of Aspire*


But in my opinion the 1 tank most people really missed out on was the Anyvape Peakomizer.
Now that thing rocked big time.However the Version 2 of the the tank is even better as it can use Nautilus Coils!


I'm also goiing to toss you a video for the Peakomizer 2

Snake, any US sellers or non-UK, etc.?


Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
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From all the reading and YouTube vids, it seems the Digiflavor Siren is a new take on the genesis tanks. It is supposed to have the flavor without the tilt-and-vape or the leaks of the genny. The deck is half way up the tank so the chimney is short.
I got a bone to pick with the Siren, and this is the perfect thread for it.

It suuuuucks at MTL. It is not a MTL tank, despite what the manufacturers want it to be. It's like some overprotective helicopter parents trying to promote Johnny as an All-American Football player, but that kid doesn't want to play football. He hates football, but he'll "play" football to make his parents happy.

No, but seriously, the airflow is simply far too open with no ability to lower it down beyond the first "small" hole - which easily draws in more air than an un-stifled, three-pip open Kayfun airflow. You can manually block the air intake and close down that draw a little bit, but that's rinky - and if you're advertising a product at doing task 'A', you should have to do 'workaround B' to get 'A' to function properly.

Here's the kicker - it sucks at DTL, too. It doesn't open up enough to get a good, full-on, hearty, direct-to-lung hit. All the way open and it feels like about 2/3s (generously stated, at that) where it needs to be to get that copious amount of vapor into my lungs fast enough. It's a practice in frustration, like trying to drink a delicious milkshake right after its been made and you don't have the patience to let it settle and melt a little bit before diving in.

I wanted to like the thing, I'm a sucker for gimmicks. The wicking, deck-half-up-the-tank thing was a neat amusement at first, then a pain in the butt every time after that. But when it dawned on me that I wasn't able to get it tight enough for MTL, nor open enough for DTL... it got me talking to a tank, again. And I promised my wife I'd stop talking to my vape pieces, because it's troubling to her.

"What are you?" I asked, cocking my head slightly to the side to exude a bit of empathy. "What do you want to do?"

"Well," it inexplicably replied, "I'm not sure, sir. I think... I think I want to be a MTL piece."

"Silly tank," I chuckled, "You're far too open to be a MTL tank!"

"Oh, I see." The Siren drooped a little. After a two-beat pause in conversation, it perked up, a thought entering its head that would save face! "Lungs!"

"I'm sorry?" I turned back to the Siren. Mistaking the pause in conversation for dismissal, I had already forgotten about it. "What was that?"

"Lungs! I can go directly to the lungs! Maximum VG, clouds and clouds, sir! I can do that!"

"Poor thing." I genuinely felt sorrow for a moment, "I'm afraid that your airflow just isn't quite enough to go that route."

"But then what?!" It exclaimed, pain in it's face. "What's my purpose, then? What do I do? Am I an accident? Am I a mistake? What did I do wrong?!" It burst into frantic tears.

"You... you're just a pretty piece, Siren. Something to help stand guard in the vape drawer, watch over the RDA rogues, the dried-tank sleepers, and slowly steeping juice bottles. You're there to serve as both a warning and reminder. You're a monument, Siren."

"Oh." It was defeated and rejected in tone, shirking back to the darkness. It turned at the last second, locking eyes with me.



"Will I ever be used again?"

I smiled.


And then closed the drawer.


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Everyone vapes different, I think the Siren is a great MTL tank, in fact just bought 2 more yesterday because I like them so much, so might not be for you, but your wrong to say it is not a MTL tank, just because it doesn't suit your style

Are you using the air reducer too? As I actually find it too tight of a draw on the 1st hole with the air reducer inserted..


Platinum Contributor
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@Nailz , yes, you are right in that we all vape differently and what you'd call a perfect MTL draw I'd call loose.
@burley , I surely understand your frustration. At the very least they're trying! The problem is they're trying to do too much and don't really understand the difference between vaping styles. Dedicated MTL tanks cost an arm and a leg (authentics) all others are wanna-be. Kayfuns were the MTL tanks for many of us, that is until K5. If you like to tinker, check out my post #1910 in this thread. Oh, wait , you did! The "work around", though not an original idea- I think I read it somewhere so I'm not getting credit for it- actually works very well IMHO, it brought back into circulation all my K5s.


Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
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@Nailz , yes, you are right in that we all vape differently and what you'd call a perfect MTL draw I'd call loose.
@burley , I surely understand your frustration. At the very least they're trying! The problem is they're trying to do too much and don't really understand the difference between vaping styles. Dedicated MTL tanks cost an arm and a leg (authentics) all others are wanna-be. Kayfuns were the MTL tanks for many of us, that is until K5. If you like to tinker, check out my post #1910 in this thread. Oh, wait , you did! The "work around", though not an original idea- I think I read it somewhere so I'm not getting credit for it- actually works very well IMHO, it brought back into circulation all my K5s.
I've got both a SJMY clone and a K5 authentic that I rotate out through the days - good, good workaround. Much better than my "stick a rubber band around the base to cover the intake holes" method that, well, ... that includes everything it says on the package, really.

The MTL reducers (originvapes sells them US side) fit both the authentic and SJMY clone - and brother bear let me tell you, if you're able to get those to fit in there, it's a godsend. The tightest draw of the three is dang near perfect - maybe I could go a smidge tighter (hey, I read about this cool workaround for that...) but it's all in all a great tightness. The K5 is everything and anything I want it to be, basically. The reigning champ, if'n my opinion counts and all.

edited to correct - It's SJMY. It was bugging me and I had to check, yeah, that's the proper order for letters.


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Anyvape has a Christmas sale, 45%off with code "CRS45". You have to create an account with them first!


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I actually installed the...let's call it hillbilly air flow reducer in all three of my K5s and I get the draw I like with 3 pips open on the AFC. If I had an authentic, I would probably buy the air flow reducers but with the clones....


Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
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Everyone vapes different, I think the Siren is a great MTL tank, in fact just bought 2 more yesterday because I like them so much, so might not be for you, but your wrong to say it is not a MTL tank, just because it doesn't suit your style

Are you using the air reducer too? As I actually find it too tight of a draw on the 1st hole with the air reducer inserted..
I guess it all comes down to the draw and personal preferences. I prefer either super-butthole-level-tightness for the MTL, and basically an open cardboard toilet paper tube for DTL. For me, I couldn't get either of those.

My Siren was a factory defunct unit that both didn't come with a air diffuser foil attachment - nor does it even have the threads on the stem to be able to attach one should I get it.

"But burley, you're "REVIEWING" a defective product! The real product works perfectly!" I can hear you already saying. Because I have those thoughts in my head as well.

The place I got it from was more than happy to offer up a complete 100% refund, including shipping, because all of their Sirens were like this. As nice an offer as that was, I'd rather just have it sit in my collection for all good $30 is going to do me. But more than that, I've sent a total of four emails to two different "Digiflavors" (and GeekVape) addresses and received a whoooole lotta nothing back in return.

This was the unit I got, that's the impression that one vape collector (and loudmouth) is going to form around it, and I'm certainly not going to be quiet about it. More than that, I'm absolutely not going to give Digiflavor another $30 to try again. (Heck, I very well may steer clear of all Digiflavor and Geekvape products for a while, now - but that's a whole 'nother post)

My two cents? Last line of the thought process for ol' burley? This was a shit product pushed out by a shit company, and the only link in the chain that even offered to step up and make it right was nothing more than the middle man. That's pretty shitty.

But! Like I said earlier, everything in this sphere of things is subjective. I'm sure you're quite happy with it, that's awesome! I was not. Not in either of the two ends of the spectrum for my personal preferences.


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It seems the QC guy was off for more than one day, either that or he was vaping bong water because the Siren shipment to VaporDNA was missing the reducer also....that's what I'm reading on their web site. It is very possible they assembled Sirens with Fuji tank parts.


Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
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That's exactly where it came from, I just didn't want to put a good vendor on blast for something out of their control. Especially since they offered to make it right and all. I love those folk at DNA, they're good people.


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I remember I bought a SwirlFish rda from them and it had a small defect, but it still works. I contacted VaporDNA customer service and told them about it. 2days later I received a new rda. They really are great folks to deal with.


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I guess it all comes down to the draw and personal preferences. I prefer either super-butthole-level-tightness for the MTL, and basically an open cardboard toilet paper tube for DTL. For me, I couldn't get either of those.

My Siren was a factory defunct unit that both didn't come with a air diffuser foil attachment - nor does it even have the threads on the stem to be able to attach one should I get it.

"But burley, you're "REVIEWING" a defective product! The real product works perfectly!" I can hear you already saying. Because I have those thoughts in my head as well.

The place I got it from was more than happy to offer up a complete 100% refund, including shipping, because all of their Sirens were like this. As nice an offer as that was, I'd rather just have it sit in my collection for all good $30 is going to do me. But more than that, I've sent a total of four emails to two different "Digiflavors" (and GeekVape) addresses and received a whoooole lotta nothing back in return.

This was the unit I got, that's the impression that one vape collector (and loudmouth) is going to form around it, and I'm certainly not going to be quiet about it. More than that, I'm absolutely not going to give Digiflavor another $30 to try again. (Heck, I very well may steer clear of all Digiflavor and Geekvape products for a while, now - but that's a whole 'nother post)

My two cents? Last line of the thought process for ol' burley? This was a shit product pushed out by a shit company, and the only link in the chain that even offered to step up and make it right was nothing more than the middle man. That's pretty shitty.

But! Like I said earlier, everything in this sphere of things is subjective. I'm sure you're quite happy with it, that's awesome! I was not. Not in either of the two ends of the spectrum for my personal preferences.

Yea I think the air reducer makes quite a difference to this tank, so sucks yours didn't come with them, and do agree you, that is bad by digiflavor there is tanks out there without the reducer, as your not the 1st person heard complaining about not getting the reducer, actually seems pretty common from what I heard, now keeping my fingers crossed my next 2 coming have got the reducer.


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I like a fairly tight mtl draw and with the reducer in and the smallest air hole cut in half it works great.


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A quick note about the so called hillbilly airflow reducer described in post #1910 above. It actually works well but you need to leave a small "lip" on the outermost coil to keep it from dropping to the bottom of the air tube. If that happens, the draw will be very much like sucking peas thru a slurpe straw. I previously said you need a 1/2 inch coil but anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 inch will do.


Diamond Contributor
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Did anyone else feel bad for the little tank or is it just me?


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So I'm not the only person that does that...Kewl!
I did, but mine wasn't a great conversationalist, not even a fair one! It just stood there making goo goo eyes at the Petri RTA. Petri said he wasn't that kind of guy, but by the time he got to the middle of the sentence, he was! It was such a mess!


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I did, but mine wasn't a great conversationalist, not even a fair one! It just stood there making goo goo eyes at the Petri RTA. Petri said he wasn't that kind of guy, but by the time he got to the middle of the sentence, he was! It was such a mess!
Juice everywhere...
Imagine if the doggystyle jumped in on the mix!


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Speaking of the doggystyle, had anyone that ordered it received it yet?

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